LANGWARRIN PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER€¦ · Jennifer Barnett & Di Pendlebury Performing Arts...

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NEWSLETTER Northgateway, Langwarrin VIC 3910 Ph: (03) 9775 7533 Fax: (03) 9775 9264

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FOUNDATION BBQ The weather played its part on the night of the Foundation BBQ as parents, Foundation students and a number of their brothers and sisters joined us for sausages and icy poles. The conditions were perfect for the children to play and for parents to meet each other. Thank you to the Specialist teachers who worked tirelessly and enthusiastically on the BBQ. PARENT TEACHER MEETINGS We were also delighted to see so many parents last Monday afternoon at our first Parent – Teacher meeting for the year. This is an important part of your child’s transition into the new school year and added to your increasing knowledge about the program of learning that has been designed for students at all levels. Teachers are keen to develop strong partnerships with parents so that together we can support your child to be happy, engaged in their learning and making good progress. If you were unable to attend on Monday, please contact us to make an alternative time. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT This year we will be participating in the process of school self-evaluation and review. Throughout semester 1 we will reflect on the four years of the current strategic plan 2015-2018 and identify both the achievements and the areas for improvement. We will be inviting representatives from all sections of the school community – students, parents and staff – to assist us by providing a range of feedback. Your input is highly valued, so please keep a watch for questionnaires or surveys which will be issued early next term. At the school level, teachers and support staff will be looking at a range of curriculum achievement data as well as feedback about the wellbeing of our students so that we can measure our success and plan for the future. In order to do some of this important work we have a planned Curriculum Day for the first day of term 2, 16 April. (This is in addition to the student free day we always have at the end of term 2 when we are reporting to parents and developing plans for semester 2.) REMINDERS Parents of students in Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2, don’t forget to mark Wednesday 14 March on your calendar for the Twi-

light Sports. We look forward to you joining us for a fantastic, energetic evening.

The Department (which includes our school) does not have accident insurance. Any items of personal property that are lost,

stolen or damaged at school are not the responsibility of Langwarrin Park Primary School or the Department. Staff and students

are reminded not to bring items of value to school.

Denise Webster


2 March 2018



EXCITING NEWS! Last Friday LPPS had a special and very large delivery. Two of our Year Two students Josh and Luke Rogers together with their mother Kerry and Grandfather John decided to donate a beautiful Schumann piano to our school. Their Grandfather had been given the piano a few years ago after its original owner Norma, a former piano teacher, had developed arthritis and poor eyesight and therefore was unable to play anymore. The piano will now “live” in the Dance Studio and will be a great asset to the Performing Arts and Music program. Many thanks to the “Rogers” family. Jennifer Barnett & Di Pendlebury Performing Arts & Music Department

YEAR 1— “HAPPY” HANDS You may be noticing the Year 1 children singing Happy Birthday to the bathroom mirror all of the time and wondering what is going on! Well, wonder no more. Last week the Year 1 children had a lot of fun learning about hygiene and germs, with the help of some special cream and a UV light that showed us all exactly what germs were on our hands. Some lucky volunteers were able to show everyone how it worked by washing their hands well enough to get the special cream off. Some of the things we learnt included how to wash our hands well, what parts of our hands we need to wash, and that we need to wash them for the same amount of time that it takes to sing Happy Birthday to make sure we get all the germs off. So if you see the Year 1’s singing Happy Birthday while washing their hands, you’ll know they are doing a good job of getting their hands clean. Year 1 Team


WELLBEING POSITIVE EDUCATION : THRIVE Langwarrin Park Primary School has partnered with Elisabeth Murdoch College, Langwarrin Primary and Woodlands Primary to create the Langwarrin Positive Education Network. The network is using best practice teaching and the science of Positive Psychology, to help all students reach their academic and personal potential. Based on the research, we have developed ‘THRIVE’. Our THRIVE model outlines 6 simple actions you can take to build robust levels of wellbeing, which are:

TRY your best Be HEALTHY RELATE well Get INVOLVED Live your VALUES ENJOY positive emotions Every student has the opportunity to learn how to THRIVE by participating in lessons that teach critical life skills. This term, we are focusing on the topic of ‘Enjoying Positive Emotions’ and activities completed in the classroom focus on building children’s emotional literacy (i.e., their ability to understand and express feelings appropriately) but also encouraging them to ‘live in the moment’, ‘notice the good things’, and ‘do what makes them happy’. If you are interested in learning more about THRIVE you can visit our website. We are also very excited to launch our parent Library of books which you can come and borrow! Click on the link to see the books that are available – if you would like to borrow any of these

resources please visit Kate in the Library.

BREAKFAST CLUB Our Breakfast Club is being well frequented by students on Mondays and Wednesdays 8.15-8.45am. If students would like to come along for some toast and cereal we are located in the kitchenette area beside the Music Room just before the hallway to the Dance Studio. We are seeking some volunteers to support this Club. You would be required to assist the teacher on duty for an hour on either Monday or Wednesday. A Current Working with Children Check is required to assist, details available on our school website. Please contact Pauline Agius at the school if you would be willing to support our Breakfast Club. STUDENT SNACK/LUNCH TIME Room 21 is a space designed to promote positive social skills for students. It is open every recess and lunch time and is run by Education Support staff. We also operate a lunchtime club in the Library from middle bell on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Students enjoy a new activity each day such as chess, Lego, colouring-in, computers and crafts. These spaces provide an alternative to outside play and new opportunities to interact or work next to students they may not have met before.


WELLBEING continued SCHOOL ATTENDANCE OUR WELLBEING TEAM Introducing our dedicated staff: Integration Aides: Trudi Paydon, Kerryn Cornelissen, Travis Shakes, Natasha Devereaux and Louise McLean Counsellors: Andrew Rossborough and Lisa Evans Occupational Therapist: Kristen Sullivan SSSO’s: Sarah Letho and Karli Rae Pauline Agius Sarah Roney Luana Lane Deputy Principal Positive Education Co-ordinator Welfare Officer


BUILDINGS & GROUNDS ‘HAPPY HELPERS’ TEAM Thank you to the ‘HAPPY HELPERS’ that came along to our mini working bee prior to our Foundation BBQ evening to sweep the paths and tidy the area. As mentioned in the previous newsletter, we are currently establishing a ‘flexible’ group of parent helpers who could help keep our school neat and tidy. Not by committing to a huge amount of time; just 20 - 30 minutes every second week. The team would help do a small job between 9am-10am every second Friday. Lots of parents remain in the school grounds following drop off at this time and the idea is to join in and help fix up a problem area in the school eg by weeding one garden bed or sweeping the paths around the Prep rooms etc. Simple jobs that 4 or 5 people could knock off in a short period of time. A simple and supportive process to help keep our school clean. Carol, Graham and myself will be available to outline the ‘task for the day’ and to get out the tools required. What we need at the moment is a list of parents who would like to join in and also a couple of dedicated people to act on a ‘Happy Helpers’ Management Team. If you are interested please contact the front office to put yourself on the list. We realise that people may not be able to attend every time; that’s OK. There will be no expectation that you attend every time but as long as a few people are willing to pitch in every second Friday that would be great. A few dedicated parents each time who realise that we have the best school in the state and want to keep it looking good. SCHOOL PRIDE TWILIGHT WORKING BEE The first of our four major school working bees will be taking place on Friday 16th March and will conclude with a BBQ. We would appreciate many hands to make light work at this community event to assist in making our School the best environment that it can be for our students to spend their days. A notice went home this week to all students, which is also printed on the following page, and we request these be returned by Tuesday 13th March. LISTEN AND WALK DRILL On Tuesday 6th March Langwarrin Park PS will be holding its first Emergency Management Drill for 2018. THIS WILL BE A TEST SITUATION. Please do not be alarmed when the sirens sound on this day. This first drill will be a 'Listen and Walk' Drill. It will be held at 10.00am and will last approximately 10 minutes. The alarms will be activated so that all students and staff can hear the sirens and associated messages. This is a test to ensure that all students and staff are up to date with the process in case of an emergency. In all classrooms teachers will talk to the children about the sirens and what they mean. They will also take their class out to walk the evacuation route so that everyone is aware of their responsibilities in case of a real emergency event.' Ron Skidmore OHS / Facilities Manager

WELLBEING continued BUDDY BENCHES Thank you to the work of our Student Representative Council two Buddy Benches have now been positioned out in the yard. We are looking forward to seeing students take advantage of the concept: finding a friend, being a friend, using empathy and being thoughtful—key elements of our THRIVE program. Take a look around and see if you can spot their location!




REMINDERS Due dates for Payments: Amount: Due Date: Extra-Curricula Music Program Year 1-6 Various 2 March House Athletics Year 3-6 $10 21 March Swimming Year 1 & 4 $43.75 23 March

Please check the planning guide further on in this newsletter for details of upcoming activities and due dates for payment. CSEF—FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE INFORMATION FOR PARENTS CSEF will be provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities (including swimming)for the benefit of your child. The annual CSEF amount per student is $125 for primary school students. Contact the school office to obtain a CSEF application form or download from Note: If you qualified for CSEF last year then you do not need to complete a new form for this year. This will be automatically updated as per Centrelink/CSEF. If you have any queries please pop into the Finance Office. For the CSEF application closing dates and more information about the fund visit EXCURSION / INCURSION FORMS Excursion forms need to be returned to the teacher by the due date and payment made to the Finance Office via QKR/BPay/eftpos or classroom teacher. It is imperative that we have forms returned so that student numbers can be confirmed. For example, where extra teachers are needed for swimming etc. Qkr! SECURITY There have been a few issues with Parents being unable to access Qkr! Due to lost/forgotten passwords and/or incorrect email address. Qkr! has provided this information: Lost and Forgotten Passwords If you have ever experienced password reset issues with Qkr!, we have a new FAQ with instructions at But in short, due to high security and protections around not letting accounts get hijacked by a third party claiming to have lost their password, it is often much quicker and easier to call the help desk on 1800 689 562 and ask to have your account deleted (and then immediately re-register on the Qkr! App) if you cannot easily reset your password using the instructions provided within the FAQ. Given this strong security , some people have nominated to use their fingerprint as their password. WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK On 1 August 2017 legislation changed which requires everyone in direct contact with students to obtain a Working with Children Check. For full details please visit the website by following the link from our school website finance page. If you are assisting with swimming, excursions or within the school you must have a valid WWCC. If you have organised your WWCC please check the expiry dates to ensure it is current and notify the Finance Office of new dates. We value the support of our families and appreciate your compliance with these requirements to protect our students. Sue Guest Bridgit Dooley Business Manager Accounts Receivable


LIBRARY LIBRARY CAPTAINS AND LEADERS Our Year 6 leaders have experienced their first week of duty in our Library. They have been doing an excellent job learning how to shelve our books in the correct sections according to the call number. These 10 students are already showing responsibility, initiative and many other leadership qualities and I am looking forward to working with them this year. We have appointed: Library Captains: Lilly R 6/7 and Indiana R 6/9 Library Leaders: Danica S 6/5, Rhianna A 6/5, Benjamin J 6/8, Nathaniel C 6/8, Paige K 6/8, Paige D 6/9, Ella B 6/9, Riley P 6/9 LUNCH CLUB The Captains and Leaders have also been setting up and helping students at our lunchtime clubs which operate from middle bell: Monday—Colouring, Tuesday - Computers, Thursday-Lego, Friday– Chess. A big thank you to Mr Dutchman who is coming along to supervise the Chess club. It is wonderful for the students to have an experienced player to guide and teach them new skills. Pictured right is Fox F 1/28 showing us his amazing creation from Lego club this week. VOLUNTEERS We are so grateful to anyone with a current Working with Children Check to assist in the Library. There are always books to shelve or repair, new books to cover here or at home, as well as our wonderful Book Club orders to pack and distribute to classrooms. These are tasks that can extend to family members interested in being involved in our school. You may have time in between school drop off or pick up even if this is a simple 10-15 minutes….the involvement is always warmly appreciated by myself, students and our staff. We have a special sign in at the Front Office and a volunteer lanyard for you to wear. Come and join us!

Kate Mowat Some Year 3 students enjoying our new cushions

Library Manager earned with Scholastic Reward points!



Apa kabar? How are you? Baik baik Good Bagus! Great!

Bu S and Bu Wilson LOTE Teachers



Don't forget to get your Easter Lunch orders in by 16th March

The Special Easter Lunch consists of: Sausage Roll & sauce, Choc muffin, a juice box & mini Easter Egg.

There is a chance to win some random prizes and a canteen hamper!

Please make sure you are using the current 2018 Canteen Pricelist. All prices are effective 1st March. The 2018 Pricelist is available online, or in the last newsletter or from the notice stand at the office. Don’t forget to register for online ordering at to

make your lunch orders easy and convenient.

Have a great week!

Di & Staff



FOR $5!!!

SPORTS FOR SCHOOLS We are excited to be taking part in the 2018 Coles supermarket Sports for Schools program. From now until 11 May 2018 for every $10 you spend at Coles you will earn one voucher (exclusions apply). Simply bring these vouchers to school and drop them into our collection box located at the Front Office. If you can staple them in bundles of 10 this would be so helpful too. At the end of the campaign we will be redeeming these vouchers for a range of sporting equipment to use at school. The more vouchers we collect, the more we can redeem from a choice of over 800 quality sports items. Make sure you encourage family and friends to collect to help us earn more equipment. For more information you can visit

Thank you in advance for your support.


PHYSICAL EDUCATION Welcome all readers; it’s been an extremely busy start to 2018 for many of the students and the PE staff. Over the year, we look forward to sharing with you the many active experiences the students will have at LPPS. YEAR 6 WATER SAFETY The Year 6 students have had a busy start to the year with their involvement in the Water Safety program. Starting Week 1, students participated in three pool sessions, developing skills and knowledge which would prepare them for a week of activities at the beach. Week 3, the students had a wonderful time and extremely valuable educational experience at Mills Beach. The students rotated through 7 of 8 different activities – PFD’s (Personal Floatation Device), Snorkelling, Rescues (using tubes), Beach Games, Team Building, Water Skills (signals, moving through water), CPR (introduction to cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and Boards. The program provided students with challenges and experiences which enabled them to develop their team building skills (co-operation, initiative, communication) and life skills (safety around water, CPR, recreational activities in an aquatic environment). Unfortunately extreme weather conditions on Wednesday 14th and poor water quality on Friday 16th February resulted in these days being cancelled. The carnival day and completion of the 8th activity has now been rescheduled for Monday 19th March; let’s hope the weather and water quality are “kind” to the Year 6 students and staff. MURDOCH DISTRICT SWIMMING TRIALS Last Thursday, when most students were still asleep, 24 students from Years 4 – 6 represented LPPS at the Murdoch District Swimming Trials at the Pines Pool. For some of these students it was their first time competing in a 50 metre outdoor pool. All students were great ambassadors for our school, giving 100% effort and demonstrating excellent sportsmanship at all times. Congratulations and well done to the following students. 10 Years Girls

Caitlin Burridge – 5th Freestyle,

Shilah Cherrill – 1st Backstroke, 3rd Freestyle

Bridgette Nye – 3rd Backstroke

Freestyle relay – (Caitlyn Burridge, Shilah Cherrill, Bridgett Nye, Molly Bennett) – 2nd

10 Years Boys Max Tassone – 2nd Freestyle, 1st Butterfly

Ryder Dower – 1st Breaststroke, 4th Freestyle

Kayden Lee – 2nd Backstroke

Kade Gannon – 3rd Backstroke

Waldo Pretorius – 3rd Breaststroke

Freestyle Relay: (Ryder Dower, Kayden Lee, Kade Gannon, Max Tassone) – 1st

11 Years Girls Maddy Norrish – 2nd Freestyle

Sophie Lovisa – 3rd Freestyle, 4th Breaststroke

Hannah Curran – 3rd Backstroke, 5th Breaststroke

Jessica Moloney - 4th Backstroke

Freestyle Relay: (Sophie Lovisa, Hannah Curran, Maddy Norrish, Jessica Moloney) – 1st

11 Years Boys Alex Ianculescu – 2nd Freestyle, 1st Breaststroke

Brodie Smith – 4th Freestyle

Aidan Scutt – 3rd Backstroke, 3rd Breaststroke

Freestyle Relay: (Alex Ianculescu, Aidan Scutt, Harvey Edmonds, Brodie Smith) – 1st

12/13 Years Girls Isabel Freeman-Wright – 2nd Freestyle, 2nd Butterfly

Katelyn Fellows – 4th Freestyle

Jaime Paxton – 3rd Breaststroke

Alice Phillips – 4th Backstroke, 5th Breaststroke

Makayla Cherrill – 6th Backstroke

Freestyle Relay: (Alice Phillips, Jaime Paxton, Isabel Freeman-Wright, Katelyn Fellows) – 1st

12/13 Years Boys/Mixed Jack Moloney – 3rd Freestyle, 3rd Backstroke

Freestyle Relay – (Jack Moloney, George Skaliaris, Jemma Reynolds, Makayla Cherrill) – 3rd

Girls Open Medley Relay – (Jaime Paxton, Makayla Cherrill, Katelyn Fellows, Isabel Freeman-Wright) – 3rd Boys/Mixed Open Medley Relay – (Alex Ianculescu, Aidan Scutt, Max Tassone, Jemma Reynolds) – 2nd

Students highlighted in “bold” will now be representing the

school at the Divisional competition on Wednesday 14th March;

we wish them well and look forward to reporting on their

achievements. Thank you to all the parents who transported their

children at such an early hour to allow them to compete for the

school; it was very much appreciated.



YEAR 6 SUMMER SPORT Year 6 students participated in their first Interschool Competition against Somerville Rise Primary School last Friday. It is an exciting time for all students and a wonderful experience. Our philosophy with Interschool Sport at LPPS is for students to have a positive experience with team sport. Therefore our emphasis is on:


Developing an understanding of the sport and working co-operatively in a team.

Demonstrating good sportsmanship at all times – playing by the rules, supporting teammates, acknowledging the achievements of the opposition, winning

graciously and losing with dignity.


Whilst it is nice to win, the above mentioned takes priority – winning is a bonus! ROUND 1 RESULTS: 23/02/2018 LANGWARRIN PARK V SOMERVILLE RISE

COLES SPORT FOR SCHOOLS PROGRAM Our school has registered for the Coles Sport for Schools Program. For every $10 spent at Coles, you receive a voucher. By collecting these vouchers our school can earn valuable points which will help us to order sports equipment. So we are encouraging everyone to get behind the program. If your friends, aunties, uncles, grandparents, neighbours, shop at Coles, ask them to collect the vouchers. These vouchers can be placed in the box at the Front Office, or the box that is down at the Coles Langwarrin store. To make it easy for Mrs Burt and the students who help count the vouchers, make up bundles of 10 and then staple them together. The campaign lasts for 8 weeks. Week 1 we collected 4,200 vouchers, but we are hoping to do better. Mrs Burt has set a target of 80,000, so let’s get collecting.

YEAR 1 AND 2 CRICKET CLINIC Students in Years 1 and 2 have been participating in a 3 week Cricket clinic run by Will, Rob and Beth from Cricket Victoria. In small group activities and warm up games, students were introduced to and practised the 3 main skills of cricket – fielding, bowling and batting. Thank you to Cricket Victoria for providing the free clinics. RUNNING CLUB – TUESDAY AND THURSDAY MORNINGS (8:00 am – 8:45 am) Not doing anything before school; why not join the running club. Not only is it a great way to get fit, it is great preparation for the Year 3 – 6 House Cross Country which will be held Wednesday 2nd May. Students who wish to participate can collect and return a consent form to the PE office. Participating students meet Mrs Burt in the gym at 8:00 am. First session begins on Tuesday 6th March.

UP AND COMING EVENTS: HOUSE TWILIGHT CARNIVAL (FOUNDATION – YEAR 2) – WEDNESDAY 14TH MARCH The Twilight House Carnival has been organised for the Junior School students. Foundation students have been practising many of the activities in preparation for the event. We are looking forward to our students participating in this carnival. Please return the consent form, indicating you and your child’s attendance, by Wednesday 7th March to ensure the necessary arrangements can be made so the carnival can run smoothly. Don’t forget: Bring snacks/dinner and drink bottle (arrive at 5:00 pm). Encourage students to wear their House colours, shorts and runners. Parents should be prepared to join in. Activities start at 5:30 pm. Emphasis is on FUN and PARTICIPATION.

YEAR 3 – 6 HOUSE ATHLETICS – WEDNESDAY 28th MARCH (Ballam Park) All students in Years 3 – 6 should now have received a notice regarding this year’s House Athletics Carnival. Students in Years 3 – 6 have been learning the different Athletic disciplines in their PE lessons. The House Carnival at Ballam Park Athletics Track is the culmination of the skills and fitness that the students have gained in Term 1. All students in Years 3 – 6 are expected to participate in this activity. Payment and consent forms should be returned by Wednesday 21st March. Parent help (recording, raking, participation in the parent relay) and support is very much appreciated on the day. Sue Burt / Franca Peluso PE Department



Kanga A Cricket 253 117 Win

Kanga B Cricket 96 94 Win

Girls Rounders 27 39 Loss

Mixed Rounders 3 25 Loss

Girls Softball 14 6 Win

Boys Softball 10 1 Win

Newcombe 1 set 2 sets Loss



ART IN ACTION! Students across all levels really enjoyed learning about self-portraits over the last couple of weeks.

Danielle Barrett and Melissa Hamilton Visual Arts Department




We would love any sandpit toys, cars, trucks and blocks

for our Foundation students to use at recess / lunch play.

If you can assist please deliver to the

Front Office or any Foundation classroom Thank you




This tentative outline of forthcoming events is provided to assist parents with their calendar and budget planning


MARCH Thursday 1st, 8th 2/30, 2/31, 15th, 22nd, 29th 2/33, 2/34, 2/35 Swimming $43.75 16 February Tuesday 6th, 13th 3/22, 3/23, 20th, 27th 3/24, 3/25 Swimming $43.75 16 February Thursday 8th ALL PFC—Crazy Sock Day $2 donation Friday 9th Year 2 Dolphin Research Centre Excursion $30 28 February Balnarring Beach ‘I See I Care’ Monday 12th ALL Labour Day Public Holiday Wednesday 14th Foundation-Year 2 House Twilight Athletics Carnival 5.30pm-7.15pm Thursday 22nd Year 4 BYOD Parent Information Session 5.30pm – School Library Wednesday 28th Year 3-6 House Athletics Carnival $10 21 March Thursday 29th ALL Term 1 Concludes Early Dismissal 2.30pm APRIL Monday 16th ALL Curriculum Day—Student Free Tuesday 17th ALL Students commence Term 2 (11 weeks) Tuesday 24th 4/19, 4/20, 4/26, 4/27 Swimming $43.75 23 March Thursday 26th 1/15, 1/17, 1/18, 1/28, 1/29 Swimming $43.75 23 March MAY Tuesday 1st, 8th 4/19, 4/20, 15th, 22nd 4/26, 4/27 Swimming $43.75 23 March Thursday 3rd, 10th 1/15, 1/17, 1/18, 17th, 24th 1/28, 1/29 Swimming $43.75 23 March Wednesday 23rd Year 6 School Production 2.30pm JUNE Friday 29th ALL Term 2 Concludes Early Dismissal 2.30pm



See our school website

for details on how to reach our Langwarrin Park Community through
