Launchpad Configuration

Post on 09-Oct-2015

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SAP Fiori


  • SAP Fiori Launchpad configuration

    Fiori 2

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 2


    Concept overview


    Preparation steps

    Initial configuration

    Maintaining SAP Gateway OData Services

    Configuring ICF Nodes

    Transport request

    Configuration steps

    Register a new LPD with the LPD_CUST Transaction on the Gateway

    Create a new catalog in Launchpad designer

    Add tiles to the catalog: Target mapping and Static, Dynamic or News tiles

    Create a group and add tiles from existing catalogs

    Create a new role with the PFCG Transaction

    Adjusting the Visual Appearance of the Launchpad

    Testing the Launchpad

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 3

    Concept overview

    LPD_CUST Transaction

    Launchpad designer

    Catalogs Groups


    Mapping Static Tile

    Dynamic Tile News Tile




    c Tile







    PFCG Transaction 5

    Sequence of steps for TRANSACTIONAL apps:

    1. Register a new LPD with the LPD_CUST

    transaction on the SAP NW Gateway and add

    the desired BSP apps to it.

    2. Create a new catalog in Launchpad designer

    3. Add tiles to the catalog: two types are required

    Target mapping (mandatory)

    Static, Dynamic or News

    4. Create a group and add tiles to it by taking

    already created Static, dynamic or News tiles

    from defined catalogs.

    5. Create a new role with the PFCG Transaction

    and assign the created catalog and/or group to

    it. Then assign the role to the users.

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 4

    Concept overview 1





    Sequence of steps for TRANSACTIONAL apps:

    1. Register a new LPD with the LPD_CUST

    transaction on the SAP NW Gateway and add

    the desired BSP apps to it.

    2. Create a new catalog in Launchpad designer

    3. Add tiles to the catalog: two types are required

    Target mapping (mandatory)

    Static, Dynamic or News

    4. Create a group and add tiles to it by taking

    already created Static, dynamic or News tiles

    from defined catalogs.

    5. Create a new role with the PFCG Transaction

    and assign the created catalog and/or group to

    it. Then assign the role to the users.

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 5

    Concept overview





    Provides users

    access to the

    apps in groups

    and catalogs.

    Set of apps you

    want to make

    available for one


    Subset of

    catalog that

    contains the

    apps visible on

    the Fiori


    entry page

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 6

    Concept overview

    Theres a distinction between Business Catalogs and Technical Catalogs (with corresponding roles)







    relevant for a

    business role

    in a certain

    area (like

    SD, CRM,)




    relevant for

    a certain

    area (like




    PFCG Role


    PFCG Role

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 7

    Material Management Apps

    Concept overview

    Example (1/2)

    SAP Fiori has several apps and corresponding roles for Materials Management



    Material Purchase




    Technical Role : SAP_MM_TCR_T

    Business Role :


    Business Role :


  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 8

    Material Management Apps Material Management Apps

    Concept overview

    Example (2/2)

    Each user will have access to the apps based on the roles assigned to him



    Material Purchase




    Technical Role : SAP_MM_TCR_T

    Business Role :


    Business Role :


    Technical Role : SAP_MM_TCR_T

    Inventory Manager Buyer

  • Prerequisites

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 10

    Prerequisite 1 (1/3)

    Fiori App with properly implemented navigation

    You have implemented a Fiori application you want to integrate into the Fiori


    Be sure, that this application has taken into consideration the Intent-based navigation

    The Launchpad uses an intent-based navigation paradigm. This means that a source application can navigate to a target, by specifying an intent using the hash fragment of a

    standard URL

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 11

    Prerequisite 1 (2/3)

    A schematic illustration of navigation steps and URLs could be as follows:

    1 Load App 1 (View 1 is default) http://://shell.html#app1

    2 Inner-App Navig. to View 2 http://://shell.html#app1&/view2

    3 App-to-app Navigation to App 2 http://://shell.html#app2

    4 Back Navigation (Browser) http://://shell.html#app1&/view2

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 12

    Prerequisite 1 (3/3)

    Intent based navigation concept

    The Launchpad enables you to specify that the same application is launched in different views or modes

    depending on the end user's role. Each application within the Launchpad has a resource locator (URL) by

    which it can be loaded. Instead of directly encoding the (technical) name of the target application into the

    URL hash, the Launchpad performs an indirection by so-called intents. An intent is a mechanism that allows

    users to perform actions on semantic objects (such as navigating to a sales order or displaying a fact sheet),

    without worrying about the UI technology or technical implementation of the navigation target.

    Intents have the following pattern:



    The intent #SalesOrder-displayFactSheet?SalesOrder=27 specifies that a fact sheet for the sales order no.27 is launched.

    The intent-based fragment identifier #SalesOrder-displayFactSheet?SalesOrder=27 may be resolved to the following URL:


    However, the URL of the Launchpad hides the actual URL under an intent-based URL.

    For example:



    The same intent can be resolved differently based on the role of the user that triggers the navigation.

    For example, you may want to define that a manager can display a different version of an employee fact sheet than regular

    employees. Thus, for managers the intent #factsheet-display should resolve to view1 of your application, while for regular

    employees it should resolve to view2.

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 13

    Prerequisite 2 (1/3)

    Fiori App is based on UI5 components and runs in the Launchpad

    Apps must provide a base path of the BSP application and a root component:

    To get the base path of the BSP application:

    Go to transaction SICF on the Gateway system

    Put as Service Name, the name of your UI5 app (i.e. sd_myquotes) and click Execute

    Double click on the found ICF node (can be two, take the one under ui5_ui5 )

    In shown path 'default_host/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/' + , skip the

    "/default_host (i.e. take just '/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/sd_myquotes)

    To get the root component of your app:

    Go to transaction SE80 on the Gateway system

    In the BSP Application, search for the name of your app (i.e. sd_myquotes).

    Open the Page Fragments/Component.js file and check the first line:"");

    The string in bold is the root component of your app

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 14

    Prerequisite 2 (2/3)

    To get the base path of the BSP application:

    Go to transaction SICF on the Gateway system

    Put as Service Name, the name of your UI5 app (i.e. sd_myquotes) and click Execute

    Double click on the found ICF node (can be two, take the one under ui5_ui5 )

    In shown path 'default_host/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/' + , skip the

    "/default_host (i.e. take just '/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/sd_myquotes)

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 15

    Prerequisite 2 (3/3)

    To get the root component of your app:

    Go to transaction SE80 on the Gateway system

    In the BSP Application, search for the name of your app (i.e. sd_myquotes).

    Open the Page Fragments/Component.js file and

    check the first line:"


    The string in bold is the root component

    of your app

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 16

    Prerequisite 3

    User and authorization in the Gateway System

    User in client of your software component

    Authorization to create customizing/workbench requests

    Authorization to create/transport PFCG roles

    Launchpad administrators need to have role SAP_UI2_ADMIN_700

    Launchpad users need to have role SAP_UI2_USER_700

  • Preparation

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 18

    Initial configuration

    In order to properly display SAP transactions in SAP GUI for HTML from the Launchpad the

    browser needs to display the SAP GUI in standard mode. The system from which the SAP

    GUI for HTML is started, requires the following ABAP kernel versions:

    For NetWeaver 7.00, 7.01, 7.02 and 7.31 kernel version 7.20: SAP Note 1924378 Information published on SAP site

    For NetWeaver 7.00, 7.01, 7.02 and 7.31 kernel version 7.21: patch level 138

    For NetWeaver 7.40: kernel version 7.40 PL38

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 19

    Maintaining SAP Gateway OData Services

    Enable the Gateway service with transaction SPRO SAP Netweaver Gateway OData Channel Configuration Activate or Deactivate SAP Netweaver Gatway

    Navigate to the Customizing activity SPRO SAP NetWeaver Gateway OData Channel Administration General Settings Activate and Maintain Services and activate the following

    OData services for the Launchpad Designer:

    /UI2/PAGE_BUILDER_CONF -This is used by the Launchpad designer.

    /UI2/PAGE_BUILDER_CUST - This is used by the Launchpad designer.

    /UI2/PAGE_BUILDER_PERS - This is used by the Launchpad.

    /UI2/TRANSPORT- This is used by the Launchpad designer.

    /UI2/INTEROP - This is used by the Launchpad and Launchpad designer.

    When activating the OData services, the system alias must be the local system.

    The Launchpad and Launchpad designer needs a reverse proxy to direct the browser requests to either the

    front-end system in which the JavaScript sources are stored or to the SAP Gateway system in which the

    OData services are located.

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 20

    Configuring ICF Nodes SICF Services

    Open the SICF transaction and activate the following services:

    Start_up: /default_host/sap/bc/ui2/




    The services that need to be activated under this node are arsrvc_upb_admn,

    ar_srvc_news, ar_srvc_launch, ushell, ushell_staging.



    /sap/bc/ui2/nwbc/ for NWBC for HTML


  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 21

    Configuring ICF Nodes External Gateway System

    To avoid an incorrect client user credentials request when running the Launchpad and

    Launchpad designer, configure the ICF nodes as described below:

    1. In your ABAP front-end system, access transaction SICF and choose Execute. The Maintain Services

    screen appears

    2. Choose Goto External Alias

    3. Select Default Host and choose External Alias Create

    4. Choose Trg Element and navigate to SAP BC UI5_UI5 SAP

    5. Double-click the SAP node

    6. In the External Alias field, enter /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap and enter a meaningful description

    7. Choose the Logon Data tab. Leave the User field blank. In the Procedure field, select Required with

    Logon Data

    8. Enter the client information as required and save your entries

    9. Log on to your SAP NetWeaver Gateway system, call transaction SICF and navigate to the respective

    service that the Launchpad and Launchpad designer uses.

    10.Double-click the service PAGE_BUILDER_CONF

    11.Choose the Logon Data tab. In the Procedure field, select Required with Logon Data.

    12.Repeat the steps (10-11) for the following services - /UI2/PAGE_BUILDER_CUST,


  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 22

    Transport request (1/3)

    Layers CONF/CUST

    The Fiori Launchpad allows adaptation of content on different layers. All content that you want to deliver to a customer must be created in the CONF layer (configuration). For testing

    or other reasons the CUST layer (customizing) can be used.

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 23

    Transport request (2/3)

    You have to create a transport request before any Launchpad configuration:

    Open SE01

    Maintain the target parameter in the request details using the corresponding target for your SC

    Open the Launchpad designer by adding the scope=CONF parameter to the URL string (i.e. https://:/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/ARSRVC_UPB_ADMN/main.html?scope=CONF)

    Select the workbench transport from the dropdown listbox

    Enter the name of the package you will place the configuration. For technical content the package should be a sub-package of the 'Main Package Common (T+F) shown in the next slide (i.e. CUS_SD_COMMON for ).

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 24

    How to find the name of the package for the transport request:

    SE80 Object

    directory entry

    Double click on

    the package


    Click on the Package

    Hierarchy tab, expand

    all the branches and

    take the common objects string

    Transport request (3/3)

  • Configuration

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 26

    Step 1 - registration of your app using LPD_CUST (1/3)

    Use transaction LPD_CUST to register your application in the system

    The Launchpad Role and Instance should be provided to you by your PO/APO

    Role (i.e. UIAPFI70, UIX01SD)


    Typically, there is a single Launchpad Instance per Archetype per Software


    Enter all the required data like the application launch URL as well as

    additional meta data

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 27

    Step 1 - registration of your app using LPD_CUST (2/3)

    When creating a new Launchpad you need to specify

    the role

    the instance

    A short description

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 28

    Step 1 - registration of your app using LPD_CUST (3/3)

    Basically you need to specify

    Link text (a description for the app)

    Application type (URL in case of a Fiori app)

    URL string

    Application Alias (it will be used in the target mapping definition at step


    Additional Information (normally its the name of the UI5 component of

    the app)

    You dont need to specify the System Alias

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 29

    Register TRANSACTIONAL applications in LPD_CUST

    Application Type: URL

    LPD Instance Name: TRANSACTIONAL

    LPD Role Name: UIAPFI70 (one role name per Software Component)

    Application Alias: TrackedDocuments

    URL: /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/

    Additional Information: SAPUI5.Component= (i.e. fin.acc.trackdocuments)

    Same for all apps

    Specific for each app

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 30

    Register FACTSHEETS applications in LPD_CUST

    Application Type: URL

    URL: /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/ui2/ushell/resources/sap/ushell/components/factsheet

    Additional Information: SAPUI5.Component=factsheet

    LPD Instance Name: FACTSHEETS

    LPD Role Name: SD (one role name per Software Component)

    Application Alias: SalesOrderFactSheet (optional)

    Target App. Parameters:


    Example for Target App Parameters:



    Same for all apps

    Specific for each app

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 31

    Register ANALYTICS applications in LPD_CUST

    Application Type: URL

    LPD Instance Name: ANALYTICS

    LPD Role Name: UISKPI01 (one role name per Software Component)

    Application Alias: analyzeKPIDetails

    URL: /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/ca_kpi/drilldown/

    Additional Information: SAPUI5.Component=drilldown

    Just configure the KPI in the KPI Designer

    Same for all apps

    Specific for each app

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 32

    Step 2 Creating Catalogs and Groups (1/3)

    Groups provide the predefined content a user sees when first accessing the


    Catalogs define the set of all tiles users can use to personalize the homepage

    Open your Fiori Launchpad Designer:

    i.e. https://:/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/ arsrvc_upb_admn/main.html?scope=CUST

    Create catalogs of applications

    Catalog ID


    Create groups

    Group ID


  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 33

    Step 2 Creating Catalogs and Groups (2/3)

    Creating Catalog

    Choose the Create Catalog + icon on the left panel.

    A Create Catalog dialog box appears.

    Enter the title and the ID.

    Choose Save.

    A catalog with the specified title without any tiles is created.

    Removing Catalog

    Choose any catalog from the catalog list on the left panel.

    Drag and drop the selected catalog in the trash zone.

    A Confirmation dialog box appears.

    Choose OK.

    The selected catalog is deleted from the catalog list.

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 34

    Step 2 Creating Catalogs and Groups (3/3)

    Creating Group

    Choose the Create Group + icon on the left panel.

    A Create Group dialog box appears.

    Enter the title and the ID.

    Choose Save.

    A group with the specified title is created.

    Removing Group

    Choose any group from the group list on the left panel.

    Drag and drop the selected group in the trash zone.

    A Confirmation dialog box appears.

    Choose OK.

    The selected group is deleted from the group list.

    The groups appear on both the left panel and on the content area of the screen. On the left panel, the

    groups appear along with the number of the tiles associated to each group.

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 35

    Step 3 Adding Target Mappings (1/2)

    Define the intent for this target:

    Semantic Object (i.e. SalesQuotation)

    Action (i.e. displayMyQuotations)

    Specify the target defined at step 1:

    Launchpad Role

    Launchpad instance

    Application Alias

    This is the key used to identify your application in the LPD_CUST


    Target Mappings are NOT displayed on the Launchpad

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 36

    Step 3 Adding Target Mappings (2/2)

    For a list of all available semantic objects, run the transaction: /n/UI2/SEMOBJ_SAP

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 37

    Step 4 Adding Dynamic/Static tiles (1/3)

    Tiles can be of two types:

    Static (i.e. My Contacts)

    Dynamic (i.e. Track Document Issues)

    Static tiles:

    They are just a launch button on the Launchpad

    They can have a customized icon

    Dynamic tiles:

    They can display a value coming from some OData service (i.e.

    number of Document Issues,

    number of absences,)

    They act as a launch button on the Launchpad

    They can have a customized icon

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 38

    Step 4 Adding Dynamic/Static tiles (2/3)

    Adding Tiles to Catalog

    Choose any catalog from the catalog list.

    The tile or tiles associated with the selected catalog appear in the content area on the


    Choose Add Tile Template icon.

    The Select a Tile Template screen appears with various tile template. The tiles contain title

    and description about the tile.

    Choose the tile template that you want to add to the selected catalog.

    An instance of the tile template is created in the selected catalog along with the other tiles.

    The count of the tiles for the selected catalog

    on the left panel increases by 1.

    Removing Tiles from Catalog

    Choose the tile template that you want to remove or delete from the selected catalog.

    Drag and drop the selected tile template into the trash zone.

    The selected tile template is removed from the catalog.

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 39

    Step 4 Adding Dynamic/Static tiles (3/3)

    Adding Tiles to Group

    Choose the group that you want to add a tile.

    The tile or tiles associated with the selected group appear in the content area on the


    Choose Add Tile icon.

    The Add Tile to Group screen appears.

    By default, the first catalog is selected in the Catalog Search Help.

    In the Catalog Search Help, you can either enter any catalog name or press F4 to select a

    catalog from the list.

    Tile or Tiles associated with the selected catalog appear on the screen.

    Choose the Add Tile button on the tile you want to add to the group.

    Tile added successfully message appears on the screen.

    Choose the Back button.

    Removing Tiles from Group

    Choose the tile that you want to remove or delete from the selected group.

    Drag and drop the selected tile into the trash zone.

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 40

    Step 4 Configuring Static tiles (1/2)

    Parameter Description

    Title Title to be displayed on the tile

    Subtitle Subtitle to be displayed below the tile title

    Keywords You can tag a tile with keywords so users can find it more easily using the search function in the tile catalog.

    Icon Use the value help to select an icon. After you have selected an icon, the system inserts a URL starting with

    the sap-icon:// protocol. These icons are based on SAPUI5 icon fonts.

    Information Text to be displayed at the bottom of the tile.


  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 41

    Step 4 Configuring Static tiles (2/2)

    Parameter Description

    Use S.O. Navig. Deactivate this checkbox if you want to define the navigation target using a simple URL rather than

    a semantic object

    Semantic object Semantic object to be referred when clicking the tile, for example Order.

    Action Operation that is intended to be performed on the semantic object when the user clicks on the tile,

    for example display.

    Parameters Key-value pairs defining parameters for the semantic object, for example orderID=4711.

    If you enter multiple parameters, separate them with an ampersand (&), for example


    Target URL You can enter any URL, for example


  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 42

    Step 4 Configuring Dynamic tiles (1/3)

    Parameter Description

    Title Title to be displayed on the tile

    Subtitle Subtitle to be displayed below the tile title

    Keywords You can tag a tile with keywords so users can find it more easily using the search function in the tile catalog.

    Icon Use the value help to select an icon. After you have selected an icon, the system inserts a URL starting with

    the sap-icon:// protocol. These icons are based on SAPUI5 icon fonts.

    Information Text to be displayed at the bottom of the tile.

    Number unit Enter the unit to be displayed below the number, for example, USD.


  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 43

    Step 4 Configuring Dynamic tiles (2/3)

    Dynamic Data

    Parameter Description

    Service URL URL of an OData service from which data should be read. The response is expected in JSON format. When

    the service is called, the values that are provided by the service override the values that have been

    configured manually in the tile details.

    Note that the service is executed on the home page only. On the admin page, sample data is displayed


    If you only want to read a number of entities dynamically from an OData service, and read all other content

    for the app launcher statically from the configuration, you can use the $count parameter

    Refresh interval Number of seconds after which dynamic content is read from the data source again and the display is


    The launchpad uses a default of 10 seconds unless you enter a higher value in this field.

    The launchpad will fall back to 10 seconds, if the value entered is > 0 and < 10. If the value entered is 0, the

    dynamic tile is updated only once on load. If the value is >= 10, the value is taken as refresh interval.

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 44

    Step 4 Configuring Dynamic tiles (3/3)

    Parameter Description

    Use S.O. Navig. Deactivate this checkbox if you want to define the navigation target using a simple URL rather than

    a semantic object

    Semantic object Semantic object to be referred when clicking the tile, for example Order.

    Action Operation that is intended to be performed on the semantic object when the user clicks on the tile,

    for example display.

    Parameters Key-value pairs defining parameters for the semantic object, for example orderID=4711.

    If you enter multiple parameters, separate them with an ampersand (&), for example


    Target URL You can enter any URL, for example


  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 45

    Step 4 Configuring News tile (1/2) Parameter Description

    Title Default image It is a URL (sets the default image for the News Tile). You can set this parameter to select an

    alternate default image to display on the News Tile. By default, the News Tile application

    provides 12 default images and the News Tile cycles through these default images in


    Always Use Default Image It is a checkbox. When this parameter is set, the News Tile ignores any image that

    accompanies with the RSS feed article. The following order of precedence is used:

    When Always Use Default Image is not set

    Image from the RSS Article (if present)

    Image from the RSS Channel (if present)

    Image from Tile Default Image (if set)

    Image from one of the twelve (12) default images

    When Always Use Default Image is set

    Image from Tile Default Image (if set)

    Image from one of the twelve (12) default images

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 46

    Step 4 Configuring News tile (2/2) Parameter Description

    Article Cycle Interval (secs) It is an integer (minimum is 5). The default value is 5.

    Article Refresh Interval (secs) It is a dropdown box. The default value is 15 minutes.

    Article Feeds You can configure 10 RSS feeds. The News Tile monitors the RSS feeds and retrieves new

    articles based on the Article Refresh Interval.

    Feed #1 Feed #10 It is a URL. The http URL of the RSS feed.

    Inclusion filters You can configure 5 inclusion filters. The News Tile filters the feeds and includes any articles

    that contain the same text in the Title of the article.

    Filter #1 Filter #5 It is a text. The filter text that is compared to the Title of the article. If the text is found, the article is included in the list of articles.

    Exclusion filters You can configure 5 exclusion filters. The News Tile filters the feeds and excludes any

    articles that contain the same text in the Title of the article.

    Filter #1 Filter #5 It is a text. The filter text that is compared to the Title of the article. If the text is found, the article is

    excluded from the list of articles.

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 47

    Step 5 Assign the catalogs/groups to the PFCG role

    Catalogs/Groups defined at step 2 can be assigned to the PFCG role you received from the SC

    Steps to perform in the PFCG transaction

    Create a new role or use an existing one

    Add all the required catalogs/groups

    Assign this role to your user (or multiple users if required) in case this is a new role

    Save and exit

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 48

    Adjusting the Visual Appearance of the Launchpad

    You can adjust the visual appearance of the Fiori Launchpad by setting different SAP or custom themes.

    To create and edit custom themes for the Fiori Launchpad, you use the UI theme designer.

    For more information on using the UI theme designer, see Application Help: SAP Library UI Theme Designer

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 49

    Testing the Launchpad

    Launchpad can be reached from an URL like this:


    You can add the parameter sap-client= if you want to specify the SAP client you want to access (i.e. sap-client=001)

    You can add the parameter sap-language= if you want to specify the language to use (i.e. sap-language=EN)

    Launchpad designer can be reached from an URL like this:


    client=&scope =

    The scope parameter is used to specify if you want to run the designer in configuration or in customization mode.

    If not specified, it will be run in customization mode.

  • 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 51

    Info Pages: SAP Fiori - Public

    SAP Fiori - SAP User Experience Community

    Marketplace - Apps - SAP Fiori

    SAP Community Network (SCN) SAP Fiori