Learning the Sensorimotor Structure of the Foveated Retina · Jeremy Stober and Lewis Fishgold...

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  • Learning the Sensorimotor Structure of the

    Foveated Retina

    Jeremy Stober and Lewis Fishgold

    Department of Computer SciencesThe University of Texas at Austin{stober,lewfish}@cs.utexas.edu

    Benjamin Kuipers

    Computer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan



    We identify two properties of the human visionsystem, the foveated retina, and the ability to sac-cade, and show how these two properties are suf-ficient to simultaneously learn the structure of re-ceptive fields in the retina and a saccade policythat centers the fovea on points of interest in ascene.

    We consider a novel learning algorithm underthis model, sensorimotor embedding, which weevaluate using a simulated roving eye robot onsynthetic and natural scenes, and physical pan/tiltcamera. In each case we compare learned geome-try to actual geometry, as well as the learned mo-tor policy to the optimal motor policy. In both thesimulated roving eye experiments and the physi-cal pan/tilt camera, our algorithm is able to learnboth an approximate sensor map and an effectivesaccade policy.

    The developmental nature of sensorimotor em-bedding allows an agent to simultaneously adaptboth geometry and policy to changes in the phys-ical model and motor properties of the retina. Wedemonstrate adaption in the case of retinal lesion-ing and motor map reversal.

    1. Introduction

    In the human eye, the retina is a non-uniform array ofphotoreceptive rod and cone cells. The human retina hasa foveal pit, a single region of maximum density of conephotoreceptors. In addition, a human can change the lo-cation of the retina relative to a scene through ballisticactions known as saccades (Palmer, 1999). The combi-nation of a small, high-resolution fovea with the abilityto saccade to regions of interest is an economical strategyfor both humans and robots to achieve high-resolution vi-sion across large fields of view.

    Gathering and interpreting visual information requiresa motor map and a sensor map of the retina. The motormap encodes the motor commands necessary to move theeye to new locations in the visual scene and is used ingenerating saccades. The sensor map represents the geo-metric structure of the retina, specifically the positions of

    sense elements within the sensor array, and can be usedto perform geometric operations on the visual signal suchas edge detection. We show how, by exploiting the rela-tionship between motor commands and sensor geometry,an autonomous agent with foveated vision can simultane-ously learn both the motor and sensor maps.

    For simple sensors, these maps can be manually spec-ified, but as sensors become more complex and adap-tive, learning approaches such as ours are of increasingvalue to robotics. In addition, as lifetimes of autonomousrobots increase, the robust nature of this developmentalapproach will allow robots to adapt to changing sensorsand motors.

    2. Related Work

    2.1 Learning Motor Maps

    In previous work on learning motor maps for saccades,the learning was driven by the two-dimensional differ-ence between the pre-saccadic and post-saccadic positionof a target on the retina. These models assume that thestructure of the retina is known when learning the mo-tor map, allowing calculation of the distance between atarget and the fovea.

    In (Pagel et al., 1998) the authors use learning to im-prove upon rough predictions made by first-principle ge-ometric calculations. They represented the motor mapusing growing neural gas. Using a training scheme thatinvolves corrective saccades, the agent experiences moretraining examples in the foveal region, causing an in-crease in the density of units in the region of the motormap that represents the fovea.

    In (Rao and Ballard, 1995) the authors also used astrategy based on corrective saccades. They relied on theability to locate a point of interest in the post-saccadicimage using multiscale spatial filters, though the ability tolocate interest points using this method may be too strongan assumption for a young infant with an immature visualcortex (Slater, 1999).

    In (Shibata et al., 2001), the authors use fifth ordersplines and saliency maps (Itti and Koch, 2001) to gener-ate realistic saccade trajectories and that closely resemblehuman motion. In this work, we opt for a simpler saccade


    Cañamero, L., Oudeyer, P.-Y., and Balkenius, C. (Eds) Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems. Lund University Cognitive Studies, 146.

  • model that allows us to learn both sensor and motor mapssimultaneously.

    The model used in (Weber and Triesch, 2006) is one ofthe most recently published models and is the most sim-ilar to ours. Like us and unlike previous work, they usean error signal based on total retinal activation, exploit-ing cases where the total activation of a foveated retina isproportional to the degree of success of a saccade. Theirmodel treats learning the horizontal and vertical compo-nents of saccades separately in accord with the experi-mental results of (Noto and Robinson, 2001).

    2.2 Learning Sensor Maps

    In previous work on learning sensor maps,(Pierce and Kuipers, 1997) demonstrated how sen-sor maps for a mobile robot can be discovered fromuninterpreted high-dimensional sensor streams whilemotor babbling, and (Olsson et al., 2006) later extendedthese results to physical robots with visual perception.These studies generate sensor maps using dimensionalityreduction algorithms that discover low-dimensionalsensor arrangements that approximate distances betweensensor trace histories. Two sensors are close in the sensormap if their corresponding sense histories are highlycorrelated.

    In this work, we take a complementary but related ap-proach and exploit some additional available structure,namely the availability of motor commands. We base ourembedding, which we call sensorimotor embedding, onthe motor system’s ability to change the sensory signal.

    The algorithm we present here utilizes the relationshipbetween sense and action to simultaneously extract use-ful geometric features (i.e. sensor position) along withprimitive animate vision behaviors. Our method is appro-priate for cases with an easily identifiable reward signal(e.g. activation), linear ballistic motor commands, and ahigh number of sense elements. We exploit the structureof the sensorimotor domain to produce an explicit map-ping between motor commands and sensor features. Thismap has two interpretations, one as a primitive behav-ior that maximizes reward (the policy interpretation), andanother as a structure for the sensor array (the geometricinterpretation).

    3. A Foveated Retina

    3.1 Model

    Our abstract model of the foveated retina is inspired bythe anatomy of the human retina. In our model, a retinais a collection of receptive fields, or sense elements, withfixed geometry arrayed across a two dimensional surface.Each receptive field responds to sensory input from a por-tion of an image or scene according to its own activa-tion function. Our learning rule requires that the distribu-tion of activations across the retina be non-uniform andachieve a single maximum at the fovea. In addition, un-

    Figure 1: Our implementation of the fovea consists of overlap-ping layers of receptive fields. As the layer resolution increases,the extent of each receptive field decreases, and the number ofbits necessary to describe the layer state remains constant.

    der our model, ballistic motions instantaneously changethe location of the retina in an image or scene.

    Many implementations of a foveated retina satisfythis model. In biological systems, receptive fields areoften distributed according to a log-polar distribution(Schwartz, 1977) and many computational models ofsaccade generation build upon this model of foveation(Weber and Triesch, 2006, Rao and Ballard, 1995). Forthis work, we view the specific distribution of receptivefields as an implementation issue, and expect that any dis-tribution that satisfies the modeling assumptions abovewill behave similarly to our implementation.

    3.2 Implementation

    In our implementation, the learning agent has a foveatedretina with N layers of receptive fields (Figure 1). Eachlayer has receptive fields of uniform extent and resolu-tion. Layers with higher resolution and smaller extentoverlap layers with lower resolution in the center of theretinal field of view. The fovea is the region with the high-est concentration of overlapping receptive fields, and isalso the region of maximal activation, so this implemen-tation satisfies the model assumptions specified above.We stress that alternative implementations satisfying themodel assumptions should behave similarly.

    The implementation of each individual receptive fieldmay also vary. In this case, each receptive field must mapa patch of underlying pixel or sensor values to an activa-tion level. Let I


    denote the image patch that affects thestate of the kth receptive field. Let I denote the set of allsuch patches.

    In addition to the image patch associated with each re-ceptive field, the activation depends on the global state ofthe entire retina. In the case of a pan/tilt camera, we candescribe the retina state using the horizontal and verticalangle of the camera lens (✓,�). In the case of the rovingeye, we can describe the state of the retina in terms of thehorizontal and vertical offsets (u, v) that describe the po-sition of the retina in the larger image. However the statespace is parametrized, we denote the set of all states byS.

    We require that the receptive field implement an activa-tion function � : I ⇥ S ! [0, 1]. In our implementation,�(I


    , s) is the total activation of the pixels in the imagepatch I


    given the current retina state s, normalized to


  • [0, 1] as a fraction of the maximum possible activation.The activation over the entire retina is the sum of the

    activations for each receptive field for the current retinastate,

    RI(s) =X



    , s) (1)

    4. Reinforcement Learning Problem

    In our computational model, saccades result in 2D dis-placements of the image on the retina or pan/tilt changesfor a physical camera. Each action or saccade a : S ! Sis described by two-element vector denoting horizontaland vertical motion and results in a single globally rigidtransformation of the image or scene.

    If the receptive fields in the retina are of uniform sizeand distribution, and they are exposed to input consist-ing of a small spot of light against a uniform background,then RI(s) would be approximately constant for all reti-nal states s, regardless of where the spot of light falls.However, with a foveated retina, RI(s) will have a dra-matic maximum for retina states that cause the spot oflight to fall on the fovea, due to the larger density of re-ceptive fields there.

    Using the total activation of all the receptive fields forthe current retina state, RI(s) in Equation 1 as the re-ward, combined with saccade actions, we can define asimple reinforcement learning problem, the goal of whichis to find a policy, or choice of action, that maximizes reti-nal activation.

    We factor the global learning problem into an individ-ual learning problem for each receptive field. The goalof each receptive field is to learn a policy that greedilymaximizes the total retinal activation RI(s),


    (s) = arg


    maxRI(a(s)) (2)

    The problem is episodic and spans a pre- and post-saccade state. The collective policy ⇡⇤ for the entireretina is the weighted average of the actions preferred bythe individual receptive fields,

    ⇤(s) =





    , s) · ⇡k

    (s) (3)

    In this factored learning problem, the only informationa receptive field has about the state of the retina is theintensity level for that receptive field’s visible patch I


    .If the intensity is high (�(I


    , s) is close to 1), then thepolicy ⇡


    (s) will have a large impact on the global policycalculated in Equation 3. In this case, we want the policyto suggest an action ⇡


    (s) = a that maximizes the rewardRI(a(s)). The action that accomplishes this takes theactivation that the current receptive field sees and shiftsit to the fovea, where the density of receptive fields ishigher.

    If the intensity is low, then the policy for that receptivefield will have little impact on the policy for the entireretina since �(I


    , s) is close to zero. As a consequence,

    we can treat ⇡k

    (s) as a constant. So in the factored prob-lem, each receptive field only needs to estimate the opti-mal action and observe its own intensity level.

    We predict that (after sufficient training), the actionspecified by ⇡


    will approximate the saccade that movesan image-point from receptive field k directly to thefovea. Consider the inverse �⇡


    of the policy estimatefor each receptive field. This is the action that wouldmove an image-point from the fovea to the receptive fieldk. In other words, the inverse of the policy is a posi-tion for the receptive field relative to the fovea. We ex-pect that physically proximate receptive fields will havesimilar saccade policies, and hence similar learned posi-tions. Note that we have not used any knowledge of thelocation of receptive fields within the fovea. In fact, thatknowledge has been learned by the training process, andis encoded in the policy ⇡


    . Spatial knowledge that wasimplicit in the anatomical structure of the retina becomesexplicit in the policy.

    The reinforcement learning problem described abovehas two unusual properties that constrain the choice oflearning algorithm. First, the action space is continuous(as opposed to small and discrete). Second, the problemis episodic, and each episode spans only one choice ofaction.

    During learning, each receptive field maintains an es-timate for ⇡


    , the current best action, and Rk

    , the currentmaximum estimated reward after performing the currentbest action. Initially, each ⇡


    is set to a random action,and the reward estimate is initialized to zero.

    At the beginning of each iteration or training, we ran-domly reposition the retina. For exploration, some noise✏ is added to the current greedy policy. The retina agentexecutes ⇡⇤(s) + ✏, and measures the reward (R). Eachindividual receptive field’s reward estimate and currentpolicy are updated proportional to its state activation priorto the saccade (�


    = �(I


    , s)) since the optimal policy⇡

    ⇤ is weighted according to those activations. We use amoving average learning rule to update both the rewardestimate and current policy. For each receptive field k,we update the reward as follows








    + �


    · ↵ · (R�Roldk

    ) if R > Roldk





    If the reward received, R, is greater than our current re-ward estimate, we move the current policy ⇡


    for thatreceptive field closer to the global policy responsible forthe increased reward



    = ⇡



    + �


    · ↵ · (⇡⇤ � ⇡oldk

    ) (5)

    By varying the learning rate ↵, we can change howmuch recent experience affects both the estimate of re-ward (R


    ) and the estimate of the optimal saccade (⇡k

    )itself. We discuss cases where R


    may decrease in Sec-tions 5.2 and 5.3.


  • Retinal Geometry Error

    0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000









    e Fi






    Figure 2: This figure plots the mean geometric error as a func-tion of training time. The mean and standard errors are shownfor ten independent training runs using a single dot image. Thesubfigure shows the result of interpreting learned receptive fieldpolicies as positions. Each line represents the error between thetrue position and learned position — the head (dot or diamonddepending on the layer) is the true location of the field. The tailis the learned position. For clarity, only two layers are shown.

    5. Experimental Evaluation

    5.1 Simulated Saliency

    We trained a simulated foveated retina with four layersof receptive fields on an image with a single white spoton a black background, meant to simulate the result ofa saliency map. Each retina layer contained 32x32 re-ceptive fields. The extent of each receptive field variedby layer, with the largest layer having receptive fields ofsize 4x4 (for a total retinal pixel area of 128x128). Ac-tions corresponded to horizontal and vertical translationsof the retina across the image.

    We randomly initialized the policy for each receptivefield and used a training rate ↵ = 0.5. ✏ was normallydistributed with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of10 pixels.

    We use two criteria to measure the success of ourlearning algorithm. The first computes the mean of theEuclidean distances between the learned position (inter-preted as the additive inverse of the policy) and the trueposition pos(I


    ) of all receptive fields (Equation 6).1 Theresults of training are shown in Figure 2.








    ||� ⇡k

    � pos(Ik

    )||2 (6)

    For the second criterion, we compare the accuracy ofthe learned saccade against the optimal saccade, which

    1This analysis compares pixel positions to action space positions.This is only possible since translations of the roving eye retina are spec-ified in pixels. In experiments using a pan/tilt camera, we do not havethe same access to error free ground truth actions.

    Saccade Error

    0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000










    r (Pi



    ● ●

    ●● ● ●

    ● ●● ●

    ● ● ● ● ●● ●


    ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●


    ● ●●

    ●● ●

    ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ●

    RandomLearning: Single ActionLearning: Double ActionOptimal: Single ActionOptimal: Double Action

    Figure 3: The saccade error as a function of the number of train-ing iterations using the learning algorithm of Section 4. Thesaccade error is computed over thirty random repositions every100 timesteps for ten independent trials. Note that even withan optimal policy, saccades are not entirely accurate because oflow resolution in the periphery of the retina.

    would center the retina on the area of high activation. Wealso test two-saccade accuracy, where the retina makes asecond saccade after the first during testing but not train-ing.

    During the training process, every 100 training steps,we stop training and test saccade and two saccade accu-racy for 30 random repositions. The average and standarderrors of the accuracies over ten training trials are shownin Figure 3, which also includes comparisons with a ran-domly initialized policy and an optimal policy (whereeach policy is initialized to the inverse of that receptivefield’s position).

    The learning algorithm achieves near-optimal saccadeaccuracy after 5000 training steps. Comparing Figures 2and 3, we see that the geometric error decreases as ac-curacy increases, though the final sensor map only ap-proximates the true positions of the receptive fields. Ouralgorithms final saccade error of 5 pixels is less than thatof (Pagel et al., 1998) and requires only a quarter of thenumber of training steps.

    5.2 Lesioning

    In natural scenes, or in cases where the number of recep-tive fields in the fovea changes as with macular degener-ation, the maximum achievable reward changes. In thesecases, the maximum achievable reward may decrease to alevel below the current reward estimate for each receptivefield, R < Rold


    and so no updates will take place. To ac-count for this kind of variation over time, we can changethe learning rule to maintain a recency-weighted averageestimated reward, instead of maintaining an estimate ofmaximum reward.


  • Lesion at T=2000

    0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000









    n A





    Figure 4: As a result of lesioning, a retina, with a robust learningrule as described in this section, adapts its policy to favor sac-cades to regions just outside the damaged region (see subfigure),providing higher post-saccadic activation in the case of lesion-ing than the previous optimal saccades directly to the fovea. Wenote that this increases the position error relative to the groundtruth, but provides a coordinate system consistent with the sen-sorimotor properties of the damaged retina. The basic learningrule from Section 4 fails to adapt following a lesioning event.

    This learning rule would require that the reward esti-mate be updated each timestep




    = R



    + �


    · ↵ · (R�Roldk

    ) (7)

    instead of only updating during timesteps where R >R



    .We tested the ability of this modified algorithm to

    adapt to lesioning a small off-center part of the fovealregion of the retina after 2000 steps of normal training.The mean post-saccade activation increases after lesion-ing when the agent uses the the robust learning rule (Fig-ure 4). The basic learning rule, however, does not adaptto the lesioning event.

    5.3 Motor Map Reversal

    The modified algorithm presented above to deal withlesioning may require very high sample complexity toproperly adapt to large changes in the motor model ofthe foveated retina.

    Even though the reward estimates for each receptivefield would adjust downward after a large change in thesemantics of the motor commands, exploration still de-pends on adding noise to the previous policy estimatefor each receptive field. In cases where the motor modelchanges radically, this exploratory bias may handicap anyattempt to learn an alternative motor map.

    Humans have shown some capacity for adapting todrastic changes in sensorimotor experience. For exam-

    Motor Reversal Results

    Figure 5: The left figure shows the moving average estimateof rewards experienced during training. A reversal in the mo-tor map occurs after 4000 timesteps results in a decrease in themoving average reward estimate. After decreasing over 1000timesteps, the retina resets the rewards estimate and the esti-mates for each receptive field and begins adapting to the newmotor model. This results in a decrease in � and an increase inexploration as shown on the right.

    ple, in a self study using prismatic inverting eye-wear(Dolezal, 1982), Dolezal reports both initial difficulty insimple reaching tasks followed later by comfortable mas-tery.

    In Dolezal’s inverted perceptual world, pointing up re-sults in the visual perception of pointing down. By re-versing the result of a motor command along one axis,we can simulate a similar (but less complex) change inthe relationship between the motor actions and percep-tual response. Though our experiment does not capturethe full range of altered sensorimotor contingencies pre-sented in (Dolezal, 1982), this experiment illustrates theneed for a different kind of adaption in the face of signif-icant changes in sensorimotor contingencies.

    In this modification, each receptive field maintains anestimate of the optimal reward and policy as before. Theretina also maintains an estimate of the maximum ob-served reward, a moving average of all the observed re-wards, along with the reward estimates associated witheach receptive field.

    The exploration/exploitation trade-off is driven by aparameter, �, that is meant to measure the extent to whichthe learned policy for currently active receptive fields willbe able to achieve the maximum observable reward as es-timated by the retina as a whole.

    For a given pre-saccade retina state s, we compute boththe current action estimate a and the reward estimate r


    .� is then the ratio of r


    to rmax

    , the maximum observedreward for the entire retina. Intuitively, if r


    is close tor


    then the action a is likely close to optimal, and solittle exploration is necessary. Similarly, if r


    is less thatr


    , the action a is likely suboptimal, and so more ex-ploration is required. The actual action taken is

    �a + (1� �)aexp

    where aexp

    is a random saccade.We use a large negative change in the moving average

    of all the rewards as an indicator of a major change to theretina motor or sensor map (Figure 5). When detecting


  • Natural Scene Image Results

    0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000








    e Fi







    Figure 6: For this experiment, subsets of natural scene imageswere chosen randomly. This graph shows the mean and vari-ance of ten runs for each subset size and is best viewed in color.Training across sets of images results in more consistent learn-ing curves than training over single images, since the varianceis smaller for training that takes place across subsets. Even inthe single image case (where each run drew training examplesfrom a single image) the mean learning curve was qualitativelysimilar to the others, but the high variance suggests that someimages are “bad” sources of training examples.

    this kind of change, the retina resets the reward estimatesof all the receptive fields to their original values. Thissignificantly decreases �, triggering an increase in explo-ration and decreasing the contribution of the previouslylearned policy.

    5.4 Natural Scenes

    To recapture the features of the single spot case in naturalscenes, we construct a proto-saliency map from naturalscenes by first blurring the image under the retina using aGaussian blur with a 5x5 filter size2, then thresholding theimage and taking pixels that fall into the top one percentbrightness level in the region under the retina. If the num-ber of active pixels is less than 500 pixels, we proceed totrain on that portion of the image, otherwise the agentperforms a new random saccade without training. Thisis to avoid training in situations of homogeneous bright-ness that wash out any existing progress on learning theoptimal policy.

    We note that humans tend to avoid saccading to ar-eas of high luminance at low spatial scales (e.g. sky,solid colors) (Tatler et al., 2005). By avoiding trainingwhen the number of active pixels after thresholding is toohigh, we avoid training on precisely these kinds of high-

    2Blurring is incompatible with the assumption that geometric in-formation is not available. However, this blurring step is meant tosimulate the optical characteristics of infants during early development(Slater, 1999), not infant visual processing.

    luminance inputs.Due to the variation in learning performance across im-

    ages, we examine how the learning process behaves whentrained over subsets of images randomly chosen from theBerkeley segmentation dataset (Martin et al., 2001). Foreach run, we select a set of images (N=1, 5 or 10) totrain over. We cycle through the images, training 19 timesover each image before moving to the next image in thecycle to continue training. As before, we evaluate thelearning performance by measuring geometric errors ev-ery 100 timesteps of training. The results are shown inFigure 6.

    Even though the final error rates are higher than whentrained with the synthetic scene (Section 5.1), we notethat the fixed point behavior of the policy (allowing re-peated corrective saccades) does result in accuracy com-parable to what training achieves on an ideal version of asaliency map after a similar number of training steps. Thefollowing table shows the accuracy after one and two sac-cades, as well as after the number needed to reach a fixedpoint (or in rare cases, a cycle – in which case the closestcycle point is counted).

    1 Saccade 2 Saccades Fixed Point20.4 12.5 7.6

    5.5 Pan/Tilt Camera

    For the physical pan/tilt experimental setup, we used aLogitech QuickCam Orbit AF placed 15 feet from a sin-gle light source. To reduce training time, we modified theexploration policy to search randomly for a bright light.The agent performs a random saccade away from the lightsource. During training the agent than performs the op-posite saccade back towards the light source, and usesthe resulting retinal activations to learn a function fromfield activation to optimal saccades using the algorithmdescribed in Section 4 with the proto-saliency method asdescribed in Section 5.4. Unlike a learned policy, thisopen-loop training policy cannot account for relocationof the salient light source.

    Figure 7 shows the decrease in saccade error and theincrease in post-saccade reward (or activation) after in-tervals of 100 training steps. Each data point is the meanof 10 test trials. Each trial randomly saccades away fromthe light source, then computes the return saccade as theactivation weighted average of the learned receptive fieldpolicies. For a trained retina, the post-saccade reward isindependent of the initial random saccade, since the stateof highest reward is reachable from any random startingposition.

    In our simulation experiments, the learned policies cor-respond to ground truth pixel geometry, since actions forthe simulated roving eye camera are pixel unit transla-tions over an image. The action space of the pan/tiltcamera, however, is not represented in pixel unit shifts.The motor commands represent control signals sent di-rectly to the piezoelectric motors in the camera appara-


  • Pan/Tilt Results

    o o



    o o







    0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

    # Training Examples

    + +






    + ++

    ++ +















    or in






    t S


    de R




    Right AxisLeft Axis

    Figure 7: Every 100 training timesteps, we perform 10 test tri-als with the pan/tilt camera, randomly saccading away from thelight source, then using the learned saccade policy to attempt torecenter on the light source (as opposed to using the inverse ofthe random saccade as in training). As training progresses, eachreceptive field learns a policy that centers local activation at thefovea resulting in greater post-saccade reward (dashed line) andlower saccade error (solid line). The subfigure shows the cor-responding action space coordinates of each receptive field fortwo different layers of receptive fields after training.

    tus. Camera geometry, along with irregularities in cam-era control, make the correspondence between motor sig-nals and pixel shifts in the field of view necessarily inex-act. We made no attempts to improve the correspondencethrough any alternative method of system identificationbeyond running our algorithm.

    As a result of the learning process, for each region ofinterest we have access to the motor coordinates that cen-ter the camera on the region of interest. The geometryof these action space coordinates approximates (up to ascale factor) the ground truth geometry of the receptivefields in pixels.

    Our approach is not limited to finding a sensor mapin the coordinate system of the action space. With ac-cess to the ground truth pixel geometry for each recep-tive field, we can also construct a map from ground truthpixel coordinates to the corresponding action space coor-dinates, providing the ability to switch between pixel andmotor geometry as a method of controlling the pan tiltcamera. Selecting pixel coordinates (and activating thecorresponding receptive fields) for a region of interest issufficient to generate the corresponding motor mappingthat brings those pixels to the center of the field of view.In other words, the learning algorithm autonomously pro-vides a method for going from pan/tilt (or joystick) con-trol, to point and click control in the view frame.

    Subjective Localization

    Figure 8: The results of localization in a roving eye domain. Aroving eye was able to use features and their associated policieslearned through sensorimotor embedding to reconstruct a visualpath.

    6. Future Directions

    Sensorimotor embedding can be applied to other typesof structure discovery problems. As an example, anagent can use sensorimotor embedding to visually lo-calize by associating sensor inputs with ballistic actionsthat bring about desired changes in sensor state. Thisprovides an alternative to action respecting embedding(Bowling et al., 2007) in continuous action spaces.

    We applied sensorimotor embedding to the “rovingeye” domain by first generating a set of 50 principle com-ponent basis vectors using random samples of a scene.We then formed a feature set consisting of principle pro-jections of random samples onto these principle compo-nents. Associated with each feature is a reward and ballis-tic policy estimate just like the receptive fields describedabove.

    During training, the projection of each eye image iscompared to each feature. The winning feature deter-mines the next (noisy) action. After each action, the re-ward is the least of the inverse of the distance to a pre-defined point in the scene or one. Updates to rewardand policy estimates are the same as in Section 4. Oncetrained, a sequence of images can be embedded directlyin the learned motor space by comparing each imagesprojection with the feature set. An example embeddingfor a visual path of a roving eye is shown in Figure 8.

    7. Discussion

    Our experimental results confirm that, under simple as-sumptions, an agent can simultaneously discover motorand sensor maps for a foveated retina. Like Weber andTriesch, we use total activation as a reward signal to learnthe motor map; however, we demonstrate the ability tolearn without prior knowledge of the sensor map. Todo so, we generate a proto-saliency map directly fromnatural scenes in a geometry-free way. After learning


  • the motor map, we generate the sensor map by exploit-ing the relationship between sensor geometry and motorcommands. Previous approaches to sensor map construc-tion use dimensionality reduction techniques and do notexploit additional available domain structure, namely ac-cess to motor commands.

    Representing the sensor map in motor units may ap-pear to be a limitation of the approach. However, inthe absence of some external system identification, wewould expect that a developmental agent would have dif-ficulty discovering sensor geometry in units other thanthose which correspond in some way to motor semantics.

    Our method is appropriate for cases with an easilyidentifiable reward signal (e.g. activation), linear ballis-tic motor commands, and a high number of sense ele-ments. We exploit the structure of the sensorimotor do-main to produce an explicit mapping between motor com-mands and sensor features. This map has two interpreta-tions, one as a primitive behavior that maximizes reward(the policy or motor map interpretation), and another asa structure for the sensor array (the geometry or sensormap interpretation).

    The sensorimotor embedding algorithm we presentabove, and the general approach of utilizing action spacesto better understand sensor spaces represents a fun-damental first step in building a computational modelof vision that follows the “seeing is acting” paradigm(O’Regan and Noë, 2001).

    Any developmental process or autonomous robot de-pends on robust sensorimotor primitives that can adapt tochanges over time. We demonstrate the robustness of ourlearning process under both lesioning and motor map re-versal. We believe that focusing on associating structurewith motor commands that bring about desirable changesin perceptual state, as in foveated retina and localiza-tion, will result in precisely the kind of robust sensori-motor primitives required for autonomous developmentalrobots.


    This work has taken place in the Intelligent RoboticsLab at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, The Uni-versity of Texas at Austin. Research of the IntelligentRobotics lab is supported in part by grants from theTexas Advanced Research Program (3658-0170-2007),from the National Science Foundation (IIS-0413257, IIS-0713150, and IIS-0750011), and from the National Insti-tutes of Health (EY016089).


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