Latin roots

Post on 23-Feb-2017

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Latin Roots4th Bimonthly

5th Grade

describe•to write or tell about

interruption• an act of stopping or hindering by breaking in

inspection• the act of examining closely or officially

scribble• to write quickly or carelessly

respectful• showing or having respect

bankrupt• a person, business, etc., that is unable to pay debts

project• a task or problem in school that requires careful work over a long

period of time

injection• the act or process of forcing a liquid medicine or drug into someone

or something by using a special needle

manuscript• written by hand or typed

suspect• to think that (someone) is possibly guilty of a crime or of doing

something wrong

subscription• an agreement to buy a publication or service for a stated period

spectacular• very impressive

eruption• the bursting out of material from a volcano

eject• to push (something) out

abruptly• very sudden and not expected

prescribe• to officially tell someone to use (a medicine, therapy, diet, etc.)

reject• something that is not good enough for some purpose

aspect• a part of something

rupture• a crack or break in something

inscribe• to write, engrave, or print as a lasting record