Lagos GitHub Meetup - What is Git?

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Presentaion done at the Lagos GitHub Meetup


Celestine OminSoftware Engr @ KongaMaintainer of NSEFinance@cyberomin@nnekaukpanah's husband.

What is git?

Git is a distributed revision control and source code management (SCM) system with an emphasis on speed, data integrity, and

support for distributed, non-linear workflows.Wikipedia


l (Documet) Version management

Who is using it?


l Started by Linus Torvaldsl Launched in '05l Replacement for BitKeeper to manage Linux kernel

source code


Github launched in 2008 to host Git repositories2009: over 50,000 repos, over 100,000 users2011: over 2 million repos, over 1 million users

Let us begin



l $ git config –global Fistname Surnamel $ git config –global

$ git init

l Make changesl Add the changes to staging indexl git add [filename]

l Commit it to the repositoryl git commit -m „This is an initial commit“

Enough Talk


Best Practises

l Write meaningful commit messagesl Fixed redirection issue. This happens when a user does not select

Remember Me

l Keep commit messages short. 70 words should be just fine. Write as though you were tweeting :-)

$ git logcommit 330ec85cb900530edbfa0ac73519f29b4150e436

Author: Firstname Surname <>Date: Wed Apr 23 02:15:47 2014 +0530

Fixed login redirection issue

More of - git log

l git log – [(init) limit] – git log -3 – Return last 3 commits

l git log –since=“2013-04-05“l git log –until=“2013-04-05“l git log –author=“author name“l git log –grep=“Init“ - Every commit with the word Init

Git's Underlying Concept

Ignoring files


l Images/ - Everything under the image directory

l *.log – Ignore all my log filesl * ? [aeiou] [0-9] – Even regular expression


What are branches?

Type of branches

l Masterl Your branch

Creating a branch

$ git branch admin$ git checkout admin

Compact method

git checkout -b admin

Merging Branches

$ git checkout master$ git merge admin

All my branches

$ git branchadmin

* masterNotice the * on the master branch?

Pruning branches

$ git branch -d admin


What are stash?

Stash Operations

$ git stash save “message”Notice we don't provide -m option

Stash Operations – List Stashes

$ git stash liststash@{0}:On branch_name: message

Stash Operations - Show

$ git stash show stash@{0}

Stash Operations - Pop

$ git stash pop stash@{0}

Stash Operations - Delete

$ git stash drop stash@{0}

l Questions?



What is GitHub?

l GitHub is a Git repository web-based hosting service which

offers all of the distributed revision control and source

code management (SCM) functionality of Git as well as

adding many of its own features.

Working with remotes

l Go to, l create a new repository and that's it.

Adding remotes

git remote add origin

Adding remotes

git remote add origin

Checking Remotes

git remote -v

Pushing to GitHub

$ git push origin masterAssuming you have multiple branches. In Git 2.0 you

can use git push alone

Pulling from GitHub

$ git pull origin master – Assuming you have multiple branches

Typical Workflow

$ git checkout master $ git fetch$ git merge origin/master$ git checkout -b contact_page$ git add feedback.html$ git commit -m “Added feedback form”


Thank You

The WifeCcHubGitHub

Ciara, Luke, DanishFarouq, Jerry, Zainab, Jide, Jim
