Law Business Football

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Using football to explain the business of law.

transcript Employment and Business Support Solicitors


Bennett’s Legal Employment and Business Support Solicitors Employment and Business Support Solicitors


Its not the silly kit Its because:

1. Teamwork is central;2. Having just one good player will not make a

law firm (or any other business) or a football club;

3. The lessons of sport apply to business;4. Legal business are like any other businesses. Employment and Business Support Solicitors

The lessons to Bennett’s Legal

Our first 11 players are focused on business.....Lets meet them

Dispute Resolution ADR

Terms of Business

Commercial Contract

Human Resources

Employment Law

Business Structure

Regulatory and Compliance

Media & Reputation Management

Dispute Resolution Litigation

Sports Law and Intellectual Property

Commercial Law & Advice Employment and Business Support Solicitors

Does it matter to businesses?


Good client relationships;

Good cash flow; Access to profits tax

efficiently Protecting your

people and products (or services)

Poor client relationships

Poor cash flow Business structure

confused Staff confused Customers frustrated Employment and Business Support Solicitors

Why this interests me

Career in commerce prior to being a lawyer;

Board level experience Own business (DJ’ing and pub/club

promoting) prior to retraining as a solicitor

I see businesses every day who have a great player or product who do not put the team around it (or him/her) and we end up problem solving or crisis managing (which costs more). Employment and Business Support Solicitors

None Solicitor “Advisors”

50 % of the damage we see to business stems from none solicitors advising;

“That guy at the end of the bar”; The “one stop” solution consultant; Human resources dressed up as employment law

advice. So concerned were the Government 2006 they made this a criminal offence under the Compensation Act 2006 in respect of individuals – businesses were thought to be able to tell the difference between people management advice and legal advice ( its not working and the Legal Services Board are conducting a review) Employment and Business Support Solicitors

No Legal Advice

The other 40% of damage is from those who take no advice at all and try and handle it all themselves;

Typical examples include drafting their own (or worse copying a competitors) terms of business; not having commercial contracts; having no employment documents and not having people management guidance or training for managers) Employment and Business Support Solicitors

The Leagues

Small football clubs buy the players and coaching staff to compete in their league;

Premiership clubs buy differently – more expensive, more skilful, more experienced;

Similar options exist in law – we offer vastly different packages for different businesses;

As business specialists we tailor the needs to the team – we are the part time defensive coach. We not the manager and he hires us to prevent problems and to solve them.

Any questions Employment and Business Support
