Lecture on Heart Sounds by Dr. Roomi

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7/30/2019 Lecture on Heart Sounds by Dr. Roomi

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Heart Sounds

• During each cardiac cycle, 4 heartsounds are produced.

• These can be recorded inphonocardiogram.

• By auscultation we can hear/

auscultate, 1st & 2nd heart sounds &sometimes 3rd as well.

• But 4th is Atrial heart sound, whichis never auscultated normally.

• 1st & 2nd heart sounds are called asCLASSICAL HEART SOUNDS (as theyare usually auscultated in normalsubjects).

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7/30/2019 Lecture on Heart Sounds by Dr. Roomi

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4 Auscultatory areas 

• Pulmonary Area: Left 2nd intercostal space, close tosternal border.

• Aortic Area: Right 2nd intercostalspace, close to sternal border.

• Mitral Area: left 5th intercostalspace in the midclavicular line, 9cm away from the sternalborder.

Tricuspid Area: 4th

leftintercostal space close to sternalborder.

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4 basic factors affecting Heart Sounds:

• Acceleration of blood: Sudden flow.

• Deceleration: Sudden stoppage of blood flow.

Turbulance in the flow of blood.• Thickness of chest wall.

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1st Heart Sound


• Long, soft, low pitched.

(heard as LUBB)

• Frequency: 30 –

50cycles /sec.

• Duration: 0.14 sec

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1st Heart Sound


• Vibrations due to closure of AV valves, at the beginningof ventricular systole.

• Vibrations in ventricles &large vessels whenventricular musclecontracts.

• Vibrations when bloodstarts ejecting into largeartery.

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Physiological Splitting of 1st heart sound


• Tricuspid valve may

close earlier than


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Intensity of 1st heart sound

Depends on:

• Force of ventricular


• Rate of increase in

ventricular pressure,

during isovolumiccontraction phase.

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2nd Heart Sound


• Short, sharp, high pitched

(heard as DUBB)

• Frequency: 50 – 200 cycles /


• Duration: 0.11 sec

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2nd Heart Sound:

Minor causes:

• When blood flows from

ventricle to large

arteries, there may beturbulance.

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Splitting of 2nd Heart Sound:


• Increases or Widens duringinspiration (0.5 sec) & decreasesduring expiration (0.02 sec ordisappear).

Cause of splitting:

• During inspiration venous returnincreasesmore blood returns toright atrium right ventricle more ejection delayed closure of pulmonary valve.

• Reverse occurs in expiration.


• In bundle branch block, mainly rightbundle branch block.

• Intensity of pulmonary component of 

2nd heart sound is increased inpulmonary hypertension.

• Intensity of aortic component isincreased in systemic (aortic)hypertension

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3rd Heart Sound:

Cause: Vibrations produced inventricular wall during Rapid InflowPhase.

Prominent sometimes in children.

Can be made prominent by increasing

venous return:i) exercise.

ii) lying position.

• Low frequency sound.

• Duration: 0.04 sec.

• Best heard at: Apex of heart, in 5th intercostal space (mid-clavicularline).

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4th Heart Sound:

• Not normally auscultated butrecorded in phonocardiogram.

• Low frequency, low intensity sound.

• Produced just before 1st heart sound.



• Vibrations of ventricular wall, due toimpact of blood pumped from theatrium into ventricle during Atrial



• In CCF, 4th Heart Sound is auscultated.

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• These are abnormal heartsounds.

Produced when:

1. Valvular stenosis.

2. Valvular incompetence.

3. Hyperdynamic circulation: Hyperthyroidism,

severe anemia (hemicmurmurs)

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• Systolic murmurs:

 – Aortic stenosis

 – Mitral regurgitation

• Diastolic murmurs:

 – Aortic regurgitation

 – Mitral stenosis

• Murmur throughout

cardiac cycle:

 – Patent ductus arteriosus

(PDA)- its murmur is also

called as machinary murmur.