Lean / Kanban

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Paso 1: Cambio de mentalidad.

Historia: Nacido para el Toyota Production System.

Basado en un principio fundamental:

Personas normales + procesos excelentes = productos excelentes

Personas excelentes + procesos mediocres = productos mediocres

An agile mindset is about opening up

planning, design, and process improvement

to the entire team.

When each person thinks only about his role and that one particular way the user

story helps him, and doesn’t look past it to see how the entire team uses the user

story —or any other agile tool, technique, or practice—it can cause problems.

¿Cómo mejorar?


- Documentación

- Que ayude al equipo a entender el problema.

- Que ayude a comunicarse con el usuario.

- Que ayude a corregir problemas antes de que lleguen al SW.


- Tiempo

- Dinero


Nobody gets in “trouble” when

there’s a change.

Una empresa que se desarrolla sólo la documentación mínima necesaria

para el proyecto, tiene un ambiente donde el equipo es de confianza para

hacer lo correcto cuando un cambio ocurre .


Agile teams communicate most effectively when they focus on

face-to-face conversation and rely on the minimum amount of

documentation necessary for the project.

The most effective way to communicate the progress of the

project is to deliver working software and put it in the hands of

the users.

En resumen:

Lean is a mindset, not a methodology, which is why it

doesn’t have practices that help you run projects.



- Eliminate waste

- Amplify learning

- Decide as late as possible

- Deliver as fast as possible

- Empower the team

- Build integrity in (SW that makes sense to the users)

- See the whole (Understand the work that happens on the project)

Eliminate waste is about finding project activities

that don’t add value and eliminating them.

Waste is anything that

your team does that doesn’t actively help them

build better software.

Build integrity in (SW that makes sense to the users)

Significa que la totalidad del producto alcanza un equilibrio de la

función , la facilidad de uso , fiabilidad y economía que deleita a los

clientes .

Shee the whole (Understand the work that happens on the project)

A project manager will be more

satisfied with a project if the team came in ahead of every

deadline—but if the developer had to give up her nights and

weekends to meet that deadline, he/she might feel like

the project was less successful.

Project Manager vs Scrum Team

Deliver As Fast As Possible

Eliminate activities that delay the

work and cause bottlenecks.

Empower the team

Decide as late as possible

- Correctas decisiones.

- ¿Cómo decido lo correcto?

R = Con opciones

Muda, Mura, Muri

Muda - Desperdicio

Mura - Irregularidad

Muri - Exceso


Paso 1: Cambio de mentalidad.

Kanban is not a software development lifecycle

methodology or an approach to project


It requires that some process is already in place

so that Kanban can be applied to incrementally

change the underlying process.

Kanban requires the Lean thinking mindset.

Kanban is about helping a team improve the way

that they build software.

Kanban is not a system for managing projects. It’s

a method for improving your process: the steps

that your team takes to build and deliver software.

Before you can improve anything, you need a

starting point, and the starting point for Kanban is

what you do today.

Kanban principles:

Find a Starting Point: feedback loops

That’s where Kanban starts: taking a look at how

you work today


Gitlab no sirve!!! Usemos Github

Redmine no sirve!!! Usemos TestRail

Ubuntu no sirve!!! Usemos Mac :)

Mejoramos conforme lo que ya sabemos.

Lo real:

Mejorar nuestro proceso con:

- Docker

- Vagrant


- Jenkings

- Selenium

- Branches Git

- Continuous integration

- etc

Tableros KANBAN

OK - ¿Pero para que nos sirve este nuevo


1. Visualizar de manera sencilla el workflow de desarrollo.

1. Identificar en dónde están los problemas, los cuellos de


Limit work in progress

We would never run the servers in our computer

rooms at full utilization—why haven’t

we learned that lesson in software development?

“The personal feeling of being on a team

with a lot of flow is

that every day, all day, you have the

feeling that you’re doing something


4 reglas o principios de Kanban.

- Empieza con lo que haces ahora

- Acepta el cambio

- Respeta el proceso en curso, los roles y responsabilidades de

cada uno

- Liderazgo en todos los niveles


5 elementos a tener en cuenta para saber si lo

hacemos bien.

- Visualizar el flujo de trabajo

- Limitar el trabajo en curso

- Gestión del flujo

- Dejar claras las reglas del proceso

- Mejora en equipo

