Lecture 4 S110

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  • 7/30/2019 Lecture 4 S110


    Verilog HDL

  • 7/30/2019 Lecture 4 S110


    In = Clock, Reset, Input ...

    Out = X, Y Machine State = S1, S2


    State Diagram

    State Table

    Boolean Expand Simplified




    Traditional design flow of sequential logic circuit

    Implement onseveral ICs


  • 7/30/2019 Lecture 4 S110



    1. Understand the specifications of the sequential circuit.

    Determine the types and number of input and output

    terminals. Note: all CLK inputs of FF are connected to a

    common clock source.

    2. Identify the number of states and determine the number of

    flip-flops used. Produce a State Diagram.3. Translate the State Diagram into a State Table. Note: the

    values of Decoder States determine the changes from

    Present State to Next State.

    4. Establish the Boolean Expressions for all decoders andoutput functions (with respect to Present State and Input

    State (if any) as variables.

    5. Simplify the expressions using K-map or Boolean Algebra

    6. Draw the logic circuit diagram.

  • 7/30/2019 Lecture 4 S110





    Implement on ONECPLD/FPGA chip

    HDL Syntax



    Sequential Logic Circuit Implement by PLD Technology

    In = Clock, Reset, Input ...

    Out = X, Y Machine State = S1, S2

  • 7/30/2019 Lecture 4 S110


    Implementations of A Finite

    State Machine (FSM) UsingVerilog

  • 7/30/2019 Lecture 4 S110


    FSM Design Using Verilog

    Standard model for a Finite State Machine

    FSM is a computational model consisting of a finite number of

    states and transitions between those states, possibly withaccompanying actions. [IEEE 610]

  • 7/30/2019 Lecture 4 S110


    FSM Design Using Verilog

    Example1: Consider the following State Diagram. Specifications:

    No of finite states = 6 (A, B, C, D, E and F)

    No of inputs = 1

    No of outputs = 3

  • 7/30/2019 Lecture 4 S110


    FSM Design Using Verilog

  • 7/30/2019 Lecture 4 S110


    FSM Design Using Verilog

  • 7/30/2019 Lecture 4 S110


    FSM Design Using Verilog

    module fsm (input i, clock, reset,

    output reg [2:0] out);

    reg [2:0] currentState, nextState;

    localparam [2:0]

    A = 3'b000B = 3'b001,

    C = 3'b010,

    D = 3'b011,

    E = 3'b100,

    F = 3'b101;

    The localparam statement specifies thestate assignment for the system.

  • 7/30/2019 Lecture 4 S110


    FSM Design Using Verilog

  • 7/30/2019 Lecture 4 S110


    FSM Design Using Verilog

  • 7/30/2019 Lecture 4 S110


    User Defined Primitives (UDPs)

    UDP is a set of gate primitives specified anddesigned by the user. UDP can be either

    combinatorial or sequential.


    Why UDP? UDP is a very compact and efficient way of

    describing a possibly arbitrary block of logic

    UDP can reduce the pessimism with respect tothe unknown x value in the simulators three

    valued logic, thus creating more realistic modelsfor certain situations

    UDP can increase simulation efficiency

  • 7/30/2019 Lecture 4 S110


    Creating UDP (Combinational Logic)

    UDP are defined in a manner similar to a truth table

    enumeration of a logic function.

    UDP are defined outside modules.

    Started with keyword primitive followed by a UDP nameand declarations ofoutput and inputs (in bracket).

    A table (similar to a Truth Table) is then specifiedshowing the value of the output for the variouscombinations of the inputs.A colon separates theoutput on its right from the inputs on its leftEnded with keyword endprimitive.

  • 7/30/2019 Lecture 4 S110


    There are a number of rules that must be considered:

    Primitives can have multiple input ports, but exactly

    only one output port. They may not havebidirectional inout ports.

    The output port must be the first port in the portlist.

    All primitive ports are scalar. No vector ports areallowed.

    Only logic values of 1, 0, and x are allowed on inputand output. The z value cannot be specified,although on input, it is treated as an x.

    Creating UDP (Combinational Logic)

  • 7/30/2019 Lecture 4 S110


    Creating UDP (Combinational Logic)Example

  • 7/30/2019 Lecture 4 S110


    Creating UDP (Sequential Logic)Level Sensitive

    Sequential UDP are defined similar to the combinational

    logic with some differences:

    1. The output shall also be declared as type reg toindicate there is an internal state. The output value isalways the same as the value of internal state.

    2. There is an additional field added in each table entry

    to indicate the current state. This field is separatedby colons from the inputs and the output.

  • 7/30/2019 Lecture 4 S110


    Creating UDP (Sequential Logic)Level Sensitive

    Note: ? = 0,1 or x and - = no change of value

  • 7/30/2019 Lecture 4 S110


    Creating UDP (Sequential Logic)Edge Sensitive

    Similar to creating Level Sensitive Sequential Logic

    UDP, the edge sensitive UDP differs in the manner of:

    1. Changes at the output triggers by specific transitionsof the inputs such as clock Positive Going Transition

    (PGT) or Negative Going Transition (NGT).

    2. All unspecified transitions will default to an output

    value x (unknown). All transitions must be explicitlyspecified to avoid output default to x.

  • 7/30/2019 Lecture 4 S110


    Creating UDP (Sequential Logic)Edge Sensitive - Example

  • 7/30/2019 Lecture 4 S110


    Creating UDP (Sequential Logic)Edge Sensitive with Initial - Example