Learn to Live

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Written by:Swami jagadatmananda

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Swami Jagadatmananda is a yoga and meditation teacher and a

writer. He is the oldest active sannyasi in disciple of Swami Satyananda in Europe.

Born 1939 in Copenhagen he was introduced to yoga by his medical doctor as a child and continued to practise as a teenager and while in his twenties.

In 1968 he met his teacher Swami Satyananda Saraswati who initiated him into Kriya Yoga . For two years he lived with Swami Satyananda in his ashram in Bihar, India, and for several months travelled with him throughout the country.

In 1970 Swami Jagadatmananda returned to Denmark where he founded the Scandinavian Yoga and Meditation School. He writes articles for the Magazine Bindu and his book “Yoga, Tantra and Meditation in Daily Life” has been published in seven languages.

introduction This book teaches us certain values that are extremely necessary for life, but

which are generally ignored by modern system of education.

Author has recommended our youth to acquire the means by which they can make themselves spiritually strong, courageous, bold and upright.

Author puts some questions for us like. Are the youths an asset to the nation? Are there among them builders of the nation who can make her hold high

among other nations? Are they capable, with the education they have been given, of defending themselves and the country?

So these are the questions which should be answered by us.The brief information of important chapters are given below-• The secret• Success through planning• Instil self-confidence• Fulfilment in life• Infinite power hidden within you

THE SECRET“Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance,

but to do what lies clearly at hand”

Invest your mental abilities in the performance of duties in the present with the maximum efficiency and thoroughness. And this will lead us to unsurpassed glory and triumph.

If we have lived the present moment well, tomorrow it becomes a happy reminiscence and gives absolute contentment to the mind. It also goads us to do well in future. The future is still beyond us. The present time is the only time on hand. That has to be used fruitfully, by all means

Success through planning Planning is a word very much in vogue in modern age. The

miraculous progress and development achieved by Japan is attribute to the soundness of their planning and execution. The instance of Singapore as a country with foresight into planning, execution and hence excellence, has given it its present status as a leader in the league of developing nations ,compare its size and then its deeds; the latter stands much taller in world standards.

To enable a human being to set foot for the first time on the moon, about ten thousand technical experts had worked unceasingly for more than ten years. That is an example of the just fruition and sound planning.

Instil self-confidence Developing Self-confidence is the only way to diminish

the negative effects of repeated failures.

The socio-psychological concept of self-confidence relates to self-assuredness in one's personal judgment, ability, power, etc., sometimes manifested excessively.

Another definition is the belief of believing in you; to believe that one is able to accomplish what one sets out to do, to overcome obstacles and challenges.

FULFILMENT IN LIFE Compare to what we ought to be, our performance lags far

behind our expectations. The truth is that we utilize only a fraction of our physical and mental powers. On the whole. Man lives in a small region of the really unlimited expanse of high potential energy. Though he is endowed with great powers, not desiring to utilize them, he remains disabled throughout his life.

To achieve the latent abilities in yourself, you have to fix a goal for your life. The goal need not be just the desire for salvation. There should be a specific and clear goal in everybody’s life; a momentary desire is not a goal. And it not enough to have a desire to succeed in the task you have set for yourself. It is necessary to act in the popper manner so it is carried out within the prescribed time .unless u have a working plan, your valuable mental energy and time will be wasted.

THE KEY TO THE SECRET One of the most important and intelligent God made the

following suggestions :”let us put it in the depth of man’s mind , he will never suspect that the powers is hidden there because right from childhood his mind is prone to wander. Without ever being aware that the wonderful power could be within him, he looks for it n the external world .therefore, let us keep this precious treasure within the layers of his mind”.

Hence it is said, in the human mind lies hidden the miraculous

power. The truth expressed in the story is that in the depth of man’s mind there is the store of unlimited energy. Man can get whatever he desires . Nothing is beyond his achievement .


How is that people resort to short cuts rather than taking highroad in India?

Can we say that the educated are more honest and sincere than the uneducated?

What is the reason for crisis of character? Some reasons are clear : The sense of defeat they carry with them from childhood , the

lack of experience of even a minor successes , lack of self confidence, fear of the future , the dream of becoming fabulously rich without effort that the cinema induced in them.

Unlimited energy is latent in each one of us , but because of our restricted imagination we act as if we have hypnotized ourself into inaction.


• This book traps the tremendous potential of goodness and creativity in all youths

• This book deals in development of an individual’s personality and will prove to be a boon for all its readers .

• It emphasizes on self improving techniques which one should adopt to improve his personality.

• Finally I want to conclude by suggesting that this is a must read book for every one .

review • This fascinating and provocative book presents a

philosophy to live by with interesting incidents, illustrations, examples and insights from successful living to guide and goad youth to reach excellence and reap success.

• This book provides role models whose footsteps the young ones can follow with enthusiasm. With matching illustrations from authentic case histories, the swami has highlighted virtues like self-confidence, and paying as much attention to the means as to the ends.