Language and the Mind: Encounters in the Mind...

Post on 26-Nov-2018

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Franz Brentano1838-1917

Carl Stumpf 1848-1936

Edmund Husserl 1859-1938

Anton Marty 1847-1914

Auguste Comte 1798-1857

John Stuart Mill 1806-1873

David Hilbert Christian von Ehrenfels1859-1932

Tomáŝ Masaryk1850-1937

Kasimir Twardowski 1866-1938

Martin Heidegger1889-1976

Vilém Mathesius1882-1945


Wilhelm von Humboldt1767-1835

First generation

William Dwight Whitney1827-1894

Albrecht Weber1825-1901

Second generation

August Leskien1840-1916

Karl Brugmann1849-1919

Ferdinand de Saussure1857-1913

Third generation

Franz Bopp1791-1867

Kazan School1874-1883

Charles R. Lanman1850-1941



Berlin 1879

Hermann Paul 1846-1921

Eduard Sievers 1850-1932


St. Petersburg School1900-1918

Hermann Grassmann1809-1872

George Curtius1820-1885

Rudolph von Roth1821-18

Hermann Osthoff1847-1909

Hugo Schuchardt1842-1927

F. Max Müller1823-1900

Maurice Bloomfield1855-1928

Maurice Bloomfield1855-1928

Antoine Meillet1866-1936

Moscow School



Gustav ShpetMoscow


Wilhelm Wundt1832-1920

Hermann Lotze1817-1881


Gustav Fechner1801-1887

Ernst Mach1838-1916

United States

Kurt Lewin1890-1947

Wolfgang Köhler1887-1967

Max Wertheimer1880-1943

Kurt Koffka1886-1941

Fritz Heider1896-1988

Ernst Cassirer1874-1945

Prague Circle

Sergei Karchevski1884-

Clark Hull1884-1952

Karl Lashley1890-1958


Edward Tolman1886-1959

Jacques Loeb1859-1924

John B. Watson1878-1958

Edward Titchener

B. F. Skinner1904-1990

August Schleicher1821-1868

Jan Baudouin de Courtenay1845-1929

Gordon Allport1897-1967

Charles Sanders Peirce1839-1914

William Rainey Harper1856-1906

Karl Popper1902-1994

Gottlob Frege1848-1925

Alfred Tarski1901-1983

Stanislaw Leśniewski1886-1939

Jan Lukasiewicz1878-1956

Gestalt psychology

Friedrich Trendelenburg1802-1872

William James1842-1910

Georg Cantor 1845-1918

Alexius Meinong 1853-1920

G. Stanley Hall1844-1924

Karl Bühler1879-1963

John Dewey1859-1952

Oswald Külpe1862-1915

Herbert S. Langfeld1879-1958

von Münsterberg1863-1916

James McKeen Cattell1860-1944

James R. Angell1869-1949

Jerome Bruner1915-

Emile Benveniste1902-1976

Michel Bréal1832-1915

Berthold Delbrück1842-1922

Mikolaj Kruszewski1851-1887

Edward Prokosch1876-1938

Franz Boas1858-1942

Heymann Steinthal1823-1899

Friedrich von Schlegel1772-1829

Jacob Grimm 1785-1863

relation of collegial impact

someone else

Otto Neurath1882-1945

Moritz Schlick1882-1936

Philipp Franck1884-1966

Bertrand Russell1872-1970

Hans Hahn1879-1934

Rudolf Carnap1891-

Yehoshua Bar-Hillel1915-1975 Van Quine

1908-2000Kurt Gödel


Vienna Circle

Nelson Goodman1906-1998

Hans Reichenbach1891-1953

Ludwig Wittgenstein1889-1953

linguists psychologists




Vertical placement is determinedby date of birth.

Horizontal placement is roughly based on intellectual relations.

Leonard Bloomfield1887-1949Edward Sapir


Roman Jakobson1896-1938

Lucien Tesnière1893-1954

Noam Chomsky1928-

Morris Halle1923-

Zellig Harris1909-1992

Language and the Mind:Encounters in the Mind Fields

Volume 1: The first four generations

John A. Goldsmith and Bernard Laks