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  • 8/22/2019 LBRUG


    SSA Warehouse Management 4000

    Labor ManagementUser Guide

  • 8/22/2019 LBRUG


    Copyright 2005 by SSA Global Technologies, Inc.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in anyway or by any means, including, without limitation, photocopying or recording, without the prior written consent ofSSA Global Technologies, Inc.

    Important Notices

    The material contained in this publication (including any supplementary information) constitutes and containsconfidential and proprietary information of SSA Global Technologies, Inc.

    By gaining access to the attached, you acknowledge and agree that the material (including any modification,translation or adaptation of the material) and all copyright, trade secrets and all other right, title and interest therein,are the sole property of SSA Global Technologies, Inc., and that you shall not gain right, title or interest in the material(including any modification, translation or adaptation of the material) by virtue of your review thereof other than thenon-exclusive right to use the material solely in connection with and the furtherance of your license and use ofsoftware made available to your company from SSA Global Technologies, Inc., pursuant to a separate agreement(Purpose).

    In addition, by accessing the enclosed material, you acknowledge and agree that you are required to maintain such

    material in strict confidence and that your use of such material is limited to the Purpose described above.

    Although SSA Global Technologies, Inc., has taken due care to ensure that the material included in this publication isaccurate and complete, SSA Global Technologies, Inc., cannot warrant that the information contained in thispublication is complete, does not contain typographical or other errors, or will meet your specific requirements. Assuch, SSA Global Technologies, Inc., does not assume and hereby disclaims all liability, consequential or otherwise,for any loss or damage to any person or entity which is caused by or relates to errors or omissions in this publication(including any supplementary information), whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident or anyother cause.

    Trademark Acknowledgements

    SSA WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT 4000 is a Registered Trademark of SSA Global Technologies, Inc., in theUnited States and/or other countries.

    All other company, product, trade or service names referenced may be registered trademarks or trademarks of theirrespective owners.

    Publication Information

    Release: SSA

    Warehouse Management 4000 Version 3.10

    Publication Date: J uly 2005

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    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 Overview........................................................................................................................1-1Locating Labor management features........................................................................................1-2

    Labor menu tree...................................................................................................................1-2Opening a Labor feature screen....................................................................................1-2

    Enabling MONITORLABOR.................................................................................................1-2Activating the Labor monitor..........................................................................................1-3

    Locating other Labor options................................................................................................1-4Planned Assignments overview................................................................................................. 1-5Labor Monitoring overview......................................................................................................... 1-6

    Identifying Labor Monitoring users....................................................................................... 1-6Chapter 2 Managing Planned Assignments .................................................................................2-1

    Set Up for Planned Assignments ...............................................................................................2-2Selecting the Create Assignments option............................................................................2-2Activating the Zone Break option......................................................................................... 2-2Setting putaway zone rules.................................................................................................. 2-3

    Shipment Order Maintenance screen............................................................................2-5Printing Labels by Assignment - Wave screen............................................................... 2-5Storer screen.................................................................................................................2-5

    Planned assignments.................................................................................................................2-6Viewing unassigned work ....................................................................................................2-6Assigning a planned assignment to an associate................................................................2-7Viewing assigned work........................................................................................................2-7

    Transferring assignments to a different associate................................................................2-8

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    ii | Table of Contents

    Chapter 3 Moni toring Labor activi ty .............................................................................................3-1User Activity In for Day and Out for Day .................................................................................3-2Completing Assignments using the Workstation........................................................................ 3-4Creating indirect activity types ...................................................................................................3-5

    Deleting indirect activities ....................................................................................................3-6Entering indirect activities .......................................................................................................... 3-7Assigning a User to a Group......................................................................................................3-9Viewing activity history............................................................................................................. 3-10Generating reports ...................................................................................................................3-11

    Generating an Associate Status Report............................................................................. 3-11Generating an Open Planned Assignments Report...........................................................3-12Generating a Completed Activity Summary Report............................................................ 3-12

    Chapter 4 Using Labor Features on RF Devices .........................................................................4-1Logging in for the day.................................................................................................................4-2Selecting options from the Labor menu......................................................................................4-3

    Entering an indirect activity on an RF device....................................................................... 4-3Designating an assignment as complete .............................................................................4-4Logging Out.........................................................................................................................4-5

    Assignment picking using RF Task Manager............................................................................. 4-7Accepting and completing an assignment...................................................................... 4-7

    Chapter 5 Using Voice wi th SSA WMS 4000 ................................................................................5-1Setup for Voice Picking..............................................................................................................5-2

    Voice Picking Setup Client Options...................................................................................5-2Voice Picking Setup Putaway Zone..................................................................................5-2Voice Picking Setup Area .................................................................................................5-3Activate the Labor monitor................................................................................................... 5-5Voice Picking - Task Manager User.....................................................................................5-6Voice Picking Generating Pick tasks.................................................................................5-6

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    Table of Contents | iii

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    iv | Table of Contents

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    Chapter 1Overview

    This chapter describes the Labor management features of the SSA

    Warehouse Management 4000 application. The new labor management

    functionality for SSA Warehouse Management 4000 consists of two separate


    Planned Assignments allow picking tasks to be combined into logical

    groups (Assignments) for improved warehouse efficiencies.

    Labor Monitoring is the framework for collecting data about completed

    work units for each WMS user. Labor Monitoring information is presented

    on a set of screens and reports.

    Warehouse customers can implement either one or both components.

    The chapter consists of the following topics:

    Topic Page

    Locating Labor management features 1-2Planned Assignments overview 1-5Labor Monitoring overview 1-6

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    1-2 | Chapter 1 Overview

    Locating Labor management features

    The SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Labor management options,

    fields, and information appear on both the workstation and the RF device.

    This section describes how to locate Labor features on the Warehouse

    Management 4000 workstation. Refer to Chapter 4: Using Labor Features

    on RF Devices for information.

    1 Save the changes by using Right-Mouse click and choosing Save or using

    CTRL-S to save.

    Labor menu tree

    The Labor module on WMS 4000 Workstation Explorer provides access to

    six Labor feature screens.

    Figure 1-2: WMS 4000 Workstation Explorer expanded Labor module

    Opening a Labor feature screen

    To open a screen associated with items in the Labor module:

    1 Double click Laborto expand the tree view. Supervisor and Users items are


    2 Double-click either the Labor or Users option.

    Refer to the appropriate sections of this user guide for more information

    about using specific Labor feature screens.


    When you click an item under Labor in the workstation Explorer, you may

    receive the following error message:

    User Error: 02:00349:Labor Monitoring has not been installed.

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    Locating Labor management features | 1-3

    If you receive this error that means that the MONITORLABOR option is not

    turned on in the System Settings screen. You must activate Labor


    Activating the Labor monitorTo activate Labor monitoring:

    3 Navigate to System Administration Configure System Settings.The System Setting screen opens.

    4 Scroll the Key column until you find the MONITORLABOR item. The

    description reads Enable Labor Monitoring.

    Figure 1-1: System Settings - MONITORLABOR

    5 Select the On option forMONITORLABOR.

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    1-4 | Chapter 1 Overview

    Locating other Labor options

    Some options integral to the use of Labor features are located on otherscreens, including the Putaway Zone screen, the Wave screen, the Orders

    screen, and the Control tab of the Storer screen. Refer to this and other

    Figure 1-3: Assignment Rules tab of the Putaway Zone screen

    WMS 4000 user guides for more information.

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    Planned Assignments overview | 1-5

    Planned Assignments overview

    The SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Planned Assignments feature

    automatically organizes picking tasks into logically organized groups. This

    feature is activated when the Create Planned Assignments option is selected

    in the Putaway Zone screen. Supervisors can assign each planned

    assignment to an associate at the warehouse in the Unassigned Work


    Associates using RF devices will automatically receive assignments when

    they log in to Task Manager and have permission to perform picks or choose

    the option on RF to pick a specific assignment. The application tracks

    assignments through completion. Supervisors can manage unfinished

    assignments by transferring the remaining assignment to another user.

    Warehouses using paper-based picking can also take advantage of the

    Planned Assignments. Paper based assignments can be completed by RF

    Assisted Picking or by using the Complete Assignment functioneither on a

    workstation or RF device.

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    1-6 | Chapter 1 Overview

    Labor Monitoring overview

    The SSA Warehouse Management 4000 Labor Monitoring feature allows

    supervisors to monitor the activities of associates as they receive and carry

    out activity in the warehouse.

    In addition to tracking associate in and out time and attendance, the Labor

    Monitoring feature records time spent on planned assignments, dynamic

    activities, and indirect activities. The application records the completion of

    tasks throughout the day as associates work.

    Dynamic activities consist of all work done on RF devices other than Planned

    Assignments. This includes activities such as receipts, product putaway,

    moves, replenishments, and picks created in warehouses where planned

    assignments are not used.

    Supervisors create Indirect Activities to track meetings, lunch, breaks or other

    indirect activities that are needed by a warehouse.

    Supervisors can track the activities of the associates using the following

    Labor reports:

    Associate Status

    Open Planned Assignments

    Completed Activity Summary

    Identifying Labor Monitoring users

    Supervisors use the Labor Monitoring feature to:

    Track associate working hours

    Track the rate at which planned assignments are being completed

    Track the amount of time associates spend on dynamic and indirect


    Search and review detail information about completed assignments

    Assigning Indirect Activities to associates.

    Associates use the Labor Monitoring feature to do the following:

    Log on and log off for the day

    Completing planned assignment

    Completing Dynamic activities

    Creating Indirect Activities.

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    Chapter 2Managing Planned Assignments

    Planned Assignments are created during the Allocation process for both

    paper-based picking and Task Manager picking. Using the CreateAssignment option, you can group logistically efficient picking tasks duringthe allocation process. Each group of picking tasks is given an assignmentnumber.

    Associates receive planned assignments when they log onto Task Managerwith appropriate picking permissions, or when they choose to use theAssignment picking option by entering a specific task they choose to pick. Asthey complete assignments, the application tracks the picking activity.Supervisors can monitor picking activity and reassign tasks from incompleteassignments.

    The chapter consists of the following topics:

    Topic Page

    Set Up for Planned Assignments 2-2Selecting the Create Assignments option 2-2Activating the Zone Break option 2-2Setting putaway zone rules 2-3Planned assignments 2-6Viewing unassigned work 2-6Assigning a planned assignment to an associate 2-7Viewing assigned work 2-7

    Transferring assignments to a different associate 2-8

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    2-2 | Chapter 2 Managing Planned Assignments

    Set Up for Planned Assignments

    When you select the Create Assignments option on the Putaway Zonescreen, the system creates assignments based on the rules on the Zone andShipment Order.

    Selecting the Create Assignments option

    To set the Create Assignments option:

    1 Do one of the following:

    Navigate to Support


    Putaway Zone. Navigate to Task Manager Setup Putaway Zone.

    The Search tab of the Putaway Zone screen opens.

    2 Right-click and selectApply Search from the context menu. The List tabopens.

    3 Right-click a putaway zone on the list and Select Show Assignment Rulesfrom the menu. The Assignment Rules tab opens.

    Figure 2-1: Create Assignments option selected

    4 Select the Create Assignments option.

    5 Save the record.

    Notes: You can create planned assignments only for piece and case picks.Pallet picks are not available for planned assignments.

    Activating the Zone Break option

    When the Create Assignments option is selected, the system createsassignments based on the rules found on the first Putaway Zone for the pick

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    Set Up for Planned Assignments | 2-3

    locations. The application continues to base planned assignment on thoserules until it encounters a putaway zone for which the Zone Break option isselected.

    At this point, the application applies the rules of the current putaway zone.

    The application continues to apply those rules until it encounters anotherselected Zone Break option, and so on.

    To set the Zone Break option for a putaway zone:

    1 Do one of the following:

    Navigate to Support Setup Putaway Zone. Navigate to Task Manager Setup Putaway Zone.

    The Search tab of the Putaway Zone screen opens.

    2 Right-click and selectApply Search from the menu. The List tab opens.

    3 Right-click a putaway zone on the list and select Show Assignment Rulesfrom the context menu. The Assignment Rules tab opens.

    Figure 2-2: Zone Break option selected

    4 Select the Zone Break option.

    5 Save the record.

    Setting putaway zone rules

    The Warehouse Management 4000 Create Assignments option usesputaway zone rules from either the first putaway zone it encounters or anyputaway zone for which the Zone Break option is selected.

    You can set putaway zone rules for a zone on the Assignment Rules tab ofthe Putaway Zone screen.

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    2-4 | Chapter 2 Managing Planned Assignments

    Figure 2-3: Putaway Zone Assignment Rules

    The assignment rules include the following:

    Max Pick Lines Breaks the assignment if the current pick detailwould break the maximum number of allowed picks for this zone. A

    value of 0 (zero) indicates there is no maximum.

    Max Pick Containers Breaks the assignment if the current pickdetail will cause the start of another container. A value of 0 (zero)indicates there is no maximum.

    Max Casecnt (Case Count) Breaks the assignment if the currentpick detail case would break the maximum number of allowed pickcases for this zone. A value of 0 (zero) indicates there is nomaximum.

    Max Cube Breaks the assignment if the current pick detail cubewould break the maximum cube allowed for this zone. A value of 0(zero) indicates there is no maximum.

    Max Weight (gross weight) Breaks the assignment if the currentpick detail weight would break the maximum allowed weight set forthis zone. A value of 0 (zero) indicates there is no maximum.

    Note: When you are creating a planned assignment, the Max Case rule onlyapplies to details when UOM equals Case. It does not apply to details whenUOM equals Each.

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    Set Up for Planned Assignments | 2-5

    Shipment Order Maintenance screen

    The Shipment Order has a Break Assignment on Order field, which specifiesthat a planned assignment should break when the pick detail order key


    Figure 2-4: Shipment Order Break Assignment on Order

    The Shipment Order Maintenance screen also has the following print options:

    Print Pick Labels by Assignment

    Print Pick Label for One Assignment

    Print Pick Lists by Assignment

    Print Pick List for One Assignment

    Printing Labels by Assignment - Wave screen

    The Wave Planning screen has the following printing options:

    Print Labels by Assignment (entire wave)

    Print Labels for One Assignment

    Storer screen

    The Assignment Order Break Default field on the Storer Maintenance Storer Control screen sets the default value of the Break Order onAssignment field on the Shipment Order screen.

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    2-6 | Chapter 2 Managing Planned Assignments

    Planned assignments

    As planned assignments are created, you can view them on the UnassignedWork screen. Supervisors can assign planned assignments to associates inthe Unassigned Work screen.

    Viewing unassigned work

    To view unassigned work:

    1 Navigate to Labor Supervisor Unassigned Work. The Search screenfor Unassigned work displays.

    2 Enter any of the following fields in the search criteria screen:

    Wave Key

    Assignment Key

    Order Key



    3 After entering the search criteria, right-click and select Apply Search. TheList of Assignments matching the entered criteria displays.

    Figure 2-5: Unassigned Work screen

    4 To see the Picks associated with an assignment, right-click the assignmentand choose Show Picks. Picks associated the selected assignment display.

    Figure 2-6: Unassigned Work screen Show Picks

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    Planned assignments | 2-7

    Assigning a planned assignment to an associate

    Supervisors can assign planned assignments to associates in theUnassigned Work screen.

    To assign planned assignments to an associate:

    1 Navigate to Labor Supervisor Unassigned Work. The UnassignedWork screen displays.

    2 Enter Search Criteria, right-click and select Apply Search. The list ofassignments matching the criteria displays.

    3 Enter an associate ID number in each User ID column cell corresponding toeach the planned assignment or right-click and select Lookup Values forUser id. Enter the First Name and/or Last Name, right-click and select ApplySearch.

    Note: Fields on this search screen are case sensitive.4 When one or more users appear, double-click a user name. The user id

    populates the User Id field on the Unassigned Work screen.

    5 Right-click and select Make Assignments. The following occurs:

    Each assignment is assigned to a specified user.

    The User Activity record for each assignment is updated to show theappropriate User ID.

    The status of each assignment is changed toAssigned.

    Note: After an assignment is assigned, you cannot edit it on the Unassigned

    Work screen. You must edit assigned assignments on the Assigned Workscreen.

    Viewing assigned work

    You can view details of planned assignments that have been assigned toassociates either on the Assigned Work screen or by signing onto anassignment on an RF device.

    To view assigned planned assignments on the workstation:

    1 Navigate to Labor Supervisor Assigned Work. The Assigned Workscreen opens.

    2 Enter any of the following fields in the search criteria screen:

    Wave Key

    Assignment Key

    Order Key


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    2-8 | Chapter 2 Managing Planned Assignments


    3 After entering search criteria, right-click and select Apply Search. The List ofAssignments matching the entered criteria displays.

    Figure 2-7: Assigned Work screen

    4 To view Picks associated with an assignment, right-click the assignment andselect Show Picks. P icks associated with the selected assignment display.

    Figure 2-8: Assigned Work screen Show Picks

    Note: When transferring work, supervisors must ensure that each associate

    has the required permissions to receive and carry out the assigned work.

    Transferring assignments to a different associate

    A supervisor can transfer picks within a planned assignment to a differentassociate using the Transfer option in the Assigned Work screen.

    To transfer one or more tasks within a planned assignment:

    1 Navigate to Labor Supervisor Assigned Work. The List tab of theAssigned Work screen displays.

    Note: You cannot edit items in the List tab of the Assigned Work screen.

    2 Enter Search Criteria and then right-click and select Apply Search. A list ofassignments matching the criteria displays.

    3 Right-click the assignment to transfer the picks and select Show Picks. TheShow Picks tab displays, listing the associated picks.

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    Planned assignments | 2-9

    4 In the Transfercolumn, select each task you want to transfer by selectingthe check box of each pick to transfer. To select all picks, right-click andchoose Select All. To deselect the picks, right-click and choose De-Select All.

    5 Once picks are selected, right-click and select Transfer Assignment Picks.

    Figure 2-9: Assigned Work Show Picks Transfer Picks

    Note: When transferring work, supervisors must ensure that each associatehas the required permissions to receive and carry out the assigned work.

    6 The Transfer Assigned Picks dialog box displays.

    Figure 2-10: Transfer Assigned Picks

    7 To transfer the picks, select a User ID from the New User ID drop-down listand click Execute.

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    2-10 | Chapter 2 Managing Planned Assignments

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    Chapter 3Monitoring Labor activity

    Supervisors can track the time associates spend on planned assignments,

    dynamic activities and indirect activities. Dynamic activities include moves,replenishments, cycle counts, receipts, etc. performed through RF. IndirectActivities include breaks, meals, meetings, and equipment maintenance.

    The chapter consists of the following topics:

    Topic Page

    User Activity In for Day and Out for Day 3-2Completing Assignments using the Workstation 3-4Creating indirect activity types 3-5Deleting indirect activities 3-6

    Entering indirect activities 3-7Assigning a User to a Group 3-9Viewing activity history 3-10Generating reports 3-11Generating an Associate Status Report 3-11Generating an Open Planned Assignments Report 3-12Generating a Completed Activity Summary Report 3-12

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    3-2 | Chapter 3 Monitoring Labor activity

    User Activity In for Day and Out for Day

    The User Activity screen records the time in for day and the time out forday for each associate. You also can perform these same functions on anRF device. Refer to Chapter 4: Using Labor Features on RF Devices formore information on using an RF device to log in and out for day.

    The In for Day and Out for day is collected on a User Attendance record.A new User Attendance record is created for each day (or shift) worked. Youcannot have more than one active User Attendance record at any giventime.

    To Log In for the Day:

    1 Navigate to Labor


    User Activity. The User Activity screendisplays.

    Figure 3-1: User Activity screen

    2 Enter the User ID and Password.

    3 Click In for Day. The system displays the Time in for Day.

    NOTE: If the user signing on is currently active and has been active morethan 24 hours, a message displays: You have been active more than 24hours. Do you wish to log out first? (Y or N) If you respond with Y, thenyou are logged out and then logged in. If you respond N, the system doesnot allow you to sign in.

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    User Activity In for Day and Out for Day | 3-3

    To Log Out for the Day:

    1 Navigate to Labor Users User Activity. The User Activity screendisplays.

    Figure 3-2: User Activity screen

    2 Enter the User ID and Password.

    3 Click Out for Day. The system displays the Time Out for Day.

    NOTE: When logging Out for Day, the System flagAUTORELEASETASKSATLOGOFF is checked. If the flag is on, WMS

    4000 releases any planned assignments for the user logging out for day thathave been started but not completed. The released assignments then can beassigned to another user. If the flag is off, an error is returned and the user isnot allowed to log out until completing the task. In this case, the user musteither complete the tasks or have the supervisor reassign them beforelogging out.

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    3-4 | Chapter 3 Monitoring Labor activity

    Completing Assignments using the Workstation

    To complete Assignments using the Workstation:

    1 Navigate to Labor Users User Activity. The User Activity screendisplays.

    Figure 3-3: User Activity screen

    2 Enter the User ID and Password.

    3 Enter the Assignment Number that needs to be completed and clickComplete. The system displays the message shown in Figure 3-4.

    Figure 3-4: Confirmation to complete Assignment

    4 If you confirm completion of the Assignment, all pick details associated withthe assignment are updated to a status of Picked. Any task detailsassociated to the assignment are updated to a status of Completed.

    NOTE: Any short picks must be updated before completing an assignmentwith this option.

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    Creating indirect activity types | 3-5

    Creating indirect activity types

    Supervisors can create indirect activity types to describe non-core activitiesin which associates engage during the typical work day. These activities mayinclude breaking for lunch, attending a team meeting, or performingequipment maintenance. The duration of each indirect activityfor example,60 minutes for a lunch breakis included in type descriptions.

    This information is included in each associates Indirect Activity Record.

    To create a new indirect activity:

    1 Navigate to Labor Supervisor Indirect Activi ty Setup. The List tab ofthe Indirect Activity Setup screen displays.

    2 Right-click and selectAdd New Record from the context menu. The Formtab of the New Activity screen displays.

    3 Enter a name for the activity in theActivi ty text box.

    4 Enter a brief description of the activity in the Description text box.

    5 Enter the amount of time in whole minutes for the activity in the Duration textbox.

    Figure 3-5: Form tab of the Indirect Activity Setup screen

    6 Right-click and select Save. All new indirect activities in the List tab aresaved.

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    3-6 | Chapter 3 Monitoring Labor activity

    The new activity is now available to associates when they report their time.The activity displays on the Indirect Activity drop-down menu in the UserActivity screen.

    Deleting indirect activities

    You can delete an indirect activity from the List tab of the Indirect ActivitySetup screen.

    To delete an activity:

    1 Select the activity you want to delete.

    2 Right-click and select Delete.

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    Entering indirect activities | 3-7

    Entering indirect activities

    Supervisors can enter indirect activities for one or more users through theIndirect Activity screen.

    1 Navigate to Labor Supervisor Indirect Activity. The Indirect Activityscreen opens.

    2 Enter the Search Criteria to select the associates that require an IndirectActivity record. Right-mouse click and Apply Search to retrieve the records.

    The Indirect Activity List tab displays.

    Figure 3-6: List tab of the Indirect Activity screen

    3 Select the Apply option for each associate requiring the Indirect Activity. Toselect the Apply option for all associates, right-click and select Select All. Todeselect the Apply option for all associates, right-click and select De-SelectAll.

    4 Right-click and select Create Indirect Activity. The Create Indirect Activitydialog box displays.

    Figure 3-7: Create Indirect Activity dialog box

    5 Click the drop-down menu and select the Indirect Activity to assign to theassociates for who the Apply option is selected.

    6 Click Execute. The selected Indirect Activity will be assigned to all associatesfor who the Apply option is selected.

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    3-8 | Chapter 3 Monitoring Labor activity

    Note: Supervisors can enter an Attendance Key that is not listed on thescreen if they need to associate the Indirect Activity to a different day/shift forthe user.

    You can enter indirect activities using the User Activity screen

    1 Navigate to Labor Users User Activity. The User Activity screendisplays.

    Figure 3-8: User Activity screen

    2 Enter the User ID and Password.

    3 Select an Indirect Activity from the drop-down menu.

    4 Click Create. The following message will display to confirm the IndirectActivity:

    Figure 3-9: Confirmation of Indirect Activity

    5 Click Yes. The system creates an Indirect Activity for the associate.

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    Assigning a User to a Group | 3-9

    Assigning a User to a Group

    For reporting and history purposes, a Task Manager User can be assigned toa group on the Task Manager User Setup screen.

    To assign a user to a group:

    1 Navigate to Task Manager Setup Users. The Search tab of the TaskManager Screen displays.

    Figure 3-10: Task Manager User

    2 Enter the User Group to associate with the Task Manager User.

    3 Save the record.

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    3-10 | Chapter 3 Monitoring Labor activity

    Viewing activity history

    Warehouse Manager 4000 displays all completed Labor activity informationon the Activity History screen. The activity history includes plannedassignments, dynamic activity and indirect activity.

    To view the Activity History screen:

    4 Navigate to Labor Users Activity History. The Search tab of theActivity History screen displays.

    Figure 3-11: Search Criteria for Activity History

    5 Enter the Search Criteria, right-mouse click and Apply Search. The List tabof the Activity History screen displays.

    Figure 3-12: List Tab for Activity History

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    Generating reports | 3-11

    Generating reports

    Warehouse Manager 4000 generates three reports based on plannedassignment and Labor monitoring information:

    Associate Status Report

    Open Planned Assignments Report

    Completed Activity Summary Report

    Generating an Associate Status Report

    The Associate Status Report shows the status of each associate. You candefine the scope of the report by designating a range between minimum andmaximum values of the following:


    User ID

    First Name

    Last Name


    Time In

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    3-12 | Chapter 3 Monitoring Labor activity

    Generating an Open Planned Assignments Report

    The Open Planned Assignments Report shows all planned assignments thathave not been completed.

    You can define the scope of the report by designating a range betweenminimum and maximum values of the following:

    Status All, Not Started or In Process

    Wave Key

    Order Number



    Assignment Number

    Generating a Completed Activity Summary Report

    mation for

    rt by designating a range between

    to End Date/Time

    The Completed Activity Summary Report shows summary inforcompleted work for each associate.

    You can define the scope of the repominimum and maximum values of the following:


    User ID

    First Name

    Last Name

    Activity Type

    Start Date/Time

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    Generating reports | 3-13

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    3-14 | Chapter 3 Monitoring Labor activity

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    Chapter 4Using Labor Features on RF Devices

    Associates using RF devices interact with the Warehouse Management -

    4000 Labor feature. Logging in and logging out for the day, acceptingplanned assignments, designating assignments as complete, and loggingindirect activities are some of the Labor feature components that associatescan report and track via RF devices.

    Labor information is transmitted from RF devices to warehouse databasesduring the work day, so that supervisors can manage assignments andcreate timely reports on Labor activity.

    The chapter consists of the following topics:

    Topic Page

    Logging in for the day 4-2Selecting options from the Labor menu 4-3Entering an indirect activity on an RF device 4-3Designating an assignment as complete 4-4Logging Out 4-5Assignment picking using RF Task Manager 4-7

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    4-2 | Chapter 4 Using Labor Features on RF Devices

    Logging in for the day

    When an associate logs in to an RF device, a User Attendance record iscreated for the associate. The record displays the associates status as


    Figure 4-1: RF Login screen

    If an associate attempts to log on and the system shows that he has alreadybeen active for more than 24 hours, an error message You have been activemore than 24 hours. Do you wish to log out first? is displayed to the user.

    This typically occurs when associates neglect to log out from their previousshift.

    If the user answers yes, the user activity log is changed to Out for Day at thecurrent date and time, the status is set to inactive, and a new record iscreated with In for Day set to the current date and time.

    If you enter N (no), the system will not allow the user to log in.

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    Selecting options from the Labor menu | 4-3

    Selecting options from the Labor menu

    The RF Main menu includes an item that opens a menu for Labor options.

    To display Labor options on the RF device:

    1 Navigate to the RF Main menu.

    2 Select option 9 More.

    3 Select 2 Labor.

    Figure 4-2: Labor menu

    Entering an indirect activity on an RF device

    Associates can enter indirect activities on an RF device. The entry is addedto the associates active User Attendance record.

    To enter an indirect activity on an RF device:

    1 Press 2 to select Labor from the Main menu.

    2 Press 1 to select the Indirect ACTV option.

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    4-4 | Chapter 4 Using Labor Features on RF Devices

    Figure 4-3: RF Indirect Activity

    3 Enter a valid indirect activity code in the ACTV field or Press F2 to get a listof the Indirect Activities.

    4 Press Enterto confirm the activity.Note: If the value you entered is not a valid activity code, or if you do nothave an active User Attendance record, an error message displays.

    Designating an assignment as complete

    Associates can enter assignment numbers on an RF device as they completeassignments. This is known as Auto Complete.

    To designate an assignment as complete on an RF device:

    1 Press 2 to select Labor from the Main menu.2 Press 2 to select the Complete ASSGN option.

    Figure 4-4: RF Complete Assignment

    3 Enter a valid planned assignment number in the ASGN field. An assignmentsummary screen opens.

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    Selecting options from the Labor menu | 4-5

    Figure 4-5: RF Complete Assignment Assignment Summary

    4 Press Enterto confirm the assignment completion. User Activity records, aswell as all tasks and pick details, are completed automatically.

    Note: An error message displays if you do not have an active UserAttendance record, the assignment number is designated to another user,the assignment number is invalid, or the assignment is already complete.

    Logging Out

    When associates complete their work day, they must log out for the day. Thisis essential for maintaining accurate attendance records.

    To log out for the day:

    1 Press 2 to select Labor from the Main menu.

    2 Press 3 to select the Logout option.

    Figure 4-6: RF Logout

    3 Press Y to confirm the logout. The time Out for Day is set to the current dateand time on the User Attendance record.

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    4-6 | Chapter 4 Using Labor Features on RF Devices

    Note: When logging Out for Day, the System flagAUTORELEASETASKSATLOGOFF is checked. If the flag is on, then anyplanned assignments for the user logging out for day that have been startedbut not completed, will be released. They can then be assigned to another

    user. If the flag is off, then an error will be returned to the user and they willnot be allowed to log out. In this case, the user must either complete thetasks or have the supervisor reassign them before logging out.

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    Assignment picking using RF Task Manager | 4-7

    Assignment picking using RF Task Manager

    Accepting and completing an assignment

    To accept and complete an assignment using the RF Task Manager:

    1 Log in to the RF device. The Main menu displays.

    2 Select9- More.

    3 Select 1 Task Managerfrom the RF Main menu. The Task Managerscreen displays.

    Figure 4-7: Task Manager Menu

    4 Select one of the following:

    Option 5-ASSGN Picking to select the ASSGN Picking option

    Option 1 Standard

    5 If you select option 5, the Assignment Picking screen is displayed.

    Figure 4-8: Assignment Picking

    6 Enter the Assignment number to receive the pick task.

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    4-8 | Chapter 4 Using Labor Features on RF Devices

    7 If you select option 1 Standard from the Task Manager menu, the systemuses the following rules to determine which tasks to present.

    If an available (unassigned) assignment has a User ID that matches theuser logged in, then a summary screen containing the next logical

    assignment displays on the RF device. If an available assignment has no User ID, then a summary screen

    displays containing the next logical assignment.

    If no assignments are available, then the next logical picking taskdisplays.

    8 View the Assignment summary screen.

    Figure 4-9: Assignment Summary

    9 Press ENTER to accept the assignment displayed on the RF device. Thepick task list displays with details about the first task in the plannedassignment.

    Notes: Once the user accepts an assignment, all tasks for that assignmentare assigned to that user.

    The user has the option to complete the tasks in the order presented orPress 4 to scroll backward or press 6 to scroll forward on the list of picks.

    10 When the task is complete, press Enter. The next task displays.

    11 When all tasks within a planned assignment are complete, the AssignmentComplete screen displays.

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    Chapter 5Using Voice with SSA WMS 4000

    SSA Warehouse Management 4000 is now integrated with Voice Picking. A

    warehouse can perform Voice Picking, RF Assisted Picking or RF Directedpicking. Voice Picking allows the capture of catch weight and catch data.

    The chapter consists of the following topics:

    Topic Page

    Setup for Voice Picking 5-2Voice Picking Setup Client Options 5-2Voice Picking Setup Putaway Zone 5-2Voice Picking Setup Area 5-3Activate the Labor monitor 5-5Voice Picking - Task Manager User 5-6Voice Picking Generating Pick tasks 5-6

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    5-2 | Chapter 5 Using Voice with SSA WMS 4000

    Setup for Voice Picking

    Voice Picking Setup Client Options

    The Location Schema defaults can be maintained in the Client Optionsscreen.

    To define the Default Location Schema:

    1 Navigate to Tools Client Options. The Client Options screen displays.

    Figure 5-1: Client Options Location Schema

    2 The location schema defines which part of the location is the Aisle and whichpart is the slot (location). These values are spoken separately to the picker.

    These values are defaulted on the Putaway Zone when a new record isadded.

    Voice Picking Setup Putaway Zone

    The location schema needs to be defined on the Putaway Zone as well asthe Pick Method.

    To define the location schema:

    1 Do one of the following:

    Navigate to Support Setup Putaway Zone. Navigate to Task Manager Setup Putaway Zone.

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    Setup for Voice Picking | 5-3

    The Search tab of the Putaway Zone screen opens.

    2 Right-click and select Apply Search from the menu. The List tab opens.

    3 Right-click and select Form View to change the view of the screen.

    4 The location schema defines which part of the location is the Aisle and whichpart is the slot (location). These values are spoken separately to the picker.

    5 The Pick Method must be set to RF Directed for Voice Picking.

    Figure 5-2: Putaway Zone Location Schema

    Voice Picking Setup Area

    The Voice Properties are setup on the Area screen.

    To define the Voice Properties:

    1 Navigate to Task Manager Setup Area. The Search screen for Areadisplays.

    2 Right-click and select Apply Search from the menu. The List tab displays.

    3 Right-click and select Voice Properties. The Voice Properties tab displays.

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    5-4 | Chapter 5 Using Voice with SSA WMS 4000

    Figure 5-3: Area Detail Voice Properties

    4 View the following field definitions:

    Allow Voice Picking When set to Yes, Voice is turned on in that area

    Maximum #of Assignments a picker can work on at one time

    Allow User to Skip Locations Determines if a picker is allowed to skiplocations during the picking process

    Re-pick of Skipped Locations Allowed Determines if the Voice systemwill retrieve the Skipped locations at the end of the picking assignment

    Speak Location and/or Item Description Determines what the Voicesystem should say to an operator (the items location, the itemsdescription, or both) when the operator is picking an assignment

    Pick Prompt to Operator - Determines how the system gives the pickprompt to the operator. Multiple Prompts means that the terminal gives alocation promptafter which the operator gives the check digitsand aquantity-to-pick prompt. Single Prompt means that terminal gives thelocation and quantity to pick, no matter how many items the operatorshould pick, before waiting for the operator to give the check digits.Single Prompt, Suppress Quantity 1 means that the terminal gives thelocation and, if the operator should pick more than one item, the quantityto pick. The prompt may include the work identifier as well, dependingupon the setting of Allow Speaking Work Identifier. The slot identifier mayinclude the slot, description, or both, depending upon the setting of Pick

    by location/description. Speak Work Identifier - Determines whether the Voice system says the

    shipment order number for every pick

    Sign Off Allowed Determines whether an operator can choose to signoff an assignment before completing and delivering the assignment. Thetask allows the operator to sign off at many points; the operator can onlysign off at those points if this option is set to Yes.

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    Setup for Voice Picking | 5-5

    Type of Delivery Prompt - Determines the type of delivery prompt for thatarea. Prompt Delivery Location means the terminal prompts the operatorwith the delivery location and waits for the operator to say, Ready.Prompt and Validate Delivery Location means the terminal prompts the

    operator with the delivery location and waits for the operator to confirm itby saying the delivery location and Ready. None means the terminaldoes not prompt the operator with delivery information.

    Operator to Verify Quantity Determines if the operator has to verify thequantity of each pick

    Current Aisle Length This represents the length of the Aisle which islocated on the Putaway Zone. If the Start of the Aisle is 1 and the end ofthe Aisle is 3 then this field should have XXX.

    Current Location Length This represents the length of the location (slot)which is located on the Putaway Zone. If the Start of the Slot is 4 and theend of the Slot is 6 then this field should have XXX.

    Verify Quantity placed in Container Determines if the operator mustverify the quantity that they are putting into the container.

    Activate the Labor monitor

    Labor must be turned on for Voice picking. To active Labor Monitor:

    1 Navigate to System Administration Configure System Settings.The System Setting screen displays.

    2 Scroll the Key column until you find the MONITORLABOR item. Thedescription reads Enable Labor Monitoring.

    Figure 5-4: System Settings - MONITORLABOR

    3 Select the On option for MONITORLABOR.

    4 Save the changes by using Right-Mouse click and choosing Save or usingCTRL-S to save.

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    5-6 | Chapter 5 Using Voice with SSA WMS 4000

    Voice Picking - Task Manager User

    Voice Picking requires you to be set up in Task Manager with the correctpermission to perform picking.

    To create a Task Manager User:

    1 Navigate to Task Manager Setup User. The Task Manager Userscreen displays.

    2 To retrieve an existing record, right-click and select one of the following:

    Add New Record

    Apply Search

    Figure 5-5: Task Manager User Setup

    3 Enter the permission type Picks. The Area must be defined for the Areas in

    the warehouse that are designated for Voice Picking. Depending on whichtype of pick is performed in that area, select the Pick Piece or Pick Caseoptions.

    Voice Picking Generating Pick tasks

    Generating Pick tasks for Voice works exactly like generating pick tasks forRF Directed Picking.

    To generate Pick tasks for Voice:

    1 Create a Shipment Order either through the interface or manually on theShipment Order maintenance screen.

    2 Once the Shipment Orders are created, either each individual order can beallocated and released or a wave with multiple orders can be allocated andreleased. The pick tasks then are available for Voice P icking.