Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by...

Post on 08-Jul-2018

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8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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Ricardo Martinez, USDA Forest ServiceElaine Chalmers, M.S., USDA Forest Service

 Tamberly Conway, h.D., USDA Forest Service

Leaping to LEP: USDA ForestService impetus to reach

Limited English Profciency(LEP) audiences

!ational Environmental "#stice Con$erence, %ashin&ton, D.C., March '(, )('*

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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+E Re-#irements in/ to Environmental "#stice

+ractical Considerations

+E0am1les o$ S#ccess$#l ro&rams ro2ects

+Challen&es and Sol#tions

+F#t#re 311ort#nities to Reach E A#diences

mproving !ur "each to LEPAudiences

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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# t e $% v " g ts Act o*+

No person in the United States shall, onthe ground of race, color, or nationalorigin, be excluded from participation in,be denied the benets of, or besubjected to discrimination under any

 program or activity receiving Federalnancial assistance.

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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E,ecutive !rder -**

!rders Federal Agencies to:

+E0amine services and develo1 and

im1lement a system by which Eersons can meanin&$#lly access thoseservices4

+%or/ to ens#re that reci1ients o$ Federal5nancial assistance 1rovide meanin&$#laccess to their E a11licants andbene5ciaries.

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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D3" 6nter1retation o$ E3 '7'**

 The si&ni5cant discriminatory e8ects that the$ail#re to 1rovide lan&#a&e assistance has on thebasis o$ national ori&in, 1laces the treatment o$E individ#als com$ortably within the ambit o$

 Title 96 and a&encies: im1lementin& re&#lations.

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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e&al recedent

an&#a&e elicits a res1onse $rom others, ran&in& $romadmiration and res1ect, to distance and alienation, to ridic#leand scorn. Reactions o$ the latter ty1e all too o$ten res#lt$rom or initiate racial hostility.

6t may well be, $or certain ethnic &ro#1s and in somecomm#nities, that 1ro5ciency in a 1artic#lar lan&#a&e, li/es/in color, sho#ld be treated as a s#rro&ate $or race #nder ane-#al 1rotection analysis.

 ~ernande! vs. Ne" #or$ %&''&(

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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 The in/ between E andEnvironmental "#stice

)nvironmental *ustice is the fair treatment andmeaningful involvement of all people regardless ofrace, color, national origin, or income "ith respect

to the development, implementation, andenforcement of environmental la"s, regulations,and policies. +t "ill be achieved "hen everyoneenjoys the same degree of protection fromenvironmental and health ha!ards and eual

access to the decision-ma$ing process to have ahealthy environment in "hich to live, learn, and"or$.

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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Practical &onsiderations

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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All 1ro&rams and o1erations o$ entities that receive assistance $romthe $ederal &overnment ;i.e. reci1ients<, incl#din&=

> State a&encies> ocal a&encies> rivate and non1ro5t entities> S#b?reci1ients ;entities that receive $ederal $#ndin& $rom one o$ the

reci1ients listed above< also m#st com1ly.

 All federal government activities must comply . 

%ho M#st Com1ly and

%ho Can be Fo#nd in 9iolation@ 

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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Four.Factor Analysis

6ndivid#alized assessment balancin& $o#r $actors=

'. The n#mber or 1ro1ortion o$ E 1ersons eli&ible tobe served or li/ely to be enco#ntered by the 1ro&ramor &ranteereci1ientB

). The $re-#ency with which E individ#als come incontact with the 1ro&ramB

7. The nat#re and im1ortance o$ the 1ro&ram, activity,or service 1rovided by the 1ro&ram to 1eo1les livesBand

. The reso#rces available to the &ranteereci1ient and


8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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Develop a LEP Plan

+6denti$y E c#stomers sta/eholders

+6denti$y lan&#a&e assistance methods

+ Train sta8 

+rovide !otice to E 1ersons

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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#ypes o' Language Services

!ral nterpretation ? listenin& to somethin&in one lan&#a&e and orally translatin& it intoanother lan&#a&e

/ritten #ranslation ?the re1lacement o$ awritten te0t $rom one lan&#a&e ;so#rce< intoan e-#ivalent written te0t in another lan&#a&e


8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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Staff should know their obligations to provide meaningful access to

information and services for LEP persons. Training should include:

● LEP policies and procedures.

● Contact with the public in-person and over the telephone.

● The more freuent the contact with LEP persons! the greater the needwill be for in-depth training.

● Staff with little or no contact with LEP persons ma" onl" have to be

aware of an LEP plan.

 Trainin& Sta8 

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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E0am1les o$ noti5cation that reci1ients sho#ld consider incl#de=

+  ostin& si&ns in inta/e areas and other entry 1oints.

+ %hen lan&#a&e assistance is needed to ens#re meanin&$#laccess to in$ormation and services, it is im1ortant to 1rovidenotice in a11ro1riate lan&#a&es in inta/e areas or initial 1ointso$ contact so that E 1ersons can learn how to access thoselan&#a&e services.

rovidin& !otice to Eersons

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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+ out o' 0 Cali$ornia

+ out o' * Te0as

+ out o' 1 !ew or/


+ out o' 2 !ew "ersey and !evada

+ out o' awaii

+ out o' 3 people in the United


#op 3 States 4ith largest

LEP Populations

5  &ali'ornia 20%

65  #e,as15%

-5  7e4 8or9  13%

+5  7e4 ersey 13%

05  7evada 13%

*5  ;a4aii 12%

15  Florida 10%

25  llinois 10%

5  Ari<ona 9%




8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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#;E &!U7#ES /#; #;E ;>;ES# S;A"E !F LEP "ESDE7#S

7&LUDED:+ Starr Co#nty, Te0as ; G( 1ercent o$ total co#nty 1o1#lation<B+ Ale#tians East Horo#&h, Alas/a ; I 1ercent<B+ Maveric/ Co#nty, Te0as ; J 1ercent<B+ %ebb Co#nty, Te0as ; J 1ercent<

#;E #!P F$E &!U7#ES /#; #;E LA">ES# LEPP!PULA#!7S:

● os An&eles Co#nty in Cali$ornia ;'( 1ercent o$ the E1o1#lation<,

● Miami Co#nty in Florida ;7 1ercent<,

● arris Co#nty in Te0as ;7 1ercent<,

● Coo/ Co#nty in 6llinois ;7 1ercent<,

● K#eens Co#nty in !ew or/ ;) 1ercent<.

LTo&ether, Gv co#nties re1resented )' 1ercent o$ the total E1o1#lation, as o$ )('7.

LEP &ounty Population in the United States

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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Strai&htN Ada1tation $rom one lan&#a&e to another



Create c#lt#rally com1etent materials

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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 Transcreation rocess

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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Com1rehensive intera&ency website in vario#slan&#a&es

E Reso#rces

Mexico: pastel

Puerto Rico: bizcocho

 Argentina: torta

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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!ho"e#er$ in Mexico$ a torta is a san"ich

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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+CCC ? Oeneration Oreen

+mon& comm#nity

+6nternational ro&ram 3Pce

+atino e&acy ? Oreen Ambassador ro&ram

+Desc#bre el Hos-#e

+FS !at#re69EQ Distance earnin& ro&rams

!ational E0am1les= Mana&ed and Assisted

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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Oeneration Oreen

Central, !orthern and So#thernCali$ornia Consorti#m

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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mon& Comm#nity 3#treach

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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Nyob rau xyoo 2000, lub koos haum Central California Consortium (CCC) pib cev tes pab peb Hmoob

thiab peb lub zej lub zo nyob rau hauv !an "oa#uin $alley% &ub nroo 'resno muaj li ntam 2,000

leej nee uas yo caj ce Hmoob* 'resno yo lub nroo thib ob uas muaj Hmoob coob tshaj nyob rauhauv teb chas meskas% +eb Hmoob nyiam mus ua si thiab siv public lans los sis cov hav zoov rau

kev lom zem xs li tua nas tua noo, nuv ntses, p yos hav zoov, e nceb, thiab ntau yam ntxiv% &ub

koos haum CCC rau siab ntso txhab thiab pab peb Hmoob kam peb tau txais kev kam #hia txo

peb lub loom tiaj los sis environment% -sis tas li nta xb, CCC kuj cev tes pab rub Hmoob los ua

hauj lm rau hauv 'orest !ervice%

mon& comm#nity o#treachForest Service %eb desi&n

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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C it E t

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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Community Engagement

through Monarch Butterfly


8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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(ual)*anguage Publicit+

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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El Hos-#e Mvil ? The Forest Mobile

  Hilin&#al FS and 1artner materials

atino e&acy

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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Forest n'ormation #eam

, Em1loyed members

, 3ver G( bilin&#al

, 9ol#nteers

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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FS LEP Assessment (Latino Legac

, Research $oc#s on 1ro&ram assessment and in1#t$rom E ;S1anish?s1ea/in&< a#dience

, an&#a&e #sa&e

,  To1ic interest

, ro&ram interest

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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nvite 1eo1le to 1artici1ate

nclude diverse yo#th,comm#nity members andleaders in the 1lannin&,develo1ment and delivery1rocesses

nvolve diverse comm#nitiesin decision?ma/in& 1rocessesrelated to nat#ral reso#rceconservation

Chavez, D. ;)(()< USDA Forest

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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+Ed#cational $eeder 1attern schools

+Recr#itin& bilin&#al yo#th and comm#nitymembers 

+ Train in conservation 1ractices and 1ro&rams

+ OAs deliver ed#cational and comm#nity o#treach

Latino Legacy Program evolutiono#ston Oreenbelt

Oreen Ambassadors

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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 We accepted the opportunity to present during the 2015 National Environmental JusticeConference in Washington D.C. to share our reen !m"assador model and the impact of

our #or$ in our community% "ut it didn&t 'ust stop there (

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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USFS E0ec#tive eadershi1 Team

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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USDA Secretary o$ A&ric#lt#re)('G Abraham incoln onors Award

Diversity, 6ncl#sion and 3#treachatino e&acy

o#ston Oreenbelt Oreen Ambassadors

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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Oreen Ambassador E" Comm#nity Foc#s

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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ealth and Fitness 6nitiative

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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ro&ram considers c#lt#re

#e,as A?= Forest Service&ommunity ? Ur@an !utreach #eam

& i ? U @

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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&ommunity ? Ur@an!utreach Programing

& it ? U @

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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&ommunity ? Ur@an!utreach Programing

& it ? U @

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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S#rveyed JG( residential landowners in eachCree/ lantation s#bdivision, G?G( acre lots,Mont&omery Co#nty, Te0as+ C#lt#ral diversity=

+G S1anish herita&e+7( Ca#casian+)G Asian?American

+ an&#a&es s1o/en


&ommunity ? Ur@an!utreach Programing

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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63+ Society o' American

Foresters;ouse o' Delegates&ultural Diversity and


 Te0as AM Forest ServiceUrban Comm#nity 3#treach Team


USDA Forest ServiceFriends o$ !ational Forests Orasslands o$ Te0as

School Districts!on? ro5t or anizations

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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USFS 6nter$ace So#th

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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!ational radio broadcasts in S1anish

is1anic Comm#nications !etwor/

USFS Advertisin& Co#ncil artnershi1

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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FS !at#re69E 

Distance earnin& ro&rams

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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ow did the 1artnershi1 come abo#t@

%hy start with early childhood learners@

%hy the seedlin& 1ro2ect@

#he Forest Service Early &hildhood


&entre "idge Elementarys B>reen#eam Partnership

/See$ing 0ccess through )ual 1anguage and

)nvironmental 0ccess in early learners2 

#he Forest Service Early &hildhood Seedling

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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y g&entre "idge Elementarys B>reen #eam


 Di it

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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● ' o$ 7 CRES St#dents are enrolled in En&lish an&#a&e

Services ;E<.

● Centre Rid&e comm#nity s1ea/s S1anish, Chinese,

R#ssian, ersian, orean, ort#&#ese, and Swahili, to

name a $ew.

● 6n totality, the School 1o1#lation is ma2ority minority wi

a very 1ro1ortion o$ st#dent diversity.

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

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+ ;eavily ur@an landscaped community 4ith high

density living

+ School grounds act as a secondary 'ocal point

'or community outdoor engagement

+ Families see9 green spaces

 &entre "idge Elementarys B>reen #eam

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/leaping-to-lep-usda-forest-service-impetus-to-reach-limited-english-proficiency 51/56

&entre "idge Elementary s B>reen #eamPartnership

/See$ing 0ccess through )ual 1anguage and )nvironmental 0ccess in earlylearners2 

#he >reen #eam Focus:

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/leaping-to-lep-usda-forest-service-impetus-to-reach-limited-english-proficiency 52/56

#he >reen #eam Focus:

"ecycling Limiting Eco Footprint &onservation Sustaina@ilty Ecology S#E=% Science% and =ath

n tune 4ith nature

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/leaping-to-lep-usda-forest-service-impetus-to-reach-limited-english-proficiency 53/56

 The )('* Seedlin&? Oreen Team

Conservation Ed#cationChildren in !at#reEnvironmental E-#ityE" E 1ro&ramsM#lti?a&e class? Gth Orade

USFS.F&PS Seedling.>reen #eam Partnership63* 631 Pilot 8ear Plan (=!U)

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/leaping-to-lep-usda-forest-service-impetus-to-reach-limited-english-proficiency 54/56


63*.631 Pilot 8ear Plan (=!U)


E01and the OardenMeadow ro2ect in 1artnershi1 with the Oreen Team

as Seedlin& artners.

St#dents 1lanted native 9A 1lants last year, the &oal this comin& year is

to add trees, and other seeds

Oreen Team Seedlin&s will add additional si&ns with E sensitive

lan&#a&e assistance to hel1 identi$y the s1ecies, &ive #se$#lin$ormation and $#n $acts abo#t each lant in the arden.

F th F t

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/leaping-to-lep-usda-forest-service-impetus-to-reach-limited-english-proficiency 55/56

 Tree Media Fo#ndation

+ ollinator conservation 5lm series andrestoration cam1ai&n ?+ celebrity voice

+ Henitez Strate&ies+ S1anish?lan&#a&e transcreation+ Cam1ai&n to reach c#lt#rally diverse

a#diences with messa&es and en&a&ement

in restoration activities

America:s atino Eco Festival

Foc#s on the F#t#re

no4 4 ere you re

8/19/2019 Leaping to LEP: USDA Forest Service impetus to reach Limited English Proficiency (LEP) audiences by Ricardo Martinez, Elaine Chalmers, Tamberly Conway

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/leaping-to-lep-usda-forest-service-impetus-to-reach-limited-english-proficiency 56/56

no4 4 ere you reheaded5

+now yo#r a#dience

+S#rvey to im1rove

+Develo1 c#lt#rallya11ro1riate o#treach