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Laura Towler – We Were Never Asked – Oct 24, 2019 — TranscriptPosted on October 28, 2019 by admin

[Laura Towler and a team of volunteers recently conducted a survey of over 2,000 White British on their opinion

on the non-White invasion of Britain that has been occurring in ever greater numbers since the arrival of blacks

on the SS Empire Windrush in 1948. The vast majority of White British have always been against this invasion

and remain so today, as this survey confirms.

The British people have never been asked whether they wanted this invasion, for the simple reason that they

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would have rejected it out of hand. Instead, it has been imposed top-down by traitorous “political elite” scum that

does the bidding of the (((Money Power))) with the agenda of “genociding” Whites — turning them into despised

minorities in their countries — in order to bring about a jewish “New World Order“.



We Were Never Asked!

Laura Towler

Oct 24, 2019

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Click the link below to view the video:

Also on Bitchute:

YouTube Description

Published on Oct 24, 2019

To support my work (from $1 per month):… – Thank you!

For more information:


British Attitudes to Immigration:…

2001 Government Census:…

2011 Government Census:

Net Migration Figures:…

Fertility Rates 1:…

Fertility Rates 2:…

School Pupils by Ethnic Group:…

Live Births by Ethnic Group:…

White Britons ‘will be minority’ by 2066, says professor:…


News & Politics

YouTube Stats

Jun 10, 2020 — Comments = 4,258 — Views = 97,795 — Like = 9,300, Dislikes = 240

Nov 2, 2019 — Comments = 3,066 — Views = 55,156 — Like = 6,500, Dislikes = 73

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Oct 28, 2019 — Comments = 2,356 — Views = 40,054 — Like = 5,200, Dislikes = 49





[Screen text]

The following short film (and it’s supporting website) was made by volunteers.

We did not receive any outside funding for this project.

I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everybody who helped collect the data, helped with the

website, or provided any other form of support.

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And lastly, of course, I would like to say thank you to Mark Collett.

This project would not have been possible without you all.

Part One — The Current Situation

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Laura: Since the end of World War Two immigration has always been a hot topic for Britain. It is regularly given

a prominent position in party manifestos, in our newspapers, on TV talk show panels, and across social media. It

tops opinion polls as one of our greatest concerns. And it can even be argued that it was a key factor in one of

Britain’s largest historical democratic exercises to date; our decision to leave the European Union.

I’m regularly told by the mainstream media, and certain progressive types, that immigration is great for Britain!

Diversity is our strength, they say! Think of the incredible range of restaurants it brings! Islam, well that’s a

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“religion of peace”. And this is nothing new, because we’ve always been a nation of immigrants, anyway!

“Cheddar Man” was black, don’t, you know?

It’s interesting, because I happen to know that we haven’t always been a nation of immigrants. Britain was pretty

much homogeneous right up until Empire Windrush docked in Tilburg in 1948. I also happen to know that

opinion polls show that the British have always overwhelmingly been against mass immigration, right from

Empire Windrush to the present day. We’ve always wanted a reduction in immigration levels, even during times

when immigration levels were lower.

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Could it be that the mainstream media aren’t telling the truth?

And what kind of an impact is immigration having on Britain today?

Britain is currently going through a transformation unlike anything we’ve seen before. Every ten years our

government collects a census which gives a breakdown of the UK’s population. The last census came out in 2011.

And it revealed that the UK was 87 percent White, and just under 82 percent, White British.

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Now those figures aren’t too low, but the issue is just how quickly those figures are changing, and where those

figures are heading.

The percentage of White, or White British people in the UK, had dropped by around four to five percent since the

census before. If we look at just England, then the percentage of White British people had dropped by around

seven percent since the census before. By the 2021 census demographers predicted those figures will have

dropped by another five to ten percent. What will these figures look like in 2031 and beyond?

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It was also revealed in the 2011 census that the White British are a minority — so less than 50% of the population

— in our capital city London. And also in Leicester, Luton, and Slough. So why is this happening? Why are we

becoming a smaller, and smaller, percentage of the population?

There are two reasons. The first is obviously immigration. And if you look at our official government records you

will see that hundreds of thousands of new people are coming to Britain every single year.

The second reason is our disproportionate fertility rates — so the number of children that different groups are

having. In a First World country like Britain, an overall fertility rate of 2.1 children per woman is required for a

population to stay the same size. It’s slightly over to children per woman, or couple, to counter things like

mortality rates, and the fact that not the exact same amount of boys and girls are born.

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In 2019 Britain currently has an overall fertility rate of around 1.8 children per woman. And it’s very different

depending on which ethnic group you look at. Obviously if certain groups are out breeding other groups within

Britain, and on top of this, hundreds of thousands of new people are coming here every single year, then we’re

going to end up becoming a smaller and smaller percentage of the population.

So where is this heading, and how fast? The first set of figures that we can look at are the percentage of pupils

from minority ethnic origins in state-funded primary and secondary schools. As we can see from these figures

around one third of children are from minority ethnic origins. This figure is increasing by around one percent per


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The second set of figures that we can look for are live births by ethnic group. [05:02] In 2018 only 58 percent of

live births were categorized as being White British. Once again this figure is dropping by around one percent, per


If current trends continue, by the year 2027, White British babies will be a minority. Looking at school figures and

births by ethnic group, I regret [?] where to predict what our future will be like, because Britain’s children are

Britain’s future.

Experts in the area of demography, including Professor David Coleman — the professor of demography at the

University of Oxford, have used mathematical equations to advise that, if things carry on as they are then the

White British will be a minority in Britain — so less than 50% of the overall population — by, or before, the Year

2066! That’s only a few decades away!

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Obviously this will have huge implications for the native British. I personally believe that this is the single largest

issue that we face today, and I wholeheartedly do not want it to happen! And the thing that gets me is: We were

never asked! We were never asked if we wanted to become a minority in our own country! We were never asked if

we wanted our country to change so dramatically!

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But am I alone in my thinking, or do the majority of Britons agree with me? We have no evidence, because a

survey on the topic of us becoming a minority in Britain has never been carried out. Until now!

Myself and a group of volunteers decided that the real honest opinions, and concerns, and desires of the British

will be heard! So we decided to hit the streets and ask them ourselves. Our aim was to find out how the British feel

about our changing demographics and the British becoming a minority in Britain. And so our project “We Were

Never Asked!”, was launched.

Part Two — The Sample

On Saturday the 24th of August, 2019, 40 to 50 Patriots hit the streets to survey the British public on their

thoughts on our changing demographics. In groups of to to 6 we visited cities across the country, including

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London, Coventry, Manchester, and Leeds. Wearing hi-vee [High-Visibility] vests and carrying clipboards and our

professionally printed surveys, we approached random members of the public and asked if they could spare a

couple of minutes to answer a short selection of questions.

We did not approach the public as nationalists, as we did not want to influence their answers. Instead we

approached people as data collection volunteers. And we let the public make up their own mind without trying to

impact the answers. It was always important to us that the results that we received were a true reflection of public


The first part of the survey involved asking three questions about the respondents personal details. Namely;

gender, age, and ethnic group. Even though we only wanted to survey the White British, we had to ask the

ethnic group question, as we could not assume that somebody was White British, without their confirmation.

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In total we surveyed 2,022 people who identified as being White British. There was a selection of people from

other ethnic groups who completed the survey, but their results have not been included in our project. With

regards to gender, we surveyed 1,002 people who identified as male, and 1,020 people who identified as female.

With regards to age we surveyed a fair representation across the age spectrum. The percentages of each age group

are shown on the screen now. 2.97 percent of people were marked down as, “preferred not to say”.

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After collecting these answers we then moved on to the two most important questions. Question one involved

asking the public if they were aware of our changing demographics. And question two involved asking the public

how they felt about it.

Part Three — Question One

Question one involved asking the respondent about whether they were aware of our changing demographics.

Before asking this question we read out the following sentences:

“Based on current demographic trends population experts predict White Britons

could be a minority in Britain by 2060. White Britons are already a minority in

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We then showed the respondent three newspaper articles, which are being shown on the screen now, and which

reported on our changing demographics. We chose a variety of articles including the left-leaning Guardian, the

center-right leaning Daily Mail, and the local newspaper, The London Evening Standard. We then asked the


“Are you aware that these demographic changes are taking place?”

The respondent could choose between “Yes” and “No”. Please note that the results may not always add up to

exactly 100 percent, as we have rounded the answers to the nearest two decimal places. In total, approximately

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two thirds of people said that they were aware that these demographic changes are taking place. 67.41% of people

said “Yes”, to be exact. 32.3% of people said that they were not aware that these changes are taking place. And

0.3%t of people were marked as “prefer not to say”.

Females were slightly more likely than men to say that they’re aware of the changes, but only by a couple of

percent. For question one, there was not much of a difference in how males and females answered.

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There is a larger difference if we look at the results by age, however. People who identified as being aged 30 plus,

were more likely to answer yes, than people aged between 0 [!] and 29. The results by age can be seen on the

screen, now.

Part Four — Question Two

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Question two involved us asking the respondents their opinion on our change in demographics. The question was

asked as follows:

“How do you feel about the fact that White Britons are already a minority in

London, and are likely to be a minority across the whole of Britain by 2060?”

The respondents could choose between three answers:

[1] “I feel that White Britons becoming a minority in Britain is a good thing.”

[2] “I feel that White Britons becoming a minority in Britain is a bad thing.”


[3] “I have no strong feelings on the issue of demographic change.”

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The results were as follows. Over two thirds, so 68.5% of respondents, answered that they believe it is a “badthing”. Only 4.8% of respondents answered that they believe it is a “good thing”. And 26.26% percent of

respondents said that “they had no strong feelings”.

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If we break the results down by gender, the results are rather interesting. For both genders the number of people

answering that it’s a “good thing” is pretty similar, under 5% in both cases. However males are more likely to say

that it’s a “bad thing”, whereas females are more likely to sit on the fence, and say that “they have no strongfeelings”. Still the number of people saying that it’s a “bad thing” is around two-thirds for females, and three

quarters for males.

These results are echoed if we break the results down by age. Once again, whether it’s younger people, or older

people, only around 5% of respondents answered that they believe that it’s a “good thing”. However, older

people — so those aged thirty plus — are more likely to say that it’s a “bad thing”, whereas those aged under

thirty, are more likely to answer “no strong feelings”. Still, over half of young people aged zero [!] to twenty

nine, said that they believe that it’s a “bad thing”, while a whopping 71.03% percent of over 30s, said that it’s a

“bad thing”..

It’s sometimes difficult to demonstrate through statistics why people may have answered the way that they did.

With question two in particular, around a quarter of respondents answered that they have “no strong feelings”

on the topic of demographic change. This is why we decided to include the next part of the documentary which is

snippets of interviews that I carried out with a number of the volunteers from the day.

For example, it’s impossible to show through statistics alone, that a number of the people that we surveyed,

appeared scared to answer question two, or at least answer the question in a certain way. Bearing this in mind, we

hope that what you are about to hear will allow you to delve a little deeper into the public consensus from the day.

Part Five — Volunteer Interviews

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After the data collection activity I carried out a number of interviews with volunteers from the day. The aim of this

was to provide you with greater insight into why we got the results that we did, and also to provide the viewer with

some more information about how the public really feel.

As I have a good few hours worth of interview material I have clipped certain parts from the interviews based on

what I believe the viewer will find the most interesting.

“Were people uncomfortable discussing such a controversial topic?”

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Mark Collett: Oh, I think there’s definitely a pressure! People definitely feel a pressure to say that they’re

pro-immigration, that they’re pro-multiculturalism. People clearly don’t want to be judged as being “racist”.

People are clearly scared of saying what they really think when it comes to issues of race, demographics, ethnicity,

and multiculturalism.

And I think that if it was a completely anonymous survey — and they didn’t have to look people in the eye when

they were speaking to them — I think even more people would have said they were opposed to it. And people were

clearly nervous to speak their mind, especially to people that they thought were a professional surveying company,

who — you would imagine — would be working for a newspaper, a television company, a government report,

which when published, might judge people like them harshly!


And what you also have to remember, is the White working-class are probably the most maligned segment of our

society! They’re the only segment of our society that you can sort of mock, that you can deride, that you can pour

scorn on, without having, kind of, any form of social push-back for doing so.

But those who did speak to us, you did have to keep reminding them, this is completely anonymous, everything

you say to us is said in absolute confidence! And that kind of eased them into it. But they were still nervous to give

their opinions! And what I noticed was, I think they thought that we were carrying out the survey, because we

were pro-multicultural and that we would actually be judging them harshly, if they were honest with us. I had

several people say to me during the survey:

“Well, what are your thoughts mate? You know, how do you feel about it? Come on! You can’t think

it’s great for us just to be flooded with these people!”

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And I said:

“Look, I’m sorry. I can’t give my opinion until, you know, you’ve completed the survey. Then if you

want to discuss it further with me, you can.”

But I think we gave the impression that actually we were pro-multicultural. And that did scare some people. You

know, these survey companies, especially “YouGov” are known for putting a pro-multicultural slant on any survey

they do. And I think people are aware of that. They’re nervous to talk about it. And they were nervous that we

would judge them in a very negative way, if they said that they felt that mass immigration was bad. And I think

some of them were quite relieved when it was over. And they said:

“So, what do you think mate?”

And I said:

“Well actually, I think it’s bad as well. And I do agree with you.”

But obviously you can’t say that before hand, because you don’t want to influence their response to the survey.

Andrew: Look around so much, but yeah, there was a few of the survey entries that when they got to last

question, it wasn’t answered a lot, as well. There was a comment, so you weren’t comfortable being drawn on that

question. There was a handful of people that did indicate it was a very uncomfortable question to ask. Although I

think one guy said:

“Oh, that’s a bit racist.”

And a few of the people as soon as they knew the questions that we were asking, they decided:

“Oh, I’d rather not.”

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And carry on with their day. And these are mostly White British people of some description. Yeah, so I think there

was a level of apprehension that was quite, quite, obvious to me.

Joanna: There was also one more really interesting one. It was a young girl, who, she was so uncomfortable with

me, … I mean, I did sort of stop her on the street, and I didn’t look very professional. I hope that didn’t make too

much difference. But I was very friendly, and I said:

“Look, whatever you whatever you think, you’re just welcome to say it.”

And she said:

“Well I don’t think it is happening!”

She was still going on like that for a little bit. I said:

“How about, just imagine if it was. If it was happening, would that be a good thing?”

And then she just got so uncomfortable. She said:

“I don’t think I want to answer this.”

And they shouldn’t even give me the survey back!

Laura: God! [laughter]

Joanna: Yeah! It’s weird, really weird! But I do see how it’s happened. I think it’s, um, you just see how visibly

uncomfortable a lot of people are, even discussing it. Even that or they are in the other camp and they’re quite

happy to talk about it. But the ones that aren’t aware, you can feel that they just seem to me to be totally

uncomfortable with even discussing it.

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Which I think is a real thing! I don’t about you, I think, you know, people are with good reason a lot of the time,

just they’ve had the fear of God put into them to even discuss things like this.

Yeah. I would say the ones that said that they don’t have an opinion were, just nervous. You can feel it as soon as

they start reading the questions. They know they’re talking about a taboo subject! You can just kind of feel it. But

then I can’t prove that, to anyone, you know?

Ged: I just think they felt kind of scared to answer the questions. I think they felt that they weren’t allowed to say

it. Yeah, and they quickly moved away.

Laura: Do you think that there would have been more people saying that it was a bad thing, if they weren’t scared

of the implications afterwards?

Ged: I think they certainly would have been a few, let’s put it that way. No doubt! Yeah.

Laura: Yeah. I got the same impression, because some people kind of paused and they looked at me, and they

weren’t sure how to answer. And it was like they were asking my permission to be able to speak freely!

Ged: Exactly right.


Laura: It was completely anonymous.

Ged: Exactly right. They were just two scared to give an answer in some cases. You know, it’s the programming

that runs deep isn’t it, within them? You know, in their workplaces it’s probably the same kind of rules that they

have to follow. Yeah, unable to open up.

Nativist Concern: Yeah, I mean, people before they would say that it was a bad thing, they would, like, even

look behind, or hesitate, or look to me, for sort of permission, to say what they really believed. So it’s kind of as I

expected. People were just so scared to say their true feelings on these topics, as they’ve been told they’re not


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Laura: Yeah, I had a few people as well, that when I asked that final question, they kind of looked at me like,

“what am I supposed to say?” [Laughing] And I was like:

“Just say whatever you want! It doesn’t matter. It’s completely anonymous!”

But, everyone that I spoke to — including Mark — we all had people who were a little bit too scared to answer. So I

wonder how many of the people that said that they had no strong feelings, I wonder if really they did actually have

an opinion, but they were a little bit too scared to answer. What do you think?

Nativist Concern: Yeah, definitely! Surveys like this, where you’re face to face with people are difficult, because

you can’t know whether the data is totally accurate. Because, very often, people are keen to fit in, and they don’t

want to get into a conflict on the street.

I was particularly careful to choose people on their own, so it would be as private as possible. I certainly didn’t

approach people in pairs. So, even with the one-on-one situation, they sort of hesitated and weren’t sure if they

were comfortable with me. A lot of people actually thought we were leftists, doing the survey! So, yeah, a project

like this is difficult.

Laura: Yeah, I think that’s why I was getting 7 out of 10 people is, I just find it’s so “white-pilling”, because, that’s

7 out of 10 people that had the balls to say:

“I don’t want to become a minority!”

And then the other people, I reckon quite a few were then probably felt the same, too.

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Mark Collett: Oh, I did! I got plenty of people talking about how the town had changed. People talking about

how they wanted immigrants to go back to their land of origin. And once people opened up and started to speak

their mind, I found what they were saying, was very, very, similar to what people said to me when I was doing the

Brexit stalls.

At first, people were nervous. At first, people were looking over their shoulders. But once people started to actually

open up. Once people realize they could speak freely to you, and that you weren’t going to judge them, and that

you were there to listen to them, and were probably on their side, they really did start to say things which were

highly critical of the government, of the current immigration system, and of multiculturalism as a whole!

“Did you have any respondents who were particularly concerned?”

Andrew: Yeah, she was quite concerned. She wasn’t too fully aware of all the data, and issues of numbers. But

she was aware that, … She could see what was going on. And she could see, like, in various places all around

Greater Manchester, a lot of the churches have been taken over. I mean, I’m sure people are familiar with the

situation, that’s what she could see in front of her in everyday life, what she was concerned about. And she was

there with the kids going to town. She was there in the moment, in the middle of all, going:

“Yeah, this is a little bit much!”

Kind of thing. She wasn’t too scared, but she was kind of bit worried that stuff is really changing quite quickly.

Ged: The most interesting situation that I came across, was a guy in his mid-twenties. I asked him the survey, and

then he really opened up afterwards. And he wanted to discuss it with me further. He was telling me he was from a

racially segregated area in Bolton. He really wanted to carry on the conversation. It made him frustrated, it made

him angry that he has to live in this divided place. And these were his words:

“It was fine at school when we all integrated, but now with hate each other! It just doesn’t work!

There’s a dividing line through the community.”

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Yes, that was really interesting.

Nativist Concern: So there was an 18 year old lad. He was sort of going to the bus stop and I stopped him and


“Would you mind doing it?”

And immediately he sort of said:

“What? We’re gonna be a minority in 40 years?”

I said:

“Yeah! White people aren’t having enough children, and mass emigration is happening.”

And he just couldn’t get his head around it! It was like:

“I’m not racist! I love multiculturalism! But, we’re the English! What about identity? I think

identity is really important!”

And I was like, :

“Yeah, I’m an Identitarian. I agree with you.”

And it was quite surprising to hear those words from someone that was totally oblivious to the political scene. He

literally just knew, he realized how important identity was, without being prompted! And he said:

“Oh, you’ve ruined my day now!”

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And I said:

“Well, sorry, but it’s something we have to live with, and work to correct.”

Paul: They didn’t sound off and go bananas on us! There was a couple that were, you know, really angry,

together, about what’s happening. And they were totally aware! So there’s much more, … The ones that say:

“Yes they’re not happy with it.”

They’re not happy about it. They’re totally aware! Because I suppose, it’s partly personality, as well, isn’t it?

Laura: I remember when I had finished my packet of surveys, and I walked over to you. And you were speaking

to a young woman, and you asked her the last question, and then she went:

“Oh no! Sorry I’m not interested. I don’t want any of them here!”

And then she walked off! So she wasn’t pro-immigration! [laughter]

Mark: She seemed really angry about it! When I told her, I think that she was very shocked. She was one of the

people who didn’t actually know it was going on. And I had to explain it to her. She said:

“Oh, what’s demographic change?”

I said:

“It’s the changing makeup of the UK.”

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And she said:

“What are you saying?”

I said:

“Well, I’m saying that White people — people that look like you — will be a minority by 2060,

according to the data that we’ve been presented.”

And when I said that, she was absolutely appalled! You know, she, head up in the air and walked off angrily, as if I

was advocating for that!

And I think that was another thing I noticed amongst young women like that. They were clearly quite angry! You

could probably correlate that to the fact that they are young mothers, and they want to protect their children. They

don’t want to see their children become a minority.

“Do you think people have lost hope?”

Andrew: I think that the people have been indifferent, they did often enter into why they were indifferent, I do

remember quite a chunk of them sort of thinking:

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“Well there’s not much we can do now. It’s already happened.”

And people that might know the situation as much as people let, us doing surveys, and doing nationalist activity.

But there’s a bit of that antipathy, I think it is. They’d just say:

“It’s happened, it’s happening. It’s not so much a bad thing, really is it, you know, let’s just carry


Kind of a bit resigned to it. I think really there’s a big chunk of that kind of feeling. But again, not really

understanding the people’s opinions at a deeper level, it’s quite easy to think that’s people just thinking that.

Laura: So did you say that you had people who responded by saying:

“I have no strong feelings, but it’s only because we can’t do anything about it.”

And they seemed a bit defeated?

Nativist Concern: Yeah, exactly! There was an air of defeat in their voices. “Que sera, sera — whatever will be,

will be”. Like one of the ladies actually said that. And I guess it’s because they’ve been told to do anything else

would make them a “racist”, or a “Nazi”, blah, blah, blah! So there were definitely a few people like that.

Paul: The other thing I noticed was interesting. A large portion of people who had no strong opinion. And this is

reflected also in what Mark Collett said. He came across people who were, you know, older people, who kind of

sadly said, on the one hand that they didn’t have any strong opinions. So I ticked what they wanted. And then they


“They’re gonna be dead anyway!”

And I thought:

“Well, you’re not really endorsing the future are you? And you’re not actually saying, you know,

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I mean, I was almost inclined to say:

“Well then let’s say it’s a bad thing?”

Do, you know what I mean?

Laura: Yeah.

Paul: Because you’re endorsing the future if you’re gonna come then, add that, after you just insisted “no strong


Laura: Yeah, everyone that I’ve spoke to. So far I’ve spoken to Mark, you, and two other guys. And I had it as

well. We, all five of us had people say:

“No strong feelings, because we’re not going to be here, are we? We can’t do anything about it.”

So it’s almost like you want to take the “bad” box, because they have said it’s a bad thing, but you can’t. You’ve just

got to go with what they’ve said. So that’s a trend.

Paul: Yes.

Laura: And it’s apathy really, isn’t it?

Paul: It’s sad.

Laura: A lot of people seem to have given up! Yeah, it is sad.

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Paul: The people who are retired, didn’t, you know, … You had the two groups, the ones that given up on talking

about this sort of thing, and it’s gonna happen. Nothing I can do about it. And then the people who were angry

about it. Because they have a sense of nationhood, that can be generational.


Mark: I did. One thing, again this really interested me, because the people that gave the “no strong feelings”, or

“weren’t bothered about it” tended to be older people, which shocked me! I thought when I spoke to people, I had

this kind of preconception that older people they would be aware of it, and if they weren’t aware of it, they would

be sort of quite appalled by it. And that they would be the people who said that it was a “bad thing”! That it would

be, say, elderly gentleman was like:

“Yep! I saw this happening. I’ve seen my town change over the years and I think it’s a bad thing.”

But something I heard repeatedly from older men, was that they knew it was happening, but — and in their


“They would be dead soon!”

That they weren’t going to be here much longer, so it wasn’t something that really concerned them. And I thought

that was a really sort of short-termish outlook. They weren’t talking about what their children, or their

grandchildren, might see. They were just saying that:

“Well, I’m not going to be around for much longer, so it won’t affect me.”

And that’s something I simply did not expect to hear!

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“Did you have anybody answer that these demographic changes were a good thing?”

Paul: I did have a couple of people who did say it was a good thing. But the people who said it generally, it was a

good thing, weren’t able to express why. That was the thing that struck me. They didn’t know how to express, it

just that, … See, you know, when you mentioned earlier that people feel they’ve got to say a certain thing, ..?

Laura: Yeah

Paul: … Not necessarily what they think.

Laura: Yeah

Paul: And I think it can be telling when — and this is where the qualitative look into all this is interesting

psychologically — that they couldn’t express why! It’s like someone else’s opinion. If it was their own opinion they

could probably express themselves better. But they couldn’t do it.

Joanna: The most depressing one I thought, was, I stopped a couple and they were playing with — this was in a

park — and they were playing with their kids. And I said:

“I’m really sorry to interrupt you. I’m just pouncing on people, because I need to get this survey

done. Would you mind?”

And I stayed well away from them to sort of make sure that they knew it was all anonymous. I explained it was all

anonymous. And then put whatever they want to. And they also put. I think they put:

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“Didn’t know it was happening. But don’t have any strong feelings about it.”

And they had two little kids with them. Their two little kids playing around with them in the park! And I just

thought that was really depressing.

And another one was an older lady walking along with who — I assume was her granddaughter — about 25. They

also both said they didn’t really have an opinion on it. And I thought:

“Ah, that’s your granddaughter’s father!”

[Laughing] It’s her future he talking about. So yeah, it was pretty much women, … That’s a “good thing”. One

was a 20 year old girl. She was with her dad. And he said he didn’t have any strong opinion about it. She, yeah, she

looked really pleased with herself when she thanked, … That is the thing and I thought, … I would have loved to,

but I really thought that the idea was that we were trying to appear neutral, and therefore not influence any

opinions. And to genuinely get what people think about it. I mean, as much as I think they’re all nuts, …

Laura: Yeah! [laughter]

Joanna: … Its handy to know, isn’t it? Like you actually do want to know if people genuinely think that.

Mark: I had one person say it was a good thing. She was kind of, … Well, firstly it was a woman. And I’d expect

that to be something that would come from a woman more than a man. She was quite overweight, she said it was

good, a very good thing! She said that:

“These people make Britain better, and it was time we opened our doors and let them all in!”

She seemed very enthusiastic about it! And she sort of glowed with happiness at the idea of the indigenous people

becoming a minority!

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A really interesting thing is it shows that there’s this absolutely huge divide between normal people — and what

normal people think — and between the political “elite”, or the political class, and what the political class, the

media, the establishment, like to say, is completely different to what normal people think, or say in their own

homes. And I think if you took MPs out onto the street, I think some of them would actually be shocked to what

normal people actually think!

And there is this absolute, huge, political divide! And people are talking now about it’s the people vs. Parliament!

And they’re talking about that in relation to Brexit. But I think it’s the people vs. Parliament on numerous issues!

Not just the issue of Brexit, but on plenty, plenty of issues. And immigration is one of them.

And I would say, immigration is probably one of the biggest dividing lines in society! And it was probably the

main reason why people actually voted for Brexit.

Ged: Yeah, I think that, yeah, just imagine if this was done, imagine if this survey was done like on a national

scale in every town and city and village across the UK! We’ve people from our movement that would be out there

and just collating massive amounts of data. And then for that to be put together and putting it — I know you’re

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doing a fantastic job with this, probably, a small documentary — but then went viral online, or even if you got in

some kind of mainstream media program. It certainly would switch the mindset of the UK population, I believe!


Laura: It would at least, I think other people that sit back and look at it and think:

“God! I think that!“

Ged: Yeah!

Laura: And look at all these other people that think the exact same way as I do!

Ged: Exactly! I think the same. It’s just so obvious, isn’t it?

Part Six — Final thoughts

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Laura: The results of this project demonstrate that the British public are overwhelmingly against our current and

future demographic changes! The consensus is that an overall majority do not want to become a minority in

Britain. In fact, only around five percent of British people agree with the way that things are going. This means

that the immigration policies which previous governments have implemented and which our current government

continues to maintain, are been carried out against the wishes of the British public.

We now have a piece of evidence that counters the lies of the mainstream narrative that teaches us that the

majority of Britons want these levels of immigration.

We don’t!

And know that any future actions of our representatives relating to immigration — except those that reverse these

trends — are nothing short of acts of treason!

We will no longer accept the desires of the majority being ignored, so that the desires of the minority can be

respected. I urge any viewers of this documentary who care for Britain and the British to share this information.

I once again thank everybody who was involved in this project.

And finally, I point you in the direction of our supporting website for those who wish to find out more.

Thank you for listening.

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See Also:

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Laura Towler – My Patriotic Alternative Spring 2020 Conference Speech – Mar 22, 2020 — Transcript

[Laura Towler, Deputy Leader of Patriotic Alternative gives a very informative speech at the spring 2020

Conference, on the need for repatriation, forced and voluntary, of non-Whites in Britain, to eventually bring

White British people back to being the overwhelming majority of people in Britain.



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Version History

Version 5:

Version 4: Jun 10, 2020 — Updated YouTube Stats. Improved formatting. Added See Also link.

Version 3: Nov 2, 2019 — Added Bitchute link. Added YouTube Stats

Version 2: Oct 29, 2019 — Added images. Fixed typos.

Version 1: Oct 28, 2019 — Published post.

This entry was posted in Brainwashing, BREXIT, Britain, England, Family - Anti, Globalism, Jew World Order, Jewish Supremacism, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Tool of, Karlergi

Plan, Laura Towler, Mark Collett, Multiculturalism, Muslim invasion, New World Order, Political Correctness, Propaganda, Race, Race - Mixing, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors -

Politicians, Transcript, We Were Never Asked, Western Civilization, White genocide, White Nationalism, YouTube. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Laura Towler – We Were Never Asked – Oct 24, 2019 — Transcript

Pingback: Millennial Woes – Millenniyule 2019 - Daughter of Albion – Dec 28, 2019 — Transcript - katana17katana17

Pingback: Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett - Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript - katana17katana17

Pingback: Laura Towler – My Patriotic Alternative Spring 2020 Conference Speech – Mar 22, 2020 — Transcript - katana17katana17

Pingback: Mark Collett – My Speech at the Patriotic Alternative Conference – Mar 18, 2020 — Transcript - katana17katana17

Pingback: Patriotic Weekly Review with The Iconoclast - Apr 29, 2020 — Transcript - katana17katana17

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