Larry Braile, Purdue University; W. Scott Baldridge, Los ...Doing Geophysics. Groundwater EM...

Post on 23-Sep-2020

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Larry Braile, Purdue University; W. Scott Baldridge, Los Alamos National Laboratory; George Jiracek, San Diego State University; Shawn Biehler, University of California-Riverside; John Ferguson, University of Texas-Dallas; Louise Pellerin, Green Engineering; Darcy McPhee and Paul

Bedrosian, U. S. Geological Survey; Cathy Snelson, National Center for Nuclear Security

SAGE Program• A four-week-long, field-based program in

New Mexico and one-week follow-up at San Diego State University featuring “hands-on” exploration geophysics.

• SAGE prepares students for careers in groundwater, mining, energy (e.g., petroleum, geothermal), environmental, engineering, buried metal detection (e.g., military ordnance); and other (e.g., earthquake seismology) applications.

• SAGE field problems include locating buried hazardous material, mapping archaeological sites, and studying subsurface structure and water and geothermal resources of the Rio Grande valley near Santa Fe, New Mexico.

SAGE Affiliates• SAGE visitors present lectures, furnish latestequipment and software, assist in fieldworkand provide financial support.

• Industry representatives describe current industry trends and career opportunities.

• Recent SAGE Affiliates:BHP Billiton Chevron ConocoPhillips Eaglecrest ExxonMobil Geometrics Geonics Geophys. Purs. Green Eng. INOVA Geo. Schlumberger Sens. & Soft. S. Nev. Water US Geol. Surv. Zonge

SAGE Features1. Partnership-pooled resources with

industry, academia, and federal agencies. 2. Undergraduate students eligible for NSF

SAGE research experiences for undergraduates (REU) support.

3. Graduate students eligible for SAGE ExxonMobil Scholars grants.

4. SAGE SEG Foundation Endowment established in 2008 with Founding Donor Geophysical Pursuit, Inc. (GPI).

5. SAGE students present SAGE results atprofessional meetings.

SAGE Recognition • American Geophysical Union – Excellence

in Geophysical Education Award, 1998.• Society of Exploration Geophysicists –

Special Commendation Award, 2000.

Doing Geophysics

Groundwater EM Archaeology GPR, GPS Deep Basin Fault Structure - Seismics and EM

MT sounding indicating midcrustalconductor at ~ 20 km depth.

Data Analysis and Oral Presentations

What SAGE Students Say• “Priceless. I have learned more in the past month than in the past few years at university.”

(SAGE 2010 REU student)• “An exceptional educational experience.”

(SAGE 2010 graduate student)• “I would recommend this to ANY geophysics student.”

(SAGE 2010 REU student)• “Extremely beneficial to my knowledge and career.”

(SAGE 2011 REU student) • “An amazing and complete geological and geophysics

learning experience….” (SAGE 2011 graduate student)

More About SAGE: Web Site at Leading Edge, October 2008 IssueSAGE 2010 Geophysics Highlights:

SAGE Students• Advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, and qualified professionals, worldwide.• 730 students have attended SAGE in 29 years of operation.• 319 REU students have attended SAGE since 1990 when NSF support began. • 28 students from 22 campuses, world-wide attended SAGE 2011 along with

6 additional Native American students from northern New Mexico pueblos.

SponsorshipLos Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), National Science Foundation (NSF), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), and SAGE Affiliates.

SAGE 2010 Geophysics Highlights

Complete Bouguer gravity map of the Santo Domingo basin area. CI is 1 mGal.

West-East CMP stacked seismic reflection record section. La Bajada fault plane reflections on right.