Leaving PERSECU ION Islam...why it is so difficult for Muslims to convert to Christianity. You see,...

Post on 02-Jun-2020

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Leaving IslamMuslim-background believers often face violence and ostracism from friends and family







In This Issue




Regular Features

OVERVIEW14 | A Heavy CostThe stories of two Muslim-background believers (MBBs) reflect the plight that many converts from Islam face. FEATURE16 | An Unshakable FaithAn MBB in Morocco proclaims the message of the Gospel during his own criminal trial.FEATURE18 | ICC’s Underground Railroad The story of a Christian convert who benefited from ICC’s MBB underground railroad and rescue operation.FEATURE20 | Iran’s PaulA former persecutor of Christians and member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard works to prepare churches for potential persecution. FEATURE22 | Afghanistan’s Secret ChurchThe radical story an underground MBB ministry leader in Afghanistan. FEATURE24 | The ChoiceFor MBB parents, their child’s education is fraught with danger.FEATURE26 | Operation RescueHow does ICC work to aid this suffering part of the body of Christ?

3 Letter from the PresidentA few words from ICC’s president, Jeff

King, on MBBs’ faith and sacrifice.

4 World NewsA snapshot of the persecution that

impacts our brothers and sisters daily, in every corner of the world.

8 Your Dollars at WorkLearn how your gifts are providing

comfort, relief, Bibles, education, and vocational training to the persecuted.

12 VolunteersLearn how members of ICC’s volunteer

teams are making an impact in their communities for the persecuted.

Jeff King, President International Christian Concern


Islam is more than a religion.

Western Christians rarely grasp the full force of that statement. Muhammad was a warlord, a religious leader, and the ruler of a country. Over the course of his rule, his teachings did not stop at the mosque; they permeated all of society, impacting family, lifestyle, culture, government, war, etc. He codified harsh punishments for transgressors into the fabric of Islam’s religious text.

Islam is more than a religion. It is an all-encompassing impetus. If you understand that, you will begin to understand why it is so difficult for Muslims to convert to Christianity.

You see, all too often these Christian converts lose everything: their future, inheritance, education, friends, and even their families. They are beaten, raped, kidnapped, and killed for leaving Islam.

Most turn away when Jesus asks them to sell everything and follow Him, especially when the cost is so high.

However, those who do come to Christ are often the most fervent and brave of believers. They stay in their countries, their communities, and their churches to be a witness for Christ. They have placed all of their life’s work, time, and wealth onto the middle of the table. They are betting on Jesus.

Though they typically lose all that they feared they would, they win more than they could have imagined.

That is why the MBB (Muslim-background believer) is my hero.

Their fervency, devotion, and desire to lead their Muslim brothers and sisters to new life in Christ despite the cost teaches me a deep lesson about true faith and devotion.

They are worthy of my time, treasure, and talent, and I find it a privilege to serve them.

In Christ, Jeff King

And as he was setting out on his journey, a man ran up and knelt before him and asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone. You know the commandments: ‘Do not murder, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor your father and mother.’” And he said to him, “Teacher, all these I have kept from my youth.” And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” Disheartened by the saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.

Mark 10:17-22 (ESV)



The Islamic State Declared Officially Defeated 1 | SYRIA On March 23, the Syrian Democratic Forces declared that the Islamic State (ISIS) was officially ter-ritorially defeated. The announcement came after the extremist group lost its final stronghold in the Middle East during the battle of Baghouz, located near the Iraqi border.

Following the battle in Baghouz, several individu-als who had been held captive by ISIS were liberated. While this news was cause for celebration, the situation on the ground remains unstable. Although the threat has lessened in recent years, ISIS remains active in pockets of territory throughout Syria and Iraq. Thousands of captives remain missing and the destruction left behind by ISIS renders it nearly impossible for many displaced Christians to return home.

Additionally, even though ISIS has been territorially defeated, the ideological impact remains. Majid, a local Christian, shared, “ISIS 2.0 is something possible. ISIS is still [here]… the only difference is that they threw down their weapons, and they will pick them back up at any weak point.”

As Christians and other religious minorities begin to return to their homes, they must face the reality of rebuilding their livelihoods from the ground up. Worse still, they must come face to face with the ideology of violence and discrimination that has embedded itself in their society.

Abducted and Forcefully Converted Woman Finally Returned to Family

3 | PAKISTAN On February 25, Saima Iqbal was kidnapped and forcibly converted to Islam on the outskirts of Pakistan’s capital city of Islamabad. According to Morning Star News, Saima’s husband Naveed immediately contacted the police, but they refused to assist him. Rather, the police contacted the kidnap-per, Muhammad Khalid Satti, and informed him that Naveed was filing a report. The police also told Naveed that Saima had married Satti, urg-ing him to drop the case.

Ignoring the authori-ties’ suggestion, Naveed continued to pursue the case and even-tually reached the Superintendent of Police. Shortly after Saima was found, police forced her to make a statement, declaring that she had converted and married Satti freely. Saima and Naveed took to social media, which eventually caught the attention of Pakistan’s federal gov-ernment. Thankfully, Satti has since been arrested, Saima has returned home, and sev-eral of the local police officers have been fired for criminal negligence.

Unapologetic Human Rights Abuser Takes Control of Iran’s Judiciary2 | IRAN On March 8, Ebrahim Raisi was sworn in as the new Judiciary Chief of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This appointment comes with a five-year term, as approved by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. In light of this new development, Christians throughout Iran are concerned due to Raisi’s lengthy history of human rights abuses.

Raisi first garnered attention in 1988 after participat-ing in Iran’s infamous death commission, which led to the murder of thousands of political prisoners who were deemed “apostates of Islam.” He has remained unapologetic for his actions, referring to the 1988 kill-ings as “one of the proud achievements of the system” in a 2018 speech.

Raisi studied as an Islamic religious cleric at Qom Seminary and gradually climbed the judicial ladder. Following his time in seminary, he served as a prosecu-tor, deputy chief justice, and attorney general. After an unsuccessful bid for the presidency in 2017, he became a primary contender for the Judiciary Chief position.

As discontent for the Iranian government’s policy of enforced hardline Islam grows, the government contin-ues to crack down harder on religious minorities. Dr. Hormoz Shariat of Iran Alive Ministries shared, “Their strategy is to arrest a few, but publicize their arrest to put fear in the hearts of 1-3 million Christians and make them isolated, fearful, and prisoners in their homes.”

1 2 3 5





Chinese Authorities Ban Major House Church in Beijing

5 | CHINA On March 23, more than 20 police officers and other authorities raided a Bible class at Shouwang Church in Beijing, China. The officials ordered the Christians to cease their activities immediately, and then read an official notice that formally banned the church from meet-ing. After several hours of detainment and interrogation, the churchgoers were eventually sent home. However, the authorities placed new locks on the doors to prevent members of the church from returning to their facil-ity. Shouwang Church is one of Beijing’s largest house churches, home to over 1,000 worshippers. The congrega-tion has been targeted since 2011 for refusing to become a state-sanctioned church.

Pastor Severely Beaten by Unknown Assailants in Nepal

7 | NEPAL On March 15, Pastor Dhruk Kumar was abducted by a group of unknown assailants on motorbikes in Nepal. Pastor Kumar reported that the men brought him to a remote part of the jungle and accused him of receiving money to share his religion. After he said that he had no money to give them, the men began to beat Pastor Kumar severely. At the time of writing, local authorities are currently investigating the incident.

Nepal has seen a rise in Christian persecution in recent years, which was only intensified by the enactment of a 2018 law that criminalized religious conversion. Many believe that this law was adopted to target Nepal’s growing Christian population.

10 Churches Targeted in Single Day 6 | ETHIOPIA On February 9, Christians from the southern Ethiopian town of Halaba Kulito were horrified when 10 local church-es were attacked in a single day. A mob of incited Muslims stormed into the churches, burning Bibles and furniture. One church was com-pletely destroyed. Thankfully, injuries were minimal, as the mob focused their attention on destroy-ing property. By the grace of God, each of the 10 congregations gathered the follow-ing day for worship.

Boko Haram Attacks Christian Village, Destroys Church

4 | NIGERIA On March 14, Boko Haram militants carried out a village attack in Nigeria’s Borno State. Although most of the village’s residents were able to flee, the attackers killed one person, abducted two sisters, burned down six homes, and destroyed a church. A leader of the affected church lamented, “These frequent attacks on churches and [their] members are really weighing us down. These attacks seem to be escalating soon after the elections.”



Mentally Disabled Christian Accused of Blasphemy in Pakistan 1 | PAKISTAN On March 11, a 42-year-old mentally disabled Christian named Stephen Masih was accused of committing blasphemy. A local Muslim, Hafiz Muhammad Mudasir, accused Stephen of making derog-atory remarks about the prophet Muhammad. During the incident in question, Stephen was debating with his brother-in-law over fasting and prayer during the Lent season. Due to his mental disability, Stephen eventually began shouting as he become more worked up, attracting attention from neighbors nearby.

Upon hearing the commotion, Mudasir approached the home and began beating Stephen, without provocation. Stephen’s family protested Mudasir’s unnecessary and illogical intrusion into the family matter. Mudasir then stormed out of the home, threatening that he would teach Stephen a lesson for insulting him. Soon after, Mudasir

156 Churches Legalized in Egypt

2 | EGYPT In early March, the Egyptian government legalized 156 churches. Over 3,700 churches have sought official recognition since Egypt enacted a law in 2016, which was purported to streamline the legaliza-tion process. To date, 783 churches have been legalized. Those that have been legalized are not new buildings, but rather churches that operated illegally prior to 2016. New congregations continue to struggle to obtain per-mission to construct church buildings.

The enactment of the 2016 law was met with mixed reactions. While some celebrated the fact that the law removed some of the bureaucratic hurdles that prevent church legalization, others have complained that the approval of new church building projects has slowed significantly since the law was passed.

President Sisi has faced substantial criticism for his contradictory response to the church legalization process. In January, he announced the opening of the Middle East’s largest cathedral, albeit in a region where few Christians live, while Christian com-munities throughout Egypt languish with-out churches.

Following the opening of the new church, ICC’s Regional Manager for the Middle East stat-ed, “President al-Sisi has taken the sym-bolic step of open-ing a new cathedral during this time. He must now take action to protect the rights of Christians to worship in other churches.”

“[President al-Sisi] must now take action to protect the rights of Christians to worship in other churches.”

returned to the Masih home, leading a mob of enraged Muslims.

The mob began beat-ing Stephen and his family, following the direction of Mudasir, who accused him of blasphemy. The police have filed a First Information Report against Stephen and, at the time of writing, he remains in police custody.

According to Faraz Masih, Stephen’s nephew, the entire neighborhood knows about his uncle’s men-tal status. He added that Stephen has been mentally disabled since birth and that local children often bully and beat him.

In response to the incident, Ayub Qaiser, Director of FGA Pakistan, told ICC, “It is sad and shocking that blasphemy laws are being misused, even against special persons. The authori-ties must look into the situation and introduce amendments and spe-cial care of the mental-ly immature people.”






Underground Pastor Severely Beaten in Kenya4 | KENYA In early March, an underground pastor was beaten to the point of unconsciousness in Garissa, Kenya. Pastor Abdul was report-edly heading home from a prayer meeting when a group of local Somali Muslims approached him. Despite the pastor’s efforts to min-ister discreetly, the Muslim men had noticed his work and become angry about his ministry. During the attack, Pastor Abdul sustained a broken bone in his leg and severe bruising across his body.

Police File False Charges Against Three Pastors After Brutal Assault 6 | INDIA On March 1, a mob of Hindu extremists attacked the Christian com-munity in Bandhan village in India’s Maharashtra State. According to Morning Star News, the radicals had been harassing the local Christians for months, urg-ing them to cease their Christian activities and convert to Hinduism. Following the attack, a group of pastors went to the local police station to complain about months of police complacency leading up to the incident.

Two days later, on March 3, the three pastors learned that various criminal charges had been filed against them, including rioting, criminal intimidation, and intent to cause assault. These charges were filed in spite of the fact that none of the three pastors were present at the time of the March 1 attack. The three pastors spent one day in police custody before being released on bail.

Suspects of 2018 Indonesian Church Bombings Sentenced to Prison 3 | INDONESIA Last May, suicide bombers attacked Immaculate St. Mary Catholic Church, Indonesia Christian Church, Surabaya Center Pentecostal Church, and a police station in Surabaya, Indonesia, killing 24 people. A married couple was recently sentenced for their involvement in the bombings following accusations of hiding unused explosives that were meant to be used in the attacks. The husband was sentenced to eight years in prison, while his wife was sentenced to three years and four months.

Philippine Police Offer to Protect Church Leaders 5 | PHILIPPINES After several Christian church leaders reported receiving death threats, often in the form of threatening text messages, the Philippine National Police has offered to protect these clergymen. In response to the offer, Father Jerome Secillano stated, “To secure the church and the people especially at these dangerous moments is most welcome.” He added that the decision whether or not to accept the offer of protection is up to the discretion of individual church leaders.

Your Dollars at Work

Last summer, ICC initiated a campaign to rescue Christians affected by violence at the hands of Boko Haram and Fulani militants in Nigeria. ICC sought to develop 10 communal farms

to serve Christian farmers whose land has been destroyed by the militant groups. We have fully developed six farms and begun planting another two! Of these eight, three have finished the first harvest and started planting for their second season. After months of hard work, the farmers are now eating the fruits of their labor. Please continue to pray for an end to the attacks and safety for those who simply wish to worship Christ.

In late 2018, ICC launched a campaign to equip church planters throughout rural India. The campaign developed when we realized that we could maximize an evangelist’s effective-

ness by providing them with a bicycle and Bibles to distribute. Since the initiative launched in November, ICC has already raised more than $100,000 for the campaign. With these funds, we have been able to empower 240 rural pastors and evangelists across nine states with a bicycle and 100 Bibles each. While speaking with ICC, Pastor Samson, a recent beneficiary, said, “With this bicycle, I can visit the unreached villages anytime and with increased frequency. When I rode it for the first time, I felt like I was flying, able to freely go anywhere and do God’s ministry without any hindrance.”

In March, ICC launched a Scripture initiative to provide persecuted communities with physi-cal Bibles, audio-Bibles, and children’s Bibles. We are primarily focusing on providing God’s

Word to communities that have had their Bibles destroyed and smuggling Bibles into nations that enforce tight restrictions on Gospel materials. Part of the campaign focuses on delivering audio-Bibles to believers who are unable to read. This will allow them to strengthen and share their faith in spite of the obstacles that illiteracy and government restrictions may present.

Community Rebuild

Bibles for the Persecuted

Bibles for the Persecuted

Communal Farms in Nigeria

Bibles & Bikes

2019 Scripture InitiativeICC’s Ongoing Initiatives



To learn more about how you can support these initiatives, visit www.persecution.org or give us a call at 800-422-5441.

Learn more at: www.persecution.org/bibles

Learn more at: www.persecution.org/bibles-bikes

Learn more at: www.persecution.org/nigeria-crisis

Initial Goal: $200,0001,000 Bikes and 100,000 Bibles

Initial Goal: $117,000Tens of Thousands of Bibles for 2019

Initial Goal: $125,00010 Communal Farms

Over 60%

Nearly Half

Exceeded Initial Goal


Your Dollars at Work


Livestock for Christian Farmer Suffering Wives & Children

At the age of 14, Mikhail is responsible for the care of his family since his father

passed away. Under the supervision of his uncle, Mikhail maintains the farm and works hard to ensure that the animals are well cared for, as the livestock provide a source of income for his family.

Last December, as Mikhail went to feed the animals, Islamic militants suddenly stormed onto the property and stole eight goats and four sheep, robbing Mikhail of his only source of income. The thieves tied Mikhail up, and threw him into the sugarcane fields, where he was eventually found by his uncle. The attackers who targeted Mikhail are Muslim hardliners known for treating Christians in this violent manner. A police report was filed; however, further action against the perpetra-tors is unlikely due to Mikhail’s faith.

ICC went to the market with Mikhail and purchased livestock and feed for his farm to replace the ones that were stolen. Thanks to ICC’s generous donors, the family’s source of income will be fully restored through the renewed livestock business.

Auto-Rickshaw for Vishal Masih

Well in Qaraqosh

Suffering Wives & Children

Vishal Masih is a Christian in Pakistan who was falsely accused of blasphemy

in 2017. On a typical day of work as a cleaner at a hospital, he emptied waste bas-kets and burned the contents. A journalist reported him to the police, claiming that he had burned pages with Quranic verses on them and he was arrested under blasphemy

charges. In his case, the charge carried a sentence of life in prison.

Thankfully, Vishal was eventually cleared of the crime and released from prison. However, his former employer refused to rehire him and he was left without a source of income. ICC responded by purchasing him an auto-rickshaw and he is now able to operate a small transportation business to support himself.

Community Rebuild

In the path of destruction left behind by ISIS, Iraqi Christians are attempting to return to

their homes in Qaraqosh. However, they have returned to the utter devastation of their prop-erty and infrastructure. When ISIS realized that they were losing ground, they attempted to destroy as much property as possible.

The weakened infrastructure made the town nearly uninhabitable. One of the major

concerns of those returning was finding a source of clean water once again, as the water they were receiving from Mosul was muddy and inconsistent.

To help these Christians resettle, ICC has drilled wells throughout Qaraqosh. Recently, we developed a well in an all-girls school of approximately 500 students. The well will serve both the school and 15 families in the surrounding community.

Your Dollars at Work


Livelihood Assistance in India

Save Our Sisters

Priyatama was widowed during a string of violent anti-Christian riots in India in

August 2008. The violence began when a prominent Hindu leader was assassinated and Christians were falsely blamed. This led to months of mob violence throughout Odisha State. Over 100 Christians were murdered, thousands of homes were destroyed, and 56,000 people were displaced.

On the night of her husband Abhimanyu’s death, Priyatama woke up to the sound of shouting outside of their house. A mob had

formed and captured her husband. Despite her pleas to release him, they tied him up and burned him alive. Priyatama extinguished the flames and sought help. The neighbors rejected her cries for help and Abhimanyu succumbed to his burns the next day.

After facing several financially draining situations, including her husband’s burial, she was forced to close her small shop. The store was the family’s main source of income. In order to feed her family, she began working in the fields along with her son. The work was grueling and was espe-cially challenging for Priyatama who suffers

from health problems. ICC eventually learned of her situation and

stepped in. With the help of generous donors, we provided supplies to reopen her shop once again. Her family will no longer have to live hand to mouth. Priyatama is also able to take care of her health and rest.

Priyatama believes that she survived all those years because of God. He was her strength through the challenging years and still continues to be. She was grateful and surprised that God sent someone to help her after years of scraping by. She said, “This is nothing but the blessing of God for our faithfulness.”

Your Dollars at Work


Thailand Sewing Center Save Our Sisters

R efugees and asylum seekers fleeing reli-gious persecution live in a legal limbo in

Thailand. Even if they are recognized by the UNHCR as refugees, the Thai government treats them as illegal migrants, meaning that urban refugees and asylums seekers are not legally allowed to work. If they do find work, they risk imprisonment. ICC has invested in a sewing center to help develop a safe space where refugees and asylum seekers can pro-duce textiles to sell the goods commercially, while teaching others in the process.

With ICC’s help, the sewing center has grown into a thriving business with the pur-pose of helping vulnerable Christian women achieve their potential. The sewing center has also developed into a brand that prides itself on its unique designs.

Through ICC’s donations, the sewing center has been able to continue growing toward self-sustainability through the purchase of raw materials and software equipment. This busi-ness continues to support Christians through economic empowerment and training, by encouraging and equipping women and girls in various refugee communities.

Assistance for Prisoner’s Family Suffering Wives & Children

In the village of Minbal, a mob of hard-line Islamists gathered and attacked several

Christian homes due to a blasphemy accu-sation. Prior to the attack, Islamic hardlin-ers accused a Coptic Christian, Abd Adel Bebawy, of insulting Islam on Facebook. He was arrested the following day, and later imprisoned on the conviction of blasphemy.

His wife, Marya Hana Habib, and two children live with her brother while they wait for Abd’s case to be heard. Marya is allowed to visit Abd at the prison, which is Abd’s

only means of substantial food, as the prison deprives him of basic rights. However, Marya must pay the cost of each visit, which can be very expensive. The family has already paid a substantial amount in lawyer fees, adding an additional financial burden to an already stressful situation.

To relieve the financial stress, ICC provided the family with a food package, covered some of the children’s school expenses, and assisted with the cost of prison visits. Abd may now receive healthy meals and see his wife while he is in prison, without financial worries weighing on his shoulders.



In late February, ICC launched a petition calling for the reauthorization of the United

States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). USCIRF is a critical gov-ernment body that was created by Congress to hold foreign governments accountable for persecution and to push for greater religious freedom. It also exists to remind the US gov-ernment to focus on religious freedom in its relations with other nations.

Following the launch of this petition, ICC’s volunteers were challenged to reach out to their communities to collect signatures. Not only did volunteers in the United States participate, but also those who live overseas, reinforcing the sentiment that religious freedom remains an important value around the world. Volunteers took to social media to share the petition as one of the primary ways of raising awareness. Many also connected directly with their fami-lies and friends by sharing about the petition in person, speaking about it in church, or sharing it with their small groups.

ICC’s advocacy director, Matias Perttula, shared, “Through the years, [USCIRF’s] advocacy has had a direct impact on con-

fronting countries and regimes known for oppressing Christians and religious minori-ties…Volunteers played an important role in signing on to this petition and encouraging others to do likewise so that their voices are heard in halls and offices of Congress.”

Thanks, in part, to the diligence and diversity of ICC’s volunteers who shared this petition, 67 countries were represented among the total list of signatures. USCIRF plays a crucial role in protecting religious freedom around the world, and it is a privilege to work with so many believers who sacrifice their time and efforts to promote this value and in their com-munities. To learn more about ICC’s ongoing petitions and advocacy work, visit:


In March, ICC kicked off its largest Scripture initiative of the year to raise

funds for Bible smuggling, audio-Bibles, children’s Bibles, and Bibles to replace those that have been destroyed. The campaign primarily focused on sending Scripture to persecuted communities in nations that are hostile toward the Gospel.

In order to spread the word about this initiative, ICC’s April challenge encouraged volunteers to share this ministry opportunity with their communities, specifically their churches. For those who wished to take the challenge a step further, they were encour-aged to host a fundraiser of their own to raise money to support the Bible initiative.

Thanks to the diligent efforts of volun-teers and the generosity of countless donors, we will be able to provide Scriptures for countless believers who are hungry for the Word of God. However, it is not too late to get involved.

If you would like to partner with us to send Bibles to our persecuted brothers and sisters, please visit:


Standing Up for Religious Freedom

Bringing Bibles to the Persecuted

“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for Me.” – MATTHEW 25:40 (NIV)


Prayer Groups

As part of ICC’s volunteer program, one of the largest volunteer teams is dedicated specifically to praying for the persecuted. Many of these volunteers choose to serve by organizing prayer groups for the persecuted. These groups, which are scattered all over the world, meet on a regular basis, ranging from monthly to several times a week, to intercede on behalf of their brothers and sisters in Christ. This crucial aspect of ICC’s ministry allows believers to support the suffering Church in prayer, but also raise awareness in their communities and bridge the gap between the persecuted and the Western Church.

Looking for a Way to Make a Difference in the World? Join Our Team of Volunteers!For those wishing to assist the persecuted Church, many are not sure how to get started. However, volunteers all over the world are making a difference within their own backyards as members of ICC’s five different volunteer teams: Advocacy, Awareness, Office, Prayer, and Special Projects. By standing up for the persecuted in countless different ways, ICC’s volunteers have played a crucial role in connecting the global Church by bridging the gap between the persecuted and the free Church. It only takes one person to make a difference – are you willing?

Social Media

In our modern age of technology, one of the most useful tools for raising awareness about human rights issues is social media. Whether through Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, social media cre-ates an environment where users can share news stories, petitions, prayer requests, and more on a wide platform. ICC’s awareness team often uses social media to shed light on various persecution issues, particularly those that do not receive attention from mainstream media outlets. By bringing attention to these issues, it is our prayer that the world would open its eyes so that persecutors will no longer be able to operate in secrecy.

1 Advocacy Fight for justice through petitions, congressional calls, and more.

2 Awareness Raise your voice by speaking in churches, writing, and social media.

3 Office Lighten the load of ICC’s staff by helping with administrative assignments.

4 Prayer Intercede for our brothers and sisters in Christ both individually and as a church.

5 Special Projects Volunteer on your own schedule through one-time projects.

Apply online at: www.persecution.org/take-action//volunteer/ Or Contact:volunteer@persecution.org or(301) 585-5915 for more information

Are You Interested in Serving?Volunteer Teams


Mu s l i m - b a c k g r o u n d believers (MBBs) are among the most vibrant Christians in the world. Hated by their coun-tries, ostracized, beaten, and murdered by their families and neighbors, they persevere – serv-ing, evangelizing, and

preaching. Their love for Jesus floods light into the dark-est corners of the Arab world.

In the words of one brave MBB, “The people you lead to the Lord, you baptize and disciple, you are committed to them.”

MBBs spend the majority of their lives in danger. Conversion to Christianity in these countries is illegal. A horrific series of cataclysmic actions closely follows the discovery of an MBB: first, they are rejected by family; then, they are thrown out onto the street, imprisoned, raped, beaten, forced into marriage, torn from their chil-dren, tortured, interrogated, or executed.

Secret MBBs endure a more isolating pain, cut off from fellowship with other believers for fear of what would happen if they do share their faith.

The faithful men and women in this issue will completely transform your perspective of living life for the Gospel. Bashir and Jasim are two such examples of the cost and faith of MBBs.

Bashir and JasimBashir* is a recent convert to Christianity in Turkey.

He was a member of the Nusra Front, an Al-Qaeda-affiliated group, who fought on the frontlines of the war in Syria. His conversion was a miracle.

Bashir was involved in extreme violence in the fight to establish an Islamic kingdom. He witnessed fellow Muslims kill and torture Christians in diabolical ways. Disillusioned by the hatred around him, he decided to risk everything and leave the war. He knew he would be killed

if caught. But, he succeeded and eventually made his way to Turkey. He now lives to bring others like him to Christ.

Jasim* is another recent convert to Christianity who lives in Syria. ISIS jailed him for six months after discovering his ignorance of basic Islamic teachings. He was tortured and forced to read the Quran daily. Thankfully, his captors didn’t find out that he converted to Christianity or they would have probably murdered him.

These men are MBBs. Whether they come from the frontlines of ISIS, Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, or a suburb of Cairo, their journey to Christ is extremely costly. There are two reasons for this.

First, Islam is more than a religion. It is an all-encompassing way of life that governs all aspects of life: from morning to night, cradle to grave. Leaving their life and loved ones behind is usually too high of a cost for the Muslim seeker to pay.

Second, leaving Islam also means that they may be raped, tortured, or murdered. Usually by their friends or family. Muhammad and Allah dictate that those who leave Islam permanently should be murdered. Conversion to Christianity is a terrible shame on the family. So, the family takes on the responsibility to restore the family honor by killing the apostate.

The Life of an MBBIn this issue, we will show you the life of the MBB and

the price they pay to follow Jesus. Jamaa, Amir, Maria, and Ahmed all have stories to tell that will move and inspire you.

They all paid a heavy price to find true life. They hold up a lantern in the dark, leading those around them to find true life in Jesus.

They know it may cost them their lives; but, unlike the rich young ruler, they are willing to sell everything. They know that Jesus, salvation, and eternal life are worth all their treasure.

*Bashir’s story was originally published in the New York Times. *Jasim’s story was originally published by NBC.

A Heavy Cost




Fa thBy Jeff King

Years ago, while visiting perse-cuted believers in Morocco, I learned about an incredibly brave believer that had just been sen-tenced to prison for the second time for sharing his faith.

He had been given a 15-year sentence by a Moroccan judge under the pretense of “property damage.”

Jamaa had studied abroad in Europe where he found the Lord. When he returned to Morocco, he persisted in practicing his beliefs and was arrested for the first time in 1995. Authorities transferred him to a mental hospital the next year to undergo “treatment” for his radical Christian beliefs. The treatment was so harsh that he temporarily lost the use of his arms and legs. The judge charged Jamaa with proselytizing; under Article 220 of Moroccan Criminal Law it is illegal to “shake the faith of a Muslim.” He told Jamaa that if he ever saw him again, he would throw a book at him.

And shake the Muslims’ faith, he did. Jamaa was relentless for the Gospel. He didn’t care

that he was still on the government’s watch list, still living in a fundamentalist culture. He painted Bible verses on his business for all to see. He hosted French language classes, where he spoke openly about his faith. Jamaa was not going to be ashamed of his Savior.

Ten years later, Jamaa burned down two unused wooden posts that were blocking access to his house. The government seized the opportunity to arrest him for “destroying

the goods of others.” When he arrived at court for the second

time, the judge asked him, “Are you crazy? Don’t you remember that I told you I was going to send you to prison for a long time if I ever saw you again?”

Jamaa looked at the judge squarely and said, “Your Honor, I have found the answer to life. I cannot keep silent, for everyone is going to hell and must be rescued. Even you,

“Your Honor, I have found the answer to life. I cannot keep silent, for everyone is going to hell and must be rescued.”– JAMAA


Opposite: Many Christians continue to face cultural oppression in Morocco.

Top: Among other attractions, Morocco is known for its many markets.

Bottom: Casablanca’s Hassan II Mosque is the largest in Africa, with the world’s tallest minaret. Before Morocco’s independence, almost half of Casablanca’s population was Christian.

Your Honor, are going to hell – but you too can turn to Jesus.”

You can imagine how the judge responded. Jamaa would spend the next 15 years in prison for “destroying property.”

“Fifteen years for two abandoned posts? It is scandalous. Jamaa presented a serious problem for the authorities. He displayed his convictions in broad daylight and it is for this reason he underwent a crackdown,”

stated a friend who had known Jamaa since childhood.

The judge later amended the statement to include a charge of proselytization in Jamaa’s sentence.

Fourteen years after Jamaa’s prison sentence, his steadfast faith is a lesson for converts around the world. Though Morocco has become much more tolerant toward Christianity, Christians in Morocco constitute

less than 1% of the population. Their minority status subjects them to cultural hostility and abridged religious rights.

Just in the past century, God’s quiet Church sprang up in the most unlikely of places – Iran, China, Cuba, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. Through the efforts of brave believers like Jamaa, the Gospel will continue to spread like wildfire in the heart of northern Africa.


Ahmed grew up in a country where Christianity is prohibited. Like many teenagers, this only intrigued him more. His Muslim peers would mock and profane Christianity,

but he couldn’t believe that 1,600,000,000 Christians could be that disillusioned.

History was Ahmed’s favorite subject as a teenager. Because of this, he knew that the Middle East was Christian before Islam spread through the region. In the midst of his studies, he found a copy of a Bible which showed him a world that existed before Islam. He took his questions to the Muslim leaders. Instead of directly answer-ing his questions, they danced around him with ideological excuses. Ahmed wasn’t satisfied.

He began visiting churches in order to research history, never imagining that he would one day become a Christian. Many people at the church were suspicious of him, and he had difficulty getting answers to his questions. But God brought Christians into his life who were willing to sit patiently with him and answer his questions.

A Difficult ConversionWhen he was 18, he would finally come

to know Christ through their witness, but it wasn’t easy to dismiss a religion that had captivated his life for years.

“It was hard to convert. My parents, my location, my friends, everything lived Islam. Not just as a religion, but also as a culture. We have the tribes. My dad is very committed to Islam. My whole life was Islamic,” said Ahmed.

Like many MBBs, he kept his conversion a secret over the next decade… until last year.

When his Muslim cousin fled her husband and three children, she turned to Ahmed for help. Her arranged marriage had fallen apart and her life was miserable. Her family decided that she should be killed, according to the shame culture of Islam. She had abandoned her family and fled with a lover.

Secretly, Ahmed witnessed to her about Christianity and was eager to intervene before his family learned that she had run away. When he arrived at her house to protect her, he was too late.

Fleeing an Old LifeAhmed walked into a chaotic scene. Her

family was beating her; even her father gave up protecting her to beat her. Ahmed began crying out to Jesus for help in the midst of the confusion. That’s when his family found out that he left Islam for Christianity. His cousin also cried out to the Lord as she died.

Ahmed knew that his life was in immediate danger. His uncle tried to shoot him, but Ahmed avoided the spray of bullets and escaped. Ahmed spent the next month in hiding, homeless and barely surviving.

When ICC first came across Ahmed’s case, he needed immediate relocation assistance. His parents had burned down his childhood room, and their tribe had distributed a death notice across the entire countryside.

ICC’s team sprang into action, moving Ahmed along an underground railroad designed to assist Muslim-background believers under immediate threat. He was relocated to a safe, inaccessible location. His family searched public transportation hubs for clues about his whereabouts, but Ahmed managed to stay a few steps ahead of them.

Ahmed survived, but resettlement in his new home was no easy task. He would struggle to find both a job and welcoming community, as many Christians were suspicious of his Muslim background. But as a result of ICC’s MBB ministry, Ahmed is now settling into his new home. He has become a major contribution to his new community, diligently working to serve the church.

“This kind of project is the most worthy; it is truly lifesaving,” said ICC’s relocation team. After his own life was saved, Ahmed is now devoted to saving the lives of others like him.

ICC’SUnderground Railroad

The story of a Christian convert from Islam who benefited from ICC’s MBB underground railroad and rescue operation

By Claire Evans

Top: Ahmed is from a strict Islamic family, who responded with violence when they discovered that he had converted to Christianity.

Bottom Left: Ahmed had to flee from his family when they discovered that he was a Christian.

Bottom Right: Muslim-background believers are often questioned when they stop participating in Islamic activities, putting them at risk of discovery.



Amir began his career as a member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (IRGC), a vast intelligence network tasked

with protecting Iran’s Islamic identity. He adopted the harsh methods that the organization encouraged to enforce a strict Islamic ideology, especially on Christians. He participated in the beating, torture, interrogation, and imprisonment of Christians. Little did he know that he would eventually become one.

The IRGC controls much of Iran’s economy and military resources. Besides hunting down Christians within Iran’s own borders, it

has masterminded bombings in American and Israeli embassies and elsewhere. In May, President Trump designated it as a Foreign Terrorist Group. It is no surprise that many Iranian Christians are fearful of the IRGC and its 250,000 members.

Like Saul, who murderously pursued Christians before becoming a believer himself, Amir’s life was radically transformed by Christ. But he was in too deep with the IRGC – they knew too much about him and his whereabouts for him to safely stay in the country. He fled Iran and committed himself to ministering to the very ones he once persecuted.

Amir didn’t stay out of Iran for long. Today, his own church community is dedicated to traveling throughout Iran

A former persecutor of Christians and member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard works to prepare churches for potential persecution. By Claire Evans

Iran’s Paul:

Opposite: Life in Iran leaves no room for Christians, as the regime sends believers to prison as part of their attempt to eradicate Christianity from Iran.

Top: The plight of Christians imprisoned in Iran’s torture system should be of the utmost importance to all believers.

Bottom: “The persecuted Church wants to use all potential for the glory of the name of the Lord.”


and sharing the Gospel with whomever they encounter. He devoted himself to teaching the Church how to grow and survive, despite persecution.

“Informing believers is very important,” Amir explains. “Those who enter into this path (evangelism ministry) with read-iness from the beginning will be more fruitful.”

He would often let others choose their cities first, then volunteer for the most danger-ous cities. For this reason, Amir often found himself traveling to remote areas near Afghanistan.

Amir believes that some Christians, given the proper training, can avoid persecution. One time, he was detained for the simple fact that his companion had not had this type of training:

“We are a group of addicts, and we gather together and receive this power of the Lord in the community and it helps us being rescued from addiction,” he recalls telling his interrogators at the time.

Their interrogators agreed to let them go, but Amir’s Christian companion began shouting, “We

are Christians!” They were both put in jail, where they remained for 20 days. The pressure was too much for Amir’s friend, who renounced Christ. He was released from prison, leaving Amir alone in jail.

Several months later, they were again reunited in Christian ministry. “He [now] stands amazingly for the Lord,” says Amir. “He confessed that because he didn’t stand for Christ during persecution, he will feel regret until the end of his life.”

This is a pattern that he has seen many times. “Those who are under these pressures are divided into two groups: those who stood, and those who fell down. For those who stood, we say Hallelujah! And for those who fell, in my opinion, we eventually say Hallelujah!”

As someone who once was part of Iran’s regime of persecution, Amir hopes that these stories will encourage other Iranian Christians about how to avoid—and stand firm during—persecution.

For ultimately, “The persecuted Church wants to use all potential for the glory of the name of the Lord,” said Amir.

From Persecutor to Proponent

“He participated in the beating, torture, interrogation, and imprisonment of Christians.”


The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan claims that there are no Christians living within the borders of the country. Jeremiah, a leader of a large, under-ground MBB communi-ty in Afghanistan, would disagree.

Jeremiah’s radical conversion to Christianity should not have even happened. He was raised in a strict, Muslim family. He attended a madrassa throughout high school, where he was fully immersed in the Islamic teachings. He spent long hours memorizing the Quran and praying to Allah – the typical activities of a good Muslim son.

But there was always that nagging feeling of doubt at the back of his mind. He tried to con-nect with Allah, to build a relationship with the Al Muqit, the great Nourisher of the universe, but it never happened. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he was praying to his prayer mat.

This lingering doubt followed him to university, where he studied radiology and physiology. The complicated mechanisms of the human body, tuned just right to life on earth, gave Jeremiah pause. Everything that he studied pointed to intelligent design.

Jeremiah’s life changed when Korean Christians at the university gave him a copy of the Bible. The trembling fear that he felt as he opened that illegal copy of the Bible quickly vanished, overcome by encouragement, revelation, and fulfillment. For the first time in his life, he felt the powerful presence of God. He committed his heart to the Lord immediately, and went from praying to a mat to entering into the most intense relationship

of his life, a relationship that he kept hidden for years.

In most Muslim cultures, it is illegal to convert from Islam to Christianity. In Afghanistan, it is illegal to even be a Christian. Apostasy is incorporated into the law, and converts to Christianity are often severely punished or even sentenced to death.

Jeremiah lived in a small town of 20-25,000 residents. Over the course of his life, Jeremiah witnessed an MBB mother torn from her chil-dren and a doctor lose all of his patients after being labeled an “infidel” for his faith.

Becoming public about his faith in an honor and shame culture would lead to the loss of his family, inheritance, social standing, job, or even life. In Afghanistan, converting to Christianity would bring shame upon one’s entire family, destroying their image in the eyes of society. Jeremiah didn’t have the luxury of anonymity that a public believer may have in a large city. Raw, gut-wrenching

fear compelled him to stay silent about his faith for years.

One night, God sent Jeremiah a vivid, Abrahamic dream. He said, “I want you to share your faith with others.” When he awoke, his mind swarmed with questions: How can I do this, God? I’ve barely had the opportunity to read the Bible. I’m the only believer in my providence. I’m alone.

God proved to Jeremiah that he wasn’t alone. Boldness to share the Gospel came with a group of local expat believers. He began attending house churches, evangelizing to other Muslims, and preaching the Word of God. Surrounded by other believers for the first time in his life, he realized that even if his biological family rejected him, he now had a new family.

The first time Jeremiah was sent to prison for his faith, he covered his face in shame.

“For the first time in his life, [Jeremiah] felt the powerful presence of God.”

Afghanistan’s Secret ChurchBy Meg McEwen

Left: Two Afghan men, dressed in traditional clothing, sit in the streets of Kabul.

Below: The burning of a cross in Afghanistan.


His father never fasted until Jeremiah went to prison, but he did so to publicly wash his hands of his son. His mother was a nervous wreck. She sat by the telephone every day, waiting to hear the expected news of her son’s death. She wept on the phone when she heard his voice say, “They let me go.”

Today, Jeremiah partners with ICC to lead a rigorous training mission for pastors in Afghanistan. Jeremiah knows of at least 20-25 groups of Christians who desperately need leadership. He estimates that there are at least 10,000 underground believers in Afghanistan.

Spearheading an underground Christian min-istry in Afghanistan is not easy. Government spies constantly try to infiltrate house churches. Jeremiah knows Afghan Christians who only worship and fellowship in the safety of a moving vehicle. But the Lord is moving in Afghanistan, drawing many into his fold. Every

church in Afghanistan welcomes new converts monthly, including politicians and high-ranking citizens.

His family still doesn’t want to talk about Christianity. His father says, “You have forgot-ten your identity, your ethnicity.”

Jeremiah disagrees. He says, “Paul had a strong commitment to

his churches. He didn’t abandon those relation-ships. The people you lead to the Lord, you bap-tize and disciple, you are committed to them.”

His new relationship with God only strength-ened his love for his family and his community. He still considers himself to be a true Afghan citizen. His commitment to ministering to lost Muslims in Afghanistan has kept him tethered to the country, even choosing to raise his own family there. Resilient in his calling, Jeremiah will never leave a stone unturned for the Gospel in Afghanistan.


Isaac*, a young father in Afghanistan, was faced with a difficult decision. As a recent convert to Christianity, he had come to a crossroads as the shepherd of his family that would have an eternal impact on his wife and young children.

Isaac, and many other MBB parents across the Middle East, faced a devastating choice: share

Jesus’s Gospel message with their children and ultimately put their family at risk of exposure, or let their children grow up Muslim until they are old enough to be discreet about their faith.

Isaac made the conscious decision to hide his faith from his family until his children were older. As a result, the children grew up in the Muslim faith, learning the Muslim prayers, the Muslim teaching, and the Muslim hatred toward Christians. When Isaac finally

revealed his true identity to them, the shock resonated through his children. They had been taught to disown Christians, and they did. They viewed their father as a traitor.

In countries like Afghanistan, religion is inherently tied to identity. In Afghanistan,

conversion to Christianity is rarely discussed in public. In places like Egypt and Iran, some ethnic Christians are recognized, but conversion is illegal. Citizens in Egypt, for example, have the option to change their I.D. status from “Christian” to “Muslim,” but changing from Muslim to Christian is considered apostasy. If discovered, conversion could result in imprisonment, exile, loss of job, or even death.

But the lives of MBBs become even more complicated when they have children. If a child admits to their teacher or friends that they have a different, non-Muslim name at home, or that they’ve read the Bible and know Jesus, at best, they face discrimination in school and society. At worst, the entire family is put in immediate danger.

The children of converted Christians face harsh discrimination if their family’s faith background is discovered. They are unfairly

“At best, they face discrimination in school and society. At worst, the entire family is put in immediate danger.”

THE CHOICEFor MBB parents, their child’s

education is fraught with danger. By Meg McEwen

Opposite: A teacher with a group of children in southern Egypt.

Top: A mother thinks about her child’s future.

Bottom: MBB children will be discriminated against if their parent’s identity is discovered.


graded, bullied on the playground, beaten, or even kicked out of their schools. And without an education, their social status sinks even lower. Pakistani citizens treat their Christian neighbors little better than street dogs. The worst jobs, like sewage cleaning or day labor, are reserved for them. Education is rarely an option for children in Pakistan. Homeschooling is not a legal option for par-ents in many of these countries, nor is taking them to church. If they can afford it, Egyptian MBBs put their children into private schools run by Catholic organizations that are less concerned about the origin of faith.

The tension between wanting to raise chil-dren who love the Lord and wanting the best for their children can leave parents feeling helpless. Parents in fundamentalist Muslim countries resort to desperate measures to teach their children about Jesus. Older chil-dren learn to live double lives, responding to names like “Mohammad” or “Ali” at school or “John” and “Peter” at home. They use the name for Jesus in the Quran (‘Isa) to avoid confusion as the children learn two different theologies at home and at school. In Egypt, parents sneak children into church through back entrances to avoid being seen.

When the Afghanistan government discovered that Maria*, an MBB mother, was a Christian, they stripped her children from her and gave them to her Muslim husband to be raised “correctly” in the Islamic teaching. The loss of her family was devastating. But, she was more devastated by the loss of her children spiritually.

As Christianity grows in Muslim countries, parents will be forced to make the hardest decisions about raising their children. ICC is finding ways to help MBBS in these difficult situations by providing fair, safe educational opportunities for them and relocating endangered MBB families to places where they can worship, together.

Muslim-background believers (MBBs) are among the most persecuted Christians in the world. How does ICC work to aid this suffering part of the body of Christ?

By Will Stark


M artin Moses’s p r o s p e c t s collapsed when he converted from Islam to C h r i s t i a n i t y in Uganda. He went from being a

Muslim muezzin, an important figure who led prayer and worship in the mosque, to a lowly Christian who could barely afford food for his family. Martin’s story is just one of the millions of Muslim-background believers (MBBs) living in increasingly hostile Islamic countries.

Paul says in his first letter to the Corinthians, “And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. Now you are Christ’s body, and individually members of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:26-27).

International Christian Concern (ICC) suffers with the members of the body of Christ among persecuted communities; but of all the groups that we serve, MBBs are among the most persecuted. MBBs face persecution for their mere existence as individuals who have turned their backs on Islam and embraced Christianity. In more restrictive Muslim nations, simply being discovered as a convert is enough to warrant lengthy prison sentences or even death.

When ICC heard about Martin’s case, we

were able to finance a motorcycle taxi busi-ness so that he could provide for himself and his family.

“Thank you for the support of the motorcy-cle,” Martin said in response to the aid. “This has helped me in improving my welfare to get food for my family and cover school fees for my children.”

But Martin’s case is just the tip of the iceberg. When an MBB converts to Christianity, this action radically emaciates their social and economic life. To embrace Christianity necessarily means that they risk losing respect, job prospects, family members, inheritance, or legal rights.

ICC often works with MBBs who find themselves in emergency situations. Their new faith identity has been discovered and they are facing significant threats. Here is step-by-step guide to give you a snapshot of the process that ICC uses when we hear about a suffering, Muslim-background brother or sister in Christ.

ICC’s Emergency Evacuation Steps for Muslim-Background

Believers:Step 1: The Evacuation

ICC’s emergency assistance program includes transportation to a safe, often Christian-majority, location, secure accom-

modations, food, as well as other necessary items to sustain the life of the relocated MBB. At times, we refer to this emergency aid as the “MBB Underground Railroad.”

Step 2: Long-Term NeedsAfter securing the immediate safety of

MBBs, we then move to the more difficult or significant issues faced by MBBs. This includes providing for the physical, social, and spiritual needs that arise from the MBBs’ complete life-reset.

Step 3: MicrofinancingMany MBBs lose the ability to provide

for themselves because they have lost their jobs following their conversion. ICC provides MBBs with skills training, microfinancing opportunities, and small business assistance so that they are able to support themselves.

Step 4: Spiritual SupportIn addition to physical aid, we also provide

social and spiritual support to MBBs. What many may not realize is that an MBB’s conversion to Christianity is a fundamental shift in that individual’s religious identity. Many MBBs have questions about their newfound faith and find few places to have those questions answered.

Step 5: Spiritual TrainingTo provide for this need, we have trained

both Christians and other MBBs to act



Martin Moses receives a motorbike from ICC in Uganda.

Many Christians throughout the Islamic world deal with threats and challenges, but converts from Islam to Christianity often face violence and ostracism from friends and family.


“In more restrictive Muslim nations, simply being discovered as a convert is enough to warrant lengthy prison sentences – or even death.”

as spiritual mentors for MBBs seeking discipleship. We have even provided support for special Christmas and Easter celebrations for new MBBs. For many, these celebrations are the first Christmas or Easter they have ever experienced, and it introduces them to an MBB community they would have otherwise been unable to find.

Step 6: US AdvocacyIn addition to the aid we provide to MBBs,

International Christian Concern advocates for them in the heart of Washington, D.C. This comes in a variety of forms, including advocating for individual victims or for the conditions of entire communities on

the basis of religiously-motivated human rights violations.

Recently, ICC began to put pressure on Iran’s oppressive legal system under the Global Magnitsky Act, a US law that allows the US government to sanction international human rights abusers. We have targeted indi-viduals and institutions known to openly and aggressively persecute MBBs. Abusers targeted by this act have their foreign assets and visas frozen and have their name appear on a list publicly naming them as a human rights abuser.

“In Iran, we are looking to sanction three judges who target Christians, including MBBs,” Matias Perttula, ICC’s Advocacy

Director, said. “These judges punish Christians and MBBs by convicting them on trumped up charges and imprisoning them in some of Iran most notorious prisons.”

“We believe this will be an effective tool in stopping some of the persecution experienced by MBBs,” Perttula explained. “It has been effective in targeting Russian human rights abusers in the past, so hopefully the same will be true for Iran.”

While ICC will never be able to end the persecution experience facing the MBB community, we seek to live out Scripture’s call to care for the persecuted. With the generous support of ICC’s donors, we hope to continue this important work for years to come.

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Remember to pray for strength and encouragement

for all of our Muslim-background believer brothers

and sisters.