Lecture1 B Frames&Forms

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13/3/2006 (112:05) Frames & forms 1

• What are frames?• How do they work?• What’s good?• What’s bad?

Frames and forms

13/3/2006 (112:05) Frames & forms 2

More than html• Problems with HTML

• Repetitive entry of navigation• Maintaining menus• Selecting options more than clicking• User inputs• Getting information

• Navigation• Frames

• User input• forms

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Frames• Problem:

• You want the same navigation on every page.• You want to scroll content separately.

• Solution:• Create multiple areas, one navigation and

another for content.

• Frame• Layout – Rows and Columns • Instead of <body> uses <frameset>• Little pages within the browser that know about

each other

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Frame basics

• Columns and Rows

<frameset cols="33%,50%,17%" rows="*,200"><frame src="frame1.html"><frame src="frame2.html"><frame src="frame3.gif"><frame name="area4" src="frame4.html"><frame name="area5" src="frame5.html"><frame src="frame6.html">


1 2 3

4 5 6 200

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Frame Targets

<frameset cols="33%,50%,17%" rows="*,200">...<frame name="area4" src="frame4.html"><frame name="area5" src="frame5.html">


<P>Changing Area 4 to <ul> <li><A href="Great.html" target="area4">Great</A>, or back to</li> <li><A href="frame4.html" target="area4">Area 4</A></li></ul>...</P>



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Frame Targets• Names and Targets

• Name a frame and use the name as a target• Content and navigation separate

• Reserved Names• _blank Always open a new window• _self Open in current frame (default)• _parent Open one level up• _top Open in current window

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Frame Appearance• Managing look

• Border• 3D border default• Other border types

• Resizing• Move the frames around

• Scrolling• Scrollbar on by default• Remove scrollbars for control

• Margins• Just like with Tables you can insert whitespace• marginwidth=“20”

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Nested Frames• Frames can be nested

• This allows complex layouts• Also can occur because the page displayed

has frames in it

<frameset cols="33%,50%,17%" rows="*,200"><frame src=''frame1.html''><frameset cols=''*,* '' >

<frame s name="area2-1" src="frame2-1.html"><frame s name="area2-2" src="frame2-2.html">

</frameset><frame name="area3" src="frame3.html"><frame name="area4" src="frame4.html"><frame name="area5" src="frame5.html"><frame name="area6" src="frame6.html">


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Frames - Good and Bad• Frames are great for some things

• Allow separate navigation area• Allow other site display – Google• Great for sites were people need multiple


• Frames are bad• being deprecated.• Frames were popular before search engines!• Search engines allow entry to any part of a site• Back button does not work• Navigation broken

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When to use frames• Use frame sparingly

• Do not use in pages which will be widely accessed and are quick in/quick out.

• Avoid frames for publicly available pages• Intranets OK as every comes in at the same


• Frames are good for reference pages, where a static menu is important.

• There are alternatives • php, asp, server-side includes, some javascript

tricks) but these are all more sophisticated.

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User Input• Problem:

• Html static, only provides what you have written• User limited to clicking as input

• Solution• Add tools for uses to do more than click• Get the server to do more work• Get the client to do more work• Forms

• Get – add to the end of the URL• Post – send a block of additional text like the header• Mailto – write an email with the data you selected

13/3/2006 (112:05) Frames & forms 12

User Input






13/3/2006 (112:05) Frames & forms 13

User Input


<html> <head>

<meta HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>comp112 - Google Search</title><style><!--


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Server-Side Processing• Deal with more than just “get”.• Advantages

• Current/Dynamic• Maintainability• Delivery of ordinary HTML• No redundant storage

• Disadvantages• Increases server load• Security issues• May be impossible for clients to get identical

information later

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Client-Side processing• Content is processed by the client.• Example: Javascript, Flash.• Advantages

• No extra load on the server• Instant responsiveness (after initial download)

• Disadvantages• More data sent• Makes the internals of your site transparent or

able to be saved locally• Requires browser support

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Forms• Two part

• The visible part shown to the user• The stuff behind the scenes, the submission and

the processing by the server

• Client side• Display options• Javascript to check valid options

• Server side• Examine request• Generate information requested• Send html file to the browser.

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Example<form id="papernav" method="get"


<p>Select a paper from the menu to go straight

to that course's web page:

<select name="papercode" size=1>







<input type="submit" value="Go">



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Types of input• Example

<form action="http://localhost/" method="get"> <P> First name: <input type="text" name="firstname"><BR> Last name: <input type="text" name="lastname"><BR> email: <input type="text" name="email"><BR> <input type="radio" name="sex" value="Male"> Male<BR> <input type="radio" name="sex" value="Female"> Female </p> <p>

<legend>Browsers You have used</legend><br> <input name="check1" type="checkbox" value="Safari" > Safari <input name="check1" type="checkbox" value="Mozilla" > Mozilla <input name="check1" type="checkbox" value="IE" > IE <input name="check1" type="checkbox" value="Lynx" > Lynx<br>

<input type="submit" value="Send"> <input type="reset"> </P> </form>

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Types of input• Types

• “radio” - Select only ONE option• “checkbox” - As many as you like• “text” - used for general text input• “select” - Menus with options• “input” - Select a file• Special buttons

• “submit” go to the new page• “reset” remove all the data

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Get vs Post• Get

• Bookmark links• Easy to see what is happening• Simple to process and track

• Post• Better for large amounts of information• Not displayed so a little more secure• Back button warnings

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Processing• The request needs to be processed

• Server processing• CGI Common Gateway Interface

• Read the URL or the post information• Process the information• Send back an HTML page

• Simple processing• Enter a number – is it in the right range• Have you entered all the data• Client side processing• Javascript

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Summary• Frames

• Multiple pages in one window• Targets allow menu/content split• Slowly being removed

• Server side vs Client side• Processing• When and where

• Forms• Elements Radio buttons, check boxes• Method: get, post• Action: which page