Latin America Unit Lecture 9

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Lecture #9 - Imperialism in Latin America

Independence Brings Poverty

•Wars disrupt trade

•Wars devastate hills and countryside's

•Leads to Civil Unrest and Anxiety

No Unity

•Failure of Bolivar’s dream for a united South America:

•Many newly independent countries struggle with civil wars.

•By 1830s, geographic factors (mts., the Amazon, etc.) plus cultural differences defeated attempts at unification.

Countries left to Caudillos

•Mid-19c dictators/military authoritarians

•Mostly wealthy creole aristocrats.

•Immediately followed the fight for independence.

•Posed as reformers with goals to improve the economy and better the lives of the common people.


Vincente Guerrero and Agustin de Iturbide

Monroe Doctrine 1823

US policy established by James Monroe that stated further acts of colonization by European governments in the Americas would be viewed as acts of aggression and result in US interference


•Anglo (American settlers) vs. Tejanos (Mexican settlers)

•Differences over religion and slavery are disputed leading to American settlers looking to annex Texas.

•Battle of the Alamo - Feb. 23-March 6, 1836 (183 Americans die)

•Mexican President Antonio Santa Anna is captured after leading troops in victory at the Alamo.

•Forced to sign Texas away (Treaty of Velasco 1836)

Mexican-American War 1846-1848

•James K. Polk moves American troops into disputed territory in both California and Texas

•American troops are shot at in Texas prompting Polk to ask for a declaration of war.

•By the end of 1846 the US controls CA, and New Mexico

•Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo - Feb. 2 - Mexico signs over New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, parts of Texas, Colorado, and Wyoming

•55% of Mexico’s land

•20% of its population

Spanish-American WarBy the end of the 1800s, Spain had lost all of its New World colonies except Cuba and Puerto Rico. - Cubans wanted independence - U.S. had millions in Cuban investmentsUSS Maine sinks in Havana harbor after an explosion (Feb. 15, 1898)Newspapers blame Spain- Later it is found that a coal bin exploded inside the shipPres. McKinley and Congress declare war on April 25, 1898

Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders

Spanish-American War•April 25th - August 12th of 1898

•Cuba - Battle of San Juan Hill

•Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders

•Treaty of Paris Dec. 10, 1898 - Spain gives up Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico and Cuba in exchange for 20 million dollars

Teddy Roosevelt

•Big Stick Diplomacy

•Very aggressive foreign policy

•“Speak softly and carry a big stick and you will go far”

•Dependent on US Naval dominance in Latin America

•Roosevelt Corollary 1904 - amendment to Monroe Doctrine that asserted the US would “police” the Americas

Panama Canal

•Construction started by France in 1880 but never finished

•US takes over and finishes in 1914

•US attempts to negotiate with Columbia for rights to the land but fails.

•TR starts a local revolt to push for independence from Columbia

•After US navy forces support new nation of Panama and receive a contract to the land

•Given back to Panama in 12/31/1999 (Torrijos-Carter treaty of 1977)

The Caribbean:An “American Lake”