Laravel 5.3 Intro

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Hell ! �

�Who is this Guy !!?

I am Jai KoraI am a Dev and a Laravel Evangelist I am a Tech Product Manager @ I do Code Review & ConsultingI Run Laravel MelBourne Meetup You can find me at @jai_kora

I already use X & Y why

Laravel ?

MY Good Points × Expressive Syntax × Modern PHP practices

( nameSpaces, Interfaces , ICO, Auto loading)

× Providers / Connectors - Event Handling, Jobs

× Awesome Documentation× The Best CLI Tool (Symfony

Console)× Completely Modular× Route Model binding

And More ….× Focus on Testable Code.

( DEMO )× Flexible structure .× Contracts.× Service Providers.× Developer Centric.× Broadcasting.× Quick Explanation ->DOCS

Directory Chnage

“This is good But , I am not

Impressed !!!!”

Big So far one of the best releases!

Laravel ECHO × Laravel Echo is a JavaScript


× npm install --save laravel-echo


× Makes Event Broadcasting Dead


× You can create a chat room in 10




× http://laravel-notification-

Laravel PassportMany packages. API Auth. Session State in Request.Consume API Architecture.

League OAuth2 server

Laying ground work in 5.2In few mins you can start using it .Helpful for Frontend

Dem 🎃

Laravel scoutText Based Search Driver Model observerSearch indexes in sync with Your Eloquent records.Default is Algolia.

And many More ….Envoy: Minimal syntax for defining common tasks you run on your remote servers.

Socialite: OAuth authentication with Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, GitHub and BitbucketCashier: Laravel Cashier provides an expressive, fluent interface to Stripe's and Braintree's subscription billing services.

26,0009Whoa! That’s a big number, aren’t you


How about paying with this !!!!

Homestead : Full stack vagrant Box. Valet: Simple Quick out of the box mac usage.Package’s 10636.Laravel Docs.*******Laracast Videos.

Laravel + Vue js Meetup Next Tuesday Same Place !!!!

Wine, Beers + Food.

THANKS!Any questions?I Run Laravel MelBourne Meetup You can find me at @jai_kora

Credits :

Laravel docshttp://benedmunds.com