Language to Go - Intermediate - Student's Book

Post on 09-Mar-2015

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Language to go: Asking about and descr ib ing rout inesVocabu la ry and speak ing : S leepReading: Extract from Nice WorkGrammar: Subject and object quest ions

Get ta lk ing: A c lass survey

Language to go: Cornpanng f f is t ano present habi tsVocabulary and speaking: Determinat ionListening: Modernday aoo,c isGrammar: Used to and wouldGet ta lk ing: Things you did as a chr ld

Language to go: Talk ing about moneyVocabu la ry and speak ing : Money and banksReading: e-bankingGrammar: Verbs wi th two objectsGet ta l k ing : D iv id ing up your w inn ings

Language to go: Descr ib ing plans for a t r ipVocabulary and speaking: Phrasal verbs about tour ismListening: A t r ip on the ThamesGrammar: Present s imole and cont inuous for futureGet ta lk ing: Planning a day t r ip

Language to go: Talk ing about re lat ionshipsVocabulary and speaking: WeddingsReading: Two strangers and a weddingVocabulary 2: Uses oI get

Ge t ta l k ing and wr i t i ng : Wha t makes a good mar r iage?

to go: Tel l ing stor ies and exaggerat ingVocabulary and speaking: Adject ives and intensi f ierL i s ten ing : R io Carn iva lGrammar : Pas t s imo le and con t inuousGet ta lk ing and wr i t ing: Tel l ing a t rue story

Vocabulary and speaking: Associat ionsListening: Reasons for naming a babyGrammar: Future with willand going toGet ta lk ing: Choosing names for products

to go: Compar ing careers 1

Vocabulary and speaki lg: Educat ion r

Reading: Studying?,ts lt l:SWJyoalb i!?Grammar: Comparat ives and super lat ivesGet ta lk ing: Compar ing l ives and careers

Language to go: Descr ib ing abi l i t ies and di f f icul t iesVocabulary and speaking: Levels of d i f f icul tyListening: Being lef t -handedGrammar: Modal verbs for abi l i tvGet ta lk ing: An abi l i ty test

Language to go: Giv ing adviceVocabulary and speaking: Waste, use, spend, saye + nounListening: Managing your l i feGrammar: Modal verbs for g iv ing adviceGet ta lk ing and wr i t ing: Solv ing problems






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Vocabu la ry and speak ing : Cr imeReading: Someone's watching you!

Grammar: Adverbs of ouroose

Vocabulary and speaking: WorkListening: A job interv iew

Vocabulary and speaking: Topics of conversat ionListening: A chance meet ingFunct ion: Managing a conversat ionGetgrlkingand writing: Small talk

Lan to visitors toVocabulary and speaking: TravelReading: The Australian OutbackGrammar: Fi rst condi t ionalGet ta lk ing and wr i t ing: Advis ingvrsrtors to vour area

Language to go : D iscuss ing spor tVocabulary: Expressions wi th takeL is ten ing and speak ing : An even ing in?Grammar: Verb construct ions for l ikes and dis l ikesGet ta lk ing: Compar ing opin ions about sport

2 > Informat ion for pair and group work pncu 84

Language to go : De f in ing peop le , th ings , t ime and p lace

Vocabulary and speaking: The f ive sensesReading: Smel ls that workGrammar: Def in ing re lat ive c lausesGet ta lk ing: Favour i te s ights and sounds

Language to go: Descr ib ing recent changesVocabulary and speaking: L i festy le: word bui ld ingRead ing and l i s ten ing : Feng Shu iGrammar: Present perfect simple with yet, already, just

Ge t ta l k ing : D iscuss ing changes in you r

r tems

Language to go: Making and responding to reouestsVocabuf ary and speaking: Phrasa! verbs: turn, swi tch, goReading: Auiz: Excuse me . .Funct ion: Informal and ool i te reouestsGet ta lk ing: Asking people to do th ings

Language to go: Talk ing about hypothet ical s i tuat ionsVocabulary and speaking: Adject ives descr ib ing ionel iness and fearReading: 100 days at seaGrammar: Second condi t ionalGet ta lk ing: How would you feel i l . . . ?

Language to go: Talk ing about food and cookingVocabulary and speaking: Food and cookingListening: Two chefsGrammar: Verb construct ions wi th - ing I inf in i t iveGet ta lk ing: Discussing cooking and eat ing habi ts

-e to go: Making decis ions and giv ing reasons

Language to go: Descr ib ing reasons for act ions

Grammar: Present perfect srmpleGet ta I ki n g : r__olenlaw4,Jab i nterview

' )s--*+*---Language to 0 i6 i lhat to say in socia l s i tuat ions

> Pract ice sect ion pncr BB > Grammar reference pacr '1 08

' \

l-b€u€g|6to go: Recounting events in your l ife{ocabulary and speaking: Travel and ai rportsReading: Newspaper extract: The HubGrammar: Past perfect s impleGa ta lk ing and wr i t ing: Shar ing stor ies

. 'ocabulary and speaking: Fame and successr- is tening: Creat ion of a pop legendGrammar: Passive construct ionsGet ta lk ing: Informat ion gap: The Wi l l iams srsters

Language to go: Making predict ions about the futureVocabulary and speaking: Toys and gamesReading: Tomorrow's toysGrammar: Modal verbs to ta lk about future probabi l i tyGet ta lk ing and wr i t ing: Future products

[-anguage to go: Communicat ing by phoneSpeaking and vocabulary: Telephoning expresstons[- is tening: A te lephone conversat ionVocabulary 2: Phrasal verbs about te lephoningGet ta l k ing : ro lep lay : On the phone

Language to go: Descr ib ing ru les in the presentVocabulary and speaking: Makeand doReading: NetiquetteGrammar: Modal verbs for necessi ty and obl igat ionGet ta lk ing and wr i t ing: Discussing ' ru les '

of behaviour

Language to go: Compar ing at t i tudesVocabulary and speaking: Expressions wi th t imeReading: Long-distance commuterGrammar: Ways to express contrast ing ideasGet ta lk ing and wr i t ing: At t i tudes to work and t ime

Language to go: Discussing personal achievements and projectsVocabulary and speaking: Achievements and projectsListening: Trevor Bayl is - inventorGrammar: Present perfect s imple and cont inuousGet ta lk ing and wr i t ing: What you've been doing

Language to go: Talk ing about important momentsVocabulary and speaking: Things we readReading: A suitcase of storiesGrammar: Past perfect s imple and cont inuousGet ta lk ing: Turning points in your l i fe

Language to go: Talk ing about thrngs people do for youVocabulary and speaking: Housework and c leanl iness \Reading: Maid4lJ - Services for your home VGrammar: Have something done and ref lex ive pronouns. r . /

' ' . . .

Get ta lk ing: Things you do, and have done for you





Language to go: Predict ing future eventsVocabulary and speaking: Descr ib ing changesListening: Future invent ionsGrammar: Future with willand will have doneGet ta lk ing: What wi l l you have done by 2O2O?

{. nnr ''-,-. ' \ . /

Language to go: Descr ibrng symptoms of an i l lnessVocabulary and speaking: Medical problems and syry) iQtomsListening: Honeymoon horror stor ies / '


Vocabulary 2: Phrasal verbs about i l lnessGet ta lk ing: ro ldplay: A v is i t to the doctor ' r

Vocabulary: People and groupsSpeaking and reading: An amazing discoveryGrammar: Past modal verbs of deduct ionGet ta lk ing and wr i t ing: L i fe 2,500 years ago

Vocabulary and speaking: Business processes: word bui ld ing,Reading: A simple idea


Grammar: Non-def in ing re lat ive c lauses . /Get ta lk ing and wr i t ing: Explain ing a business plan

Language to go: Descr ib ing f r iendshipVocabulary and speaking: Verb expressions about f r iendshipListening: Olg f r iendsGrammar: Present perfect with forand sinceGet ta lk ing: Tel l ing someone about a good f r iend


Jnguage to go: Descr ib ing a process

Language to go: Drawing conclusions about the past

Language to go: Giv ing extra informat ion

Language to go: Discussing f reedomVocabulary and speaking: Pr isonReading: Extracts from Long Watk to FreedomFunct ion: Prohib i t ion, obl igat ion and permission in the pastGet ta lk ing: Compar ing f reedom at d i f ferent t imes of vour l i fe

Language to go: Asking quest ions about personal issues ISpeaking and vocabulary: Happiness

' .

L istening: Survey about happinessFunct ion: Pol i te quest ions

Get ta lk ing: Personal issues

Language to go: Talk ing about l ikely and unl ikely s i tuat ionsSpeaking and vocabulary: Doing businessReading and l is tening: Business around the wortdGrammar: Fi rst and second condi t ionalsGet ta lk ing: Discussing react ions to s i tuat ions

Language to go: Talk ing regretsVocabulary and speakiReading: Extract fromGrammar :Th i rd cond i t i ona l and / w tfG-et talking: You only regret what yoil

onlYt d o


Language to go: Report ing what you hear or readVocabulary and speaking: The weatherListening: Ways of forecast ing the weatherGramma r: Reported statementsGet ta lk ing: Report ing the weather


> Recording scr ipts pncr 1 18 > Pract ice secron answer rev pnce t z+

Language to dp' Report ing a conversation or interviewSpeaking and r)pcabulary: Job rypl icat ions and interviewsListening: Afteri the interview fGrammar: Reported guestions .1Get talking: Re'irorting a conversa'tion

Adject ives and rntensrf iers

Past s inp le and cont inuous

Tel l ing s tor ' res a t rd exaggerat tng events

Look at the photos o f Carn iva l in F l io c ie ' . ja r te i i ' r i ,

Br"az i l " In pa i rs , d isc l tss the fo l lowing quest lc . rns. "

1 Have you been to R ro f o r Ca rn i va 7

2 Wou ld you i ke t o go? Why? / Wh ' , -

3 ! \ /hat do you kr rcv ; about i t?

f l ' v t ra te h the pa i rs o f ad ject ives which ar t s i ' - i r r ia i i r l

n ' lean!ng.

[-xan-pie. laot bor,LLwg ( = verY, ' le

f asc na t i ng good Packeot r r -ed enormcus cr -owded f iao

awf u l e rhaus ted

Descr ibe the photos us ing the ad lect tves i i 'o i . ' " r

Exe rc i se 2 "


Comp le te t he d ia l ogues be low w i t h a su i t ab le

adject ive or intensi f ier .

A V\/ere youB: Hot? I t ryas abso Lt te lv

2 A: \\/ere you rea vB Yes, I was

f i A : W a s r t . - :ts Yes, i t was ="

4 A, Was the stacr ,B : B i g r l t v v a s a b s , l - . :

5 A : W a s l h e m t s ,B G o o d ? l t w a s

Now l t s t en and chec ' x you r answers^

W h e n d o w e u s e t h e

rntens i f ie rs rea! ly

very and


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1Lis ten ing

5 E$| Listen to Sara tatkingabout her visit to Carnival.What did she think of it?

O Usten again. Are thesesentences true O) or false (F)?

1 Sara was staying in Rio.2 l t was raining when she arr ived.3 They were planning to cancel the carnival because

of the rain.4 When the rain stopped, the carnival started.5 An audience of 70,000 was wait ing in the


Look again at the sentences above. Underlineverbs in the past simple and @ verbs in thepast continuous.

Grammar focusI Gombine these sentences to make rules about the

past simple and the past continuous.

1 The pas t s imp le . . .2 The pas t con t inuous . . .3 Sometimes the past cont inuous . . .

is used to descr ibe a longer act ion or eventwhich is interrupted by an act ion or event in thepast s imple tense.

descr ibes an act ion or event in the past.

descr ibes a s i tuat ion over a per iod of t ime in thepast. lt is often used to set the contextto a story.


Complete the sentences using the correct form ofthe verbs iri brackets.

Example: I rwet (meet) Tom yesterday while I waswaLtLwg (wait) for a bus.

1 | - - (go) to the c inema twice last weekend.2 He _- (drive) very fast, when he

(see) a dog run across the road in fronto f h im.

3 Jul ia ( l is ten) to loud music, so she(not / hear) the doorbel l .

4 - (you / see) Pablo at the party? He

' -ffi:'l"1:"^,:il;ffi but he wasn'thungry so he (not / eat) anything.

6 | -- (enjoy) the lesson so much yesterdaythat I (not / real ise) i t was t ime to go.

Ge t ta lk ing . . .10 In pairs, tell your partner a true story about you.

First set the context. Then describe the action butexaggerate some of the information to make the storymore interest ing. These ideas may help you.

o You met a famous persono You did something very dangerouso You had an accidento You went to a strange placeo You found something interest ingo You fell in love

Your partner must decide which informat ion is t rue andwhich informat ion is exaggerated.

and wrlt ing11 Write your story as part of an informal letter to a

friend. Exaggerate some of the story to make itmore interesting.

A: I saw her when I was walking down the road.B: D id she look good?A: Good? She looked absolutely fantast ic!








cabula ry


Language to go


Subject and object questions

Asking about and describing routines

Are you a morning person?Vocabul ary and speaking

In pairs, d iscuss the fol lowing quest ions.

What is your favour i te / least favour i te part of the day? Why?

2 Match the phrases about sleep with the correct definit ions.







1 0

a mornrng person

stay up lateoversreephave an ear ly nightnot be able to keep (your)

eyes openhave a l ie- inbe an ear ly r iserwake upfa l l as leepget out of bed on thewrong side

Definit ions

a) s leep longer than planned

b) a person who feels good I alert in themornrngs

c) a person who gets up ear lyd) stop sleeprnge) begin to s leepf) go to bed later than usualg) stay in bed later than usualh) go to bed ear l ier than usuali ) be in a bad mood in the morntngj) f ind i t d i f f icul t to stay awake at

t imes dur ing the day

3 Describe the people in the pictures using the phrases from Exercise 2.

Read ing4 Read the text and say which of the pictures are described.

Vic has eaten his two slices of toast and is on his third cup of tea

and first cigarette of the day when Marjorie enters the kitchen in

her dressing gown and slippers.'Smoking,' she says, condensing into a single word an

argument well known to both of them.Vic grunts. He glances at

the kitchen clock.'shouldn't Sandra and Gary be getting up? I won't waste my

breath on Raymond.''Gary doesn't have school today. The teachers are on strike.''What about Sandra?''I'm taking her to the doctor's.''W'hat's the matter with her?'

Marjorie yawns evasively.' Oh, nothing serious.''Why can't she go on her own? A girl of seventeen should be

able to go to the doctor's without someone to hold her hand.''I don't go in with het not unless she wants me to.I iust wait

with her.'

Vic regards his wife suspiciously.'You're not going shopping with

her afterwards?'

Mariorie blushes.'.Well, she needs a new pair of shoes ...'


Adapted from Nice Workby David Lodge

5 Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 What did Vic have for breakfast?2 What does Marjor ie th ink about smoking?3 Who got out of bed on the wrong side?4 Who should be gett ing up?5 Which chi ld of ten oversleeos?6 What do Vic and Marior ie ta lk about?

l ^ . _ _ rt ] rammar Tocus6 Look at the examples and underline the correct

alternatives in sentences 1-4.

A Subject questions: Who speaks to Vic?Answer: Marjorie speaks to Vic.

B Object questions: Who doesVic speakto?Answer: He speaks to Mariorie.

ln A, Marjorie is the subject / the object.ln B, Marjorie is the subject / the object.Subject questions / Object questions need anauxi l iary verb.When we ask quest ions about the subject of thesentence, the word order of the quest ion and theanswer is fhe same / different.

Look at Exercise 5 again and answer thequestions.

1 Which au*iliary verbs are used?2 Which are subject questions and which are object



Look at the prompts and write the questions. Usethe answers to help you decide if i t is a subject orobject question.

Example: got up / f irst? Who got , T fursta Vic.

Get ta lk ing9 Do a survey to find the morning people in your class.

1 Complete the quest ions using the prompts.

2 Do the quest ionnaire in pairs, then discuss youranswers In groups.






1 Marjor ie lwear?

2 Vic / speak to / f irst?3 l ike / have a l ie- in?4 Vic / g lance at?5 take / Sandra to the doctor's?6 Marjorie / plan to do after the

doctor's?7 Marjorie / say about the


Dressing gownand s l ippers .Marjor ie.A l l the ch i ld ren .The ki tchen clock.Her mother is.Go shopp ing .

They are on str ike.

t1r,ebLrds wake CarLos ,lcp.

A: What wakes you up inthe morning?

B: A large coffeel

VncnhulnrV Associat ions

firammar Future wilh will and going to

Lnnqumge t* f i f i Making decis ions and giv ing reasons for decis ions


5 Look at the Top Ten reasons why parents choosenames for their chi ldren. Listen again and matchthe six names in Exercise 4 with the correctreasons.

ffi d$eTop $ ff i reasons for naming baby...

I t sounds good.

I t 's a famous person's name.

I t came from a name book.

I t ' s a t rad i t iona l fami ly name.

I t creates a strong image.

I t reminds them o f a c lose f r iend .

I t ' s the name o f a parent o r g randparent .

I t has re l ig ious assoc ia t ions .

I t refers to the t ime of b i r th.

#mnmhulf i rV ff i nd speaking't

Complete the sentences using the words in

the box.

go with image associat ions makes reminds

sounds suggests sut ts

The name Elvis alwavs _-- me ot a rocK


Her name's Flora. That =-- a f lower to me.

She's cal led lndia, so i t - - me think of the

counTry.My name doesn' t my personal i ty at a l l .

I t means ' ca lm ' - and l 'm no t lI th ink a name l ike Augustus creates a very strong

6 His f i rst name's Jorge, so i t - - l ike he

cou ld be Span ish .I She 's a l i ve ly person and her name means ' fu l l o f

l i fe ' , so l t real ly --- her.B The name Lorna has al l k inds of happy

for me, because that was my grandmother 's name.

? In pairs, d iscuss the fol lowing quest ions.

1 Do you l i ke your name?2 Does i t go wi th your personal i tY?

3 Do you know why your parents gave you

tha t name?4 Do vou know what i t means?

Look at the pictures. They show ways in whichparents decide on names for their chi ldren. Think

of other ideas.

CSI Listen to parents talking about their

children's names. As you listen, write the speaker

next to the name(s) they chose.

N a m e l S p e a k e r i R e a s o n

DawnLolaKevinGeorgeStanley I STealrcer tMa t i l da


r 'Sr .Ylnnar focus

a Match the examples in the box with the rulesbelow.

We' l l fake the f i rst name we f ind.We're going to cal lour baby boy Stanley.I don't think I ' l l callher that.

- When we talk about decis ions made before themoment o f speak ing . Example _

2 When we talk about decis ions made af the momenrof speaking. Example _

3 When we make a decis ion notto do somethino.Example _

- EEI Listen and repeat the sentences.

] - r ^ f i ^ ^3 U L I T . U

C Underline the correct form of the verb.

Example: We've already made our decis ion: he' l l / he'sgoing to be cal led Bernie.

1 We decided last night that we'll / we're going tohave a party to celebrate Dave's new job.

2 A: Do you want to come to the new Bond movieton igh t?

B: l 'm not sure. I ' l l / I 'm going fo call you later.3 What did you decide - will you / are you going to

ca l l your dog Bones?4 A: Oh, no ! D id you hear tha t? The t ra in 's go ing to /

wi l lbe hal f an hour late.B: ln that case I ' l l / l 'm going fo take the bus.I haven' t made up my mind yet, but I th ink l ' l l / I 'mgoing fo call my boat Gypsy Oueen.A: Would you l i ke a d r ink?B: No, I don't think I wil l / l 'm going fo, thanks.

I had one ear l ier ,l 've made up my mind - the twins won' t / aren' tgoing fo have simi lar names.

I t

L re f t f i lK{ r l t l

I Look at the products below and think about thebest names for each one.

4 | Rainbow / Tasty / Tropical

First decide which name you l ike best and why.Choose one of the names suggested (or th ink ofother ideas).In groups, t ry to agree on the best names.Remember to give your reasons.





Klok / I lme-zone / Accurate

Spark le / Whi te Mag ic / F resh

A: Are you going tomarrv him then?

B: I 'm no t sure , Dad.l ' l l dec ide la te r .


Vncabu la ry

fi ra mrna r

LanguagH t * g ; r ;


Comparat ives and superlat ives

Comparing careers

Studylng? ls ltreal ly worth lt?

tff ireer pathsVocabulary andspea k i ng'l

vatctr the nouns and verbsto complete the spidergrams.

4 Read the article again. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

1 Young peop le w i l l ge t the i r exam resu l ts today .

2 Gavin alwavs wanted to teach history.3 Gav in los t h is job because he was the o ldes t lec tu rer .

4 Gav in th tnks re - t ra in ing is eas ie r fo r young peop le than i t i s fo r h im,

5 Car l d id we l l a t schoo l .6 Car l gave up the t ra in ing course because i t was d i f f i cu l t .7 Car l i s success f u l because he has worked haro .

B Car l th inks exams are necessarv .

t's that time of year again - the national exam results arecoming out today and young people all over the countryare deciding what to do next. Go to college? Get a job?

So, it's a good time to ask: 'How important is education if you

rvant to be successful in life?'

A iob for lite?A university education used to bethe safest path - a job for life. Isthis still true? Read Gavin's story.

'I always loved history butI didn't know what job I wanted.I worked hard at school, passed allmy exams and went to universityto study history. After continuingstudying and becoming auniversity lecturer, I thought I hada good job and a safe career.Unfortunately. the universityreduced the teaching staff. I wasthe most experienced lecturer, butalso the most expensive so I had toleave. I 'm 51 now. I want tore-train but it's harder for me thanit is for younger people.'

^ ^ t - ^ ^ l ^ i ^ l , - a rs c n o o t a l o 0 a L e s t a o e g r e eanexam al t ; t lXl f inrm'[ imrls col legeuniversi ty good grades

2 In pairs, d iscuss the fol lowingquest ions.

1 Do exam resul ts real ly showyour t rue ab i l i t y?

2 How important arequa l i f i ca t ions?

i : t*acling3 Read the article quickly to find

out what jobs Gavin and Carldo now.

1 0, r , /

3 ra m ma r focus5 Look at the examples and answer the questions.

A Re-training is harder for me thani t is for younger peopte.B Studying is more important than working.C He was the oldesf lecturer.D lt was the most boring thing I ever did.E I was the most experienced lecturer.

1 What are the rules for making comparat ive and super lat ive sentences?2 How do you pronounce thanin comparat ive sentences?3 How do you pronounce fhe and mosf (e.g. the most successful) in

super lat ive sentences ?

6 EEI Listen to the sentences and repeat them with the correctpronunciat ion.


7 Rewrite the sentences so thatthey have the same meaning.

Example : Gavrn was a moresuccess fu l s tudent than Car l .Carl was a Less sr"tocessfvlstwd,ewt thaw 1avLw.





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Get ta lk ing8 In groups, look at the

information about threedifferent people on page 84.Compare them using thesuggest ions in the box.

Carl had a worse educat ionthan Gav in .Gavin hadCambr idge Un ivers i ty i s o lderthan Yale Universi ty.Yale Universi ty _Carl 's career path was r iskierthan Gav in 's .Gavin 's career path _ .Gav in wasn ' t the cheapestl a n l t t r a r

Gavin wasCarl wasn' t the mostinterested student in hisschoo l .Car l wasToday's test was harder thanl ^ ^ + . . , ^ ^ l . t ^ + ^ ^ +I d J t V V U U K 5 L U S L .

Last week's test

happy sat isf ied f r iendst i red stressed r ichfree t ime benef i ts

Example: I thlwk Javwes Ls therlohest, bu* heTrobabLy hasthe Least free tLvwe.

A lesson in life?Carl's chosen route would appear to be the riskiest, but could itacrually be the most successful in the modern world?

'I was the worst pupil in my school and left at 16.I tried atraining course, but it was the most boring thing I ever did and Igave up after a week! I got a job in an electrical shop, andquickly learnt enough to become manager. Through hard work,I made my way to the top and now I'm Managing Director ofone of the biggest software companies in Europe. who needsexams? work is a much better way to learn than any courses!'






A: What 's the best th ing about yournew job?

B: Wel l , l ' ve go t a b igger desk and longerhol idays !



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Vmcnhu$nry Levels of di f f icul ty

ff irnnrrnnr Modal verbs for abil i ty

l"nngunge tn gn Descr ibing abi l i t ies and di f f icul t ies

a piece of cake.hard .manageab le .lmposs ib le .compl trouble.s imp le .straightforward.tough.poss ib le .



tenn isdr iv ingwri t ing


ealrngdrawingbeing ambidextrous


Un thn f f i thnr hnndVocabulary f f ind spff i f f ik ing

1 put the expressions into the correct column below.

I t w a s . . .I found i t . . .

Egl Now listen and repeat the expressions with

the correct pronunciation.

Look at the photos of people learning to do things.ln pairs, discuss the following questions.

How d id you fee l when you f i rs t . . .

. spoke Engl ish? . rode a bicycle?

. used the Internet? . learned to t ie your shoelaces?

3 How much do you know about being left-handed?In pairs, discuss the following questions. Thencheck the answers on page 84.

1 What does being ' lef t -handed' mean?2 What does being 'ambidextrous' mean?3 What percentage of people are left-handed?4 Do we inher i t lef t -handedness and r ight-


L is tmning4 ffi Listen to the first part of the conversation

between Mike and Joanna talking about beingleft-handed. Tick (/) the things they mention.




EEI The pictures above show four abitity teststhat Mike and Joanna did wi th their r ight hands.Listen to the rest of their conversation and writenotes about how they got on.

1 Throw a bal l

2 Write a message

3 Cut wi th scissors

4 Draw a face

3 r -ammar focus5 Look at the recording scr ipt on page 11g and f ind

examples of talking about abil ity and diff iculty.

Example: I vwawaged to throw the baLL OK.

- Complete the rules using the correct form ofcan, could, be able to or manage to.'

When we talk about abi l i ty in the present, we use

When we talk about permanent abi l i ty in the past,we useWhen we talk about something that was possibleon a speci f ic occasion, we use --- or

(but not could).When we talk about something that was NOTpossible on a speci f ic occasion, we use


ffi Complete the sentences using the correct form ofcan, could, be able to or manage fo. There may bemore than one answer.

Example : The homework was d i f f i cu l t bu t in the endI vwawaged to do it.


I wr i te unt i l I was eight.This grammar's too compl icated, Iunderstand i t .

3 Last year I speak Engl ish much betterthan I wr i te i t .

4 l t ' s embar rass ing , bu t I 'm 29 and I s t i l lr ide a b ike l

5 Even before he was seven, he -- k ick afootbal l br i l l iant ly wi th ei ther foot .

6 l 'm just to cook. I burn everything!I My sister fe l l into a r iver but for tunately she

swim to the bank.B Could you repeat that , p lease? | - - hear

what you said.

Get ta l lq inuI Do the abi l i ty tests that Mike and Joanna did.

1 In pairs, d iscuss how wel l you think you can do tnetes ts w i th your 'o ther ' hand.

2 Do the tests, then complete the table.3 In g roups , d iscuss your resu l ts .

You I Partner

1 Throw a bal l intoa waste bin

2 Wri te a message

3 Cut paper wi thS C I S S O T S

4 Draw a face




A: D id you manage tof ix the car?

B: Yes, i t was a pieceo f c a k e !

o r _ o r

Corporate spyingVocabulary and speaking1 took at the sentences and underline the correct


1 The security guard tp.p{-,t the night looking at I

,,spying on the CCTVmonrtors.Z"i tVtuilgjers I Thieves broke into the bank last night

and borrowed I stole f1 million.Police didn't have enough senfence I evidencetoarrest the suspect I prisoner.The director was accused I committed of usingcompany profits to buy jewellery for his wife.George told me he was thirty, when really he'sforty-five! He's so dishonest I illegal.

6 lf you really didn't take the money, you must deny Iadmit it straightaway.

Explain the difference in meaning between thepairs of words in italics in Exercise 1.

Do you think it is acceptable for employees to dothese things at work?

o take pens home. send personal e-mai ls. make personal phone cal ls. c la im too much on expense accounts

Read i ngLook at the photo in the newspaper article anddescribe what is happening.

1 What are the secur i ty guards doing?2 What are they looking for?

Read the article quickly and match the headingsbelow with the correct paragraphs.




Language to go


Adverbs of purpose

Describing reasons for actions

6 Read the article again and answer the questions.

1 What are v ideo cameras and taoe recorders usedfor at work?

2 Why do some companies put machines in theiremployees 'cars?

3 What do you think3 means?

movements ' in paragraph

@ @

oo vou take otfThey know where you are! #n*Jffit-T:t:i:H3-$

,,,,.',*1.^-#- *+--rFa ^ _.1*a-**"


@ Your computer can't hide. $-*r,,# *1^#e d' *@ffi",.fia@.FJMdsd

6-'onnmar focus

Complete the rules about the adverbs of purposein the table by writing verb, verb/-ing or subject +verb. Find examples in the text to help you.

rAdmit it! Sometimes you make a fewpersonal phone calls, you take home someoffice pens, you come back a bit late afterlunch. You always thought nobody noticed.Nobody could accuse you of stealing! Butnot any more! From now on, employers willbe taking advantage of new technology inorder to spy on staff. And that means you!

z )---F-

You may not see them, but tiny taperecorders and video cameras are probablyspying on you now. Security devices foru'atching and listening to everything thathappens at the workplace. And don't try tohide! They can even check if workers arereally where they say they are. Companiescan link cameras to offices in case workersare tempted to steal property. They caninstall machines in sales representatives' carsso as to check on their expense accounts.

l)***" ' u*"@

*O *nu,'s more, businesses are bringing inlT security companies to watch .Tplglggl,virrual movementr. Sofrrur"lil^talled sothat they can record the websites you visitand check the e-mails you send. They findout all your secrets. You have been warned!

Pract ice

8 Write complete sentences using the prompts anda sui table connect ing expression. There may bemore than one answer.

Example: l 'm gett ing a pr ivate detect ive / spy on mybovf r iendI'vw ge*Lwg a prLvate detectLve to spy ow wLAbogfrLewd.

1 He wants to buy one of those devices / recordinqphone conversat ions

2 She a lways car r ies a mob i le phone / there 's anemergencySome companies use tapes and video cameras /f ind evidence of d ishonest emoloveesSecur i ty cameras are used in shops / catchshopl i f tersI ' ve bought a new burg la r a la rm / anyone breaksInIO my nouseThey've got new window locks / noooorT can openthem from the outside

G et ra lk ing9 In pairs, have a meet ing about company secur i ty.

Student A: You are the director of a company.Turn to page 84 and read your informat ion.

Student B: You are a sales representat ive f rom asecunty company.Turn to page BG and read Vour informat ion.

and wr i t ingWrite an e-mai l to a col league who could notat tend the meet ing. Summarise the main pointsof the meet ing.

A: Why are you puttingin secur i tycameras?

B: So that I knowwhere I am.



1 0

Ways of expressing purpose

Why someone does someth inq . . .1 to + verb e.g. to watch erwpLogees'

vlvtr,taL Ywovevwewts2 in order to +3 so as (not) to +4 so that +

t i l

Because someth ing migh t happen5 in case +

What something is for6 f o r +


\,I r,r: u [l l I lm l:p

ili l 'runnrnn I

il.n rl r,l Hl,3 {j # tu t1 r:r

WorkPresent perfect simpleTalking about your experience

$k, ffiffiTru\rumf$-;''\,''4"\q" :;,.\ N t I $il-j $"v ilJ [l (:j {h $:}rr+# I'l ; i-rg

'i l ln pairs, name the office equipment in the picture.

Do you ever feel l ike th is person?

$ '

il r{stft} f'l { il"}{J

ffi Look at the photo and the job advertisement.In pairs, d iscuss these quest ions.

1 Do you th ink the app l ican t was success fu l?2 Why? / Why not?

ffi Now listen to the interview and checkyour ideas.

d$ Listen again and make notes about what work

experience Dan has and hasn't had.

'tr Match the verbs with the nouns to make \expressions about things to do with work.There may be more than one answer.


usesendwork inorganrseapply forgo forwritegeTrecerve

#,eader^"i".,uiredr v - 4 , - _ - i


a job

a reportan rntervtewa promo|onan eventa teama faxa computeran e-mai l

In pairs, say whlch you have done.

7-:rarnrnar focus5 Look at the examples in the box and

the sentences.

Fract ice

B Write dialogues with the correct form of thepresent perfect simple or past simple.

Example :

Y o u / u s e / c o m p u t e r ?ftaVe tJow ever wsed a oornryv*er?When l learn?Whew dld govt Learw?

1 You / organise / event?2 You / work in / team?

When I do?3 You / send I fax?4 You / apply for I job?

When / app ly?5 You / go for / promot ion?

Be / successful?


Have you ever worked in a team?Yes, I have.When did you do that?

1 The name of the tense in examole A is:2 The form of the tense is: r3 The name of the tense in examole B is:

Underline the correct alternatives.

1 We use the past simple / present perfect simpleto talk about our experiences. We need / don'tneed to say when the exper iences happened.

2 We use the past simple / present perfect simpleto ta lk about f in ished act ions in the past. We need /don't need to say when it happened.

Look at the recording script on page 119 and findother examples of the present perfect simple.

EEI Now listen and repeat the sentences.



\es, I have.ln 2000Iw 2OOO.

N oYesIn MarchNoYesLast yearYesYes

I In pairs, ask and answer the questions in Exercise8, giving answers which are true for you.

Get ta lk ing10 Roleplay an interview for the job advertised below.

1 In groups, prepare what you're going to say.Group A are going to be interviewers.Group B are going to be appl icants.

You have ...

. thought about a new job.

. had international experience.

. experienced past successes.

. been a team leader.

. run meet ings in Engl ish.

l f you th ink you 've done what i t takes . . .then we want to hear from you.

,-dft"+\"*',,"q+n,silnr*ffiw, m,,.*".****@*t'*ll

2 Do the interviews.

A: Have you ever used Engl ish for business?B: Yes, I have. l 've given presentat ions in Engl ish.





VocabularyFunct ion

Language to go

Topics of conversationManaging a conversationWhat to say in social situations

Nice to meet youVocabul ary and speaking

Look at the topics in the box. In pairs, discuss thefollowing question.

What topics of conversation do you think are appropriatewhen you meet someone for the first t ime?

the football results your love l ife his / her salaryyour bad health last night's TV programmesthe weather his / her good taste in clotheshow much his / her haircut cost a death in the family

L isten ing2 Look at the photo. In pairs, discuss the following


1 Which of the people know each other?2 Which of the people are meeting for the first t ime?

EEI Listen to the first part of the conversationbetween Susie, Barry and Tom. Check youranswers to Exercise 2.

EEI Listen to the complete conversation. Are thestatements true [I) or false (F)?

1 Barry is American.2 Tom prefers British weather.3 Barry l ikes Susie's new suit.4 Susie is taking a course at col lege.5 Susie's mother l ikes Susie to be on t ime.6 Barry would like to meet Susie again soon.

Language focus5 Look at the recording script on page 119 and find

examples to complete the table.

Functions I Examples

1 opening a conversation2 congratulating I fhatt bnLLLawt! WeQ

dowe.3 introducing4 compl iment ing5 'mak ing conversa t ion '6 crit icising7 closing a conversation



Put the words in the correct order to makesentences.

Example: to Hi , you again. see lovelytli, LoveLt4 to see govc agaLw.

1 real ly the your I love of hair . colour2 most at party! the beaut i fu l the You're

woman3 me phoned for You ages! haven' t4 on bir th of the baby! Congratulat ions your5 to you my Can wife? | introduce6 morning? news you the hear th is Did7 are you at How moment? gett ing the on8 send Please to fami ly. my your love9 resul ts are done! Wel l exam fantast ic! Your

10 a i t? l t 's day, lovely isn ' t

EEI Listen to the sentences and check youranswers to Exercise 6. Repeat the sentences withthe correct pronunciation.

Get ra lk ing .8 Choose three of the functions in Exercise 5 and

make up a short conversation for two or threepeople.

1 In groups, pract ise the conversat ion aloud.Remember to th ink about the intonat ion.

2 Try repeating the conversation without your notes.

. . . and wr i t ing9 Write a similar conversation for three peopte using

three different functions from Exercise 5.


j"i ,',',,ffim';


A: Can I introduce you? Barry, th is is Tom . . ,Tom, this is Barry.

B: Pleased to meet you, Tom.C: Nice to meet you too, Barry.




f i rammar"

Language ta go

Travel items

First conditional

Making suggest ions to v is i tors to your area


Group A read the text below. Group B turn to page 84 and read thesecond part of the text.

1 Match each paragraph with the correct quest ion f rom Exercise 3.2 Check the answers to your quest ions.3 Discuss your answers wi th a partner f rom the other group.



When is the best t ime to go?What outdoor act iv i t ies arethere?What wi ld l i fe can you see?What's the best way to travel?What heal th r isks are there?What art and cul ture is there?




Au t r f i l laVocabulfir"y findspem k i ng

1 trrtatctr a word from the columnon the left with one from thecolumn on the r ight to makecompound nouns. Then labelthe i tems.

waler I c ream

sleeping I bootsf irst-aid I beltmoney I bagmosquito I bookguide I c lothessun I bot t lewa lk ing I repe l len train I k i t

In pairs, d iscuss the fol lowingquest ions.

Which of the th ings f romExercise 1 would you takeu t t o . . .

. two-week beach hol iday?o t r ip to the mounta ins?. hol iday to the middle of

Austral ia?. weekend vis i t to London?

f f iead ing3 Look at the photo opposite and

discuss these quest ions aboutthe Australian outback.


7 Match the phrases to make first conditionalsentences. Use if , if not or unless. There may bemore than one answer.

Example. t - -e\out r*aAgov+ get v+p earLg.

1 see fantast ic sunr ises

2 need to wear walk ing3 take a water bottle

4 not need rain c lothes5 want to do canoeing6 need to use sun cream7 book in advanceB have so much to carry

see fawtastLo svcwrLses Lf

a l


not get a ticket forthe f l igh tstravel l ightf ind tour compan iesoffering adventuresportsstay heal thyget up ear lyvis i t the mountainsget sunburngo in the dryseason

G rammar fronus5 Example A is the first conditional. Find other

examples in the texts then complete the rules below.

A /f you go in July and August, it won't be too hot.B Unlessyou like extremely hot weather, avoid


We usual ly use i f + a verb in the _ tensein one clause, and a modal verb in the other c lause.We use modal verbs l ike or

lf can sometimes be replaced with unless. Doesunless mean if or if not?What form is the verb avoid in Example B?

Get ta lk ingI Think about your country, a region of your country

or somewhere else that you know.

Use the quest ions in Exercise 3 to help you makenotes about your chosen place.Work in oairs.Student A is a t ravel agent giv ing suggest ions andinformat ion.Student B is a v is i tor asking quest ions.Then change ro les .

an w i l t tn$

Write a short article for a travel magazinedescribing the place you talked about inExercise 8.

d)a l

f)g )

h )

6 EEI Listen and repeat the sentences.

A: When's the best t imeto go?

B: l f you go in winter,you' l l avoid the crowds.



Take it easy

Write the expressions with take next to the correctdefinit ions in the box.

Expression with take Definition

1 takepaftLw participate in an activity

2 . . . . . . agree to do someth ing

3 . . . . . r e l a x

4 . . . . . beg in someth ing new

5 . . . . . , . . . have a ho l iday f rom work

6 . . . . , stoo and have a rest

L is ten ing a nd spea k ing2 Look at the photo of Astra and lan.

1 In pairs, descr ibe what is happening.2 lmagine what they are saying to each other.

3 EEI Listen to Astra and lan's conversation andanswer the following questions.

1 What reason does lan give for not goingto the gym?

2 What is Astra's reaction?3 What is lan's real reason?

Expressions with fakeVerb constructions for l ikes and dislikesDiscussing sport


GrammarLanguage to go


Grammar focus4 a) Look at the examples in the box and match the

words in italics with the correct definit ion below.

A I can't stand watching football.B You can play tennis tomorrow.C I don' t want to go running tonight.D l 'm keen on aerobics.

1 noun (or noun phrase)2 the -ing form3 inf in i t ive wi th fo4 inf in i t ive wi thout fo

b) Look back at Exercise 1 and the recordingscript for Exercise 3 on page 119 and find otherways of expressing l ikes and dislikes.

Expressing l ikesBat I thou-ght govt LLked goLwg?

Expressing dis l ikesI oAw't stawd stvtdgLwg

Not ice what comes af ter each exoression. ls i t an- ingform, inf in i t ive or noun (or noun phrase)?


5 Write sentences using the prompts. Make anynecessary changes.

Example: I real ly I can't stand I go lrunning.I reaLLy oaw't stawd goLwg rvtwwlwg.

| / s ick of / be unf i t / so | / take up aerobics.We enjoy / take / exercise / but we I l ike ltake iteasy / at other t 's quiet / 6.00 I so I | / not mind / get up early Igo runntng .

4 You / keen on / get f it?5 After/ I / done / two hours ' exercise I I I need I

take / break.6 They / love / watch / basebal l on te levis ion.

6 EEI Listen to the sentences and check youranswers to Exercise 5. Repeat the sentences withthe correct pronunciation.

Get talking7 Compare opinions about sport.





Think about the fo l lowing quest ions.Which sports were you most / least keen on whenyou were younger?Which sports are you most / least keen on now?Do you prefer team sports or indiv idual sports?Have you taken up a new hobby or sport recently?Do you think some people take sport too ser iously?

In groups, discuss your answers.

A: Do you l ike taking part in team games?B: No, I don' t . I can' t stand sport !






i ' ; . " "

' - ; * 'm i i t " ' i


Have they given up?

Vncnhulary Determinat ion{]rnnrnrar Used fo and would

Language tn go Comparing past and present habi ts

ffim rrninatironVmnnhurlffi ry mrtd sWffiffi king'.1

ln pairs, look at the picture and discuss thefol lowing quest ions.

1 Where is th is man?2 What i s he do ing?3 How do you think he feels about smoking, cof fee

and the Internet?

t Complete the text below with the words in the box.Were your predictions in Exercise 1 correct?

gave up addict addict ion wi l lpower qui t

determinat ion addicted cut down dependent

'My job is qui te stressful , and you need a lot ofdetervwLwatLow to succeed. I often work late hours,and the coffee and cigaret tes help to keep me awake.I know I should ' - smoking but l 've got veryl i t t le 'z . l ' - - three years ago, buta week later I started again. l 'm probably a bi t

on c igaret tes, and that worr ies me. I th inkl ' v e g o t a b i t o f a c o f f e e u - t o o , l d r i n k i t a l lthe t ime. I love the taste though, so I don' t even wantto 6 on tha t . The on ly o ther th ing l 'm' lo i s the ln te rne t . l t fasc ina tes me. l 'm ar e a l W e b '

f r In pairs, d iscuss the fol lowing quest ions.

1 Are addict ions always a bad thing?2 What th ings can be addict ive?

|--rstml-][il]i l

4 HGil Listen to four people talking about theiraddictions and habits. Complete the table.


11Grammar focus5 L@k at the recording script on page 119 and

conrplete the example sentences. Then answer theqrestions.

A I l i ve a lone.B I didn't do much sport.C l ' have some chocolate before meals.D Did you - to smoke?

fn example C, is l 'd a contraction of I had orI woulilAre the examples in the box talking about arepeated action in the past, or a past state?Complete the chart below. I rck (/) if i t is possible touse used fo and would. and cross (X) if it's notpossible.

used to I would

Singlepastact ion I X I XRepeated past actionPast state


6 a) Rewrite the sentences so that they have thesame meaning. Use the correct form of used foand the verbs in brackets.

Example: This t ime last year he smoked three packetsa day. Now he doesn' t smoke at a l l .(smoke) Fle v+sed to svwoke three paokets a day.

1 At school I hated soort. Now l 'm addicted to it.(hate)

He went to l ta ly every year when he was a chi ld.(go)

3 She never goes ski ing now. Did she go ski ing a lotbefore?(go sk i ing?)He didn' t l ike computers. Now he's always on theNet.(not l ike)She doesn' t b i te her nai ls now. Did she bi te themas a ch i ld?(bi te?)

I walked our dog every afternoon when I wasyounger.(walk)

b) In which sentences could you also use would?


7 Efl Listen and repeat the sentences with thecorrect pronunciation of used to.

Get ta lk ing8 Discuss past habits.

1 Wri te a sentence to descr ibe a 'naughty ' or funnything you used to do when you were younger.Giv'e it to your teacher.

Example: I u-sed to kwoolrc owTe,rpLe's doovs thewYww AwAa.

2 You wi l l receive informat ion about another student.Ask quest ions to f ind out who i t is .

Example: DLd t4or.t useto ... ?



A: Would you l ike a chocolate?B: No, thanks. I used t0 eat them,

but not now!



Language to go

Money and banks

Verbs with two objects

Talking about money

Money mattersVocabul ary and speaking1 ln pairs, look at the photos showing different ways of

banking and discuss these quest ions.

Do you use a bank? Why / Why not?What do vou use i t for?Which of these methods of banking do you prefer? Why?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of eachmethod?

2 Explain the differences in meaning betweenthe pairs of expressions in the box below.

borrow money / lend money

Example: \ov+ borrow vwowey frorw a bawk (or' t < J

sov'vreowe), awd the bawk (or sowveowe) Lewds r't

to t4or't.

1 invest money / save money2 a bank account / a bank statement3 a current account / a savings account4 deposi t money / wi thdraw money5 receive interest I pay interest6 be in the black / be in the red



3 Look at the bank statement and answer thequest ions.

1 What k ind of account is i t?2 How much money dld the customer deposi t?3 How much money did the customer wi thdraw?4 Did the customer pay or receive interest?5 ls the cus tomer in the b lack or in the red?

Statement of account


24 Aug

29 Aug

06 Sep

1 5 S e p

2 1 S e p

2 2 S e p

Balance brought forward

b t u e b r r 0 u a T e

Cheque 100476

Sou the rn E lec t r i c i t y

Net interest to 20 Sep

Balance carr ied forward

Paid out Paid in Balance

2 , 3 t 2 . 7 8

1 7 . 5 0 2 , 2 9 5 . 2 8

1 5 0 . 0 0 2 t 4 4 5 . 2 8

43 .50 2 ,401 .78

14 .52 2 ,416 .30

2 , 4 r 6 . 3 0

Current account number: 810339L7

12t '- e a 0 t n g

i Read the text and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false'(F).

1 You can check your bank statement at any t ime.2 You can' t use your mobi le phone to contact the bank. 4

f l : . , l E:':i Fclrvird StoD R4!-reFh llo{na : AutoFill Prinl F'bil

I t r t tpr//uulul. fcbrl ,co.uklhome/ x*pery @rrpe,. @troor" @reercstagort @rppr"sto." @HbrorofrM.cTopie @mSr @orrnrotm*intoct @r,t** SHkromftVrbSttrs Sl'FNlvrbsit+s

Weffiwruffi?e to

First-Class Bankers Direct

Grammar focus5 Look at the examples in the box and answer

the following questions.


We offer you a first-class service.We can lend money to you.

1 How many objects does each verb have?2 What is the direct object in each sentence?3 What is the indirect object?4 Does fo go with a direct or indirect object?5 Does to + object go before or after the direct object?

6 Find seven more similar verbs + objects in the textin Exercise 4.

Pract ice

7 Find the mistake in each of the sentences andcorrect it.

Example: They wi l l pay+o-you interest . X

1 We more choice promise you.2 Would you l ike to te l l anything?3 A fantast ic bir thday present he gave me.4 I can lend you the money to you.5 When wi l l you send to me the products?6 You don' t owe any money me.7 We wi l l del iver your shopping direct your home.

You can borrow money from this bank.You can get advice about shopping onl lne.

O Tired of your bank reminding you that you owe themmoney when you're in the red?

O Stall waiting for your bank to send you a statement?

O Bored with spending your lunch break in a queue?

Here at First-Class Bankers Direct, we can tel l you your accountdetails 24 hours a day, seven days a week.. We can del iver onl ine banking to you through your telephone,

computer or mobile ohone.We can lend money to you at the best rates of interest.

We can give advice to you on buying and sel l ing shares onl ine.

We br ing you f inancia l support and secur i ty .

We offer vou a first-class service.

Remember: FIRST-GI-ASS BANKERS DIRECT promises youfitstdass banking direst to your home

Get ta lk ingB Congratulations! Your group has won first prize in

the lottery and has to decide what to do with themoney.

First decide what you would do. These ideas mayhe lp you.o Buy presents for your f r iends (Who? What

presents?)o Keep some for yoursel f (How much? lnvest i t?). Lend some to a f r iend to start a business

(How much? Receive interest?). G ive some to your faml ly (How much?). Give some to a charity (What charity?

How much?)

In groups, ta lk about and compare your decis ions.



A : Can you l end me f l 0?

B: Sorry , I never lend money to f r iends!


Vocabulary Phrasal verbs about tour ism

Grammar Present simple and continuous for future

Language to go Descr ibing plans for a t r ip

The r iverVocabulary and speaking1 Match the verbs in itatics with the correct definitions.

Phrasalverbs I Definit ions

1 They set off a16,30 in the morning. I a) to continue2The car broke down, so I phoned the mechanic. I b) to give (someone) temporary accommodation3 The tour went on for two hours, I c) to stop working (a machine)4 We were tired of walking, so we carried on by bus. I d) to begin a journey

5 We'll start off in the High Street. | ") to finish part of a journey (by bus, train, boat etc.)

6 My friends put me upfor two nights I f) to begin a journey at a pafticular place

7 Get off the bus at the big supermarket. You can't missit. I g) to last (t ime something takes)

2 tn pairs, take turns to describe a journey you'vemade (e.9. on holiday, to work / school, to afriend's house). Use some of the phrasal verbs inExercise 1.

L istening3 Look at the map of the River Thames in London.

In pairs, discuss the following questions.

1 Which places do you know?2 Have you been to London?

lf not, would you like to go?3 lf yes, did you visit any of the places on the map?

EEI Eisten to the conversation between a touristand a travel agent.

I rck ( / ) the places they ment ion on the map.

Listen again and answer the questions.

1 What time does the tour start?2 What time do they arrive at the hotel?3 What is the tour ist doing on the f i rst evening?4 What is the tour ist doing on the second evening?



Grammar focus6 a) Look at the examples in the box opposite and

say what tense is used for each.

b) Underline the correct alternatives and giveexamples to complete the rules.

1 We use the present simple / present continuouswhen we talk about it ineraries, t imetables orprogrammes. \^

Example sentences: - and

A The tour starfs at 7.30 tomorrow.B l 'm meet ing a f r iend for dinner that evening,C What time does the boat set off ?D l 'm going to the theatre tonight.

We use the present simple / presentcontinuous when we talk about morepersonal arrangements.

Example sentences'. - and

Houua rt7a"k

drF 0 oLt


7 Complete the sentences using the correct form ofthe present simple or present continuous.

Example: What time dos the fvLrw stavt?itf'. titt /start)?

1 | - ( f in ish) work at 4 o 'c lock on Fr idays.2 | - (meet) Daniel at the stat ion at 10.30.3 What (you / do) this evening?4 The museum tour - (start) at 11 a.m,5 The school term - (f inish) on 22nd July.6 Mick - (come) to see us tomorrow'7 When (your col lege course / begin)?




Get talkingI ln groups, choose one of the following ideas for a

day trip.+

o A boat trip on a river o A walking tour around a city

1 Plan your t r ip, Think about: '

a) The i t inerary: the places the tour v is i ts, how longthe tr ip goes on, the start and f in ish t imes etc.

b) Personal arrangements: th ings that people in yourgroup are doing which are not included in theitinerary.

2 Tell the class about your it inerary and personalarrangements. Decide on the most interesting trip.

A: What time does it start?B: lt starts at 9.00, but we're meeting at 8.30. Don't be latel






Uses of get

Ta lk ing about re la t ionshrps

Look at these words about weddings and exp la in

the d i f ference between the pa i rs o f words.

1 b r i de / b r i desma td

2 g room / bes t man

3 f i a n c 6 / f r a n c e e

4 re l i g i ous ce remony i c i v t l ce remor - r y

5 recep t i on / honeymoon

ln pa i rs , d iscuss these quest ions.

1 How d id you r pa ren t s mee t?

2 How l ong d id you r pa ren t s know each o lhe r oe io re

they go t mar r i ed?

3 How o ld we re t hey when they go t mar r i ed?

4 W h a t d o y o u t h i n k a b o u t w e d d i n g s i

a) Car la and Greg (above) had a very unusual

weddinE. These th ings were a l l connected to i t in

some way.

r . 'i a radio station ryry ?Iftjl

What do you th ink the ccnnect ion is?

b) Work in groups. Group A: Turn to page 84.

Group B: Turn to page 87.

Read your tex t and answer your ques t tons .

Talk to students f rom the other group. Tel l them

the informat ion f rom your text .


1 4


ccabu lary focusMatch the expressions in italics with the correct definit ions.


1 Carla and Greg got marr ied as a pr ize.2 They didn' t get to know each other f i rst .3 She gefs on my nerves.4 They didn't get engaged first.5 Car la 's mother got upset at the wedding.6 He'd l ike to get back together with Sue.7 They don't know if they'l l get on with each other.8 Greg got divorced from his first wife last year.9 She hasn' t got overher old boyfr iend.

Divide the expressions with gef in Exercise 5 intothree groups.

G e t ta lk ing

In groups, discuss the fol lowing quest ions.

1 Were Carla and Greg happy together?WhY / WhY not?

2 Forty per cent of marr iages in the UK end indivorce. Whv?

3 Arranged marr iages never work. Do you agree?4 What makes a good marr iage?

and wr i t ingWrite a letter to a friend tell ing them Carla andGreg's story, or news about a friend's relationship.

get + adjeetive

get vwarrLed

get as a fixedexpressr0n

get to kwow

gef as aphrasa l verb

) ra ct ice

I Complete the sentences with an expression withget. Remember to use the correct form of theverb.

Example: Amanda and Mick qot vwavrLed,laslsummer. She looked beaut i fu l in her whi te dress.

1 After we split up, it took me two years _ it.2 He bi tes his nai ls al l the t ime. l t 's so rrr i tat ing - he

real ly3 l t 's important for people to _ each other

before they decide to get marr ied.4 Sometimes people and have a party a

year or so before they get marr ied.5 l t 's very sad - a high percentage of couples

She - when she saw her bovfr iend withsomeone else.My f i rst wi fe and I _ each other now -

we are good fr iends.My boyfr iend and I spl i t up in June - but we talkedabout th ings and now we are OK - in fact , we



Def in i t ions

a) make someone annoyedb) become sad and angryc) end a marr iage of f ic ia l lyd) become husband and w i fee) become partners againf) return to your usual state of happinessg) agree to get marr iedh) f ind out about each otheri ) have a f r iendly relat lonship wi th (someone)

A: Why did they get divorced?B: They just d idn' t get on with each other.

three weeks ago.


Vn*n hu lnry

ff irammllr

l -nnguaEe tn En

Vocabulary and speakinga) Look at the spidergram. lt shows how thewaste can go with these nouns.

Waste, use, spend, saye + noun

Modal verbs for giving advice

Giving advice


eLeotrLoLtg / ewergy


sTaoe resowYces

b) Make spidergrams for the verbs use, spend andsave. Use the same nouns.

Which verb + noun combinat ions arc not typical?

In pairs, look at the picture of the office. Make asmany sentences as possible using verb + nouncombinat ions f rom Exercise 1.

Example: furA ave wastLwg eLeotrvoLtg beoavtseaLL the Llghts AYe ow.

In pairs, discuss the following sentences andunderline your answers.

1 l f you want to feel less t i red, then you should s leepmore / less.l f you want to be more ef fect ive in business, youshould use technology more / less.To be more successful at work, work longer /shorter hours.You ought to eat more / less if you want to beheal th ier.






Listening4 Read this text.

1 Where does it come from?2 What do you think

Laura Evans wi l l sayabout each sentence inExercise 3?

Life as it ist$

This week's guest is Laura

Evans, one of the US's top imanagement consultants.,

She talks about the ideasl

behind her best-selling

book Zess is really more!



EEI Now listen to the radio programme andcheck your answers.

5 Listen again. Which advice do you agree with?Compare your ideas with a partner.

Grammar focus6 Look at these different ways of giving advice and

complete the rules below.

A We should work shorter hours.B You shouldn't forget that technology is for saving

energy, not wasting it.C Perhaps we could tryittoo?D You ought to try it.

1 In examples A, B and C, we use the modal verbsand

2 After these modal verbs, we use3 Example D is different because _ .


Look at the sentences giving advice about going tosleep at night. Find the mistake in each sentenceand correct it.

Example: You should tewear ear plugs. X

You could opening the window for more fresh air .Perhaps you ought go bed earlier.You don't should watch horror movies beforegoing to bed.Perhaps you must should do more exercise.You should ought read a book in bed.You should not to dr ink so much coffee.Couldn' t you to t ry dr inking warm mi lk?

B m Listen and repeat the sentences.

Ge t ta l k ing . .I Give advice to people who have got different kinds

of problems.

1 Find out your problems.Student A: Turn to page 84,Student B: Turn to page 86.Stude.nt C: Turn to page 87.

2 Work in groups. Share your problems and giveadvice on what to do.

. . . and w r i t i ng10 Cnoose one of the problems and write a short

letter to a friend giving him / her advice on thatproblem.

A: What should I do?B: You oughtto relax more.





Language to go

The five senses

Defining relative clauses

Def ining people, th ings, t ime and place

Looks good I

Vocabulary and speaking1 Wnlch of the senses in the box do you

associate with each photo? Why?

sight taste smel l touch hear ing

a) In pairs, decide which photo goes witheach sentence.

1 They taste delicious.2 lt sounds /ike the sea.3 l t looks real ly calm.4 lt feels very smooth.5 lt looks l ike a beautif ul evening.6 They smellvery sweet.7 lt sounds strange.

b) When do we use /ooks like and sounds like?

Reading3 In pairs, discuss this question.

How do you think smel ls l ike f resh bread,coconut or lemon can help businesses?

Read the advertisement opposite to see if you

were correct.

4 Read the advertisement again and answer thequestions.

1 Which part of our brains do smel ls go to?2 Which olaces use the smel l of f ru i t?3 Which two smel ls make people feel re laxed?4 How can smel ls helo of f ice workers?


Srnellsthat workIt takes two seconds for a smell to enter yournose and travel to a part of the brain whichcontrols nemory and emotions.You probably do not realise whatis making you hungry or suddenlyquite calm.Smells nice! Banks and hotels pumpfruit-fragrances into reception areas.Supermarkets use smells such as bread to make you want to buy.Travel agencies use coconut oil fragrances to persuade customersto travel to places where sunshine is the main afrraction,

Fragrances are calming A New York clinic that used thesmell of vanilla found that patients who attended regularlyreported a reduction in stress of 650/0. Airlines put lavender smellsin planes to calm people who are nervous.

Benefits for employees Japanese companiuse lemon smells to increase energy during theworking day and flower scents to improveconcentration before and after lunch.

Could smells help your business?lf this is the idea you've been waiting for, then

contact us today. Remember, this could be the daywhen your business experiences the sweet smell of success. Findout about smells that work!

Telephone us on Ol3l 496 OOOO


Grammar focus5 Gomplete these sentences from the advertisement

with the correct relative pronoun.

A ... a part of the brain _ controls memory.B ... travel to places sunshine is the main

attraction.C ... do not realise is making you hungry

or suddenly quite calm.D This is the idea (that) you've been waiting for.

The parts in italics are defining relative clauses.They tel l us which person or th ing the speaker means.Find four more examoles in the text .

Match the relative pronouns in the box with thecorrect functions. There may be more than oneanswer.

a) that b) when c) where d) which

e) who f) whose

1 to ta lk about places2 to ta lk about people3 to ta lk about t ime4 to ta lk about th ings5 to ta lk about people and their possessions

Look at example D in Exercise 5 and choose thecorrect alternative in the following rule.

We don't need to use a relative oronoun when we aretalking dbout the subject / the object of a sentence.


Combine two sentences to make one. Add arelative pronoun (if necessary) and make any otherchanges.

Example: There's that girl. She looks l ike your l i tt le sister.frtere's that glrLwho Looks LLke t1owy LL*Le sLster.


You made me happy. You said you loved me.Look at that guy. He is dr iv ing an old Chevrolet .That 's the woman. Her daughter plays the c lar inet .I loved the smell of the flowers. You sent them tome.I don' t l ike those nightclubs. They play techno there.I love the quiet of the night. l t 's very calm andpeaceful then.

I Did you l ike the CD? | lent i t to you.

Ge t ta l k ing9 How do you feel about each of the five senses?

1 Think of your favourite thing for each of the fivesenses. Can you also th ink of th ings you hate?

2 In groups, discuss your choices.












t d


Dis l i kes

A: I love the smel l of bread which isB: I prefer the taste!

st i l l warm.

i . l*r:r*i:Li l;rrV Lifestyle: word building{.: jr i : lnrn;*r Present perfect simple with

t-unEunfir* t* ur: Describing recent changes

yet, already, just

Read the article opposite about Feng Shui.

1 Where does Feng Shui come from?2 What does the art ic le say you should do every day?3 What does the art ic le say about colours?

Read the text again and find the adjectives that gowith the nouns in Exercise 1.

Example: haypLwess (wov+w) - haTp1 @dlectlve)

.s'n*'"*,' $fl**uruffiffiffiffiffi

i-i *r+ * i ;'"ri ii ' z t '

*1i Which of these things do you have in your l i fe atthe moment?

happiness good heal th calm success stressgood luck noise energy wealth

In pairs, d iscuss these quest ions about Exercise 1.

1 Which things would you l ike to have more / less of ?2 Decide on the three most important.3 What, i f anything, can we do to change things?




- i s ten ing5 EEI Listen to the radio

programme. Tick (/) the FengShui advice Graham has tried.

6 Listen again. Are thesestatements true (T) orfalse (F)?

1 He's recently started running.2 He bel ieves the f ish have

brought him good luck.3 He th inks Feng Shu i i s a

waste of t ime.4 He's already t id ied his


tred for seftlng up Feng Shui.

Feng Shui the answer?Shui is an ancient Chinese

for a healthy, happysuccessful lifestyle. Read

br some advice ...

Take up a sport or start going to thepark every day. Make sure you getsome fresh air during the day.Start your day with a glass of water,you'll feel more energetic.fuy a fish tank - fish are consideredlrcky, so you may even becomereafthy!Tdy your home and workplace everyday and put all your trash outside,Use plants to create a calmdnosphere at home or work.$op wearing grey clothes. Grey ismiher black nor white; it's a sign ofconfusion,Try to avoid stressful situations, likecrowded streets and noisy traffic,

ber: with Feng Shui, you don'tthe future, you change it.

Grarrrnar f i lcus7 Look at the recording script on pagc 120 and comptete the examples.

A I 've tried one or two of the ideas.B Have you bought any f ish _ ?C I 've bought mysel f a new black sui t .

Match already,lusf and yef with the following explanations.

1 something didn' t happen, but you expect i t to happen in the future:2 something happened very recent ly: _3 something happened sooner than expected: _4 - always comes before the verb.5 - a lways comes at the end of a c lause.6 _ is not used in positive sentences.7 _ is not used in negative sentences.


I Write sentences using the prompts. Make any necessary changes.

Example: Do you l ike the plants? Jane lbuy them. ( just)

D o g or.t LLke the p La r,r,ts a J a we h as j utst b ovtght thevw.

1 Kumiko works real ly hard. She / do her homework. (a l ready)2 | hope everything is OK. Michael / not phone me. (yet)

3 My neighbour I rearrange / h is l iv ing room. l t looks great! ( just)

4 A: Where are you going on hol iday?B: I don' t know - | / not decide. (yet)

Do you want to borrow this book about Feng Shui? | / f in ish i t . ( just)

A: ls Daniel st i l l here?B: No, he / go. (a l ready)

I work very fast . | / learn those Engl ish verbs. (a l ready)You know that f i lm about China? You / see i t? (yet)

Ge t ta lk ing i

10 In groups, talk about changes in your l ives.

Think about home, work, family, sport, hobbies, personal appearance.

1 What changes have you made recently?2 What changes do you want to make, but haven't started yet?



A: Have you moved in yet?B: Yes, Mother, we've just

arr ived. No, you can' tcome for dinner!



Funct ion

Language to go

Phrasal verbs: turn, switch,goInformal and polite requestsMaking and responding to requests

: l; lr lf !i ll l

How pol i te are you?Speaking and vocabulary

In pairs, describe the noises in and around theroom you are in.

EEI Listen to these noises and say what they are.How do you feel about them?

In pairs discuss these questions.

1 Are you a noisy person? lf so, when?2 How do you feel about other people's noise?

4 Gomplete the sentences with a word from the box.

off (x3) on (x2) down up over

1 | hate it when my alarm goes - in themornrng.

2 | want to l isten to that programme. Please turn theraoto

3 As soon as he gets home, he switchesthe ry and watches the evening news.

4 Please turn - all mobile phones in theaircraft.Can we turn - to Channel 4, please?I want to watch that l ta l ian f i lm.Please turn the radio - . I can't hear itvery well.Let's switch the TV and have dinner inpeace !

8 That music's too loud. Please turn it

Read ing5 Work in pairs. Do the quiz for each other, then

discuss your answers. Does your partner think youare polite? ls he / she right?

Language focus6 Look at the answers in the quiz.

1 Underline the different ways of making requests.2 When you ask Do you mind? or Would you mind?

the response No, means:OK, it's no problem. olIt's not OK, there is a problem.

tExcuse me rrrE fhft! sn a hr+Ihe pcron ncxt to you fs

platftrg loui rfiluslc" Whet do you sey?A 'Would you mind turning your music down,

please?'B 'Excuse me, but I can' t read my book with al l

that noise. 'G 'You're very rude, aren't you?'

I You're in chss.The studemt behind you isHcHng lnrrr chalr.UUhat do you say?A 'Can you stop that, I can't concentrate.'B 'Teacher! He's k icking my chair ! 'C 'Stop that now! '

E ffs the midde of the night Your neighbow'sdog is barking. You cannt sleep. Do SnDu ...A phone your ne ighbour and say 'Cou ld you s top

M i tzy bar l<ing, please?'B phone the po l i ce and say 'Would you come qu ick ly ,

there's a dangerous animal at Number 22! 'G o p e n t h e w i n d o w a n d s h o u t ' S H U T U P ! '

I Vou're having a rornantic dirmer in aresteruant. A rnen near you is shouting onhis mobile phone"ttllhat do you say?A 'Do you mind moving somewhere else?'B 'Waiter! Please tel l th is man to go outside. 'C ' l 'm sorry, but we're t ry ing to be romant ic here! '


187 Look at the requests and responses and say which is the

1 A'. Could you turn down your music?B: Yes, of course. Sorry.

2 A. Would you mind turning your music down, please?B: No, of course not.

EEI Now listen and repeat the requests and responses.

most formal / most informal.

3 A'. Turn the music down a bit.B : O K .

4 A: Do you mind i f I turn my music on?B : N o t a t a l l .

Use pol i te intonat ion.

Pract ice

8 Look at the pictures and write requests and responses for each situation.

Example: WovtLd gow vwlwd rwakLwg Less wolse,pLease?No, of oovtrse wot.

12/ r,


Ge t ta l k ing9 In pairs, prepare and practise short dialogues

making and responding to requests.

Student A: Turn to page 85.Student B: Turn to page 86.

A: Could you turn your music down?B: What did you say?A: Would you mind tu rn ing i t down?B: No. 0 f course no t .



h-rJ"? ' , "




GrammarLanguage to go

Adjectives describing loneliness and fearSecond conditional

Talking about hypothetical situations

Go ing a lone

A t the age of 24, Ellen MacArthur became the

A youngest and the smallest (she is only l57m)4 lcompetitor to take part in the Vend6e Globerace - the biggest challenge in sailing: 1(X) days alone.

Imagine how it would feel sailing single-handed, non-stopand unaided around the world. Not seeing another person forweeks on end, not knowing when a hurricane could hit yourboat and end your chances of finishing, or even surviving.

To sail the roughest seas alone you need greaf ability andstrength - Ellen has both. She remembers everything shereads and hears. 'You need so many different skills,' saysEllen. 'Alone at sea, you are a sailor, an electrician, anengineer and a cook. There is so much to do so that you neverfeel lonely. I wouldn't do it if I was scared of being alone.'

In order to avoid tiredness, Ellen trained to sleep for aslittle as twenty minutes at a time. 'Normal sleep isimpossible: I slept for about four hours a day. If you neededmore sleep, you could never finish the race.'

During her incredible voyage, she battled against (rcean

storms, not enough sleep and 23 much more experiencedcompetitors, who were mostly men. By the force of hercharacter Ellen eventually took second place and starteda legend.

Vocabulary and speaking1 Wtrat is the difference between the words in italics in each group?

a) When my girlfr iend is away, I feel very lonely and really miss her.b) | l ike l iving alone, because I can do whatever I want.

a) His mother is i l l and he's very worried about her.b) My children are scared of the dark, so we leave a l ight on at night.c) | couldn't sleep because I was so nervous about the interview.

In pairs,-discuss the following questions.

How do you feel about being , . .a lone? in the dark? on an aeroplane? in a very smal l space?

Reading3 Look at the photo and discuss

the following questions.

1 Where is th is woman?2 What is she doing?3 How do you think she is

feel ing?

4 Read the text to see if yourideas were correct.


G rammar focus6 Look at the examples of the second conditional in the box.

Then complete the rules below.

A I wouldn't do it i f I was afraid of being alone.B lf you needed more sleep, you could never finish the race,

I EEI Listen and repeat the sentences with the correct pronunciation.

Get talkingI lmagine being alone for 100 days in one of these situations:

. a single-handed yacht race co on a desert is land

In groups, discuss the fol lowing quest ions.

1 How would you feel?2 What five ' luxuries' would you take with you?

We use the second conditional to talk aboutu n I i kely / hypoth etical situations.a) We form the second conditional with /f +

likely or

I would ('d) +

Read the text again. Are thesentences true fl-) orfalse (F)?

1 Nobody can help the sai lorsdur ing the race.

2 El len is afraid of being alone.3 Dur ing the race, El len had

l i t t le s leep.4 El len was one of the most

experienced competitors inthe race.

5 She came second, so shewasn't very successful.

b) lf you are less certain, you can use might or could (instead of_ ) .


7 Rewrite these sentences using the second conditional.Make any necessary changes.

Example: l t 's too cold, I probably won' t go swimming.If Lt wasw't so ooLd, I'd go swLvwvwLwg.

1 | miss other people too much. I don't want to take part in the race.2 He doesn' t go out much. He doesn' t know many people.3 | want to phone him. I don' t know his number.4 John isn' t here. I want to ask him about the weekend.5 l 'm scared of smal l spaces. I want to use the l i f t .6 People don' t a lways understand me. I don' t speak Engl ish very wel l .



A: lf you went to a desert island,what would you take?

B: l 'd get very lonely, so I think I 'dtake a f r iend!

Vocabulary Food and cooking

Grammar Verb constructions with -rng / infinit ive

Language to go Talking about food and cooking

What 's in the fr i dge?Vocabulary and speaking

What is the difference between these words?

1 cook / chef / cooker2 f r idge l f rozen l f reezer3 meal / course / p late4 fast food / raw food / fresh food5 boil / roast / fry6 knife / fork / spoon7 vegetable / vegetarian / vegan

In pairs, discuss the following questions.

1 What did you eat for lunch yesterday?2 Where did you eat it?3 Who cooked it? Was it nice?4 What's in your fridge at the moment?

L is ten ing3 Look at the photos of two top chefs at home.

What do you think is in Takanor i 's f r idge?What do you think is in Gabriela 's f r idge?

4 EEI Listen to the chefs and check your answers.

5 Listen again. Are the sentences true [D orfalse (F)?

Takanori1 He manages to keep his f r idge t idy

and organ ised.2 He only keeps Japanese food

in h is f r idge .3 He spends t ime learn ing about

different food.4 He l i kes go ing ou t to Ch inese

restaurants wi th his f r iends.

Gabriela5 She manages to keep her f r idge t idy

and organised.6 She doesn' t keep any beer in her f r idge.7 She often cooks pasta for visitors.B She l ikes going out to l ta l ian restaurants

with her f r iends.




Grammar focus6 Look at the examples in the box. Then underline

the correct alternatives in the rules below.

A l've decided to visit some other countries.B I avoid cooking complicated dishes at home.

ln example A, decide is followed by the -ing form /the infinitive.ln example B, avoid is followed by the -ing form /the infinitive.

Look at the recording script on page 120 and findexamples with the verbs in the box.

plan afford waste time spend time give upkeep on avoid offer decide manage

ls each verb followed by an -ing form or an infinitive?


Complete the sentences using the correct form ofthe verbs in brackets.

Example: I 've got a new cook book, so l 'm planningto do (do) more cooking in future.

Have you decided _ (eat) at home or goout instead?She's lost weight because she's given up

(eat) so much chocolate.Even though we'd love to, we just can't afford

(eat) out every night.I don't waste time - (read) recipes, Iprefer my own ideas.She offered _ (do) the cooking as long as Id id the dishes.I 'm going to avoid (go) to that restaurantagain; the service was terrible.At the weekends, we spend time (shop)and - (cook) exotic meals.I 'm going to learn to cook. I can't keep on

(buy) ready-made meals.Did you manage ( f ind) that wine youwere looking for?



Se\\o\K\sgI tn groups, discuss the following questions about

the food you like cooking and eating.Try to usethe verbs from Exercise 7.

1 Who usual ly cooks in your house?2 What kind of food do you like cooking / eating?3 How often do you decide to go out for a meal?4 How much t ime do you spend cooking?5 Havg you ever offered to cook a meal for more

than ten people?6 ls there anything you try to (or have to) avoid

eating?7 What do you think about your national dishes?8 Do you like to try dishes from other countries?



A: Do you spend much t ime cooking?B: No, not cooking, just eating!




Language to go

AirportVocabulary and speaking1 Complete the sentences using the words in

the box.

tr ip f l ight journey travel tour cruise

1 The plane was very comfortable, and we had alovely

2 I 'm going on a short business to NewYork next week.My - to work is about 30 minutes.We had a very good guided _ round themuseum.Our car was stolen, so we had to by train.We went on a around the Greek is landslast year.

Match the words in the box with the labelled itemsin the picture.

a) cabin crew e) fl ight-information screensb) check-in desk f) hand luggagec) departure lounge g) passport controld) duty-free shops h) boarding card

In pairs, discuss the following questions.

1 Do you enjoy t ravel l ing by plane? Why/Why not?2 What problems sometimes happen at airports?3 What do you think would make air travel better?

Head ing4 Read the text quickly and answer this question.

Did the traveller have a positive or negative experiencein the airport?

5 Read the text again. Are the sentences true fI) orfalse (F)?

You land at a 'hub' to catch another plane.It is easy to go to the wrong gate.The man real ised he had forgotten his book whenhe got on the plane.When he went back, he couldn' t f ind the book.He got lost in the airport

Travel and airportsPast perfect simpleRecounting events in your l i fe






The HubA ometimes, you fly not to your destination,\but to a 'hub'. In other words, you fly to an9airport to catch a plane to fiy to anotherairport. You are in transit. You sit in a big roomwhere all the seats are facing in the samedirection, like the seats in a theatre. But there isno show. There is nothing.

You begin to feel ill. You do not know what time it is.In many airports, each terminal is the same as every otherterminal. The corridors are the same as each other. Butgate 36 may be hundreds of metres from gate 35, in anydirection; it's easy to make a mistake.

I was once at Zuich airport. The weather was bad andthe plane was delayed. I was drinking coffee at a bar andreading a book. Outside, the weather had got worse. Timepassed. When the flight was called, I picked up my bagsand moved towards the gate. I went down a corridor,down some steps, along a bit, down a bit. Then, just asI got to the gate, I realised I had left my book in the bar.

I tried to remember the route I had taken so I could doit in reverse. I was successful. The book was still there.Then I started running back. I ran down staircases, alongcorridors. I ran past a shop selling magazines. At somepoint, I knew that I had taken the wrong turn. At anotherpoint, I panicked. Fiaq .

" t - . . S r ' "

Adapted from The Observer newspaper

3,IP r a c t l c r

7 Complete the sentences using the correct form ofthe past perfect simple or the past simple.

Example: When I arived (arrive) at the airport, thefl ight had aLreadu h#. (already left).

1 We really (want) a swim but we- (not / pack) our swimsuits.

(decide) to see the movie because I

3 As soon as

(enjoy) the book so much.I saw Rita, | ( real ise) |(meet) her before.

(go) out wi th some fr iends.When she - (ask) to see my boardingcard, I real ised | _ ( lose) i t .I knew | _ (not / study) enough as soon as| _ (see) the exam quest ion.

l l

4 After Marek

B m Listen and check your answers. Repeat thesentences with the correct pronunciation.

#et tntk in i lS Tell a story about a personal experience.

1 Think of something interest ing / important thathappened to you. l t could be about t ravel , yourfami ly, your job or something else.

2 Decide on seven key words/events in the story.Wri te them in boxes in the order they happened.

3 In pairs, te l l the story of your exper ience. Start atnumber four ( in the past) . For th ings that happenedbefore then, use the past perfect s imple.

#nd wr" i t inq

1# write your story.

A: Did you ever see her again?B: No. When I arr ived, her f l ight had already lef t .



Grarfir-fiffir focus

6 Look at the example of the past perfect simple andthen complete the rules.

l real ised I had lef t the book in the bar.

left book now


We use the past perfect s imple to ta lk about anaction that happened before / after another actionin the oast.We form the past perfect simple with had +


cabu la ry

Grammarage to go

Fame and success

Passive constructions

Describing a process

A s ta r i s born . . .o r made?

Vocabul ary and speaking1 took at the photos of famous people. In pairs,

discuss the following questions.

Why are / were they famous?Would you l ike to meet them?

2 Read some opinions expressed about the stars. Doyou agree with them?

3 Look at the adjectives in ifalics in Exercise 2. Writedown the nouns which the adjectives come from.

Example: favwor,ts LadleotLveT - favwe LwowwT


Listening4 Read the radio programmes guide and think about

.the question in the first sentence. In pairs, discussyour answers.

EEEE A SW is born ,.. or mde?Are you born a star, do you become one or does someone make $i,you a star? Listen to the story of the Spice Girls and make up jyour own mind! Presented by Philip Graham. dF:ErtTffi Sportsnight f

/F !d

EEI Listen to the radio programme and find outthe presenter's answer to the question.

Listen again. Are these statements true f[)or false (F)?

1 A businessman created the Spice Gir ls in 1994.2 At f i rst , s ix Spice Gir ls were chosen.3 Their f i rst s ingle wasn' t a success.4 Ginger: Spice lef t the band to work for the

United Nat ions.5 One of the Spice Gir ls is marr ied to a footbal ler .





Grammar focus7 Look at the examples in the box then complete the

rules with acfive or passive.



Businessmen create pop groups.



Pop groups are created by businessmen.

In - construct ions, the subject is not theperson or th ing that does the act ion.In - construct ions, the subject is theperson or th ing that does the act ion.

construct ions are used:a) when we are ta lk ing about processes (e.9.

making someone into a star) .b) in more formal contexts.c) when the person or th ing ( the agent) is unknown

or not rmoortant.

8 Underline the correct alternative to show how thepassive is made.

be/have/doin the correct tense + the infinit ive/past participle of the main verb.


I Rewrite these sentences in the passive. ls theagent always needed?

Example: The director asked the actress to audi t ion forthe part of Cleopatra.fnte aotress wAs asked to awdltiow for the qav+ ofCLeupatra. lAgewt vtot vucded.T

1 The record company released the br i l l iant a lbumSk// last year.

2 A journalist from Time magazine interviewed thenew president.

3 The organisers always invite different celebrit ies topresent the f i lm awards.

4 They need two chi ldren for the W show, 'Fun

House ' .5 They announce the winning lonery numbers every

Saturday.6 The dance instructor teaches the singers how to

dance.7 Shops sold 10,000 t ickets for the concert in an hour.

Get ta lk ing10 In pairs, ask and answer questions to complete

information about the Will iams sisters.

Student A: Turn to page 85.Student B: Turn to page 87.



A: How did the audi t ion go?B: Real ly wel l , in fact I was chosen.A: Congratulations!



f fn i luage t* gm

Toys and games

Modal verbs to talk about future probabil i ty

Making predictions about the future

Thn future of #ysVncabulary and

t r

$p*f i Kl ng

1 Label the photos using

the words in the box.



a) board game b) computer game

c) jigsaw puzzle d) construction kit

e) cards fl skateboardg) dol ls

In pairs, discuss the followingquestions.

1 Which toys and games didyou play with when Youwere a ch i ld?

2 Which toYs and games

are poPular wi thadul ts?What about You?

3 What sort of toYsdo you thinkthere wi l l be inthe future?

I 'l - J A A n I f r ' 1 r ^ ' l

n u d u i l l u

Read the text quicklY to see

if your ideas in Exercise 2 were

simi lar .

Read the text again. Are these

sentences true (T) or false (F)?

Some toys wil l Protect children

from traffic dangers.Some toys maY smel l good.

Some toys wi l l teach us

new languages.Chi ldren may be able to

tell Ludic Robots whatto do.Footballs of the futuremight cause arguments.

In the future, togs ui l l g iue us

exci tement, entertainmentand uonderful learning

opportuni t ies. lUhat sort of

togs can ue exPect to see?

The Navigator Gamet will connect toa chi ld's bic-ycle. l t wi l l use technology to l inkchi ldren together and al low them to play

simple gat ies, such as hide-and-seek. Theradib s ignal wi l l a lso warn chi ldren of thedanger of nearbY cars.

Complete the rules.

1 When we th ink someth ing isfuture, we use

2 When we th ink the fu tu re i s

very probable in

less probable (bul

Look at the text again and complete the sentencesin the box.

a) Put the words in the correct order to makesentences.

Example : w i l l / computer / th ink / de f in i te ly i g raph ics /| / more / become / real ist icI thlrn k connlv&er grayhlcs wLLL d,efr.wLteLgb ec ovwe vwore reaLLstLc.

1 poss ib le / expec t / soon lw l l l l l / to connecr l i t Icomputers / to / Lego. / be / models


have / Skateboards / motors / soon / e lectr ic / couldava i lab le / Persona l / f l y ing / the year 20 jS / m igh t /b e / m a c h i n e s / b vpeople / computer I may / become / games /c h a r a c t e r s / F a m o u s / i nI I n I teddy bears / people I buy I wi l l lwi th /computers / them / doubt / ins idewi l l / mosl I I I before / phones / jong / chi ldren /h a v e / m o b i l e / t h i n k

7 don' t / books / people I readl | / much I longer Ip a p e r / t h i n k l w i l l l f o r

B in / Ch i ld ren / be / un f i t I Ihe I m igh t I very l fu tu re

b) Which sentences do you agree with?

What are your opinions about the future of theseth ings?

. toys and games

. cars and t ranspor tr mu l t i -med ia equ ipment. c lo thes

1 Th ink about your own op in ions .2 In g roups , d iscuss and compare your op in ions .

Choose one of the topics you talked about andwrite part of a catalogue describing some of theproducts that you predicted.

A: Do you th ink l i fe wr i l i le i bet ter in the fu ture?B : l don ' t know , bu t I dc i l i : i i f i i ' 1 i t e i anvworse .

t he

possible), we use , __ and

3 Al l the modal verbs are fo l lowed bv

To show that the predict ions are our opinions, we canuse the fo l low ing phrases .

Emotional Communicators@ will allow us to:ommunica te love to fami ly o r f r iends . l t may belone In many ways : sounds, p ic tu res , smel ls ,: r lour o r by touch. We wi l l rece ive these^ressages' on a necklace.

The Interaclive Globet wilt show us tots of^ 'o rmat ion such as d i f fe ren t t ime zones or= \amples o f the wor ld 's languages. When not in,se , the Globe cou ld be used as a n igh t l igh t .

Ludic Robots@ are small, electronic friends, ' . r ich respond to instruct ions. They can also be.= ,gh t to do s imp le tasks , so ch i ld ren may::come very fond of them.

Footballs of the future might contain video:: .neras.These cameras could show exact ly, ' , ̂e re the ba l l i s , so arguments about goa ls migh t: :oome a th ing o f the pas t .

> G R A M M A R R E F E R E N C E P A G E 1 1 3


A The Navigator Game @ connect lo ach i ld 's b icyc le

B l t be done In many waysC The Globe be used as a n igh t l igh t .D Footbal ls of the future contain v ideo


I th ink . . .I expec t . . .

fol lowed by a phrase with wrl l ,may, might or could.

I 'm sure . . .I don' t th ink . . .I doubt i f . . .

fo l lowed b y aphrase with

r y t F\ F


. , . . , .ok!.tr

' Vocabulary 1 Telephoning expressions

Vocabulary 2 Phrasal verbs about telephoning

Language to go Communicat ing by phone

I ' l l ca l l you


Speaking and vocabul ary'l

In pairs, discuss the following questions.

1 Have you got a mobile phone? lf so, when do youuse i t?


How many calls do you make per day / week?What do you usually say when you answer thephone?Do you ever have to use Engl ish on the phone?How does i t feel?How do you feel about leaving a message on ananswerphone?Do you ever make cal ls f rom a pay phone?Do you like texting people?

a) Look at these telephoning expressions andunderline the correct word(s) to complete thesentences.' l Can I give / leave a message, please?2 I am / This is Donna speaking.3 The l ine's occupied / busy at the moment.4 l 'm afraid / fr ightened Mr Barnes isn't here at the

moment.5 I l ike / I 'd l ike to speak to Jon Barnes, please.

6 l 'm / / f 's Georgia King speaking.1 Good morn ing , Barnes Johnson, fo r Sa les

push / press one.B I'm replying / returning his call.

b) Put the expressions in the order you might hearthem in a telephone conversation.




Lis ten ing3 EEI Listen to the first part of the phone conversation and check your

answers to Exercise 2b.

4 Eg Now listen to the whole conversation and answer the questions.

1 Who does Georgia speak to f i rst?2 What is the problem?

3 What is the solut ion to the oroblem?4 Who does Georgia speak to next?5 Who does Georgia speak to last?

Vocabulary focus5 Match the phrasal verbs (A-D) with the correct definit ions (1-a).

A cal l someone back 1 connect somebody by te lephoneB hang up 2 return a te lephone cal lC hold on 3 wai t (on the telephone)D put someone through 4 f in ish a te lephone conversat ion

Now look at the recording script on page 121 and find an examplesentence for each phrasal verb.

Underline the correct alternatives.

1 Can you ask him to call back me / call me back?2 Hold on / Hold you on a minute, please.3 I 'm going to hang up / hang you up now.4 l'll put through you / put you through to the off ice.


7 Correct the mistakes in thesentences below.

Example: l f you want recept ion,pusFone. X press

Give me Michae l , p lease.The l ine is occupied.l 'm extremely sorry that she'snot here at the moment.Please can you wait on thel i n e .l ' l l j us t pu t th rough you.Do you want me to te l l h imsomething?I am reply ing her ear l ierte leohone ca l l .Could you try to speak to heragain later?

9 l a m m e !

8 EEI Listen and check youranswers. Repeat the sentenceswith the correct pronunciation.

Get ta lk ingI In pairs, practise talking on the


Turn to page 85 for the situations.

1 Pract ise both the phone cal lsusing the prompts.

2 Change roles and pract isethem aga in .

3 Now work with a differentpartner. Practise the phonecal ls but wi thout the prompts.







A: Hel lo, th is is Mark Smith speaking.Can I speak to Katy Jones, please?

B: Yes, l ' l l just put you through.

Make and do

Modal verbs for necessi ty and obl igat ion

Descr ibing rules in the present



1l,*'tr.,:li l

.ii 'i

The rules of social or professional behaviour arecal led et iquette. In pairs, d iscuss the fol lowingquest ions.

1 What do you take when you're invi ted for d inner:f lowers, chocolates, a bott le of wine or somethinge lse?

2 What is appropr iate to ta lk about in a social s i tuat ionwith work col leagues: the weather, pol i t ics, yourfami ly o r someth ing e lseT

3 How s t r i c t i s the soc ia l and bus iness e t iquet te inyour country?

4 Descr ibe a t ime when you didn ' t do the r ight th ing.

Complete the sentences using do or make.

1 l t 's not important to a good impressionwhen you e-mai l at work.

2 l f you are unsure what to _ , then

vour e-mai l more formal.3 You should your best to wr i te long

messages.4 Use capi ta l let ters and exclamat ion marks when you

want to an rmporlant pornt .5 Every e-mai l address is di f ferent so sure

you check the address.

Now div ide the expressions into two columns. Canyou add any more to the l ist?

r , i ; r i I l l

In pairs, d iscuss the fol lowing quest ion.

What do you think Net iquette means?

Look again at the sentences in Exercise 2.Do you think they are true (T) or false (F)?

Read the text to see if your answers aboutNetiquette were correct.

@ Live ltome Pege @ *ppr" Sior+ @ Microsoft MacTopia








Want to do the right thingwhen you write?Netfqu ette tells you how to makea good impression.

The way you start shouldn't be too formal.

Don't use Mr or Ms - first names are usually

enough. However, if you are unsure what to

do, then make it more formal.

Your messages should be short.

You mustn't overuse punctuation. lf you want

to make a big point, then say it in the text, not

with lots of exclamation marks!!!!!

I i il.$t$il.Lr,$ie ic t$,{, i l1[H$$

@ lppte @ itoots

Expressions with do

do (r4ou"r) best

Expressions with make





mus tn ' t

nave to

don ' t have to

s h o u l d

s h o u l d n ' t

The verbs below are used to express obligationand necessity. Find one example from the text foreach of the verbs.

Example f rom text

I nnv+st vnake Lt yLalw awd


Match the explanat ions below with the verbs inExercise 5.

1 l t 's necessary ( l 'm tel l ing mysel f ) . vwutst2 l t ' s necessary (somebody e lse is te l l ing me) :

I t ' s no t a good i dea :I t 's not necessary.I t ' s p roh ib i t ed / f o rb idden :I t ' s a good i dea :

are great fun when writing to friends. Forexample, 'RUOK' means 'Are you OK?' and'CU LSER 2NITE' means 'See you latertonight ' .

Facial expressions and body gestures areimportant in conversations. So if you want toshow your emotions, use 'smilies' or'emoticons'. A winking face is ;-)

You mustn't send an e-mail all in capitalletters; lT'S LIKE SHOUTING tN SOMEONE'SEAR!

You have to use plain English. Tell yourself -' l must make it plain and simple'.

Complete the sentences with the most appropr iateverb. There may be more than one answer.

Example : When my computer c rashes , I have torestart t t .' l Next Monday rs a publ ic hol iday, so | _ go

to work.2 Footba l l p layers touch the ba l l w i th the i r

h a n d s .3 When you enter a country, you usual ly

show your passport .You don ' t phone your mother much. I th ink you

phone her more .I can' t type very fast - | real ly pract isemore .

6 You wear a t ie for the of f ice, but youcan i f you want .

7 Peop le use mob i le phones when theyare dr iv ing . l t ' s rea l l y dangerous .

In pairs, d iscuss the ' ru les ' of behaviour for thefol lowing si tuat ions.

A You ' re go ing ou t fo r d inner w i th your new boss .B You ' re meet ing your g i r l f r iend 's / boy f r iend 's paren ts

fo r the f i rs t t ime

T h i n k a b o u to what t ime to a r r i ve / leaveo good I bad conversat ion toprcso what to wear / not to wearr what to take / not to takeo what food / dr ink to have

Wri te an e-mai l to another pair of students te l l ingthem what to do / not to do for the situations youdiscussed in Exercise 8.

A: What 's the r ight th ing to do?B: You shoir l l t L i i : what vou feel comfortable wi th.


> G R A M M A R R E F E R E N C E P A G E 1 1 3


Vocabu la ry

GrammarLanguage to go

Expressions with frme

Ways to express contrasting ideas

Comparing attitudes

S ix and a ha l f hoursVocabulary and speaking1 Match the halves of sentences to make expressions with time.

1 H is journey to work takes . . .2 He is never la te because . . .3 He always arr ives at work on . . .4 He th inks commut ing is a waste . . .5 He always feels stressed by . . .6 He would l ike to spend . . .7 He ge ts a lo t o f . . .

a) the time he gets home.b) time off.c\ of time.dl a long time.e) more fime with his familv.fl time.g) the journey is carefully t imed.

Now think about your journey to work / school. Which of the sentencesabove are true for you?

Tadao Masuda lives in Japan and commutes to work by train. In pairs,read the sentences in Exercise 1a again. Do you think they aretrue (T) or false (F) for him?

t G0lnmutGr,- r.A,, have a difficult iourney *: *::T.'f*:,51

*ifi $$fiffIn:rl;Fi:l;-"rtsur';'";Consider T"d; M;suda who lives rn Japan' His iourn? to


takes three and a o:3":::::Ti1$k-PHffirakes three tt'' :r]il. -gets

up at 4.00 a.m' 5nback home aga$

Although r" n'i*' tt:;::;::t;;ffi:'fi HAlthough he Knows;;il;; to chance. He

minute, he leaves ttot,tl'l':-^,. ,. 5.L6 and

rJ;; at a'55' gets the train at

always arrives, "?"'itt- "rf]:t "1 time' 'He

finallY returns n"* ".-.1;il :?:55:'il:;, I finallv returns;"#;ii- "t,.t

all, he hastl tl. knows his

Read ing3 Read the text and check your

answers to Exercise 2.

4 Read the text again andanswer the questions.

1 How long does he spendtravel l ing each day?

2 How long is Tadao away fromhome each day?

3 How does he feel about thet ime on the train?

4 What special qual i t ies doesTadao have?

5 Do you think Tadao wi l l enjoyhis ret i rement? Why / Whynot?



^ L - - ' - -



Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets. Make any necessary changes.

Example: My journey is long. I enjoy i t . (a l though)ALthowgh vwg jowrweg Ls Lowg,I ewjog Lt.

1 | l ike work. I don' t l ike commuting. (al though)2 | don' t real ly l ike my job. I need the money. (however)3 She works hard al l week. She takes i t easy on Sundays. (al though)4 He is very busy. He manages to take some t ime of f . (despi te)5 | leave on t ime. l 'm always late. ( in spi te of)6 He doesn' t have an alarm clock. He always wakes up on t ime. (despi te not)7 Vocabulary is not easy to remember. lt is essential. (however)8 Engl ish verbs are easy. I have problems remembering the i r regular ones. ( in spi te of)I I want to learn Engl ish. I don' t do any homework. (despi te)

10 | enjoy my Engl ish lessons. I 'm of ten t i red. (a l though)

Grammar focus5 All the words in italics in the box are ways of expressing

contrasting ideas. Write one example from the text for eachof the words.

6 Look at the position of the commas in the sentences.How do they affect pronunciation?

Ell Now listen and repeat the sentences.

A You arrive at work tired. However, itcould be a lot worse.

B A l though. . .C Despi te. . .D Despite not...E ln spite of...

Ge t t a l k i ng . .8 Look again at the sentences in Exercise 7 and

tick (/) the ones that are true for you. lf they arenot true, think about what is and give examples.

ln pairs, d iscuss your answers and compare youra t t i tudes towards . . .. work / school o being on t ime . learning Engl ish

and wr i t ing9 Write a letter to your boss apologising for being

late for an important meeting and explaining yourreasons.



A: Are you usual ly on t ime?B: Al though I t ry to be on t ime,

I'm often late.

';-- ii,:*;*rl,

a bula ry

rammarge to go

Achievements and projects

Present perfect simple and continuousDiscussing personal achievements and projects



L isten ing3 EEI Listen to the radio

announcement about TrevorBaylis, a famous inventor, andanswer the following question.

Which of the three radios belowdid Trevor Baylis invent?

Vocabulary and speakingMatch the verbs with the correct nouns to makeexpressions to do with achievements.

In pairs, discuss the expression which you think isthe most important in people's l ives.

Gomplete the sentences with the words in the box.

train to be revise for develop working on

1 | hate - projects in groups, I prefer to work alone.2 | never _ exams, it 's a waste of t ime.3 I 'd l ike to a doctor or lawyer - they are the best jobs.4 The best way to - your speaking skil ls is to go to an

English-speaking country.

Are the statements true for you? In pairs, compare your answers.

Verbs I Nouns

1 win I a) an ambit ion2 pass I b) a certif icate3 receive I c) a race4 invent I d) an exam5 solve I e) a machine / device6 achieve I f ) a problem


4 Listen again and answer the following questiom.

1 What makes Trevor like a typical inventor?2 Why did he invent the wind-up radio?3 What else has he invented?4 What is he working on and developing at the moment?5 What time does the programme start?

Grammar ocus5 Look at the examples in the box, then complete the sentences.

A Trevor Baylis has invented a wind-up radio - it works very well.B He's been working on a power device which creates electricity.

exavv'"pLe A is the present perfect the present pertect continuous.focuses on the results of past achievements.focuses on past, recent or current activit ies.

When we form the present perfect siinple, we use have/has +

When we form the present perfect continuous, we use have/has +_ +


6 Underline the correct verb forms in the sentences.

Example: She's won I She's been winning three prizes for dancing.

1 | haven't revised / I haven't been revising for my exam tomorrow, andnow it 's too late,

2 Mick's received / Mick's been receiving a gold certificate for lifesaving.3 l've worked on / l've been working on my typing skills, but I still make

mistakes!4 They're exhausted because they've trained / they've been training for

next week's marathon.5 l've passed / I've been passing all my exams and now I'm going on holidayl6 At last, l've finished / l've been finishing working on that project.7 He's tried / He's been trying to get a new job but he hasn't had / he

hasn't been having a single interview so far.



7 EEI Listen to the sentencesand check your answers toExercise 6. Repeat thesentences with the correctpronunciation.

Get ta lk ingB Discuss your achievements and

current projects.

1 Write three sentences aboutthings you have achieved inyour l i fe.

Example: I'veTassed aLL vwt4EwgLLsh exams.

2 Write three sentences aboutthings you've been workingon / doing.

Example: I've beew havLwg

lvtdo Lessows.

3 In groups, compare anddiscuss your achievementsand projects.

and wri t ingI Write paft of the application

letter for one of the followingthings describing yourachievements and any projectsin progress.

. A job you would l ike to have.o A club you would l ike to jo in.





A: What have you been doing recently?B: I 've been revising for my exam.

Long walk to f reedom\

abula ryPrison

Prohibi t ion, obl igat ion and permission in the past

Discussing freedomFunct ionge to go

They only let me write one letter every six months. It was one of the facts of prison

life. In prison, the only thing worse than bad news about one's family is no news at

all. Mail was delivered once a month, and sometimes six months would go by

t without a letter. Often the authorities would keep mail out of spite. I can remember

I warders saying, 'Mandela, we have received a letter for you, but we cannot give it to

T yo.r.' No explanation of why, or who the letter was from.

t \Mhen letters did arrive, they were cherished. A letter was like the summer rain

,m. \(/hen I was handed a letter by the

rnd grab it as I felt like doing, but take it

rnd read it, I would not give the authorities

and I would return slowly to my cell as

: before opening a letter from my family.

Adapted f rom Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela

2 EEI Listen to an extract from Nelson Mandela'sbook Long Walk to Freedom and check youranswers.

Read ing3 In pairs, discuss the following question.

What rules do you think the pr ison at Robben ls landhad about wr i t ing and receiv ing let ters, and vis i ts?

Vocabul ary and speakingIn pairs, describe the photos. Then discuss thefollowing questions.

1 Why was Nelson Mandela arresteil2 Where was the prison? Was it strict?3 What were the cel/s l ike?4 What did the warders tell the prisoners to do?5 Did the pr isoners do anv exercise?


\ /{



4 a) Work in groups.

Group A: Read the text on page 58.Are the sentences true (T) or fa lse (F)?

1 Mandela received let ters regular ly.2 He could write letters as often as he wanted to.3 He'd open the let ters as soon as he received them.4 He didn' t want the pr ison of f icers to know how

much they meant to hrm.

Group B: Turn to page 85.Read your text and answer your questtons.

b) Tell a partner from the other group aboutthe rules.

Language focus5 Read the examples in the box showing past

obl igat ion, permission and prohibi t ion.



He had to break stones.They made him work in silence.They let him write a letter every six months.Ne was allowed to have visits of 30 minutes.

Rewri te examples A-D in the negat ive.

a) Complete the rules using the correct form of thewords in italics from Exercise 5.

1 l t was necessary (past obl igat ion)had to or wLade.

2 l t wasn' t necessary (no past obl igat ion)o r - - - .

3 l t was OK to do something (past permission)o r _ - - .

4 l t wasn' t OK to do something (past prohibi t ion)o r - - .

b) Complete the sentences.

1 Made and let are followed by _ rinfinitive.

2 Was / were allowed fo and had to are followed bv


7 Complete the sentences using the verbs inbrackets and the correct form of made, let, had toor allowed fo. There may be more than oneanswer.

Example: They vwade hLvw sta4in a very small cell.(stay)

- - (

1 Mandela 's pr ison warders only - . - for30 minutes a day. (exercise)

2 In the past, many pr isoners - chains.(wear)

3 Our fami ly was very relaxed about rules, and Ihome any t ime I wanted. (come)

4 My grandmother was very strict - sheat the dinner table at her house. ( ta lk)My parents gave me no choice. | - - myroom tidy. (keep)There was a 'no smoking' ru le at my school .The teachers and the studentsanywhere. (smoke)

7 Some warders were k ind. They when Iwas i l l . (work).

8 EEI Listen to the sentences and check youranswers to Exercise 7. Repeat the sentences withthe correct pronunciation.

Get ta lk ing9 Look at the words below and think about the times

in your l i fe when you had most or least freedom.

. fami ly l i fe

. university

. marnage

. a ho l iday

In groups, compare and discuss your ideas onfreedom.

A: What rules did you have atschoo l , Dad?

B: Wel l , the main one was weweren' t a l lowed to enjoyourselves.



o schoolo a j o b. mi l i tary service. a pol i t ical system


, i r i

i ; ' i i i

Do ing bus iness

First and second condit ionalsTa lk ing about l i ke ly and un l ike ly s i tuat ions

Complete the text with the verbs in the box in the correct tense.

of fer exchange make (x2) negot ia te do r t ,

' l wewt on an impor tan t bus iness t r ip fo r my company las t month .

My boss decided he wanted to ' _ business with a new Internetr . ^ r n n a n \ / q n | 2

t f I e v ' contact wi th their Market inq Manaqer.They were interested in ta lk ing to us too, and we 3 anappointment to meet the fo l lowing week. I was going to take a present forh i m , b u t t h e n I d e c i d e d n o t t o . H e m i g h t t h i n k I w a s ' h i m abr ibe , to persuade h im unfa i r l y . When we met , we shook hands and

bus iness cards . The meet ing was f r iend ly , and we managed

In pairs, d iscuss the fol lowingquest ions.

What k ind of meet ings do yougo to?What do you l i ke i d is l i keabout meet ings?'Meet ings are not work, theyare about work. 'Do you agree?Are there any ' ru les ' youshou ld fo l low in meet ings?



!sif8$w*f:!-r+i +-il!r{llF+.fftFtE+{ii{'4411'F f} tirrlr"i

t o 6 a dea l t ha t bo th compan ies we re happy w i t h . '

Reading and l i s ten ing3 In pairs, do the quiz about business customs around the world.


I Decide how likely eachsituation below is for you.

Example: A f r iend invi tes you fora coffee after the class. LLkeLgA fr iend invi tes you out to dinnerafter the class. hwLLkeLg

1 A fr iend asks you to give hisnephew a job.You decide to get a new jobthis year.You're an hour late for animportant business meet ing.You're st i l l in a meet ing twohours af ter your f in ishing t ime.

5 lt 's sunny tomorrow.6 A business partner offers you

a br ibe.Your boss asks you to move toanother country for your job.One of your employees makesa lot of pr ivate phone cal ls.

Now write sentences sayingwhat you will or would do ineach situation.

Example. If a frlewd Lwvltesrwe for a offiee aft,er the oLass,I'LL sag ges.

If a frLewd LwvLted vwe ovtt todlwwer aft,er the oLass, I'd besvtrprLsed,, butt I'd, sag yest

Get talking10 In groups, discuss your ideas

from Exercises 8 and 9.

What w i l l you do i f . . .?What wou ld vou do i f . . .?

Tty this quick quiz to test youlbusiness knorYledgB

1 lt's common to be offered coffee ormint tea in offices in the Middle East.


N T2 People rush business in the

Middle East. N T3 In a pub in the UK, you should always

buy some drinks for your group. t r r4 Business lunches in the US go on for

a long time, x n5 You should make sure you're not late

for a meeting in the US. T T6 Business people in the US wil l probably

use first names from the beginning. I T7 In the US, a business person will

probably think a present is a bribe. t r T8 In Thailand, a business person wil l

open a present immediately. u I

CEI Listen and check your answers to Exercise 3.

Listen again and correct the statements that are false.

Grammar focus6 Look at the examples in the box and complete the following rules.


Blf you have a business lunch, it ' // probably only /asf an hour./f you gave them a present, they would probably think it was a bribe.

1 Example A is the -- condi t ional l f +2 Example B is the _ condi t ional : l f +3 ln example A, the speaker thinks this is l ikely / unlikely to happen.4 ln example B, the speaker thinks this is l ikely / unlikely to happen.

Look at the recording script for Exercise 4 on page 122 and find otherexamples of the first and second conditional.



A: What would you do if someone offeredyou a br ibe?

B: l 'd ask what they wanted and see i f thebr ibe was enough!



Language to go

The weather

Reported statements

Reporting what you hear or read

Sunshine and showers3 In pairs, discuss the following questions.

1 What is the weather l ike today?2 What weather is typical of different parts of your

country?3 What type of weather do you prefer? Why?4 Has the weather ever ruined a special occasion

for you?5 Are there any sayings about the weather in your


L isten ing4 Match the pictures with the correct statement.


Vocabulary and speaking1 toot at the weather map and match the words in

the box with the symbols on the map.

a) cloud b) fog c) rain d) showers e) snowf) sunshine g) thunderstorms h) wind

Complete the following sentences using the words

in the box.

heavy (x2) thick (x2) severestrong br ight l ight

1 There was - ra in dur ing the night and

some roads were flooded.You won' t real ly need an umbrel la - there wi l l just

be showers.A tree was hi t by l ightning dur ingthunderstorms yesterday.I t isn ' t ra in ing today, but there's very -c loud.

5 snow wi l l fa l l tonight, especial ly in themounta ins .

6 There was a very - wind and several treeswere blown down.

7 l t was di f f icul t to see whi le I was dr iv ing because of

the - fog.I Dur ing the summer in Greece, there is --

sunshine every day.

My grandmother predictsthe weather using signs

from nature.

My fr iend has psychicpowers - he uses his

dreams to predictthe weather.

I usual ly bel ieve theweather reoorts on the

TV and radio.


l i tn" t nr td { }nsrd j . r . { i ru t . i t l

t{} r:t l.rhruttr: t ltt it.. u.,u}rtirclJ *n

* r k r t : f , * - , ' \ . / t

I t t t r t t r . t l t ) t t . t ' L t { t1 , * / * i , . I s \ .. , J t

p . r a t S I \ " l t , r l l . , L i t t t t r i r ' / * . ' -

t{.t .:j {j.t.}t. ' ' '**;" :!''

{*ttqtt ' itsn r* l;r: htlt i ut }lr, i}.11"{turi ! it,tr {,

a t t$ { - i r t r r } { r rs { 'n" t : { r t r l t { ' r ' i : r - r t ; t i t ; . ; t r . r ;


In pairs, discuss what you think the people in eachpicture in Exercise 4 wil l say about the weathertomorrow for Steve and Danuta's wedding. Writeyour ideas in column 1 below.

I Look at the recording script for Exercise 6 on page122 and find examples of reported speech.Then underline the correct alternatives below.

When changing from direct speech to reported speech:1 the tenses usually move one back / stay the same.2 the t ime expressions usual ly change / don,t


P ract ice'10

Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Makeany necessary changes.

Example : l t ' l l ra in fo r most o f the day . (She sa id . . . )She saLd Lt wowLd rALw for vwost of tVrat dou.

1 l f e e l s u r e a b o u t t h i s . ( S h e t o l d u s . . . )2 You' l l just have to have the party inside. (She told

t h e m . . . )3 D r e a m s c a n t e l l u s a l o t . ( H e s a i d . . . )4 l ' ve been dreaming about b lue . (He to ld us . . . )5 | was ly ing on a t ropical beach last n ight. (He

s a i d . . . )6 I 'm never wrong. (He to ld them . . . )7 The weather for tomorrow is looking very

changeab le . (She sa id . . )B Thunderstorms wi l l be everywhere by the morning.

( S h e t o l d u s . . . )9 We ' l l be back a f te r the la te news. (She sa id . . . )

Get ta lk ing11 Report what people say.

' l Work in groups.

Group A: Turn to page 85.Group B: Turn to page 86.Group C: Turn to page 87.Prepare to report your information about tomorrow'sweather.

2 Make new groups. Using al l the informat ion, decidetogether what the weather wi l l be l ike tomorrow.Are you going to have the garden party that youp lanned ?

3 Check the actual weather on the day of the party onpage 87. Were Vou correct?

A: Have you heard theweather report?

B: Yes. They said there wouldbe heavy ra in a l l day .




What do you thinkthey wil l say?

What weatherdo they predict?



Steve's friend

The weatherreporter on TV

EEI Now listen and check your answers.Complete column 2.

6 EEI Listen to peopte speaking after the wedding.Whose prediction was the most accurate?

Grammar focus7 Look at the examples of reported speech in the box.

Then look at the recording script for Exercise 5 onpage 122 and answer the following question.

A ltold them the sky had beenvery red thatmorntng.

B They saidthat there would berain and winds inthe following 24 hours.

What did they actual ly say? Find the direct speech fore x a m p l e s A a n d B a b o v e .

8 a) Complete the rules with said or told.

You can start reported speech with:1 Subject (1, you etc.) + + Object (me,

them etc.)2 Subject (1, you etc.) +

b) Underline the correct alternative.

After said or told, you need / don't need that.



Language to go

Things we read

Past perfect simple and continuousTalking about important moments

Vocabulary andspea ki ng'l

Vtatch the quotations with thewords in the box.

a) a best-seller b) magazinesc) a newspaper d) a textbooke) a novel f) a playg) poetry h) websites

In pairs, discuss the followingquestions.

1 Have you read a good bookrecently?

2 What type of thing do youread most?

3 When do you usual ly read?4 What did you read, or what

was read to you, when youwere a chi ld?

Read i ng3 In pairs, discuss this question.

What do you know aboutJ K Rowl ing and her books?

4 Read the article and explainthe tit le.

5 Read the article again and putthese events in the order theyhappened.

E x a m p l e : r f 2 . . .

a) worked as an Engl ish teacherb) moved to Portugalc) worked as a French teacherd) studied French at universitye) moved to Edinburghf) wrote a story called Rabbitg) became a best-sell ing writerh) f i rst novel was publ ishedi) returned to the UK

l've got a lot of favouriteswhich I look at everyt ime I go on the Net.

It was really expensive,but the lecturer saidwe had to have it for

the course.

A sultcase oI K Rowling (the J is for Joanne) is a best-selling author. Her books

lare written for children, but adults love them too. In 1996,her bigTnor"nt came when she heard that her first novel, Horry Potter andthe Philosopher's Stone, would be published.'The moment I found outwas one of the best of my life,' says Joanne.

Before l996,Joanne had beenliving in Portugal and teachingEnelish.When she returned to the

e a

UK, she had a suitcase of fantasticstories about Harry Potter: Shemoved to Edinburgh and becamea French teachen lt was there thatshe decided to finish the Horrynovel and get it published.

As a child, Joanne had alwaysloved writing and before she wassix, she had finished her first storyabout a rabbit called Robbit. Fromthen on she followed her love oflanguage. She enjoyed English atschool and went on to study Frenchat university.

Having achieved her ambition,what does she say about writing?'Writing can be a lot of fun. lt canalso be a lot of hard work but don't let that put you offl My advice toyoung writers is to read as much as you can, like I did, lt will give you anunderstanding of what makes good writing and it will enlarge yourvocabulary. Start by writing about things you knoW about - your ownexperiences and feelings.That's what I do.'64

A Past perfect s impleBefore she was six, she had f in ished her f i rst

B Past perfect cont inuousBefore 1996, she had been l iv inq in portugal

etr\ r \ /

S h e f i n i s h e d

her f i rs t s toryS h e h a d b e e nl i v i n g i n P o r t u g a l

She was s ix 1 996 now

Look at the examples then complete the rules. Write activity or action.

We use the pasf perfect simple to talkhappened a t a t ime be fore another t imeWe use the pasf perfect continuous lohappened a t a t ime be fore another t ime

abou t an

in the pas t .ta lk about anin the pas t .


f h a +U t o L

Rewrite the sentences puttingthe verbs in brackets in thecorrect tenses.

Example : She (work) there fo r tenyears before she (become) theorrector.She had beew workLwg there fortew gears before she becavwe thed,Lrector.

He (score) a goal a f ter they(p lay ) f o r nea r l y n i ne t y m inu tes .He (pass ) t he exam because he(s tudy ) so ha rdThey (go out ) together for twoyears when they (decrde) to getmar r i ed .

I f i na l l y (w in ) a b i g p r i ze a f re r I(buy) lo t tery t ickets a l l my l i feThey (hope for ) a baby g i r l but inthe end they (have) a boyShe (p lan ) he r r e t i r emen t f o r along t ime before she (be) s ix ty .| (unders tand) the past per fectcont inuous af ter | (s tudy) i t fort h ree weeks .

Talk about important momentsin your l i fe.

Th ink about an impor tan tmoment rn your l i fe . l t cou ldbe about one o f the fo l low ingt h i n g s :o work o re la t ionsh ips' fami lY o f r iends. t ravel . studres

Make no tes about the impor tan tmoment and the backgroundevents . (What had oeenhappen ing be fore then?)

In g roups , te l l your s tones .

A: Why d id you change jobs?B: l"ri l lr ir l r, i i :r l*; iru; there for ten years

and I was bored.

b G R A M M A R R E F E R E N C E P A G E 1 1 5


Clean and t idyVocabulary and speaking1 Underline the correct alternatives in the sentences.

1 Homework / Housework is very important: youshould always have a tidy / messy house.

2 lt's a woman's job to wash / vacuum the clothesand do / make the ironing.


GrammarLanguage to go

Most teenagers have tidy / messy bedrooms, withCDs and clothes all over the floor.

The person who cooked shouldmake / do the dishes's a man's job to do / make the gardening anddo / wash the car.

In pairs, discuss the sentences in Exercise 1.Do you agree?

Read ing3 Look at the beginning of the advertisement for

Maid4U and discuss the following question.

What kind of services do you think they offer?

Now read the rest of the advertisement and checkyour ideas.

Housework and cleanlinessHave something done and reflexive pronouns

Things you do, and have done for you

Match the headlines with the correct paragraph inthe advertisement.


Grammar focusA You can't do everything yourself.B Have all your washing and ironing done.

a) Look at example A and underline the correctalternatives.

We use ref lexive pronouns when:1 the subject and the object are the same / different.2 we want to make the subject stronger / weaker.

b) Write the reflexive pronouns to complete the l ist.

#h s*sq , B

e # &

6 a) Look at example B and answer the question.

What does have + something + past participlemean? Do vou:' l do something yoursel f ?2 ask (and usuaily pay) someone e/se to do something?

b) Underline examples of have + something + pasfparliciple in the text. What tenses are used?

P rac t i ce

7 Complete the dialogues. Use the correct form ofhave + something + past participle and reflexivepronouns.

Example: A: Wouid you ever have Vowr feetywassaged? (feet / massage)


B. No, l 'd rather do r . t vwlseLf. (do/ i t )

1 A : Your ha i r looks n ice l (cu t / i t ) a t TheHarr Salon?

B: No, | - - (cut / i r )2 A: My car is very dir ty, but I don' t want to

. (c lean / i t )B : Why don ' t you _ (c lean/ i t ) a t tha t new

Valet Service?A: Mick and Dan ie la a re o rgan is ing a b ig par ty .B Are they _- (o rgan ise / i t a l l )?A: Yes . They don ' t l i ke _ (o rgan ise / th ings)

by other people.A: My bicycle is broken. I usual ly _

( repa i r / i t ) bu t I haven ' t go t t ime.B: |_ ( repa i r lm ine) a t The B ike Shop las t


t lb e r t a t K t n E

8 Look at the advert isement again and discuss thefo l low ing ques t ions .

1 What other services do you think they might of fer?Exa m ple : dog-waLkLwg sewlces

2 From the l is t of services:o What do you do yoursel f ?o What do you have done?. l f you were very r ich, what would you have done?o What do you th ink you shou ld on ly do yourse l f ?



t t t G





youT N A \ /



Like cooking but con't stond going to thesupermorket? Hove oll your weekly

,,1, . shopping done with'our lotrest '

ot fhe end of o long doy.'Mrs Wells, London.

where ond-when - ond we'll doit for you. Our fullv quolifiedstoff will even stoy ond reodyour kids o bedtime story.

' All YOU hove fo do is phone us -WE will do the rest for you!

Hqve you ever hod your hoir cut in the comfort ofyour own home? Michelle Bqker hqs . ..With th.ree.young children,I never hod time to treotyyself ond go to thehoirdresser's or beoulvslon. Now I don't h6*to! l've been hoving myhoir ond noils done othg^? for over o yeor now -I look, ond feel, greot!'

o busy to pick the children upfrom schobl yourself? Tell us'

A: D id you have your ha i r cu t?B: No, I cut i t mysel f , I


r t j(--ry"8 or799 323323 67

Descr ib ing changesFuture wilh willand wrll have donePredicting future events

, i ' "

! r r r l

, ' t , . ' j i ."

Look at the verbs in the box and div ide them intotwo groups under the correct headings.

dec rease / i nc rease f a l l / r i sei r n n r n r r o l d a t a r i a r a t a n l i r n h / d r n n

v v / v v

n o f h a f t a r / n o f r a r g ; 9 6L L v r / \ r v L v v ,

In pairs, d iscuss what changes you think wi l lhappen in the future to do with . . .

o po l lu t iono c f lme. the b i r th ra te in your count ry. employment In your countryr y o U t ' s a l a r yo l i fe expectancy. the number o f car users

Example: I thLwk- poLLv*Low wLLL stavt to deorease.

,q #$ fif 0r0/////Ap,

good i badcha nges up / down changes

g o r y / g o d o w w

Iili !

Liste n ingIn pairs, look at the pictures of future inventions and describe whatyou think is happening.

ff i Listen to four experts talking about these inventions. write thenumber of each speaker next to the correct picture.

Listen again and write down the year by which each speaker predictsthe inventions could be available.

Predict ion I year

1 'Bra in l ink ' computer

2 More robots than people3 Edible comouters4 Communicat ion by brainwaves

Grarnf,Tlar fccus6 Look at the examples in the box. Then look at the recording script for

Exercise 4 on page 122 and find other examples of these future forms.



will + have + past participle:. . . scient ists wi l l have perfected the 'brainl ink '


wil l + infinit ive.. . . you wi l l be able to download informat ion into your head.

7 Underline the correct alternatives.

1 we use wil l + have + past participle when we expect something tohappen before/at/after a point in future time.

2 we use wi l l+ inf in i t ive when we expect something to happenbefore/at/after a point in future tlme.

G -

L-' ;"J

Fra*t i*m

ffi Find the mistake in eachsentence and correct it.

Example: L i fe expectancy wi l l haveinereaseto over a hundred by2070. X Lwcreased

1 Can I g ive you this tomorrow? |won' t f in ished i t by 5.00 today.

2 In the next f ive years,communicat ion wi l l havebecame much ouicker.

3 l ' l l probably have reached theairport for 3.30.

4 By 2035, they wi l l have bui ld ingunderground c i t ies in Japan.

5 They have developed total lyautomated factories bv 2025.

6 D o n ' t c a l l h i m a t 7 . 3 0 , h e ' l l h a sgone out by then.

7 They wi l l have been designedrobots for guiding bl ind peoplebv 2020.

ffi *t ta lkinffig In pairs, make predictions about

your own and each other's l ives.

1 Think about educat ion, jobs,fami ly, sports and hobbies, t raveletc.

Me lMy par tner

By 201 0By 201 5By 2020lgot ywarrLed

By 2025

2 In pairs, d iscuss your predict ions.

Do you think your partner 'spredict ions about you wi l lcome true?



A: When wi l l you f in ish yourhomework?

B: l ' l l probably have f in ished i tby about 2015!


Vocabr"r lary i Medical problems and symptomsVncahularv ? Phrasa l verbs about i l lness

LangLraUe to gn Descr ib ing symptoms of an i l lness

'l;*nl::r..1 ier ry m nfi spea ki ngt a) Complete the sentences with the verbs in

the box.

ache i tch bi te cut st ing swel l up


Don ' t touch tha t bee - i t m igh t _ you.l f your fee t - any more , you won ' t be ab let o n u t v o r r r s h o e s o n .

I t was a b ig dog wi th sharp teeth - | thought i t wasgo rng ro _ me .

l ' ve been s tand ing up a l l day and my l egs rea l l y


My hands when I wea r g l oves made o f

woo l .

6 Be careful not to yoursel f wi th that kni fei + ' ^ - ^ ^ l l . , ^ l ^ ^ ,- r r s reai ly snarp.

b) Complete the table.

ln pairs, d iscuss the fol lowing quest ions.

1 When you go on hol iday, what th ings do you take asprecaut ions aga ins t acc idents and i l lness?

2 Have you ever fa l len i l l when you were in a foreigncountry? l f so, what happened?

. . i - " l i i t i ' i t I

ln pairs, look at the four pictures below and predictwhat happened to the people on their honeymoons.

ff i Listen and check your predictions and matchthe speaker with the correct picture.

Now l isten again and complete the table.


acnebrtecuti tchs t rngsweil up


a w a o h e

Adject ives or part ic ip les




PictureCo u ntry What happened?Symptoms




Vocabulary focusa) Look at the phrasal verbs in the box, then turnto the recording script on pages 122-9 and findone example for each.

a) swel l up b) pass out c) come out ind) turn into e) come down withf) throw up g) get over

b) Match the phrasal verbs in the box with thecorrect definit ions.

1 become2 catch (an i l lness)3 get bigger4 lose consciousness5 return to a normal state of health6 suddenly become covered (in spots)7 vomit (informal)

Divide the phrasal verbs in Exercise 5 into twogroups under the correct headings.

7 EEI Listen to the sentences and mark the stresson the phrasal verbs.

Example: Ithowght I was golwgt, pa., ,7t.

What is the general rule about stress in phrasalverbs?


8 Rewrite the sentences using the appropriatephrasal verbs.

Example: The room was so hot she lostconsctousness.The rooYw wa.s so hot she passed ov*.

1 Last year, I caught a dangerous i l lness just beforemy exams.

2 | hurt my foot - it got very big and I couldn't put myshoe on .

3 My brother had food poisoning last week - hevomited al l n ight .

4 You must go to the doctor - an infection cansuddenly become something very bad.

5 l 'm allergic to fish - | become covered in red spotsif I eat it.

6 She' l l be back at work when she's returned to hernormal state of health after the flu.

Get ta lk ing9 Describe symptoms.and give advice.

1 Work in pairs to roleplay a visit to the doctor.

StudenqA: Turn to page 86 and find out your symptoms.Student B: Turn to page 87 and find out the advice yougive to Student A.

2 Change roles. Student B is now the patient andStudent A is the doctor




Transitive(an object is necessary)

tww Lwto (sovwethlwg)

Intransitive(an object is not necessary)

A: What's the matter?B: My fingers are swollen and l 've

come out in red spots.


t *m rnaidenV*ca hq"r ifi ry

t tvtatcn the words in the box with the definit ionsbelow.

cul ture fami ly generat ionsocrety status team


- grandparents, parents, brothers etc.- a group of people who work or play

together- the bel iefs and art made by a group of

peopre- al l members of a fami ly of about the

same age- people l iv ing together wi th the same


- social or professional posi t ion ( in

relat ion to other people)

Vm*nhuiary People and groups

Grnmmnr Past modal verbs of deduction

l-anguag* tn gn Drawing conclusions about the past

Spmaking nnd r *#d ing3" Look at the pictures below. In pairs, discuss the

following questions.

1 Who are these people? What are they doing?2 What do you think they discovered?

Read the introduction to the article and check youranswers.

Read these facts about the lce Maiden and discusspossible reasons for them in pairs.

1 She was very ta l l .2 She was dressed l ike a man.3 She had a very big headdress.4 She had a ho le in her head.5 She had tat toos of animals on her bodv.

Now read the rest of the article on the oppositepage and check your ideas.


An amazan!I

n 1993. an amazing

I discoverv was made in

I the Siberian mountains.A team of archaeologistsfound a woman - she was2,500 years old. They calledher the lce Maiden becausethe ice had preserved herhody, her clothes and herpossessions. Theydiscovered that she wasfrom the Pazyryk people

who had once lived there.And by looking at herthings, they realised thatshe must have beensomeone very special. Butwho was she? And whatwas her position in society?


ffi r** ftr fl-r-]m r flq:il u $

ffi a) Complete the example sentences from theafticle, then answer the question.

A S h e m i g h t . . .

B She could . . .

C S h e c a n ' f . . .

D S h e m u s t . . .

In examples A to D, are we talk ing about a s i tuat ion inthe past or in the present?

b) Match the example sentences with the correctmeaning in the table below.

Meaning of modal phrases

It 's certainly not t rue.I t 's possibly t rue.I t 's certainly t rue.I t 's possibly t rue.

One metre seventy The team found thatthe Ice Maiden was one metre seventy in height- extremely tall for a woman at that time. It isnot clear why she was so tall - she might havehad extra food because of her status.

Dressed like a man The Ice Maiden wasdressed exactly like a man, which means thatshe could have worked as a soldier. And onlyimportant people wore tall headdresses - shewas wearing a metre-tall headdress. It wascovered in gold which clearly showed she wasa rich and powerful woman.

Hole in the head The archaeologists founda large hole in the back of her head. This wasprobably part of a process for preservingimportant people when they died. This youngwoman clearly can't have been an ordinarymember of society.

Fabulous tattoos Her body was coveredwith fabulous tattoos. The archaeologists nowthink that she must have been a storyteller.Storytellers were very important members of thePazyryk society. They memorised the history oftheir people and used the tattoos of animals toillustrate the stories. In this way, they passed onthe beliefs and traditions to future senerations.

: iL- i ! i - , ' r :

Write sentences using the information given belowto draw conclusions about the past. There may bemore than one answer.

Example : go ld headdress . . . She I r i cnShe nl"ust have beew rlch.

1 very ta l l . . . She / spec ia l med ica l care2 remembered long s to r ies . . . . She / good memory3 car broke down . . . He / run out of petrol4 woke up la te . . . He / no t hear h is a la rm c lock5 no answer a t the door . . . He I go ou t6 very late for d inner . . . They / get lost7 my bicycle is missing . . . Someone / borrow i t8 fa i l the exam . . . She / no t s tudv mucn

, lr e r r a rK tngU Draw conclusions about the past.

1 Make notes about what youthrnk l i fe was l i ke 2 ,500years ago. These ideasmay he lp you.

. entertalnment

. fami l ies

. fa rmingO N O U S C S

o i l l ness. re l rg rono cu l tu re. transport. food

In groups , d iscuss your ideas and exp la inyour reasons.

a nd wr i t ingWrite a paragraph using the notes you madein Exercise 8 and the ideas you talked about.Compare l ife in the past with your l i fe today.

A: Li fe must have been harder 1,000 years ago.B: Yes, but i t might have been quieter.





Vocabulary Business processes: word bui ld ingGrammar Non-def ining relat ive clauses

Language to go Giving extra informat ion

A WVocabulary and speaking1 Complete the sentences with the appropriate form

of the nouns or verbs in the box.1'y,

Toby Mott was justan ordinary personwho worked as anartist. But then, atthe age of 35, he ihad an idea which


made him famous.It started when hewanted to earnsome money forChristmas one year.His product wassimple, a short message - five words ona T-shirt. lt was a winning formula.

Read i ng

/ l f vou advert ise somethino \( enough, people wi l l buy i t l Il \ - - - - \ '

( fhe most successf ul productsI

\ a re the s imo les t ones .

He took the T-shirts to a clothesshop and they sold 40 in a week.lmmediately, he decided to start hisown business, The product was good,he got the business plan right and itworked. In the last twelve months, hehas sold 60,000 T-shirts worldwide.

The phrases for the T-shirts comefrom things he thinks of during theday and from conversations withfriends at dinner. His customers, whoinclude the rich and the famous,enjoy his imaginative phrases. Theyinclude things l ike ' l wil l spend yourmoney', ' l do things I shouldn't ' and'l have nothing to wear', which hesold to the top international model,Kate Moss.

Mott says, 'l'm successful, but ithasn't changed my personal life. Isti l l work at home on the same smalldesk, where I produce all thedesigns. My friends, who l've knownfor more than twenty years, are stillmy friends.

'ln fact, they're as surprised aboutmy success as I am.'

3 Read the first paragraph of the text to find outwhat Toby Mott 's 'winning formula' was.

4 Read the whole text. What do the followingnumbers refer to?

5 20 36 40 60.000

5 Read the text again and answer the followingquest ions.

1 Why did he decide to start h is own business?2 Where does he f ind new phrases?3 What do h is f r iends th ink about h im?

l .

nn ing fo rmu la

Specif ic noun I General noun I Verb

(a) product I product ion i ( to) produce(a) market I market ing | ( to) market(a ) bus iness p lan ] p lann ing (to) plan(a) bus iness I bus iness | ( to ) do bus iness(an) advert I advert is ing | ( to) advert ise

Tradi t ional ly, the two main f rom Brazi lwere coffee and gold.

is very good at the moment - we'remaking a lot of money.

3 The - department deals wi thand publ ic i ty.

4 They did a lot of _ before they bui l t thenew suoermarKet.

5 You have to show the bank a beforethey' l l lend you the money.

6 Our company doesn' t make clothes but weclothes made by other companies.

Have you seen that funny toothpasteon TV?

In pairs, discuss the statements below.Do you agree?




The best ideas arenever p lanned.


36Grammar focus6 Look at the example of a non-defining relative

clause in the box and answer the questions below.

My friends, who I've known for more than twentyyears, are sti l l my friends.

1 Does the clause add extra or essential informationabout the ' f r iends'?

2 What relative pronoun is used to introduce thisc lause?

3 Wil l the sentence st i l l make sense i f the non_def in ing relat ive c lause is removed?

4 What punctuat ion surrounds the non-def in inorelative clause?

7 Find three more examples in the text. what relativepronouns are used?


8 Combine these sentences to make one sentence.Use a non-defining rerative crause to give the extrainformation.

Example: My car needs a new engine. I haveten years.Mg oar, whLoh I have had for tew t4ears,wew ewglwe.

had i t for

weeds a

1 Her home town is in the north of the isrand. r t has apopulat ion of b0,000.

2 Budapest has a rarge river. I went there on businesslast year.

3 His wi fe cooks wonderfur chinese food. she is f romHong Kong.

4 My footbal l team keeps on losing! | have supportedthem for years.

5 That woman has opened her own shop. She ison ly 25 .

6 My friend has decided to move to South Africa.His parents l ive in Cape Town.

7 That programme 'Entrepreneurs, is real ly good.

I t 's on at 8 p.m.

Get talking9 Exptain a business plan.

1 You want to start a new business. ln pairs, decideon a product.

2 Make a business plan to borrow money from thebank. Use the form below.

3 Explain your plan to another group.





and writ ing1 0Write a letter to your bank manager. Give an

outline of your idea, mention your plan and ask forhelp with the finance.

A: Do you have a business plan?B: Yes, I have a plan, which I wrote

myself, and the perfect product.A: Real ly? Tel l me more.


> PRACTICE PAGE 105Adapted from The Sundav Times

V*';r:F:*irur\r Verb expressions about fr iendship$"irnur"r'*r Present perfect with for and since

$-.*n*{'*n[j#i {r: iJ* Describing friendship


ffi$N ffrnmnr#m-\v'r*nmhu $# $'V m nd sp#ffi $<r ng'l

Complete the sentences with the appropriateexpressions in the box.

am in touch with keep in touch with keep up withlost contact wi th relv on remain send

C I o o 0* o f i e@ @ oo f l o *c o 6 s

irt l 'd r*J|

l g




| - cards to al l my fr iends on theirbir thdays.


_ ,,r/-\o

- ,"';'

' l D

d)!" Sw" tl"t,t",llf ua"'?atK /Zoad

St And^revvs

Scotk^ 'L

" f f i

2 | an old f r iend when he moved houseand I lost h is address.

3 | make hundreds of phone cal ls every weekbecause i t 's important to people.

4 l f you have a problem, the only person you canreal ly is yoursel f .

5 | l ike to - a l l my fr iends' news and toknow what 's happening.

6 | had an argument w i th h im. But I hope we can s t i l lf r iends .

7 | - a lot of f r iends from mv chi ldhood -

we wri te to each other regular ly.

In pairs, discuss the sentences in Exercise 1 whichare true for you.

In pairs, describe the men in the photo.

Do you think they are f r iends?

. i*: i t#i l l [- i iJ

d[" ffi Listen to James and Richard talking abouttheir friendship and answer the questions. Do theysay the same thing?

James I R ichard

1 How long have they beenf r iends?

2 Where did they f i rst meet?

3 Have they seen each otherregular ly over the years?

4 How often do they seeeach other now?

5 What do they do together?

5 Listen again. Are there any other differences?


A I've .known him for 50 years.

50 years ago now

, r'r" O""n ,,rtnn rn rrr .

1999 now



' i J

Grammar focus6 Look at the examples below and underline the correct alternatives.

A and B are talking about actions or states which started in the pastand continued until now / finished actions or states.We can't use the present perfect continuous / present perfect simplewith stat ive verbs (e.9. know, l ike, bel ieve).We use for / since to refer to the start of the action.We use for / since to refer to the period of t ime of the action.



7 Find the mistake in eachsentence and correct it.

Example: l 've been playing tennissineetwo hours. X for

1 We have been knowing themfor more than twenty years.

2 She's been won thecompetit ion for the last f iveyears.Had you vis i ted yourgrandmother s ince neraccident?They haven' t phone me forages.l 'm doing my homework fortwo hours.l ' ve been l i k ing her fo r a longt tme.How long you have been l iv inghere?

EEI Listen to the sentencesand check your answers toExercise 7. Repeat thesentences with the correctpronunciat ion.

Get talkingI Talk about someone you have

known for a long t ime.

In pairs, te l l each other about agood fr iend. Use the quest ions rnExercise 4 to help you.

A: How long have you known your wi fe?B: For s ix years, but i t feels l ike forever.

Vocabulary HappinessFunct ion Pol i tequest ions

Language to go Asking quest ions about personal issues

Don' t worry, be happySpeaking and vocabulary'l

ReaO these words from the song Don't worry, behappy by Bobby McFerrin. In pairs, discuss thequestions.

ln every life we have some trouble,But when you worry you make it double.Don't worry, be happy.

1 Do you agree with the s ingerT2 Do you worry too much?3 What do you worry about?4 What helps you to stop worry ing?

2 Look at the sentences and put the expressions initalics in the correct column.

1 He's depressed because he's just lost his job.2 Don' t ta lk to her yet - she's always in a bad mood

in the morn ings .3 l 'm glad I went to Dave's party; it was really good.4 He's feel ing miserable about the cold, wet weather

today.5 Are you pleased with your new car?6 l 'm in a good mood today because my boss gave

me a pay nse.7 We'd be delighted to come to your daughter's

wedd ing .B My dad is going to pay for a hol iday to

Austral ia I l 'm absolutely thr i l ledl9 l 'm qui te sat isf ied wi th my l i fe - but l 'm having

a bad day today!

Look at the graph.

People were recently asked what three factorswere most important in determining theirhapp iness . What do you th ink they sa id? Guesswhich ca tegory goes w i th wh ich percentage.

Now turn to page 87 to see if you were correct.


7 %

9 %


31 Vo

35% ivARRtncr*

4 1 a h


*( i .e. 35% of people said their marr iage was animportant factor)



very happy



Listen ing4 EEI Listen to a man

answering questions in asurvey in the street. Whichtopics from Exercise 3 dothey talk about?

5 Listen again. Are thesesentences true CI) or false (F)?

1 The man is happy to take partin the survey.

2 He refuses to answer some ofthe quest ions.

3 He has an unhappy marr iage,4 He l ikes being on t ime.

Language focus6 Look at the recording script for Exercise 4 on page 123 and comprete

the indirect questions in the box.

A Would you mind if you,ve ever seen ... ?B Could you -which you worry about more?C Can I how you fee l about . . . ?D l 'd l ike - how you feel about your job.

Now write the direct question for each one.

a) Complete the rules.

1 WIT questions: -- + subject + (modal verb) +2 Yes / No questions: - + subject + (modal verb) +

b) Look at the recording script again and complete the sentence.

lf you don't want to answer a question, you can say:

I'd _ not to answer that one or I'd _ not say.


write indirect questions. Use the words in brackets to start.

Example: How do you feel about bir thdays? (Could you.. , ?)CovtLd govt teLL ywe how gow fteL abovtt bLr+hda1s?

1 Are you genera l l y an op t im is t i c person? ( l ' d l i ke . , . )2 Are you happy with your job? (Can | . , . ?)3 Did you wake up in a good mood this morning? (Could you.. . ?)4 How would you react i f someone damaged your car? ( l ,d l ike . . . )5 How would you feel about winning the lot tery? (Would you . . . ?)6 Do you worry about gett ing old? (Could you . . . ?)7 Do you l ike answering personal quest ions? (Can | . . . ?)

9 Eg Listen and repeat the questions in Exercise g.

Get ta lk ing10 In pairs, ask and answer the questions in Exercise g.

11 EEI Listen to the song and read the words on page 86.

A: Could you tel l me i f you l ikeanswering personal quest ions?

B: l 'd rather not say.



i i ' i ; i . i i i , l : i r . : r l i ShOpping

i : i i i i ' i ; , - i : , , ' r Third condit ional and / wish / l f onlV

;. i ; i j i - i i . j i j i ; i , : fr ,1i i i Talking abOUt paSt regretS

* # .$ "g*$, !+.* { iT:r tr

$ d


You br'ry hat?On our first full day in Delhi we went to the Red Fort.A man just outside was selling floppy hats, wearing ahuge pile of them on his head.

'Hello, friend. You buy hat?''How much?''Best price.''How much?''What you like.''What I like?''You give price.''How much are they normally?''You give price, friend. Any price - cheap price.'' IJm .. . 50 rupees?'This seemed reasonable to me, but when I said it, he

immediately put a hat on my head and waited for me topay. I'd obviously offered too much, but I didn't reallysee how I could change my mind, so I gave him thecash.

Liz asked me what I had paid and laughed in myface. I said I didn't care, and thought it was a perfectlyfair price for what I had got, because it was a very coolhat. 'Haven't you noticed that every other Westerner inthe city is wearing one?'

I looked around to see if what she had said was true.A group of middle-aged Europeans came out of the fort.More than half of them were wearing my hat.

I wish I hadn't bought the hat now, but thanks to theargument I'd have to wear it all the time, just to showthat she hadn't changed my mind.

Adapted from Are You Experienced? by Wil l iam Sutcl i f fe

" - , _ i : i l - . , : i j l t ' , " i t , i { . i i r l : { r ,

' l Complete the sentences using the words orexpressions in the box.

the sa les buy th ings on impu lse ge t a barga inhagg l ing re fund go w indow shopp ingshop around take things back try c lothes on

1 Do you - and look at a lot of th ingswithout intending to buy them?

2 Do you ever _ wi thout planning to?3 Do you wait unt i l at the end of the

season, to _ ?4 Do you in di f ferent places to

compare pr ices?5 How often do you to the shop and

ask for a ?6 How do you feel about _ for a

cheaper pr ice?I Do you always to see i f they f i t

before buying them?

In pairs, ask and answer thecompleted questions.

In pairs, d iscuss the fol lowing.

1 What k ind of th ings do peoplebuy when they are on hol iday?

2 Do you normal ly buy souvenirs?

Read the story about Dave andLiz, two Engl ish tour ists in India.Are the sentences true (T) orfalse (F)?

1 The hatsel ler said the hats costf i f ty rupees.

2 Dave fel t he had oaid too much.3 Dave wanted to change his mind

about buying the hat.4 Liz thought Dave had paid too

m u c n .5 Dave decided not to wear the

hat aga in .


Grammar focus5 Look at the examples in the box and answer the


A I wish I hadn't bought the hat.B lf only I hadn't bought the hat.C lf I hadn't bought the hat, I wouldn't have felt

so stuoid.

1 Did he buy the hatT2 How does he feel about it now?

a) Underline the correct alternatives.

1 In examples A and BI wish and lf only are followed by the past simpte /past perfect simple.

2 Example C is the th i rd condi t ional . We use the thi rdcondi t ional to ta lk about how things were / mayhave been different in the past.

b) Complete the rules.

The form of the th i rd condi t ional is :l f + - + - , w o u l d + r


7 Write two sentences for each question. First useI wish or lf only, then the third conditional.

Example: I bought that skir t on impulse, I wasted mymoney.I wlsh / If owLg I hadwt bowght that srcLyl- owLrnrytlse.If I hadw't bowght that sklrt ow Lrvupuke, IwowLdw't have wasted wLtd rwowe,J.

1 | went to bed late. I felt t ired in the morning.2 | didn't start my homework early enough. I didn,t

f in ish i t .3 | forgot my mother's birthday. She got upset.4 | didn't pay attention at school. I failed my exam.5 | arrived late for the interview. I didn't get the job.6 | told my friend she looked fat. She never spoke to

me agatn .

Get ta lk ingB ls it true that 'you only regret what you don,t do,?

1 Think about one thing you regret . . .o doing . not doing o saying . not saying

2 In groups, discuss your regrets.

A: Those jeans were expensive and they don't f i t you.B: I know. I wish I hadn' t boughtthem.

Vocabu la ry

GrammarLanguage to go

Job applications and interviews

Reported questions

Reporting a conversation or interview

How did i t go

Gl Make a list o{ your ------;- it's important


- ,u,nabout*"t*.5*"ffi

Sorrr.'r" "-- *ffi- t4;;f"" *^"n

ff"il{Jffin ""-.n*n" you har

\ abggt wttar Y--

;'IT$ffi", o.t T.:"1",t"";"*n'n-'nn better iobsl,mpr"."iu" to th:],*-

rrrtur@. ----,*#il:fi;;'*ry*""'5in the G{..rtttv*' ',-******-- --- - intefVieWefs

ffi^ *ffio1*'"r r"*-,lu*01* ptun i"'

Speaking and vocabul ary1 ln pairs, discuss the following questions.

1 What experience do you have of interviews for jobs

or col lege?2 How do you feel when you have an interview?

a) Look at the Top Tips for Job lnterviews andcomplete the sentences using the words inthe box.

exper ience long-termgoals promot ionprospectsqual i f icat ions references strengths weaknesses

b) In pairs, discuss which you think are the threemost important t ips.

L istening3 EEI Listen to Madeline tell ing a friend about her

job interview. Answer the questions.

1 How does she think she has done?2 Was she nervous dur ing the interview?

4 Listen again and tick (/) the questions theinterviewer asked Madeline.

1 What experience have you got with this type ofwork?

2 Why do you want to work here?3 What are your strengths and weaknesses?4 What are your long-term goals?5 Can you work under pressure?6 What would vou do i f there was a problem?


40Grammar focus5 Look at the examples of reported questions and complete the rules

about word order. Write main verb or subject.

A 'What are your strengths?'She asked me what my strengths were.

B 'Can you work under pressure?'She wanted to know if I could work under pressure.

ln Example A (Wh- quest ions):She asked me + question word + _ + (modal verb) +

ln Example B (Yes/No quest ions):She wanted to know + if + + (modal verb) -

Underline the correct alternative.

In reported questions, the tense is fhe same as/one tense back fromdirect ouest ions.

Look at the recording script for Exercise 3 on page 123 and finddifferent ways of starting the sentence when reporting questions.


8 Report these questions. Use different ways of starting the reportedquestions.

Example :

tte wawted to kwow what the resTowsLbLLLtLes of thelob were.Or: He asked ywe what the resr,owslblLltles of thelob were.



Get ta lk ing9 Report an interview or

conversation you have had.

1 Think about a s i tuat ion whensomeone asked you quest ions.I t could be about:. Jobs - a job interview.o Educat ion - a conversat ion

with a teacher or aninterview for col lege /university.

o Romance - a f i rst date.

2 Report the s i tuat ion to apartner.a ) Exp la in the s i tua t ion .b) How did you feel?c) What quest ions did he / she

ask you?



A: What did he ask you?B: He asked me i f I wanted the job.



- --: {

1;1Ft" F. jr lH€rf r I

g ; :? i l ) f r -T^!nTl#f ]f*r pmir ff i f f i## r#LJ P upr# r-ilq' , , 1

, . ; . t ,

Lesson 4,

Name: James Adams

Aqe:45FimitY: Married, two Young

childrenJob: Marketing manager

SalarY: Very ntgnOualiiications: ComPanY

training tn sales ano


Name: Anna DentonAge:38Famify: Single, three

childrenJob: Secretary with a

charitySalary: LowOualifications: None

Lesson 5, Exercise 3 - answers1 In general , being lef t -handed means having a dominant

r ight s lde of the brain. This may mean a preferred hand,foot or eye ( for example, wi th cameras).

2 fhe abi l i ty to use both hands with equal ski l l andcoordinat ion.

3 l t depends how you def ine ' lef t -handed' . But thepercentage In Br i ta in is somewhere between 13% and30o/o.

4 Scient ists are unsure ( though lef t -handedness appearsin some fami l ies ) .

Lesson 1 5 , Exerc ise 9 , Student A.You can speak Eng l ish we l l in c lass . But when you

spend t ime on the phone, everything goes wrong..The of f ice photocopier is a real waste of resources.

How can we use less paper?.Your col leagues always arr ive late for meet ings.You

waste your t ime wait ing for them. Help!

Lesson 6, Exercise 9, Student AYou are the d i rec to r o f Sweets 'R ' Us - a b ig company tha tmakes chocolates. Prepare to have a meet ing wi th a salesrepresentat ive f rom a secur i ty company. Explain yourproblems below and see i f he / she has any products thatcan he lp you. You have a budget o f f10 ,000 to spend.

Lesson 9 , Fxerc ise 4 , Group B

Lesson 14, Fxerc ise 3 , Group A1 What unusua l peop le a re a t the wedd ing?2 What is t radi t ional about the wedding?3 What i s unusua l about the br ide and qroom?

At first sight, it looks like any other wedding. A smarthotel, relatives in hats and new clothes, nervousbridesmaids. But, look again. There are more videocameras and press photographers than usual. There dre25 security guards with hidden microphones and the logoof a radio station on the wall. The radio station has madea great effort to create a genuine traditional wedding withthe flowers, guests and beautiful wedding dress. However, .

it is not a traditional wedding in every sense. The weddingis in three minutes and the bride and groom haven'tactually met yet! They have never seen photos of eachother and they have only talked on the phone for 40 rseconds the day before the wedding.

Fxerc ise B

Name: Christrne GoldsmithAge: 48Family: Single, no chi ldrenJob: School head teacherSalary: HighOualifications: Degree and

post-graduate teachingquali f icat ions

. sof Lwcrease Lw Thowe bLLLs - staff vwakLwg Lowg yersowaL oaLLs?

. Two vwewvbers of staff were robbed LeavLwg work - wo LLghts Lw oar park.

. Lo% of choooLates dLsaTTear eaoh week Lw the TaokLwg dqa*vw?wt - ,*a1be staff areeatLwg thevw, bvtt wo evLdewoe.

84 . SAw the SaLes Mawager TLayLwg oornryvttey gantLes - how nrLawu other 7eo7Le do thLs?

Lesson 18, Exerc ise g , Student A'l You need to borrow money to buy lunch. Ask your f r iend

(Student B).2 You need to leave work early today. Ask the boss

(Student B) .3 You don' t want to go into town by bus. Ask a f r ieno

(Student B) for a l i f t in his / her car.4 You're at the theatre, Someone (Student B) is in your

seat. Ask him / her to move.5 A stranger (Student B) stops you in the street. L isten

and reply.6 Your son / daughter (Student B) has somethinq to asr

you. Listen and reply.7 You are a teacher. One of your students (Student B) has

a quest ion for you. Listen and reply.B You are at a caf6. A stranger (Student B) is about to

speak to you. Listen and reply.

Lesson 22, Exerc ise 10, Student ALook at your informat ion and decide what quest ions youneed to ask Student B in order to complete the informarronabout Venus and Serena w i l l i ams. s tudent B w i l l a lso askquest rons .

1 Venus Wil l iams was born in -- . (When . . . ?)2 When the gir ls were only three years old, they were

taught to play tennis by their father, Richard.3 Their father learned about tennis oy . (How


. . . ? )They are managed and coached by their father.They have been given the namespress . (What . . . ? )

by the

6 Venus is somet imes cal led 'unfr iendly ' and ,arrogant,

byother compet i tors.

7 Venus's serve was recorded at - tne women,sworld record. (How fast . . . ?)

B Just ine Henin was defeated in the women's s ingles f inalto make Venus the Wimbledon 2001 chamoion.

Lesson 24, Exercise gSITUATION 1

Student A Student B

1 You are the receptionist ata bank . Answer the ohone.

2 You are a customer. Therers a problem with youraccount. Ask to speak tothe manager.

3 Apologise and say he isnot in the of f ice

4 Ask for the manager tocontact you later. Giveyour pnone number.

5 Agree to th is.

i r r . i l i i I ] i . j 1 t i j t ' j { q l ' f : i + t t r i : j t } { } t . g r r ; r r [ ; r , 1 " ' r : i r , :

Lesson 28, Exercise 4, Group ERead the text below. Are the sentences true (T) orfa lse (F)?

1 winnie Mandela was al lowed to be in the same room asher husband dur ing her v is i t s .

2 The pr ison warders did not l ie about the t ime.3 They could k iss goodbye.4 Nelson Mandela remembered the vis i ts in lots of detai l .

We had to talk very loudly to be heard.

from our chairs and we waved a quick farewell. As I walkedback to the cell, I reviewed in my head what we had talkedabout. over the next days, weeks, and months, I would returnto that one visit again and again. I knew I would not be ableto see my wife again for at least six months.


Student A Student B

1 Phone your f r iend Debbiea t her home.

F y", ar" D.bbilfl-tr.t"


3 Say you are returning her l- stLtht. i t o"l ly t

t- - ic a l l . I

4 Say when Debbie wi l l behome. Suggest Debbiecal ls back later. Ask when.

5 Say when you can becontacted. Give yourphone number .

6 Say you wi l l ask Debbie toca l l back then.

Lesson 30, Exerc ise 11, Group A

My house plants were dry and needed waterth is morn ing . Th is means br igh t sunsh ine anddry weather is coming. And we must alwaysexpect good weather when there is no ,r , in

the month . Th is i s the midd le o f Ju ly so Iconf ident ly 'expect warm and sunnv condi t ions

for next week.

7 Say goodbye and hang up.7 Say thanks and goodbye.

I saw two black cats walk ing across the roadtogether yesterday. One of them looked straightat me and moved i ts head slowly up and down.

The last t ime I saw that, there was a heavythunderstorm within 48 hours. And l 've been

gett ing pains in my f ingers - that 's another s ignof wet weather.

lnfcrr^," iat ian f*r i : :ai i^ arrd Sr#Li i l v/#f k

Lesson 30, Exerc ise 11 , Group B

Lesson 34, Exercise 9, Student APART 1Prepare what you are going to say to the doctor (Student

B) about your symptoms.

Si tuat ion 1 Throwing up a lotSituation 2 High fever for two daysSituat ion 3 Came out in spots last n ightSi tuat ion 4 Stomachache

PART 2You are now the doctor. Listen to Student B's symptomsand of fer advice below.

Si tuat ion 5 Take some pain k i l lers (e.9. aspir in)Si tuat ion 6 Put hand in cold water to help swel l ingSituat ion 7 Put cream on i tchy skinSituation B Have an X-rav

Lesson 15, Exerc ise 9 , Student B.You have a computer but you're no good at using

technology. l t feels l ike you're wast ing opportuni t ies!oYou can' t remember how to use Engl ish modal verbs!

You want some good advice.oYour col leagues spend too long having lunch. You have

to waste your t ime and energy answering the phone.

Lesson 18, Exerc ise 9 , Student B1 Your f r iend (Student A) has a request. L isten and reply.2 Your employee (Student A) has a quest ion for you.

Listen and reply.3 Your f r iend (Student A) has something to ask you. Listen

and reply.4 You are at the theatre. A stranger (Student A) is about to

speak to you. Listen and reply.5 You don' t know where the supermarket is. Ask

someone (Student A) in the street.6 You're going away for the weekend. Ask your

Mum I Dad (Student A) to feed your dog.7 You haven' t done your homework. Ask the teacher

(Student A) i f you can do i t tonight.8 You want to s l t down in a caf6. There's only one free

seat. Ask Student A i f vou can share the table.

Lesson 38, Exerc ise 11'Don' t worry, be happy' by Bobby McFerr in

Here's a little song I wroteYou might want to sing it note for noteDon',t worrY, be happy

ln every life we have some troubleBut when you worry you make it doubleDon't worry, be happyDon't worry, be happy now

Don't worry, be happy. Don't worry, be happy.Don't worry, be happy. Don't worry, be happy.

Ain't got no place to lay your headSomebody came and took your bedDon't worry, be happyThe landlord say your rent is lateHe may have to litigateDon't worry, be happyDon't worry, be happy

Don't worry, be happy. Don't worry, be happy.Don't worry, be happy. Don't worry, be happy.


Lesson 6, Exercise 9, Student BYou are a sales representative from Safe & sound, a security company. Your products are l istedbelow. Prepare to have a meet ing wi th the director of a chocolate company. First , f ind out his / herneeds. Then try to sel l your products. Remember to explain what they can do / prevent.

Product List. 'Light Up' - a security light that comes on when it senses movement.

. 'Gall stopper' - a device that stops telephone calls to 'unauthorised'numbers. f3,000

. 'Micro cam' - a tinv (lcm x lcm) video camera. f2,500

. 'StoF lT now!'- latest technology to prevent computer users from using certainkind of software (e.g. games). L2,000

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*" fi-{'"@llffiF'

Lesson 14, Exercise 3, Group B1 Why are Car la and Greg gett ing marr ied?2 Who is paying for the wedding?3 How do they feel about the weddino?

Three months ago, Carla (ZZ) and Greg (2g) won a .,competition on a Birmingham radio station. The rprize? Each orher. And a fb0,000 white wedding in asmart hotel, a hone;rmoon in the Bahamas, anexpensive car and a two-bedroom flat for a year. Itwas called a 'scientific

experiment of love'.Arranged marriages in other cultures car^ be

successful. But it is hard to imagine what kind of .,.'person would marry someone that a radio stationchooses for them. Carla says, ,I know this is a mad ,thing to do. But Greg sounds like the kind of manI_ d be huppy with.' Greg seems genuinely hopeful of nfinding true love today. He says, ,I,ve had lots ofgirlfriends, but it's never worked out. I actually think ,:"it's safer to have someone chosen for you than to ",choose for yourself.' *-...^

' ' * - * * d . . * , " " . . . i ' * . * ' , * ' , * . ' . . . . . . * d f \ i N s l l . i \ l ' * . * . o l 1 " s * * -

Lesson 34, Exercise g, Student BPART 1You are a doctor. Listen to student A's symptoms and offeradvice below.

Si tuat ion 1 Dr ink a lot of waterSituation 2 Stay in bedSituat ion 3 Don' t eat anythingSituat ion 4 Put cream on the soots

PART 2You are now the pat ient - prepare what you are going tosay to the doctor (Student A) about your symproms.

Si tuat ion 5 Left hand is achingSituat ion 6 Fingers are swol lenSituation 7 Skin is very itchySituat ion B Passed out twice wi th the oain

Lesson 30, Exercise i l , part 3

'polcooxo sr loqleoM lo]]oq lnB .Mol oreMsernleledLuol oL.l l_ 'euJoq

1e Aels oI peslnpe olonn eldoeopue snolo6uep A;eLuol lxa olenn suot l tpuoc 0urnuq's lnoq

VZ )o+ At lunoc oq1 polo^oc qctqM 6o1 1crq1seM ] lnsoJ oql 'Utel pue uns +o elnlxt l r j e se^^ oloql

:roqleoM lenlce oLlf

infr : rnt f i t ion for pair and f i roup work

Lesson 30, Exerc ise 11 , Group C

Lesson 15, Exercise 9, Student C'You're unf i t and need to do more exercise. But runnino

seems a waste of energy. Any ideas?oYou never remember your f r iends, bir thdays. OK, i t

saves money on cards and presents. But what's theanswer?

oYou never have enough money at the end of the month.You want to spend less and save more, but how?

Lesso n 22, Exercise 1 0, Student BLook at your informat ion and decide what quest ions youneed to ask Student A in order to complete the informat ionabout Venus and serena wi l l iams. student A wi l l a lso asrquesi lons.

1 Venus Wil l iams was born in June 1990.2 When the girls were only -- years old they were

taught to play tennis by their father, Richard. (How . . . ?)3 Their father learned about tennis by watching videos

and reading books.4 They are managed and coached by.--- . (who . . .?)5 They have been given the names 'sr ice

Girrs ' and 's ister

Act' by the press.6 Venus is somet imes cal led ano _ by

other compet i tors. (What . . . ?)7 Venus's serve was recorded at 12r mph - the women's

world record.B was defeated in the women's s ingles f inal

to make Venus the Wimbledon 2001 chamoion.( W h o . . . ? )

Lesson 38, Exercise 3 - answers

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Source. Mori

Mar r iage

F a m i l y

Hea l th


The satel l i te shows a very var iable picture.The heavy rain f rom last week is st i l l wi th us andmany areas can expect winds and l ight showers.

However, there are signs of good weather onthe way. Temperatures may rise from romorrow

so there wi l l be a r isk of fog - perhaps even thickfog - in some parts.