L’Dor Vador · Dahlia Bernstein • Cantor Elliott Yavneh • President Tina Baron • Principal...

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לדור ודור

Generation to Generation

Bellmore Jewish Center December 2015

Bellmore Jewish Center

• Congregation Ohr Zarua

• Rabbi

Dahlia Bernstein •

Cantor Elliott Yavneh

• President Tina Baron

• Principal

Fran Oosterom

L’Dor Vador


Special Upcoming Events Schedule of Services

Monday and Thursday 6:30AM

Monday thru Thursday

8:00PM when requested

Friday 8:00PM

Saturday - Nash & Drash 9:00AM

Saturday Shabbat Service 9:30AM

Saturday Jr. Congregation 9:30AM

Sunday 9:00AM


Log in & view your account Interactive shul calendar




Internal Revenue Service

Remember that December 31st

is TAX DEADLINE if you want to take the full amount of Temple dues from your 2015 tax deductions.

All checks must be in the Temple office before noon on Dec. 23rd

in order to be removed from your January 1

st statement. Please do not delay, mail your checks early. Any questions, please do not

hesitate to call the bookkeeper at the Temple office (516) 781-3072.

Glen Sher Financial Secretary

Dec. 6 Sun

H.S. Chanukah Assembly

BJC Chanukah Party

PJ Library

10:30 am


11:45 am

Dec. 9 Wed

Hazak Chanukah Party

Town Menorah Lighting at the Train Station

1:30 pm

6:00 pm

Dec. 13 Sun

H.S. at the Bristol House

10:00 am

Jan. 24 Sun

H.S. Tu’B Shevat Seder (S.S. – Dalet)


Jan. 26 Tue Hey Tu’B Shevat Seder

Jan. 27 H.S. Parent /Teacher Conf. 7:00-9:30 pm

Dec. 11 Tot Shabbat 6:15







Rabbi Dahlia Bernstein

Gratitude is an antidote to depression. It is a means of lov-ing what we have. For we are taught in Pirkei Avot, “Who is wise? Someone who is happy with his/her portion in life.” But gratitude is not a passive experience. People need to act and speak gratitude for its full benefits. Juda-ism has championed this value of gratitude for thousands of years. It is a pillar of prayer and also saves us from run-ning through our day without expressing thankfulness for the food in our mouths, the people who keep us going, and small kindnesses in the world.

And when we feel lost, when we feel like the world is bit-ter or turned upside down, we must say the words, “Modeh/Modah ani”, “I am grateful for….” For all the frustrations throughout our days, we are commanded to combat them with gratitude. The act of saying blessings and praying in the morning, afternoon, and evening, breaks up the mindlessness of our day and rehydrates our gratitude.

Gratitude is also an essential ingredient in a healthy com-munity. We need to work on the way our community does gratitude. We often don’t want to name individuals be-cause we might leave people off, but in the end no one feels respected for the time they put in. I know we will be forgiving if our names do not get mentioned and feel the love and admiration of our leadership when they strive to acknowledge those who give their time. We have so many volunteers who work hard, not for recognition, but be-cause of duty, of love of Israel, and of wanting to be part of something important and bigger than them or their fam-ilies.

I’ll tell you what is on my gratitude list. I am grateful to the other rabbis and synagogues in the Bellmore and Mer-rick area for working together to create the Shabbat pro-ject, a weekend long series of programs to bring our com-

bined communities together. We organized this program with such kindness and support for one another and con-cern for the success of our community. Conservative, Or-thodox, and Reform rabbis joined our minds and talents together to create meaningful, fun, and engaging program-ming. Every month I would like people to email me and nominate someone who they are grateful for in our com-munity for serving the BJC in some way. I will start us off.

I am grateful to:

1. Our volunteers on the BJC’s Kid’s Fest who put in long hours making sure we had a fantastic show (which we did) that involved our BJC kids plus members from the community. A big thank you to Josh Einbinder and Julie Katz for their tireless efforts in putting this all together.

2. Sheryl Gordon, a new member, for fixing our toy chest in the sanctuary. She saw a problem and decided to step up and fix it.

3. BJC and Congregation Beth El’s Merger committee who are working beautifully together to marry our two communities.

This does not mean our community is not grateful to oth-ers. We need to start somewhere. Please submit your rec-ommendations to rab-bi.bernstein@bellmorejewishcenter.org. We will have a gratitude list of 3 in our bulletin.


Rabbi Bernstein

President Tina Baron

1st Executive V.P. Bradley Levien

2nd Executive V.P. Bruce Nelson

Education/Youth V.P. Sheree Jarmol

Ritual V.P

Joseph Weisbord

Membership V.P. Jonathan Israel

Ways and Means V.P

Josh Einbinder

Treasurer Laurence Ziegler

Financial V.P. Glen Sher

Recording Secretary

Sherry Skolnik

Sisterhood President Patricia Desatnick

Men’s Club President Michael Schoenberg

Hazak President Bill Berkowitz

Bellmore Jewish Center Officers & Directors

President’s Pearls By Tina Baron

As I sit here writing this, I am amazed by the fact that alt-hough it is November, I am still wearing short sleeves and enjoying the warm temperatures. However, I know that is going to change shortly and I hope that you will spend the cold winter months enjoying the warmth that we generate at the Bellmore Jewish Center!

The holiday season was busy and wonderful thanks to the efforts of many people who volunteered their time to make sure it ran smoothly. I thank all of you for those efforts – they are greatly appreciated! I want to make special men-tion of two recent fundraising events spearheaded by Josh Einbinder – the 2nd Annual Kids Fest and the Lord & Tay-lor shopping event. In addition to raising money, both of these served to promote a positive image for the Bellmore Jewish Center in our community and that is fantastic thing! Yasher Koach to Josh for spending countless hours on these endeavors!

We have a full slate of other activities and events coming up. I hope that you take advantage of our website, emails and newsletters to keep apprised of everything we are plan-

ning in the coming months. One date in particular war-rants mention and I would like you to mark it on your cal-endars now. On May 22, 2016 we will be having a special event in honor of our Cantor Elliott Yavneh. This promis-es to be a wonderful celebration of our Cantor and all he has done for the Bellmore Jewish Center for over twenty years.

Our consolidation discussions with Congregation Beth El of Massapequa are continuing. We have joint committees working hard on crafting a plan for the creation of our new family and the conversations have been going well. The sub committees are legal, financial, programming, ritual, High Holidays and building and assets. Each subcommit-tee is working on a plan which will then be presented to the steering committee. Once the steering committee is com-fortable with these plans, they will be brought to each tem-ple’s board for discussion and approval. The next step in the process will be informational meetings held within each congregation to present the plan details and respond to questions from our congregants. We have developed a schedule for this process and anticipate holding the congre-gational information sessions in the early months of 2016.



Board Bites by Sherry Skolnik, Recording Secretary, BJC Board of Trustees

Recently several motions have been passed by the Bell-more Jewish Center Board of Trustees that might be of in-terest to a number of members.

First, a new membership category was added for families with children that are below Hebrew School age. Families are eligible until the oldest child starts Aleph, although this rate is available to a family for no more than five years. The dues figure is $360, which includes tickets for the High Holidays and generally other aspects of full member-ship. If you have any friends whom you think might be in-terested, please have them contact Membership VP Jona-than Israel at 509-9208 or Jisrael@mabstract.com.

Second, the new member reduced fee has been extended for another year. Under this incentive, new members pay one third of the dues rate the first year, two third of the

dues rate for the second year, and full dues the third year and going forward. All fees are to be paid. The building fund may be put off the first year. Former members are no longer eligible for this promotion as they were when it was first introduced. For further information, contact Member-ship VP Jonathan Israel at the above contact information.

Lastly, members can earn credit toward annual dues by vol-unteering to work at the Flea Market, the largest temple fundraiser. A member in good standing may request and be granted a work credit allowance of $50 per work session and have it applied to their annual dues. Each work session is defined as 2 hours of voluntary service during any given flea market. The total credit may not exceed $250 in any given fiscal calendar year. For more information about vol-unteering at the Flea Market, contact Executive Vice Presi-dent Bruce Nelson at 220-9710 or brucenelson-ny@gmail.com. To verify that you are a member in good standing contact Financial Secretary Glen Sher at 516-242-

2227 or Glen.sher@wfadvisors.com.



Chanukah-A Festival of Joy but much more

In ancient Israel there was much Hellenic influence. One just needs to go to Israel to see Greek writings. We all know the dreidel games, the songs and the miracle of the cruze of oil. Many of us are not familiar with the depths of assimilation that pervaded that era.

Many times over the last few years I've had discussions abut the Haredim (ultra orthodox) battling with women's groups who desire equal rights and access to the wall (the Kotel). Personally I detest infighting among Jews. This is a glowing example of Sinat cheenom (baseless hatred). I tell all who discuss this that CNN is right there filming and broadcasting infighting.

At this point in time we see terrible violence in Israel. 80 percent of Israelis fear leaving their home. I have not seen anything like this even during the wars. Lone wolf attacks and the normal terror attacks pose problems now as they did during Sukkot and the Yamim Noraim. Rabbi Jacobs of the Reform movement gave strong backing to Israel recently from the 1.25 million Reform Jews. Ku-dos to him as a leader in addressing the subject publicly. Prime Minister Netanyahu, we hope, was successful in his meeting with the President.

Enjoy Chanukah with your family and love the dreidels, the songs, the Menorahs and the Latkes. It's a wonderful time to be Jewish or just feel Jewish.

Cantor Elliott Joseph YavnehCantor Elliott Joseph YavnehCantor Elliott Joseph YavnehCantor Elliott Joseph Yavneh

Mrs. “O” - Principal of the Herbert Jacobson Hebrew School at the Bellmore Jewish Center

Mets enjoyed an exciting and exhilarating season. While they fell short of winning the ultimate prize, the World Series, they did defeat the Dodgers in the Division Series and the Cubs to win the National League Pennant. Their success story this year should give hope to all Met fans that the future for the team is indeed very bright.

On Sunday, December 6th, we will be holding our Family Chanukah Celebration at 10:45a.m., for all students who attend Hebrew School classes on Sunday. Students who attend Hebrew School classes on Sunday will report at reg-ular times. At 10:45, we invite all of our parents to join us in the sanctuary to hear some of your Chanukah favorites.

On Wednesday, December 9th at 6p.m.we will have our annual Menorah Lighting Ceremony, which will take place at the Bellmore train station. Our wonderful choir will be performing, they alone are reason enough for all to attend this wonderful temple tradition. For those students attend-ing the ceremony, the school dismissal time will be 5:30p.m. Parents must come up to the Hebrew School of-fice to sign out their child. If your child is not attending the candle lighting ceremony, they will be dismissed at regular time (6:45p.m.). We hope and encourage all stu-dents to attend. I want to extend a special “tip of the kip-pah” to Mr. Bruce for his guidance and leadership in pre-paring our choir for this and other special events.

Our December Family Service (Junior Congregation) will

be held on Saturday, December 12th. It is being held from 9:30 – 11:00a.m. in the Muraskin room. It is being led by our “amazing” Rachel Merker. The whole family is invit-ed and encouraged to attend.

On Sunday, December 13th, our fantastic Hebrew School choir and orchestra under the leadership of Mr. Bruce will be performing at the Bristol House located at 40 Merrick Avenue, East Meadow, NY 11514. We hope that all par-ents will stay and enjoy the performance. This special Mitzvah is appreciated by our elderly friends, who truly look forward to interacting with our students. Ms. Hali’s class and Ms. Brooke’s class will have regular Sunday School that day.

Saturday, December 19th, Our Hey class will be leading Shabbat Services in the main sanctuary at 9:30a.m. I had the opportunity to listen to their rehearsal and they sound-ed great.

Hebrew School will be closed from Thursday, December 24th to January 4th, 2016. We will reopen on Tuesday, Jan-uary 25th.

On behalf of my dedicated professional staff and myself, I want to extend our very best wishes to one and all for a Happy and Healthy 2016. As you know, my office door is always open to you for your ideas in making the upcoming year the very best ever for our school.




By Lee Weisbord

Chanukah always falls on the 25th day of the Hebrew month of Kislev. This year, Chanukah starts at sunset on Sun-day, December 6th, 2015 and ends at sunset on Monday, December 14th.

Chanukah celebrates two miracles. The fir st miracle is the second century BCE victory of a small, greatly out-numbered and out-armed band of Jews, known as the "Maccabees," over the mighty Greek army that occupied the Holy Land. The rebellion, led by Judah Maccabee, was in response to the Greek attempt to force a Hellenistic G-dless lifestyle on the Jewish inhabitants.

The second miracle is the lasting of a small vial of oil; it lasted for eight days instead of one. The kindling of a Meno-

rah was an impor tant component of the daily service in the Holy Temple. When the Maccabees liberated the Temple from the hands of the Greek invaders, they found only one small cruse of pure and undefiled olive oil fit for lighting the Menorah. There was only enough oil to light the Menorah for one day, and it would take eight days to produce new oil. Miraculously, the oil in the one small vial burned for eight days and nights until the new oil was pre-pared. We light the Menorah for eight nights to celebrate this miracle.

The basic elements of a kosher Menorah are eight holders for oil or candles and an additional oil holder or can-dle, set apart from the rest, for the shamash ("attendant" oil holder or candle.) We use the shamash to light the other

oil holder(s) or candle(s). The oil cups or candles are placed in the Menorah from right to left.

One candle or oil holder is lit on the first night by the shamash. One additional candle or oil cup is added each night until the eighth night when all of the eight oil cups or candles (plus the shamash) are lit. The oil holders or candles are

lit from left to right.

In a kosher Menorah, the eight candles or oil cups of the Menorah must be arranged in a straight, even line, not in a zigzag or with some of the eight lights higher than others. If it is an oil Menorah, the oil cups must hold enough oil to burn for the required time – at least 30 minutes on weeknights, and up to one-and-a-half hours on Friday. If it is a can-dle Menorah, the candles should be large enough to burn for the required time. The shamash – the "attendant" oil cup or candle that is used to kindle the other lights – sits separately a bit higher or lower than the other oil holders or can-

dles, on the ninth branch of the Menorah. The shamash is not included in the nightly count.

Blessings for lighting the Menorah: Say all three blessings on the first night. The third blessing is only said on the first night.

1. Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and com-manded us to kindle the Chanukah light.

2. Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who performed miracles for our forefathers in those days, at this time.

3. Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who has granted us life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this occasion.

Because of the central role that oil played in the Chanukah miracle, it is customary to serve foods fried in oil. Jews of

Eastern European (Ashkenazi) origin eat fried potato pancakes called latkes in Yiddish or levivot in Hebrew. (See rec-

ipe below.) Sephardic Jews eat different varieties of deep-fried donuts. Greek Jews call them loukomades, Persian

Jews refer to them as zelebi, while in Israel jelly doughnuts are wildly popular and known as sufganiot.



Growing Older – One of the many things no one tells you about aging is that it’s such a nice

change from being young.

Before scanning down to our calendar of upcoming activi-ties, please take note of some changes in our winter sched-ule. Last winter was a harsh one and it seriously restricted our movements and attendance at activities. Many of our members left for warmer days in Florida and this year even more are heading south, so we will be limiting some of our activities.

1. There will be no activities in January (no Game

Days, no in-house programs, no trips).

2. During the months of Feb. Mar. and Apr.) there

will be Game Days and in-house activities, but no

trips. All activities, including trips, will continue in

May. See the calendar below. February and March

in-house programs will be detailed in the next mail-

ing you will receive.

3. During Feb. and March, in-house activities and

Game Days will be coordinated by Felix and Ruthe

Berman. They can be reached at 221-8570.

Sun. Dec. 6 – 8:30 AM departure – The Folksbiene

Theatre’s Production of “Die Goldene Kale” (“The Golden Bride”) AND The Museum of Jewish Heritage – a

double-header day!

The Folksbiene Theatre’s new home is the Museum of Jewish Heritage, so our morning will begin with a visit to the museum. In addition to its core exhibits, we will have a docent-led tour of the special exhibit, “Designing Home:

Jews and Midcentury Modernism,” which explores the contributions of Jewish immigrants and American-born designers and architects. A kosher box lunch in a private room will follow. At 2 PM we will enter the museum’s Safra Theater for The Folksbiene Theatre’s production of “Die Goldene Kale,” a classic, rediscovered and re-stored rom-com operetta, with a marvelous musical score by Joseph Rumshinsky. The play tells the tale of Goldele, a poor girl from the shtetl who inherits a fortune from her estranged father. We’ll join Goldele on her mission to find a long-lost mother and husband-to-be in this charming Golden-Age spectacle. The show is in Yiddish with Eng-

lish supertitles. The Cost:

$95/member, $100/non-member, including museum ad-mission with docent, boxed lunch in a private room, theater

tickets, and luxury bus transportation. There are a few seats left. Call Bill at 221-2056 if interested.

Wed. Dec. 9, 2015 – 1:30 PM – Annual Hazak Chanu-

kah Party – All members (only) are invited to join in our annual celebration of this joyous Festival of Lights holiday. Along with the music of a live band and dancing, we will all share in traditional Chanukah treats – latkes with apple sauce and/or sour cream, salads, Chanukah cookies, etc. – light the Menorah as we chant the tradition-al prayers, sing traditional holiday songs, and hoolya a bisl. We might even have some Israeli dancing led by our Rabbi Bernstein. This simcha is free to all our members, but pre-

registration is a necessity since space is limited. If you have not yet done so, please call Bill at 221-2056.

January, 2016 – No activities

February, March, April – In-house activities will be de-tailed in the next mailing.

Wed. May 18, 2016 – 1:30 PM - Keep this date on your

calendar! – “Magical Jews: The Life and Times of the

Herrmanns, the Bambergs, Houdini, Malini, Leipzig

and Other Great Jewish Magicians You’ve Never

Heard Of.” We’ll join Allan Zola Kronzek, magician, author and educator, for an intriguing mix of history and mystery celebrating these iconic performers and their fan-tastic feats of legerdemain, and a live performance of some mystifying magic, including audience participation. Free to members; guests $5. Refreshments will be served. Call Felix or Ruthe at 221-8570 to pre-register.

Game Days (all Mondays at 1:30 PM) – Feb. 8, 22; Mar. 7, 21; Apr. 4, 18; May 9, 23; June 6, 20.

In this last year we welcomed the following people as new members in our BJC Hazak Chapter and we look forward to meeting and greeting them at many of our activities through the 2016 year: Fran Alexander, Mildred Becker, Phyllis and Stu Berger, Barbara Bernstein, Irma Burstyn, Eileen Dock, Helen Dreyfuss, Lily and Gil Effron, Lynn Eisner, Eleanor Extract, Fran Feiner, Sheila Goldner, Bon-nie Gordon, Phyllis Kayne, Marion Kraskow, Marcia and Ben Levy, Roslyn Litt, Alice Malchick, Laura Miller, Edith Passin, Sheila Pekale, Evelyn Polay, Jerome Post, Bernice and Steve Ratnoff, Anne Reynolds, Helaine Rosen, Pam and Arthur Seltzer, Florence Sokol, Janet Spar, Jim Stember, Rose and Ian Wald, Renee Zuroff.


Youth Group

BJC’s USY and Kadima year is well on its way! Our first meeting took place on September 30th where we had teens of all ages come together to make over 70 sandwiches to donate to a local foot pantry. In addition to making sandwich-es the teens participated in various icebreakers and to get better acquainted with each other. In October, the USY teens met (9th -12th grade) to discuss global Judaism and how they can help identify themselves as Jews and use that in their every day life. A

At our November 18th meeting for Kadima (6th-8th grade) and the teens Thanksgiving cards were made to donate to

those who need a little extra holiday cheer!

P.S. please mark your calendar for December 9th for our joint USY and Kadima Chanukah Party! I cannot wait to see you there! For more information please contact our new Youth Director, Jacob Greenberg, at youth.group@bellmorejc.org

Jacob Greenberg

Traditional Latkes (parve) Ingredients:

• 5 potatoes

• 2 onions

• 3 eggs

• 1 tsp. salt

• 1/4 tsp. pepper

• between 1/4 to 3/4 cup all-purpose flour

• oil for frying (canola is recommended)


1.Peel potatoes. Place peeled potatoes in a bowl of cold water so they won’t turn brown. 2. When ready to prepare the latkas, drain the potatoes. Place potatoes and onions in a food processor fitted with a knife blade and pulse until smooth. Drain mixture well. 3. Pour potato mixture into a large bowl. Add beaten eggs. Add salt and pepper. Add enough flour so that the mixture holds together. 4. Pour 1 inch of oil into a large, deep frying pan. Heat the oil over medium-high heat. 5. Carefully drop 1/4 cup of the potato mixture into the hot oil. 6. Flatten the pancake slightly so the center will cook. 7. Fry for several minutes on each side until golden brown and cooked through. 8. Drain latkas thoroughly on paper towels.


Mazal Tov to Brooke Seligson and Evan Holt on their engagement.

Mazal Tov to Michelle and Peter Hazen on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Ashley Hazen, on November 7.

Mazal Tov to Phyllis Ivers on the Bar Mitzvah of her son, Jonathan Ivers, on November 14.

Mazal Tov to Jean and Lawrence Schindelheim on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Peri Schindelheim, on December 5.

Mazal Tov to Karen and Gary Horn on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Lauren Horn, on December 12.

THANK YOU!!! to the following for their generous sponsorships:

Cynthia Jacobson sponsored Nosh & Drash and Kiddush on August 29 in loving memory of her husband, Herbert Ja-cobson, and her father, Charles Hirsch. (25th anniversary of her husband’s and father’s Yahrzeit.)

Pam and Arthur Seltzer sponsored Kiddush on September 5 in honor of their granddaughter, Skylar Rose Amato’s 4th birthday.

Steve Singer sponsored Kiddush on September 19 in loving memory of his mother, Ruth Singer, grandmother of Josh-ua and Wendi Singer.

Pam and Arthur Seltzer sponsored Kiddush on Oct. 17 in loving memory of Pam’s mother, Ruth Gottlieb.

Shirley and Dave Siegel sponsored Kiddush and Nosh and Drash on Oct. 24 and Family Services on Oct. 31 in honor of Dave’s 90th birthday.

Marshalll Zucker sponsored a Sunday morning breakfast for the Minyanaires.

CONDOLENCES With great sadness, we announce the passing of the following: Elaine Bortnick, beloved mother of Mark Bortnick. Dr. Stuart Goldberg, beloved brother of Gary Goldberg.


We thank the following volunteers for their time and effort in helping with our mailings:

Irene Kotin, Fran Gusoff, Myrna Steinman, Allan Fried, Bill Berkowitz, Gloria Kaye and Lucy Safir.


I would like to thank the following children for their commitment in making the BJC Shofar Brigade excellent this year at Neila.

Allison Alvarez

Steven Fingeroth

Andrew Isaac

Seth Jarmol Jared Levine

I also thank Hannah Levine who made sure that the children were organized when she led them into the Sanctuary

Stanley M. Hochhauser, Chairman



Education Fund

Libby Moldwin


Judy Gordon

Arlene & Ira Harris Audrey & Jason Saltsberg

Barry Fink Memorial Fund

Dolly Fink

Herb Jacobson Memorial Fund

Cynthia Jacobson

Rochelle Horowitz Memorial Fund

Richard Horowitz


Susan Adler Sheila Bashkoff Donald Bass Michelle Bell

Elayne & Bill Berkowitz

Ruthe Berman

Lori Blitzer Sherry Breitman

Jennifer Byrnes Staci Broder Sharyn Camhi

Marsha & Howard Cohn

Selma Cooper Dr. Robert Cooperman

Myra Demofsky

Sandra Denen

Ira Faber Dolly Fink

Alan Forman

Rhoda Friedman

Jody Gertner Lisa Goldberg

Arlene & Ira Harris Allan Hausman

Bonnie Hiller Paul Jackson

Carla Jassey

Stephen Kass Howard Kessler Brenda Kramer David Krebs

Ira Levy

Barbara Magid

Elliott Mirsky

Ilene Morowitz

Dr. Craig Moskowitz

Eileen Naiden

Celia Paretsky

Carl Preiser Sheila & Howard Rand

Gail Ritholz

Natalie Rosenbloom

Adrienne Schwartz

Pam Seltzer Shirley Siegel

Mitchell Skolnick

Perry Sperber Myrna Steinman

Diane Stewart Carole & Harvey Tabin

Mildred Tuchnan

David Weiss

Yizkor Jennifer Bashkoff Sheila Bashkoff Barbara Baldwin

Blum Family

Robin & Ira Faber Fran Firouzan

Linda & Robert Forman

Myrna & Charles Goldman

Staci Kolinsky

Helen Krol Dr. Joel Meshnick

Tina Mosteiro

Mr. & Mrs. M. Racer L. Schwartz

Shuldiner Family

Steve Wachtler Carole & Harvey Tabin

Dr. & Mrs. Harvey Wiener

The following donations were made in observance of a Yahrzeit or Yizkor:

To All Snowbirds:

Please notify the Temple office (516 781-3072) of any change of address so that we may send your mail to the correct mailing address while you are away.

Thank you.

Do You Need a Minyan?

If you require a Minyan to observe Yahrzeit or for any reason, please contact the temple office at

516-781-3072 office.bellmorejewishcenter@verizon.net

We will gladly accommodate any request by a member of the Bellmore Jewish Center.

The Ritual Committee

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Havdalah Torah Bar/Bat Event

Dec. 4-5 4:08 pm 5:16 pm Vayeshev

Peri Schindel-heim

Dec. 11-12 4:08 pm 5:17 pm Miketz

Lauren Horn

Mincha /Marva Service 3:30pm

Friday: 6th Candle Chanukah

Saturday: 7th Candle Chanukah

Rosh Chodesh Tevet

Dec. 18-19 4:10pm 5:19pm Vayigash

Friday: Family Shabbat Saturday: HEY Class Shabbat/Luncheon

Dec. 25-26 4:14 pm 5:23 pm Vayechi

Jan. 1-2 4:19 pm 5:28pm Shemot

Jan. 8-9 4:26 pm 5:35 pm Vaera

Installation of 2016 Officers and Board of Trustees

Jan. 15-16 4:33 pm 5:42 pm Bo

Sammy Rosenthal Mincha/ Mar-va Bar Mitz-vah

Friday: Tot Shabbat/Dinner

Jan. 22-23 4:41 pm 5:50 pm Beshalach

Friday: Tu’B Shevat Seder Saturday: Pajama Havdalah Service (Pre-Aleph-Bet)

Jan. 29-30 4:50 pm 5:59 pm Yitro

Mock Bar/Bat Shabbat (Dalet Class)

Friday: Aleph Shabbat