LAB33 - Practical integration between Adobe Campaign and ... · Step 1: View the Dynamics 365...

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Adobe Summit 2019


LAB33 - Practical integration between Adobe Campaign and Microsoft Dynamics 365le of your lab 1

Table of Contents LAB: INTEGRATING DYNAMICS 365 AND ADOBE CAMPAIGN CLASSIC ................................................................................... 2

Exercise 1: Access and login to the environments ................................................................................................. 3 Exercise 2: The Dynamics 365 Connection In the Adobe Campaign Client Console .............................................. 8 Exercise 3: Importing the Dynamics 365 Schema into Campaign Classic ........................................................... 11 Exercise 4: A Workflow ........................................................................................................................................ 14 Exercise 5: iFrame integration in Dynamics ........................................................................................................ 21 Exercise 6: Hands-On Exercise ............................................................................................................................. 22 2

Lab: Integrating Dynamics 365 and Adobe Campaign Classic During this lab, you will integrate Adobe Campaign Classic 7.0 with Microsoft Dynamics 365 by creating a connection between the two solutions and bringing data from Dynamics 365 to Campaign Classic. We will go through the connector, how the schema is extended in Campaign Classic, how a workflow collects contact data from Dynamics 365 and populates a Recipients container in Campaign Classic. At the end we will show how these are integrated in a real life scenario.

What You Will Learn We will show you how to:

1. Connecting to the environments

2. Show configuration for the Dynamics 365 connection to Adobe Campaign Classic using

the client console.

3. Show how to import the Dynamics 365 schema into Campaign Classic.

4. Show a workflow that uses the configured connection.

5. How to integrate Campaign as an iFrame in Dynamics to view communication

6. Hands-On Exercise

Scenario Your organization uses Adobe Campaign Classic for marketing campaigns and Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales to manage customer contacts and sales efforts. You have been tasked with integrating Campaign Classic and Dynamics 365 so that contacts created in Dynamics CRM are sent to Campaign Classic for marketing campaigns and communications such as sending welcome letters, coupons, etc. The goal of your project is to integrate the two systems and to populate a Recipients container in Campaign Classic with contacts from Dynamics 365. 3

Exercise 1: Access and login to the environments

Login to Dynamics

Step 1: Go to URL provided

Step 2: Enter Email address and Password provided 4

Step 3: Select Sales Hub

You will be taken to the Dashboard of Sales Hub

Login to Campaign

Step 1: Select the Campaign Client 5

Step 2 - Click on the Link to display the Connection setup screen

Once you log into Adove Campaign you should see the Connections windown. 6

Step 3: Click > Add > Connection from the top menu

Step 4: Configure the Adobe Campaign Client Console connection

In the Connection field on the right, enter:

a. Label: Summit Lab

b. URL: SEE URL Provided

c. Click OK

Step 5: Log in to Adobe Campaign Classic

In the Adobe Campaign – Client console, in the Login box, enter the username provided. In the Password box, enter the password provided by your instructor or proctor and then select Log in. Maximize the console window. 7

Step 6: You will see the Root screen of Campaign and a Folder called “sv_retail_retail” 8

Exercise 2: The Dynamics 365 Connection In the Adobe Campaign Client Console We will show you the configuration between Dynamics 365 and Campaign Classic. This establishs a connection that can be used to bring the Schema over from Dynamics 365, along with contact information.

NOTE: Viewing purpose only, no action required


Step 1: Retrieve the company unique name

Switch to the Microsoft 365 admin center.

In the top menu, click the Gear icon , top right and then select Advanced Settings.

This will launch a new tab

In the Settings menu, under Customization, select Customizations. 9

On the Customizations page, select Developer Resources.

On the Developer Resources page, under Connect your apps to this instance of Dynamics

365, locate the Instance Reference Information.

In the Unique Name, you will see the value for this instance which is used in the connection

Step 2: Configure the Dynamics 365 external account in the client console

Switch to the Adobe Campaign – Client console.

1. In the toolbar, select Explorer.

If you have already added Explorer to the view, you should see the Home and Explorer


2. In the left navigation, select Administration > Platform > External Accounts.

3. On the right, in the External Accounts pane, select Microsoft Dynamics CRM.If

necessary, resize the columns to see the full account name.

4. In the External account ‘Microsoft Dynamics CRM’ pane, confirm Enabled is selected.

5. In the External account ‘Microsoft Dynamics CRM’ pane, under Microsoft CRM >

Deployment type, select Office 365. 10

• In the Account box, view Office 365 administrator user name.

• In the Password box, view Office 365 administrator’s password.

• In the Server box, view

• For example, if your administrator user name is, your tenant domain is Contoso. The server is

6. In the Company name box, view the unique name that you saw earlier.

7. This is the unique name you located in the Dynamic 365 developer resources. 11

Exercise 3: Importing the Dynamics 365 Schema into Campaign Classic We will show a data schema for Dynamics 365 recipient information to Campaign Classic. Adding the schema requires some XML to be added to the connector, and it's important that it be entered correctly.

NOTE: Viewing purpose only, no action required


Step 1: View the Dynamics 365 recipients to the database schema

In the Adobe Campaign Client console, in the left pane, expand Configuration and then click on Data schemas. At the top right corner of the pane, select New. In the Schema type window, select Extend the data in the table using an extension schema. Click Next

In the Schema parameters window, click the folder icon in the Schema field and select Recipients (nms). Click Ok. On the Schema Parameters window, in the Namespace field, type off 12

The namespace can be named anything. Off is short for offers, where we will put the Dynamics 365 recipients.

Click Next In the Edit schema window, at the bottom of the XML code, remove the slash mark that indicates the close of the element statement ( / ).

<element desc="Recipient table (profiles" img="nms:recipient.png" label="Recipients"

labelSingular="Recipient" name="recipient"/>

At the line under the labelSingular statement and above </srcSchema> enter the following text:

<attribute label="Dynamics ID" length="36" name="dynamicsId" type="string"/>

In the Edit schema windows, below the text you entered above and above </srcSchema>, type

</element>. The edited XML code should now read as follows:

<createdBy _cs="New (test1)"/>

<modifiedBy _cs="New (test1)"/>

<element desc="Recipient table (profiles" img="nms:recipient.png" label="Recipients"

labelSingular="Recipient" name="recipient">

<attribute label="Dynamics ID" length="36" name="dynamicsId" type="string"/>



This edit extends the schema so that recipients have an attribute named DynamicsID.

Additional attributes can be added here as needed.

Click Save 13

Update the database structure

Click the Tools dropdown menu and select Advanced.

Select Update database structure…

In the Database update wizard, review the information and then click Next.

In the List of tables, scroll down to NmsRecipient and verify it is marked as Yes.

Click Next.

Review the SQL script that will update the physical database structure and then click Next.

In the Start database update windows, click Start.

After the job completes successfully, click Close.

In the Adobe Campaign - Client console, on the menu, select File > Disconnect. 14

Log in as the username provided by your instructor or proctor with the password provided by your

instructor or proctor.

Exercise 4: Build a Workflow in Adobe Campaign In this exercise, we will show you a workflow using the Campaign Classic client. The workflow will use the connector created earlier as well as the updated data schema. The workflow created will get contacts from Dynamics 365 and put them in a Recipients container you create.

NOTE: Viewing purpose only, no action required


1. Create a Recipients Database

In the left pane, expand Offers – Design.

If the left pane, click Offers – Design.

Right-click Offers – Design, click Add new folder, click Database, and then click Recipients.

Name the Recipients container Dynamics Contacts.

2. Create a workflow folder

If the left pane, click Offers – Design.

Right click Offers – Design, click Add new folder, click Process, and then click Workflows and press

Enter to name the container “Workflows”.

If the left pane, click Workflows.

Click New in the top right. 15

In the New workflow window, in the Label field type Dynamics Recipient Workflow.

In the Description box, type the following text: This workflow retrieves contacts from Dynamics

365 and populates the Dynamics Contacts recipient container.

Click Save.

Note: The new workflow appears at the top of the Workflows (by name or label) pane.

3. Create the CRM Connection workflow component

In the Workflows (by name or label) pane, double-click the new workflow you just created.

Note: a new tab was created showing the workflow.

On the left, click, drag, and drop the CRM Connector to the right pane.

Double click the CRM Connector.

In the CRM Connector windows, in the label field, type MS Dynamics Import

Click the down arrow icon at the right of the External account field.

Select Microsoft Dynamics CRM from the drop-down.

Click the down arrow at the right of the Remote object field.

Select Contact.

Note that Account and Contact are the two choices. You selected these when you

created the connector.

You can create a filter to specify the data returned; for example, if you only wanted

contacts created in the last week. Creating filters is recommended in large deployments

of Dynamics. You will create a filter later in the lab.

In the Remote fields pane, at the right, click Add. 16

To the right of the empty field in the new row, click the Edit expression icon.

In the Field to select window, scroll down and select !Contact and then click Finish.

The ! denotes a required field in the Dynamics database.

Do the previous three steps and select First Name(recommended), Last Name, and Email(optional).

Click Ok to add the remote fields and close the CRM Connector window. 17

4. Create the Update Data workflow component

In the Workflow window, click, drag, and drop Update data to the right of MS Dynamics Import,

connecting it to the line extending from MS Dynamics Import. An arrow should appear from the MS

Dynamics Import icon to the Update data icon.

Double-click Update Data.

In the Update data window, in the Label field, type Recipient Upsert

Upsert is a common database term combining Update and Insert.

In the Operation type dropdown, verify Insert or Update is selected.

Under Record identification, select Using reconciliation keys.

In the Keys for finding records pane, to the right, click Add.

Click the icon to the right of the newly added field.

In the Select a field from document 'Recipients' window, select Dynamics ID and click Ok. 18

Click the icon to the right of the Identifier field and then click Contact(required by the system).

Click Finish.

The added reconciliation key is used to determine whether the record is new or an

update. If the contact ID matches the Dynamics ID, then it is an update. If it does not,

then it is a new record.

In the Fields to update window, click Add.

Click the icon to the right of the Destination field and then click Dynamics ID and then click OK.

Click the icon to the right of the Source expression field, double-click Contact (required by the

system), and then click Finish.

Double-clicking the expression adds it to the Edit the expression pane.

In the Fields to update window, click Add.

Repeat the steps above for the following:

Destination Identifier

First name First Name (recommended)

Last name Last Name

Email Email(optional)

In the Field to update window, click Add.

Click the icon to the right of the Destination field, scroll down and click Folder, and then click OK.

Click the folder icon to the right of the Source expression field. 19

In the Please select a folder window, expand Offers – design, click Dynamics Contacts, and then click


Click OK to close the Update Data windows.

In the upper right, click Save.

5. Run the workflow

In the toolbar under Dynamics Recipient workflow, click the Play button.

Notice the status is Started.

After the status is Finished, above the line between the MS Dynamics Import and Recipient Upsert,

notice the number of records retrieved and the time taken to retrieve them and the status (OK).

If the status does not change to Finished after a few minutes, click Refresh.

In the left-pane menu, click Audit.

Review the audit log and notice the insertion of the imported records.

In the top toolbar, click Explorer, expand Offers - design, and then click Dynamics Contacts.

Notice the recipients from Dynamics 365. 20 21

Exercise 5: iFrame integration in Dynamics

NOTE: Viewing purpose only, no action required In this exercise we will show you how to extend the functionality of Dynamics and integrate an iFrame to display activity of Adobe Campaign inside Dynamics. 22

Exercise 6: Hands-On Exercise This is a hands-On exercise you can do yourself with the AEM, Dynamics and Campaign instances provided. User scenario.

A Customer is looking for “Bike shoes”. The Customer starts by searching on Bing and sees an advert for some shoes that interests them. The Customer clicks on the advert and is taken to the fictional brand “WeRetail” and thinks about signing up for more information but abandons the site before completing the form. This action is tracked, so while visiting a 3rd party news site they see the same shoes and decide to return the site. This time they complete the form and a Profile is created in Campaign and a Contact is Dynamics. An email is sent from Adobe Campaign and they then go ahead and purchase the item.

Step 1: Starting environments

1. Open Dynamics with the URL provided

a. Go to Sales Hub

b. From the left menu left Contacts

2. Launch the Campaign Client

a. Login to the instance with the username and password provide

3. Launch AEM

a. Open Chrome browser

b. Enter URL:

c. Login with default details

d. Username: admin

e. Password: admin

Step 2: Select the User to run the exercise

1. Go to: http://localhost:4502/content/retail/demo-config.html

2. You will see a number from 1 to 15 on your table, select the user correct user. For example:

a. If your table number is “1” then select the user “Lab 01 Summit”

b. Click on the row, until you see it hightlighted: 23

c. Click Save, top right

d. You will see a window appear and a QR code. Ignore the QR code.

e. Click Close.

f. The user details are stored as a Cookie

Step 3: Run scenario with the user starting from a search results

1. Go to Bing search Page: http://localhost:4502/content/retail/bing/

2. Enter Search term “Bike shoes”

3. Click Search icon

4. You will see real results generated by Bing and some Bike shoes you are interested in on the


5. Click on the shoes image, a new tab will open and you will taken to the We.Retail site

6. You are initially interested in Signing up, so click the “Sign Up” button

7. A Form will appear with prefilled user details

8. You decide not to sign up and click “Abandon” 24

Step 4: Visit a 3rd party site and decide to Sign up

1. Go to a 3rd party news site: http://localhost:4502/content/retail/news-page/

2. You again see the image of the shoes you clicked on earlier, Click on the image again

3. You will return to the We.Retail site again

4. Click on the “Sign Up” button again

5. This time you agree the Sign Up

a. Select Biking and Running as information you want to know more about

b. Click Submit

6. Form closes and you see the message “Thank you for subscribing”

7. What has just happened:

a. A Recipiant has been created in Adobe Campaign and Microsoft Dynamics

b. An email has been sent

Step 5: View user in Microsoft Dynamics

1. Go to your Dynamics instance 25

2. Make sure you are in Sales Hub

3. Click on Contacts in the left menu 26

4. From the drop down select “All Contacts”

5. You will see you added as a Contact

6. Click on “Lab 01 Summit” NOTE: This will be same user you selected on Step 1

7. Scroll down the page, you see the details sent to Dynamics

8. Click on the tab at the top “Marketing History Powered by Ad…”

9. You will see details in Dynamics from Adobe Campaign

Step 6: View user in Adobe Campaign

1. Go to the Adobe Campaign Client 27

2. Make sure you are in the Explorer tab

3. In the left menu, click on “sv_retail_retail”

4. Click Recipients

5. You will see the user

6. Click on the user and see the details below

Step 7: See email sent by Campaign

1. Go to the email client provided:


NOTE: The actual instance and login details will depend on the instance you have been

assigned 28

2. After you have logged in you will see the emails

3. Select the email with the correct user name you are using, for example “Lab 01”. You will

probably see more emails as multiple users are connected to the same instance.

4. Click on “Display images”. You will see a branded email using the same logo and your name.

This email has been automatically been sent by Campaign.

Step 8: Purchasing

1. Click on the image in the email, you will be taken back to the site.

2. Click “Add to Cart”

3. Go ahead and complete the Shipping form

a. The name you are using should be pre-filled

b. Enter same details for Mobile, Address and City

c. Click “Purchase”

d. The page will refresh and display a Thank you screen

4. Go to your Dynamics instance and view the user

a. You will see the “Retail Status” is now “Buyer”

The optional next steps would be: 29

1. Send a “Free shipping” email

2. Integrate a mobile app and send a Push message from Adobe Campaign