„Learn as if you have had never gained anything, be afraid to lose what you have already gained”...

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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„„Learn as if you have had never gained anything, be Learn as if you have had never gained anything, be afraid to lose what you have already gained afraid to lose what you have already gained””

Confucius Confucius (551 – 479 b.c.)(551 – 479 b.c.)

Time For Change Learning

What makes us different

We are Polish company delivering trainings globally - that gives you the best International quality with a low

Central European price

Our trainings are based on best Stanford’s and Harvard's University know how

We deliver workshops in English Russian and Polish

We work with best world s training companies like Forum, Baker Communication, Bay Group

International, - know how transfer

• Our trainers are senior executives with 20 years of experience in multicultural trainings and management

• We have a proven training, consulting and management success track

• All the trainings are tailored to specific customer needs and culture

• We emphasize practical application of all the skills • we train

4 good reasons to choose Time For Change

Sales trainings - we look at the selling process from the customer point of view

Trainings for managers emphasize and respect cultural differences

We deliver best leadership, coaching, presentation, and negotiation trainings

We strive to deliver maximum of the useful knowledge and skills ready for immediate usage

All the areas we are unique and the best at

Why Train? The Advantages Gained From Training

Your new people should be trained in order to help them achieve a satisfactory standard of performance as quickly as possible

Without talented, well-trained people, your business will not expand and prosper. In the economical down

turn your company need to focus on top line and protect the margin


Time For Change







The Problem: “Execution Gap”“How to” account execution





Customer Opportunity Analysis/Strategy

Customer Opportunity Analysis/Strategy


Bottom Line ResultsBottom Line Results

Time For Change - company focus

Our experience and strategic focus makes our company specialists in improving :

sales, and management activities. To close the GAPsales, and management activities. To close the GAP

Our trainings are focused on :

Delivery of maximum practical skills and know-how ready for immediate Delivery of maximum practical skills and know-how ready for immediate action.action.

Time For Change Company







Time For Change - Mission

Our Customers are our partners, that’s why we help to

realize various business opportunities by consulting,

training and coaching of their associates. We help to

create fully integrated learning solutions to increase increase

business effectiveness and efficiency business effectiveness and efficiency of their company

and it’s people.

Time For Change Company







Time For Change - Values

1. Customers and associates growth through strategy execution.

2. Learning from and working with best.

3. Pride in what we do, how we do it and with whom we work.

4. Drive growth through people transformation.

5. Passion in all activities.

6. We constantly assess our own performance and strive to be better.


1. To your Company whose future depends on having well trained people.

2. To your People who have invested their lives in a career with your company, putting their trust in you to deliver your promise of training.

3. To your Trade Partners who have come to expect a high standard of operation by you and your people.

4. To your Managers because the ability to manage and train effectively is essential for all levels of responsibility.

Who Benefits? - The Responsibilities in Training

Types of trainings we deliver

SalesSales Basic selling skills Selling skills for experienced Sales People Selling to Executives

Customer ServiceCustomer Service

Telephone selling Highly effective customer service for retailers


For account managers and sales people For professional buyers

ManagementManagement Leadership Coaching Appraising Recruitment Official presentations

Individual Coaching reinforcementIndividual Coaching reinforcement

Key training and development objectives

1. Increase communication and cooperation between departments to increase efficiency and avoid the “silo” work philosophy.

2. Increase customer, associate and supplier management skills.

2. Help associates at all levels to understand company’s strategy.

3. Adapt skills of your teams to be able to work in more competitive environment, to make a step into the XXI century.to make a step into the XXI century.

Time For Change Company







How do we work with you ?

Quick and thorough diagnosisQuick and thorough diagnosis

Understanding your business objectives Get a flavor where you are Where you are aiming to be Key professional competence mapping Designing training needs

Targeted training solutionsTargeted training solutions

Customized training programme Department consolidation Personal development plans Strong link and influence on business

Training delivery steps

Discussion with mangers about the training needs.

Work with selected associates.

Programme design and proposal to managers.

Training delivery.

Follow-up and review.

1. Frequency: The knowledge of any subject is consolidated by the frequency with which people are exposed to information, demonstration or counseling.

2. Regency: The human mind remembers recent events to the exclusion of earlier events.

3. Intensity: The trainer must have the trainee's interest and concentration. The best way to present information or give instruction is in a practical demonstrative way.

4. Quantity: Training is absorbed more readily when it is given in modules. Each module may then be trained, understood and tested before progressing.

5. Quality: It must be of the highest standard in both content and delivery. It must be professional and constantly researched and reviewed.

The 5 Basic Principles of Training

Time For Change Company







Key Customers

Abott ,Aflofarm, Alergan, ACP Pharma Bausch $ Lomb, Herbapol, Juventa, Magiczna, Med Ort, Novartis,, Polpharma, Wyeth



New Technologies


Apple, Autodesk ,Cisco, Dell, DuPont, Honeywell, HP Internet Media Services, Media Markt,, Nokia, Oracle

Bakoma, Brown Foreman, Ce - Do, Diageo,, Herbapol, Kraft Foods, Unilever,

Andropol, Dvarcioniu Keramika, , HL Display, Iron Mountain, Kredit Markt, Marks & Spencer, Młyny Polskie, Starwood ( Sheraton, Westin, LeMeridien ), Wurth,

Some snap shots from our trainings

Your CompanyYour Company

Wurth Ukraine Abott Budapest Apple Paris

US Pharmacia Warsaw Media Markt Katowice

Contact us at

Bartosz Augustyn Mobile +48. 602 642 800, mail bartosz.augustyn@t4cl.com

Slawomir Ostrowski Mobile +48. 692 469 750, mail slawomir.ostrowski@t4cl.com

www. t4cl.com