Lead Roles cast for the University of Dayton Players ...

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Lead Roles cast for the University of DaytonPlayers' Production of "All Summer Long"

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Recommended Citation"Lead Roles cast for the University of Dayton Players' Production of "All Summer Long"" (1961). News Releases. 323.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/news_rls/323


DAYTON --Jame$ • Cain, 436 • Gall oway st .,

and James J . Thesing , 3321 Maplewood dr . , Xeni a , have lead roles

in the Univ rsity of Dayton Play rs' production of Robert nderson' s

"All Summer Long , " Nov . 17. 18 and 19 in the U. D. Fieldhou e .

Cain . sophomore in arts, has a peared in sever al

other play at the University _ ne is co- editor of the XPONENT ,

campus literary magazi n ; a me ber of theFLYER NEWS , ca pus

newspaper; m ber of the Vets Club and the Writers Club. He

was m ter of ceremonies for the 1961 0 . 0 . Vari ty Show, and

MC 'd St . Hel ns Play rs Variety Show in October , 1961. He

i.s a gradu te of St . Brigid high school .

Thesin, junior in arts at U.D . , i a member of the

Debate Te m and the DAYTONIAN taft, cs pus yearbook . He 1s a

graduate of Ch minade high school , Dayton .


11- 13- 61