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Lecture 22: Introduction to Natural LanguageProcessing (NLP)

• Traditional NLP

• Statistical approaches

• Statistical approaches used for processing Internet documents

• If we have time: hidden variables

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Natural language understanding

• Language is very important for communication!

• Two parts: syntax and semantics

• Syntax viewed as important to understand meaning

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Set of re-write rules, e.g.:

S := NP V P

NP := noun|pronoun

noun := intelligence|wumpus|...V P := verb|verbNP |...


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Parse trees

Given a grammar, a sentence can be represented as a parse tree

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Problems with using grammars

• Grammars need to be context-sensitive

• Anaphora: using pronouns to refer back to entities already introduced inthe text

E.g. After Mary proposed to John, they found a preacher and gotmarried. For the honeymoon, they went to Hawaii.

• Indexicality: sentences refer to a situation (place, time, S/H, etc.)

E.g. I am over here

• Metaphor: “Non-literal” usage of words and phrases, often systematic:

E.g. I’ve tried killing the process but it won’t die. Its parent keeps italive.

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Some good tools exist

• Stanford NLP parser: http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/corenlp.shtml

• Input natural text, output annotated XML, which can be used for furtherprocessing:

– Named entity extraction (proper names, countries, amounts, dates...)– Part-of-speech tagging (noun, adverbe, adjective, ...)– Parsing– Co-reference resolution (finding all words that refer to the same entity)

Eg. Albert Einstein invented the theory of relativity. He also playedthe violin.

• Uses state-of-art NLP methods, and is very easy to use.

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Examples from Stuart Russell:

Squad helps dog bite victimHelicopter powered by human flies

I ate spaghetti with meatballsabandona forka friend

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Statistical language models

• Words are treated as observations

• We typically have a corpus of data

• The model computes the probability of the input being generated fromthe same source as the training data

• Naive Bayes and n-gram models are tools of this type

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Learning for document classification

• Suppose we want to provide a class label y for documents represented asa set of words x

• We can compute P (y) by counting the number of interesting anduninteresting documents we have

• How do we compute P (x|y)?• Assuming about 100000 words, and not too many documents, this is


Most possible combinations of words will not appear in the data at all...

• Hence, we need to make some extra assumptions.

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Reminder: Naive Bayes assumption

• Suppose the features xi are discrete

• Assume the xi are conditionally independent given y.

• In other words, assume that:

P (xi|y) = P (xi|y, xj),∀i, j

• Then, for any input vector x, we have:

P (x|y) = P (x1, x2, . . . xn|y) = P (x1|y)P (x2|y, x1) · · ·P (xn|y, x1, . . . xn−1)

= P (x1|y)P (x2|y) . . . P (xn|y)

• For binary features, instead of O(2n) numbers to describe a model, weonly need O(n)!

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Naive Bayes for binary features

• The parameters of the model are θi,1 = P (xi = 1|y = 1), θi,0 = P (xi =1|y = 0), θ1 = P (y = 1)

• We will find the parameters that maximize the log likelihood of thetraining data!

• The likelihood in this case is:

L(θ1, θi,1, θi,0) =


P (xj, yj) =


P (yj)


P (xj,i|yj)

• First, use the log trick:

logL(θ1, θi,1, θi,0) =


(logP (yj) +


logP (xj,i|yj)


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• Observe that each term in the sum depends on the values of yj, xj thatappear in the jth instance

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Maximum likelihood parameter estimation for NaiveBayes

logL(θ1, θi,1, θi,0) =


[yj log θ1 + (1− yj) log(1− θ1)



yj (xj,i log θi,1 + (1− xj,i) log(1− θi,1))



(1− yj) (xj,i log θi,0 + (1− xj,i) log(1− θi,0))]

To estimate θ1, we take the derivative of logL wrt θ1 and set it to 0:





+1− yj1− θ1


= 0

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Maximum likelihood parameters estimation for naiveBayes

By solving for θ1, we get:

θ1 =1



yj =number of examples of class 1

total number of examples

Using a similar derivation, we get:

θi,1 =number of instances for which xj,i = 1 and yj = 1

number of instances for which yj = 1

θi,0 =number of instances for which xj,i = 1 and yj = 0

number of instances for which yj = 0

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Text classification revisited

• Consider again the text classification example, where the features xicorrespond to words

• Using the approach above, we can compute probabilities for all the wordswhich appear in the document collection

• But what about words that do not appear?

They would be assigned zero probability!

• As a result, the probability estimates for documents containing suchwords would be 0/0 for both classes, and hence no decision can be made

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Laplace smoothing

• Instead of the maximum likelihood estimate:

θi,1 =number of instances for which xj,i = 1 and yj = 1

number of instances for which yj = 1


θi,1 =(number of instances for which xj,i = 1 and yj = 1) + 1

(number of instances for which yj = 1) + 2

• Hence, if a word does not appear at all in the documents, it will beassigned prior probability 0.5.

• If a word appears in a lot of documents, this estimate is only slightlydifferent from max. likelihood.

• This is an example of Bayesian prior for Naive Bayes

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Example: 20 newsgroups

Given 1000 training documents from each group, learn to classify newdocuments according to which newsgroup they came from

comp.graphics misc.forsalecomp.os.ms-windows.misc rec.autoscomp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware rec.motorcycles

comp.sys.mac.hardware rec.sport.baseballcomp.windows.x rec.sport.hockey

alt.atheism sci.spacesoc.religion.christian sci.crypt

talk.religion.misc sci.electronicstalk.politics.mideast sci.med

talk.politics.misc talk.politics.guns

Naive Bayes: 89% classification accuracy - comparable to other state-of-art methods

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Computing joint probabilities of word sequences

• Suppose you model a sentence as a sequence of words w1, . . . wn

• How do we compute the probability of the sentence, P (w1, . . . wn)?

P (w1)P (w2|w1)P (w3|w2, w1) · · ·P (wn|wn−1 · · ·w1)

• These have to be estimated from data

• But data can be sparse!

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• We make a conditional independence assumption: each words dependsonly on the n words preceding it, not on anything before

• This is a Markovian assumption!

• 1-st order model: P (wi|wi−1) - bigram model

• 2nd order Markov model: P (wi|wi−1, wi−2) - trigram model

• Now we can get a lot more data!

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Application: Speech recognition

• Input: wave sound file

• Output: typed text representing the words

• To disambiguate the next word, one can use n-gram models to predictthe most likely next word, based on the past words

• n-gram model is typically learned from past data

• This idea is at the core of many speech recognizers

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NLP tasks related to the Internet

• Information retrieval (IR): give a word query, retrieve documents that arerelevant to the query

Most well understood and studied task

• Information filtering (text categorization): group documents based ontopics/categories

– E.g. Yahoo categories for browsing– E.g. E-mail filters– News services

• Information extraction: given a text, get relevant information in atemplate. Closest to language understanding

E.g. House advertisements (get location, price, features)

E.g. Contact information for companies

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How can we do information retrieval?

• Two basic approaches

– Exact matching (logical approach)– Approximate (inexact) matching

• The exact match approaches do not work well at all!

– Most often, no documents are retrieved, because the query is toorestrictive.

– Hard to tell for the user which terms to drop in order to get results.

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Basic idea of inexact matching systems

• We are given a collection of documents

• Each document is a collection of words

• The query is also a collection of words

• We want to retrieve the documents which are “closest” to the query

• The trick is how to get a good distance metric!

Key assumption: If a word occurs very frequently in a documentcompared to its frequency in the entire collection of documents, then thedocument is “about” that word.

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Processing documents for IR

1. Assign every new document an ID

2. Break the document into words

3. Eliminate stopwords and do stemming

4. Do term weighting

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Details of document processing

• Stopwords very frequently occurring words that do not have a lot ofmeaning

E.g. Articles: the, a, these... and Prepositions: on, in, ...

• Stemming (also known as suffix removal) is designed to take care ofdifferent conjugations and declinations. E.g. eliminating ’s’ for theplural, -ing and -ed terminations, etc.

Example: after stemming, win, wins, won and winning will all becomeWIN

How should we weight the words in a document???

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Term weighting

Key assumption: If a word occurs very frequently in a documentcompared to its frequency in the entire collection of documents, then thedocument is “about” that word.

• Term frequency:

Number of times term occurs in the document

Total number of terms in the document, or

log(Number of times term occurs in the document+1)

log(Total number of terms in the document)

This tells us if terms occur frequently, but does not tell us if the occur“unusually” frequently.• Inverse document frequency:

logNumber of documents in collection

Number of documents in which the term occurs at least once

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Processing queries for IR

We have to do the same things to the queries as we do to the documents!

1. Break into words

2. Stopword elimination and stemming

3. Retrieve all documents containing any of the query words

4. Rank the documentsTo rank the documents, for a simple query, we compute:

Term frequency * Inverse document frequency

for each term. Then we sum them up!

More complicated formulas if the query contains ’+’ ’-’, phrases etc.

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Query: “The destruction of the Amazonian rain forests”

1. Case normalization: “the destruction of the Amazonian rain forests”

2. Stopword removal: “destruction Amazonian rain forests”

3. Stemming: “destruction amazon rain forest”

4. Then we apply our formula!

Note: Certain terms in the query will inherently be more important thanothers

E.g. amazon vs. rain

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Evaluating IR Systems

• Two measures:

– Precision: ratio of the number of relevant document retrieved overthe total number of documents retrieved

– Recall: ratio of relevant documents retrieved for a given query overthe number of relevant documents for that query in the database.

• Both precision and recall are between 0 and 1 (close to 1 is better).

• People are used to judge the ‘correct” label of a document, but they aresubjective and may disagree

• Bad news: usually high precision means low recall and vice versa

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Why is statistical NLP good?

• Universal! Can be applied to any collection of documents, in anylanguage, and no matter how it is structured

• In contrast, knowledge-based NLP systems work ONLY for specializedcollections

• Very robust to language mistakes (e.g. bad syntax)

• Most of the time, you get at least some relevant documents

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Why do we still have research in NLP?

• Statistical NLP is not really language understanding! Are word countsall that language is about?

• Syntax knowledge could be very helpful sometimes

There are some attempts now to incorporate knowledge in statisticalNLP

• Eliminating prepositions means that we cannot really understand themeaning anymore

• One can trick the system by overloading the document with certainterms, although they do not get displayed on the screen.

• If a word has more than one meaning, you get a very varied collection ofdocuments...

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AI techniques directly applicable to web text processing

• Learning:

– Clustering: group documents, detect outliers– Naive Bayes: classify a document– Neural nets

• Probabilistic reasoning: each word can be considered as “evidence”, tryto infer what the text is about

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