Learning Oracle Forms

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  • 8/8/2019 Learning Oracle Forms


    Learning Oracle Forms 4.5

    Chapter 8: Libraries

    Previous versions of Oracle's Forms Designer tools, SQL*Forms, had two ways of

    sharing procedural code with multiple applications:

    User Exits let designers write procedures in a programming language (C,COBOL, Fortran, etc.) and link the compiled executable directly into the

    Runform module.

    Copy/Reference allowed designers to define procedures in forms that were

    saved to the database; new forms could include the procedures by either

    copying or referencing them.

    These two methods are still available, but Oracle Forms provides a third. Designers of

    applications can create libraries of procedures which can be attachedto any form or

    menu module. Calls within those forms can reference any procedure in an attached

    library as if the procedure were in the active form. Procedures are written in PL/SQL

    and compiled into a runtime module.

    There are two file extensions used by the library facility:

    .PLL files are the binary library modules. This file is portable across systems

    (but be aware of the inclusion or exclusion of path information that may makethe module unportable - see a discussion of this later in the chapter). The file is

    created when you save the library in the Designer.

    .PLD files are the text form of the binary module. They can be used for source

    control. They are created with the command line optionscript=yes when you

    generate the form module usingf45gen.

    You'll create a library to handle messages that are produced when the form is run. The

    library will provide an alternate format for error messages and informative messages,

    printing some messages in a customized format and suppressing some completely.

    The object is to give all operators the same messages in the same format across all

    forms in the application.

    Creating a Library

    1. Create a new library module using one of these methods:

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    Double-Click on the Libraries node of the Object Navigator.

    Select the Libraries node, then click on the Create icon on the Object Navigator


    Choose File, New, Library.

    As with other objects you create, any of these methods will work.

    The new Library is shown on the Object Navigator. It has the usual default name of

    the object type and a sequence number (your number may be different).

    2. Expand the new Library node and select the Program Units node.

    3. Choose Navigator, Create, or click on the Create icon.

    The New Program Unit dialog box opens.

    4. Type message_handlerin the Name entry field.

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    Leave the Type asProcedure.

    5. Click on OK.

    The new Program Unit is shown on the Object Navigator. The PL/SQL Editor opens

    with the skeleton of a PL/SQL procedure shown.

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    6. Type the following in the text entry area between the

    keywordsBEGINandEND (resize the window so you can see the whole procedure)

    The procedure header has two parameters that are passed into the procedure.

    First, message_numberis the five digit code assigned by Oracle to the message. It's

    usedto decide if the message is to be suppressed or changed in format.

    Second, is_erroris a variable of type boolean. This means that it takes only thevalues TRUEorFALSE(without single quotes as in the ifstatement eight lines fromthe bottom). The values are not character strings (which need single quotes around

    them). Their values are decoded when Oracle Forms and PL/SQL find the TRUE or

    FALSE for a boolean parameter.

    Both parameters are marked as in, meaning that their values are passed into theprocedure, but not out to the calling form. (There are also outand in outtypes.) The

    calling form will have triggers written to call the procedure and set up the values to be

    passed to it. You'll do that later in this chapter.

    The procedure starts with the statement begin. The first command starts an if

    test that continues through the entire procedure, ending at the next to last line. Once

    the first ifis stated, the statement proceeds with a series ofelsiftests that extend

    the iftests without having to end and restart them.

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    The next line is a comment. Two dashes (--) in a PL/SQL procedure identify a

    comment. (You can also use /* to begin and */ to end a comment.) The first comment

    informs you that messages telling the operator that the last row of the query has been

    retrieved will be suppressed completely. The action taken is to raiseform_trigger_failure, meaning that the trigger is aborted at that point, with noalternate message displayed.

    The next set of tests changes the wording of certain messages. The idea is to shelter

    the operator from Oracle Forms' standard message output and provide the same

    messages in all forms.

    The next section of code uses the boolean variable is_error. If the variable is TRUE,

    it's an error message. You'll pass the value through the ON-ERROR trigger in thecalling form. The message then includes the wordERROR: to let the operator know

    that something serious is happening. If the boolean value is FALSE, it's an

    informative message. It will be passed through the ON-MESSAGEtrigger. In eithercase, the format of the message is changed from the standard to a customized format.

    The ifstatement and the procedure are ended in the last two lines.

    7. Click on Compile.

    The messagesNot Modifiedand Successfully Compiledshould be shown on the

    bottom line of the editor window.

    8. Choose File, Save As...

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    Make sure the Library module is selected on the Object Navigator. If you choose File,

    Save, the library will be saved with the default name.

    The Filter opens.

    9. Make sureFile System andLibraries are checked.

    10. Click on OK.

    The Save As dialog box opens.

    11. Change the file name to msghndlr.pll.

    12. Click on OK.

    The name of the saved library is shown on the Object Navigator, replacing the default


    13. Click on Close.

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    Attaching a Library

    The library must be attached to the active form. When you saved the library module,

    Oracle Forms created the binary .PLL file.

    14. Expand the ORDENTRY nodes so you can see the nodeAttached Libraries.

    15. Select Attached Libraries.

    16. Click on the Create icon, or choose Navigator, Create, or double-click on the

    Attached Library node.

    The Attach Library dialog box opens.

    17. Click on Find...

    The PL/SQL Library File dialog box opens.

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    18. Select the correct drive and directory for the library you just saved.

    19. Select msghndlr.pll.

    20. Click on OK.

    The name and path of the file are transferred to the Attach Library dialog box.

    21. Click on Attach.

    A path to the file was included when you selected the library file name. To make the

    form and the attached library portable across platforms, you should strip the path from

    the library specification. Oracle Forms will find the library file on other platforms by

    first searching the current directory, then the directories pointed to by the

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    environmental variablesFORMS45_PATHand ORACLE_PATH. When moving alibrary to another platform make sure it's in a directory pointed to by one of those

    variables (or in what would be the current directory). If the library won't be in one of

    those directories, don't strip the path from the file specification, or you'll be greeted by

    the error message 40034:Cannot attach library when you run the form.

    22. Click on Yes to strip the path (or on No to leave it).

    The library is attached to the ORDENTRY form. It appears on the Object Navigator.

    Adding Triggers to Use the Library

    In order to make use of the program units in the library, triggers in your form must

    call them. Two triggers will reference MESSAGE_HANDLER in your form. Both

    trap Oracle Forms events that display messages.

    1. Expand the Triggers node at the Forms level of the Object Navigator.

    2. Click on the Create icon on the Object Navigator.

    The Triggers LOV opens

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    3. Select the triggerON-MESSAGE.

    This trigger tells Oracle Forms what to do when it has a message to output to the

    operator of the form. (Without it, Oracle Forms uses its default logic to display


    The Designer status line tellsyou how many choices of triggers there were when the LOV opened. If you use the

    Find feature, it will tell you how many selections you received from the the criterion

    you entered in the Find entry field. In this case, after selecting the ON-MESSAGE

    trigger, it tells you that there's one choice in the list, and 120 choices in the full list of

    trigger types.

    4. Click on OK.

    The PL/SQL Editor opens.

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    This is a Form level trigger whose name is ON-MESSAGE, as shown on the

    specification area of the editor.

    5. Type in the PL/SQL Editor entry area:

    --Call the message handler; pass FALSE to IS_ERROR

    message_handler(error_code, FALSE);

    You're passing two parameters to the procedure: the message number and theFALSE

    boolean value to tell the procedure that this isn't an error.

    6. Click on Compile.

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    7. Click on New...

    The Triggers LOV opens.

    8. Select the ON-ERROR trigger.

    This trigger tells Oracle Forms how to output any error messages it has to show to the


    9. Click on OK.

    10. Type the following in the entry area of the PL/SQL Editor:

    --Call the message handler; pass TRUE to IS_ERROR

    message_handler(error_code, TRUE);

    11. Click on Compile.

    12. Click on Close.

    Testing the Library Procedure

    13. Choose File, Save. Make sure the form is selected.

    14. Click on Run. (You may have to log on before the form generates.)

    15. Click on Execute Query.

    16. Press the up arrow as if you were moving to a previous record.

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    The message on the message line should readAt first record. without any messagenumber, as you defined it in the procedure.

    17. Click on Save.

    The message on the message line should read ERROR: No changes to save. (FRM-40401). Since this is an error, the logic for displaying an error message is executed,

    putting the word error before the message text, and the error number at the end.

    Try other operations that produce messages. The display should show the text in the

    format you specified in MESSAGE_HANDLER, with the message number at the end,

    and the wordERROR at the beginning if it's an error.

    You can add other messages to the procedure as you find the need. The library can be

    opened and edited as a separate module (even while a form module is open).

    When you're done, choose File, Save to regenerate the library.

    Maintaining a Library

    Once a library is defined, you can add or remove procedures from it.

    1. Select the library you want to modify on the Object Navigator under the Libraries

    node (not the Attached Libraries node under a form definition).

    2. Choose Tools, PL/SQL Editor...

    3. Make any changes you want to the procedure(s) in the library.

    You can add or delete procedures, functions, and so forth, or modify ones already in

    the library.

    4. Choose File, Save to regenerate the .PLL file.

    The changes are applied to each module (form or menu) to which the library is

    attached when you save it.

    Stripping Source Code from the .PLL File

    You can strip the source code to make the library module smaller. This process leaves

    just thepcode in the .PLL file. A module of this sort is notportable, but is smaller.

    Specify STRIP_SOURCE=YESon thef45gen command line to produce this type offile.