Learn c++ (functions) with nauman ur rehman

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Lecture by: Nauman Ur Rehman

Organized by: Shahid Jameel

A function is a type of procedure or routine

which performs some operation.

Note: A function can have multiple input

(arguments) but only one output (return value)

Output = f(a,b)

A function is a group of statements that

together perform a task.

It is the part of a code that is called with

some input (arguments), on which it

performs a task, and then returns some






It makes program more manageable by

dividing it into small parts.

We can avoid the repetition of the program

using functions.

It also makes a program easy to debug (find

errors, if any)

There are many built-in functions included in

the pre-defined libraries; e.g. getline, read,


Prototype or Function Declaration

Function Call

Function Definition or Function Body

<return type> <function_name> (parameters);

1. int search (int value, int size);

2. int search (int , int);

Both 1 and 2 are the “prototypes” of the same


Never forget the semicolon at last.

A function parameter is a variable declared in

the prototype or declaration of a function.

To call a function, we simply write the name of the function and provide it arguments:

1. y =search (7, x); //x=5 & int search (int value, int size);

2. cout<< search (7,x); //displays the returned value

3. search (7, x); // void search (int, int );

An argument is the value that is passed to the function in place of a parameter.

<return type> <function name> (parameters)

{ //curly braces

statement 1;statement 2;.return <int_value>;

}//no semicolon before or after curly braces

int search (int value, int size)

{ size = value * 2;

return size;}


using namespace std;

int func (int, int);

int main()


int x=0, y=1;






return 0;


int func (int x, int y)


return x+y;


Declaration or prototype

Function Call 2

Definition or Body

Function Call 1

Function Call 3

1. Functions with no input and no return:

void search (void);

void main (void)


search ();


void search (void)


int x;

x = 4;

cout<<x<<endl; //displays 4 but no return


2. Functions with input but no return:

void search (int);

void main ()


search (4);


void search (int size)



cout<<size<<endl; //displays 5 but

} // no return

3. Functions with no input but return:

int function (void);

int main ()


cout<<search ()<<endl;

return 0;


int search (void)


int x = 4;

return x; //return 4

cout<<x<<endl; //do not execute

} // as return is already encountered

4. Functions with input and return:

int function (int);

void main ()


cout<<search (4)<<endl; //displays 5


int search (int size)



return size; //return 5


Pointer is a variable that is used to store address

of a variable.


<data type> * <pointer_name>;

int * a;


a = &b ; //address of b will be stored in a

// & sign is used to denote address


*a; //denote the value stored in variable

//where a is pointing

// ‘ * ‘ is called the dereference operator.

int var = 50; //address of var = 1001

int * ptr; // ptr declared (address=2047)

ptr = & var; //ptr initialized






* ptr = 5;

cout<< var<<endl;

cout<<* ptr<<endl;

cout<<*& ptr<<endl //*& cancel each other


address of var = 0012FF60

address of ptr = 0012FF54

int i=50; //address of i = 2000

int * ptr2 = &i; //direct initialization

int * * ptr1 = &ptr2; //address of ptr1 = 3000

cout<< i<<endl;





cout<<* * ptr1<<endl;

cout<<& ptr1<<endl;

int i=50; //address of i = 2000

int * ptr2 = &i; //direct initialization

int * * ptr1 = &ptr2; //address of ptr1 = 3000

cout<< i<<endl; // 50

cout<<ptr2<<endl; // 2000

cout<<*ptr2<<endl; // 50

cout<<ptr1<<endl; //3000

cout<<*ptr1<<endl; //2000

cout<<* * ptr1<<endl; //50

cout<<& ptr1<<endl; //4000

1. Pointer pointing to variable:

int * ptr;e.g.int * ptr = &a;a++;ptr = &b;

2. Pointer pointing to constant variable:

const int * ptr;e.g.const int * ptr = &a;

a++; // errorptr = &b;

3. Constant pointer pointing to variable:

int * const ptr;


int * const ptr = &a;


ptr = &b; // error

4. Constant pointer pointing to constant variable:

const int * const ptr;


const int * const ptr = &a;

a++; // error

ptr = &b; // error

Array is itself, in a way, a pointer.

Array name is actually the address of the very

first element of the array.

Array uses the subscripts to access different

elements e.g. Arr[5]: gives access to 5th

element of an array named “Arr”.

A pointer to an array is initialized using array

name to get address of the array’s 1st element.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main ()

{ int arr[5]; //declared array named “arr” with 5 as a size

int * p; //declared a pointer p

p = arr; //address of 1st element of array stored in p

*p = 10; //puts arr[0] = 10

p++; //address of 2nd element of arry stored in p

*p = 20; //puts arr[1] = 20

p = &arr[2]; // address of 3rd element of array stored in p

*p = 30; //puts arr[2] = 30

p = arr + 3; // address of 4th element of array stored in p

*p = 40; // puts arr[3] = 40

p = arr; // address of 5th element of array stored in p

*(p+4) = 50; // puts arr[4] =50

for (int n=0; n<5; n++)

cout << arr[n] << ", ";

return 0; }


1. Pass-by-value

2. Pass-by-reference with reference


3. Pass-by-reference with pointer


void multiply (int x);

void main(){

int x=3;multiply (x);cout<<x; // displays 3


void multiply (int x){

x*=4; // x = x * 4 = 12cout<<x<<endl; // displays 12


void multiply (int &a);

void main(){

int x=3;multiply (x);cout<<x; //displays 12


void multiply (int &a){

a*=4;cout<<a<<endl; //displays 12


Note: a is put equivalent to x.address of a = address of x

Pass-by-reference with pointer arguments

void multiply (int *a);

void main()


int x=3;

multiply (&x);

cout<<x; //displays 12


void multiply (int *a)


*a*=4; //*a = *a * 4

cout<<*a<<endl; //displays 12


void multiply (int [], int );

void main(){

int x[3]={1,2,3};multiply (x, 3);cout<<x[1]<<endl; //displays 8


void multiply (int a[], int size){

for (int y=0; y<size; y++)a[y]*=4; //a[y] = a[y] * 4

cout<<a[1]<<endl; //displays 8}

Note: Arrays are passed by refrence.