Learner Motivation in the Online Classroom

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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A discussion on the intersection of collaboration and motivation and its effect on the attitudes of learners online.


Why are we addressing motivation?

All learners are not equal

Self Determination Theory

Do not equal



o Learners are individuals

o Motivation exists along a continuum and is

affected by a variety of influences

o Increasing diversity in online learning makes

reacting to each learner’s motivators very difficult

o Motivation is tied to environment

o People are natively motivated to join groups and

form communities



We are organisms that are programmed to collaborate.

The tools for

are changing.

Because the students are changing.

In grade,

out of

students are online.

Be an active facilitator

Scaffold the activities.

• Begin with discrete tasking and then expand to more open tasking that requires true inquiry and critical thinking

• Start with learner dyads making it easier to identify learning styles, issues, and strengths.

Make it meaningful for them