Learning about my truck

Post on 20-Jan-2015

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Learning how to fix my truck

Makin sure that the engine is going to turn with the before we put the pistons in.

Cleaning the pistons before I started putting the engine back together.

Replacing each piston back into each individual cylinder hole.

The engine after we replaced everything and put each part back in place.

Me making sure that the alternator is running efficiently.

Me making sure that every bolt is tightened up.

Changing the oil and putting new in to make sure it runs smoother.

Putting the new oil in for the engine to be efficient.

Greasing the suspension to make sure that I have a smooth ride.

In with the new battery and out the old battery and my truck will come alive.

My new battery and me replacing it and as soon as I put it in my truck was alive.

Putting new tires on so it will move.