Leadership The real leader has no need to lead, he is content to point the way. Henry Miller.

Post on 27-Mar-2015

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Leadership The real leader has

no need to lead, he is content to point the


Henry Miller

Leadership Keep your



Seek out people who are

better than you,different from you,

braver than you

Leadership Each of us must be

the change we want the world to be

Leadership Don’t be too proud to say:

Help me understand.What can I do to help?

Leadership Angels can fly

because they take themselves lightly

Leadership The more you say,

the less they remember

Leadership The time is always

right to do the right thing


Act like you are invincible;

Know that you are not

Leadership Real leaders are

people with extraordinary vision

Leadership Most things are

difficult before they are easy

Leadership Relax and enjoy the

differences around you

Leadership A man cannot be

comfortable without his own approval

Samuel Clemens



Leadership Go out on a limb;

that is where the best fruit is

Leadership Don’t wait for your

ship to come in;Swim out to it

Leadership ReadListen


Leadership It’s hard to be a good

listener if you are always talking

Leadership Fail to honor others

and they will fail to honor you

Leadership There are no

shortcuts to any place worth going to

Leadership Leadership is action

not position

Leadership Vision is the art of

seeing things invisible

Leadership Study the past;

Live in the moment;Plan for the future

Leadership When there is no

vision,the people perish

Leadership Be kind,

Say thanks,Give credit,Empathize

Leadership To listen is to learn

about yourselfand others

Leadership Enjoy the processbut

crave the goal

Leadership Be outand



Be not afraid of greatness

Leadership Real leaders are

people with extraordinary determination

Leadership Practice awareness

of yourself;of others

Leadership It is not what happens

when you are there;It is what happens when

you are not there

Leadership We will either find a way

or make one

Leadership Judge people by the

content of their character and not by

their appearance

Leadership Think

with yourheart

Leadership If you want to go fast,

go alone;If you want to go far,

go together


Honor is like a steep island without a

shore, one cannot return once one

leavesNicholas Boileau


A man of honor should never forget

what he is because he sees what others are

Joseph Jacobs

Leadership Wisdom and virtue

are two wheels of the same cart

Japanese Proverb

Leadership You cannot drive

straight on a twisted lane.

Russian Proverb


Seize the day


This above all: to thine own self be true

An it must follow, as night the day,

Thou canst not be false to any man.

William Shakespeare


As he thinketh in his heart, so he is

Leadership They’re only truly

great who are truly good

George Chapman

Leadership A wise man will make

more opportunities than he finds

Francis Bacon

Leadership The secret of

success is constancy of purpose

Benjamin Disraeli

Leadership Many persons have a wrong

idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but

through fidelity to a purpose

Helen Keller

Leadership Outside show is a

poor substitute for inner worth.



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,

committed citizens can change the world;

indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead


Be the change you want the world to be

Mahatma Ghandi

Leadership Ask not what your

country can do for you but what can you

do for your country

John F. Kennedy

Leadership Sometimes it's the

smallest decisions that can change your

life forever.

Keri Russell


We must remember that one determined person can make a significant difference, and

that a small group of determined people can

change the course of history.

Sonia Johnson

Leadership The only real training

for leadership is leadership

Anthony Jay


Leadership to me means duty, honor, country. It means

character, and it means listening from time to

time.George Bush

Leadership Leadership is

unlocking people’s potential to become


Bill Bradley


One kernel is felt in a hogshead; one drop of water helps to swell the ocean; a spark of fire helps to give light to the world. None are too small, too feeble, too

poor to be of service. Think of this and act.

Hannah Moore


To lead means to serve


The thing that lies at the foundation of positive

change, the way I see it, is service to a fellow

human being.

Lee Iacocca

Leadership Experience is the

best teacher, but a fool will learn from

no other.

Benjamin Franklin

Leadership The best way to learn

to do things is to do things.


Learning to doDoing to learnLiving to serveServing to live

Leadership It is the dream afraid

of waking that never takes the chance.

Bette Midler


Enduring setbacks while maintaining the ability to show others the way to go forward is a true test

of leadership.

Leadership Leadership is the

ability to do, not the ability to state