Landing Contest Doodles

Post on 11-May-2015

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Entries for the 2009 doodle4Google What I wish for the world contest from the Landing Elementary School in Glen Cove, NY.


Landing School 5th Graders March, 2009

# 1 What I Wish For The World . . . is that animals are not abused and that animals won’t get killed because nobody wants them. Also, I wish that the world would be free of pollution because animals won’t die that way and the beaches would be clean.

# 2 What I Wish For The World . . . is for the world to be a wonderful place to live in. I wish that people can stop littering because the animals in the ocean are getting hurt and killed. Lastly, I also want the world to stop using a lot of gas and electricity in their homes.

# 3What I Wish For The World . . . is to bring happiness and to be peaceful. I wish that the whole world will recycle every day. I wish for the whole world to be free, happy and peaceful. I wish for the whole world to stop wasting things like paper because that’s wasting trees and destroying homes on trees.

# 4 What I Wish For The World . . .is for the world to be a clean world. I wish that one day we could all help each other no matter what color they are. I also wish for the world to be free of violence. That way we could be living in a peaceful world.

# 5What I Wish For The World . . . is for the people of the world to stop polluting, over hunting and destroying animal habitats for useless things or places. No more animals would become endangered and this world would be a cleaner, healthier and a more peaceful place for animals and people to live in.

# 6What I Wish For The World . . . I think that we should stop littering in the water and start going into the water and pick up as much trash as you can find and throw it out and go along the beach and pick up as much trash as you can find too. That’s what I wish for the world.

# 7What I Wish For The World . . . is for people to stop selfishness and greed. If the world was an honest place to live in there would be no greed or selfishness. In a world without selfishness everyone would be friends no matter if their cultures or skin color is different.

# 8What I Wish For The World . . . is that all animals stay safe. If all animals were gone, we wouldn’t be able to survive. For example, we need cows because they give us milk. Another reason is birds give us eggs. It is important to protect animals.

# 9What I Wish For The World . . . I wish that the world would stop pollution because it’s hurting the Earth. If we don’t stop pollution, we can die. I wish everybody took this seriously and start recycling. I wish people started watching what was really happening around the world.

# 10What I Wish For The World . . . is that animals could be free. Animals would roam around, not worrying to be captured. They could go where they want to instead of being in cages.

# 11What I Wish For The World . . .

is that animals in the rain forest never lost their home from the top to the bottom and be restricted like we do.

# 12What I Wish For The World . . . I wish to see a world free of pollution, so that oceans could keep clean and animals could come and live on a healthy and peaceful planet. I think everyone tries. I hope you feel the same way too!

# 13What I Wish For The World . . . is a world with no more endangered species. If people will stop hunting and polluting the world, then animals will roam the whole world freely.

# 14What I Wish For The World . . . I wish for a pollution-free world. This is a world without dying dolphins or rising sea level due to global warming. This is a world in which we may all live together in harmony.

# 15What I Wish For The World . . . is for the ice in the Arctic and the Antarctic to stop melting. This way, the penguins and polar bears will never have to worry about drowning or ever becoming extinct.

# 16What I Wish For The World . . . I wish for a world free from drug abuse. This is a world where people are healed by friendship, peace and love. A world where everyone wakes up to good health and joy.

# 17What I Wish For The World . . . My picture is trying to symbolize peace. I think one day the world will be happy and joyful. Many children are not full of happiness and joy but I think this will change one day and all people will be friends.

# 18What I Wish For The World . . . I think the world needs to go green. The global economy is getting worse so we don’t have any ideas for how to stop it. I know we have to hurry because global warming can affect the whole world in a few years. That’s why I came up with this idea.

# 19What I Wish For The World . . . I drew this picture because the world in my mind is in bad shape with the stock market. I picture the world in a way that there is no smoking, no war and only peace.I was inspired to draw this because of my cousin. He was serving in Iraq and told me some bad things happen there, so my main idea of this picture is peace because that’s the whole point.

# 20 What I Wish For The World . . . I decided to do a ocean side kind of thing because an ocean side is kind of like a relaxing and peaceful kind of way. When I go to the beach, I feel really relaxed. I feel like I am sleeping on a cloud.

# 21What I Wish For The World . . . I drew this because I want peace on Earth and for everyone to be happy. If this world could change it would be a dream come true. I just wish I could get some help to make it better. I want everybody to be happy and to love living on Earth.

# 22What I Wish For The World . . .

is for global warming to stop so that the polar bears and all the other animals up in the arctic won’t become extinct.

# 23What I Wish For The World . . .

What I wish to see in the world is recycling to help polar bears stay alive because all the ice is melting.

# 24What I Wish For The World . . . The world is not taken care of well because many people are not recycling and that can harm ducks, fish and sea animals. There are many factories and cars polluting our planet and people are not carpooling that much. All this polluting is affecting our atmosphere. The heat of the sun is getting through because there is a hole in Antarctica in the atmosphere and the ice is melting and affecting the polar bears and it’s causing more global warming.

# 25What I Wish For The World . . . is to clean the ocean from all the gas and garbage. The jungles and the forest have a lot of problems. The jungle is drying up from global warming. People cut down forests. I want it to stop. That’s my wish for the world.

# 26What I Wish For The World . . . is for people to be happy; •lot’s of parties•no smoking, especially around kids•presidents leading our country•no more people doing graffiti•no more wars because wars are destroying people’s houses and they have no where to go and they have to live on the streets

# 27What I Wish For The World . . . I want to make peace in the world because soldiers are risking their lives in the war. I also want to make peace because countries are in danger. That is why that’s my wish for the world.

# 28What I Wish For The World . . . is that peace isn’t just a symbol. It represents us united together. We should have no more calls to war because we’re killing our own brothers and sisters.

# 29What I Wish For The World . . . is to clean ponds and swamps for the piranhas and oceans for the fish because they could die. I would like to save the polar bears because they are endangered animals. That’s my wish for the world.

# 30What I Wish For The World . . . is that everyone will live in harmony. As you can see there are different people from different cultures. I put the American flag in my picture because ever culture in this picture is Spanish and American, or Asian and American, or African American. My wish for the world is peace, love and harmony.

# 31What I Wish For The World . . . is that every child gets a good education. I think every child deserves a good education. No matter how much money they have or where they live. It is very important that they could read, write, and socialize. This is my wish for the world.

# 32What I Wish For The World . . . is to make this country a better country by following the laws and taking care of it. Everyone should believe the Bill of Rights, and follow the Constitution. Someone who comes to the United States and sees the Statue of Liberty should know that we welcome all.

# 33What I Wish For The World . . . is to stop global warming. I know it will not be easy at all, but if we try very hard it might happen. It will take 10 or more years who knows. If we keep recycling, making vegetable powered cars and things like that we will accomplish our goal and global warming will be out and we can worry about other things. Every letter represents something; two gs are “go green“. The two os are the Sun and Earth. The Sun’s rays are beaming on the Earth and the L is a factory polluting and the e, well that’s the end. We have to put an end to global warming, we are hurting Earth and us. the g has a face and ears which is a sad polar bear.

# 34What I Wish For The World . . . is to live in a clean world. To live in a clean world we can do all kinds of activities like recycling. You can recycle paper, plastic and cans. You can be friendly to the world. Volunteer to make a better community.

# 35What I Wish For The World . . . is to plant more flowers, trees and more thing in the world that are “green”. I also wish that the human race would take better care of the Earth. We can do this by recycling and not littering. This is my wish for the world.

# 36What I Wish For The World . . . is for people to be happy and to live in harmony holding hand in hand. I want people to shine and to try their hardest. If people try their hardest they can be successful in life. This is my wish for the world.

# 37What I Wish For The World . . . is that peace becomes more than a symbol. I want people to put down their weapons and make the symbol reality. During this time, peace is just a symbol. Maybe in the future it will become real.

# 38What I Wish For The World . . . My super wish list for the world is the sun and the earth are next to each other because we should stop global warming. The hamster is to stop animal abuse and animal neglect. L is for live, laugh and love. The eye is for keep your eye open.

# 39What I Wish For The World . . . My super wish list for the world is:• we should always pick up garbage•you should always keep your eyes open•we always have love and laughter•people who don’t have homes should have homes•we have a new life to become good people and to succeed

# 40What I Wish For The World . . . is for people to recycle so that ours is a better place for people to live. If we all recycle you can imagine how many trees that we are saving for animals. Most of the animals have homes in or on the trees.

# 41What I Wish For The World . . . is to clean up the junk that is on the floor and to recycle so our world could be healthy. I want to let this environment keep on running and we all could have no violence in the United States of America.

# 42What I Wish For The World . . . is for every country to walk hand in hand in peace. Every Country needs to know when to give orders to their troops and when to give praise to each other. Our world comes closer each and every day. We just have to help it along.

# 43What I Wish For The World . . . is peace, recycling and smiles. I want this wish because this planet that we call Earth is being abused. One right that we have in my school is: we have the right to feel safe. This planet should have the right to be clean and the people of Earth should have the right to smile and be safe.

. . . even more doodles . . .

. . . & more doodles . . . . .

. . . & more doodles . . .

. . . & more doodles . . .