Legacy of Merlin Shadow of Camelot

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  • 8/11/2019 Legacy of Merlin Shadow of Camelot



    otland 1068

    e magic continues ...

    e secret son of Merlin was separated from his family by the legacy of a spell

    t at a time when the Earth was good, green and perfect, when

    ere was a place called Camelot ...

    uan Monroe was created as an orphan on an island in the Irish Sea, but its

    is shrouded in mystery: it is also a valiant warrior, and has

    azing magical powers. A startling vision of the past

    uan carries through a time portal to a realm of mists

    d castles, knights and wizards, wars and lost secrets.

    ragile strand binds the fate of Truan to the beautiful woman he would one

    y was in arms. Passionate, Amber follows Truan through the centuries

    that fantasy world, but also dangerous, as a cruel

    p can separate them forever ... unless that love wins out

    ttle against an evil force, as ruthless as the passion!

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    inn Taylor Evans


    rt I SHADOWS

    apter I

    ring 1068

    rest Camden, West Country

    quirrel, who collected acorns in the thick carpet of the forest floor,

    ruptly jumped into the trunk of a gnarled oak tree, squealing,

    rmed. A rabbit stood on paws, ears twitching

    rvously as an ebony crow, disturbed in his

    ault on a neighbour's nest, let out a loud squawk and flapped his wings.

    ray wolf entered the clearing.

    was sleek and powerful build and mingled in the shadow of

    est. Her eyes were black as night and glowed when he stopped

    d sniffed the cool morning air, looking for a smell.

    e rabbit was released into the hollow trunk. Safe in the high branches,

    e squirrel popped his teeth as the crow let out a squawk and flew

    grazing to defend the feast of eggs in the nest plundered


    e wolf ignored not only the noisy complaints Squirrel as well as the air strikes of the crow; lo

    rs rushed

    ward when sniffed a different smell coming from the edge of

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    est. Smell of people.

    e black eyes glittered. The wolf crossed the clearing in long strides,

    andoning the easy rabbit hunting, to approach the new prey.

    e sky was cloudless, an intense shade of blue under a sun

    andescent, who was long forgotten past winter.

    the top, of a lark chirped fields, clear sound and music in

    mid the lazy buzzing swarm of bees in Rhododendron

    pe. As an invisible hand, the breeze caressed the high grass

    adow, bringing with it the sound of conversation and laughter of children.

    agons and carts post is empty beneath the thick canopy of redbuds

    d alders. Nearby, the horses were tied up, dozing eyes

    sed under the trees, shaking occasionally to Tails

    ay the flies.

    od baskets, barrels of wine and barrels of dark beer brought from

    tle had been placed under the trees, waiting for the return of

    nters and the noon meal. There were long tables too low

    ought the castle. Women talking in low voices, the watchful eyes

    older children, who were playing battle some distance.

    casionally sounded a laugh.

    d Meg stretched from his nap, awakened by a voice

    tant he felt, more than heard, like an echo of remembrance to

    me time old and new.

    tinctively, opened blind eyes, though guided more by the sounds around you.

    first tranquilized with conversations

    m and cheerful laughter of children. Did not indicate danger. same

    us was unable to ignore a sudden chill in the warm spring air.

    hough if he did hear a sound, she felt movement beside her

    en the girl, Amber, rose suddenly.

    ided by that inner sense which was his vision, she reached

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    n and heavy hand of veins as though he had sight and gently grabbed the

    n arm of the girl.

    What is it, girl?

    e answer, not in words is heard Kaden, the young master came

    pressed, but by connecting the thoughts of the girl with the

    r. Amber could not speak. He's chasing butterflies.

    ars before, just Amber survived the brutal massacre of his village

    e entire Nordic invaders. Cruelly abused by his captors,

    e was found cowering in the burned ruins of his hut

    mily. Wounded in body and spirit, retreated to within a

    rld of silence.

    ly one person was able to attract the girl out of your world

    d painful memories and make her smile again. The handsome young

    y who was the jester, Truan Monroe.

    uan had become friends with Amber, alleviating their sadness with

    mple tricks, flowers that appeared in the air or coins taken from behind

    r, and won their confidence, although the girl did not trust


    h Truan, she felt safe and protected. They shared jokes and

    told him stories that evoked smiles in the face of that nonsense

    d. Meg, however, suspected, with that fantastic sense of things, that there was more in Jeste

    let others see, some secret hidden from everyone.

    something happened between the two and friendship suddenly

    ded, and Amber had retreated back to sadness.

    e joy and fragile hope had turned into pain and sorrow

    ce again, do not laugh and playful as before. Truan Monroe,

    izard of sleight of hand and jokes courageous warrior still

    rse, it was at most a terrible troubadour who could not

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    mming a single note in tune. A contradiction in itself. nothing

    eemed to be in Truan Monroe.

    side Meg, the thin arm of Amber broke away from the hand grip

    . This instantly felt joy, as if the girl laughed loudly.

    e butterflies flew away, out of his reach, Amber said, by

    ough the connection of his thoughts.

    Wise Creatures - Meg replied So amended, with concern

    reasing: - Do not let him wander away. - Well knew the

    riosity and the temperament of the child. Out babysit his mother, Lady


    ear and a half, Kaden was a robust and lively boy, taken from

    tural curiosity about the world around them deadly and growing

    are of his unusual heritage. Even now, as I was blind, the

    d felt the child moving away purposely away, guided by

    at curiosity. Amber also felt troubled by stubborn


    bring you back before you go too far. It's almost time for men


    the mind of the girl, Meg raised the hope that it might have a

    oment alone with Truan Monroe, now after her return from their land,

    yond the Irish Sea. Spent many weeks there and returned for reasons

    t revealed to anyone.

    phen Lord simply told that while he could serve,

    ving him when deemed necessary. As a pilgrim warrior.

    e boy ran in pursuit of a bright blue butterfly, which

    ttered just beyond your reach, on the edge of the meadow.

    ery time he almost reached the butterfly escaped a course

    y zigzag, as if guided by some sort of instinct

    tastic for self-preservation.

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    ally disappeared in the woods that bordered the limits of

    adow. with a crystalline laugh, the child followed her, completely


    den, wait!

    naturally as if uttered the words formed in

    oughts of Amber, but no left, no matter how much she

    tried. Frustrated, lifted the hem of her skirt and ran after the boy.

    was just a few yards ahead and wore a tunic Dark blue

    d decorated with silver wire as his father's pants. her hair

    ck glittered with bright shades of copper, inherited from the mother.

    e forest was cold without the warmth of the sun seeping through the trees. Kaden

    her to a fun hunt. Amber, however, finally reached

    d, as always, thought impossible to be angry with him.

    d a smile behind a serious expression when approaching the boy. Kaden was balanced on st

    s, the

    used attention on something that had on him a great

    cination. A butterfly, no doubt.

    den had not yet learned the fragility of such fine things. More than one

    ckless butterfly had been crushed by their enthusiasm to hold it and

    ow it to her mother.

    had the heart of a poet and the temperament of a warrior. The

    et would be devastated if the butterfly succumbed. And Amber, then, would

    al with tears, and did not know what was more persuasive: if the laughter

    rs or the tears that streamed down the remarkable blue eyes

    y, when something made him sad.

    hen approaching behind Kaden, she saw what had his attention

    cinated, and blood suddenly froze in his veins.

    e wolf lurked just beyond the clearing, the gray bristly hair of the neck, the

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    ed head down between the powerful shoulders, the dark look and deadly


    e air froze the lungs of Amber. A cry tore him the mind,

    t no sound was formed in his throat. Only inches

    tance, Amber fought against terror and panic, certain that any

    dden movement could make the wolf attack.

    me to me, Kaden. The words repeated time after time in his

    ain. Please, come to me!

    was not the child, but the wolf that raised the fixed and gloomy look of a

    it second to look at her as if she had heard. So, it seemed that

    iled at her, his tongue hanging to the side of the mouth, showing the

    ws of gleaming teeth.

    den then turned and stared at her wide-eyed, with trusting innocence. In his childish babble

    rmured the word

    og" without realizing that the deadly creature that only the Post

    w steps away from it was not one of the hunting dogs of his father,

    ined to be tolerant of possessive little hands and fingers


    ere was nowhere to hide, nowhere safe. The only

    ance was to run. Amber reached out slowly for the child and made

    ignal to get in close, careful not to make any

    dden movement. In plain language of signs that you Meg

    ught, begged the boy to come to her.

    hesitated, pointing to the wolf and repeating the word "dog". Amber

    dded, using familiar signs to explain that he should


    knew that the boy understood, because this turned to the wolf and smiled

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    s with malice, testing it, oblivious to the dangerous game he did. then

    ned back to her and held out her arms.

    mber had a moment to act and took Kaden's arms. in

    conds, the wolf would be upon them. Grabbed the child firmly against

    chest, turned and ran.

    ed blindly toward the meadow. Branches of trees and shrubs

    ong tore her clothes and embarrassed in her hair. she

    t a sharp sting on the face and bent his head over the

    y to protect him. Behind him he heard the animal to move by

    shes, chasing them.

    mber stumbled, almost fell, and regained his balance. his lungs

    rned. Every muscle screamed as she forced herself to continue

    nning, knowing that if I stopped or fell, the wolf immediately

    mp over both. Then through tears and matted hair, Amber saw the sunshine

    at filtered through the treetops and the bright green of the meadow.

    h a silent sob, grabbed Kaden so hard against him that

    y shouted. A branch curled up on her skirt. She tripped and fell

    one knee. As he struggled to his feet, he heard the animal soon


    e wolf lunged at the back of your legs. The shock threw it

    the ground. Amber tried to scream, but no sound came out. They were so close

    mp, and yet, no one could hear them. Then, when

    e deadly fangs to cut, she bent over the child, protecting it

    h the body.

    mber felt excruciating pain. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to

    ck sensations. The pain gradually gave way to a cold

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    reasing that led beyond suffering.

    w the wolf that attacked her and heard the fierce and terrifying sounds she made.

    emed almost a cruel laugh. But nothing else felt. The

    rkness penetrated to the borders of his vision.

    en he noticed a new sound in the forest, a fierce and terrible howl of rage

    ich became louder and closer. The wolf stopped his attack.

    mber slowly opened his eyes, almost unable to breathe, such was

    n and terror. Just a few steps away, two wolves

    cked in a deadly battle.

    e immediately recognized the gray wolf that attacked her. his fur

    emed lifeless near the gleaming black hair like the other night


    e two creatures were of similar size and strength and used

    wit and speed as it docked, fighting, falling and

    d then rolling back to his feet in a tangle of legs

    ited and sharp teeth tore pieces. Then, as

    maddened by the smell and taste of blood, the attack became

    ore desperate and ferocious.

    ffocated beneath her, Kaden cried, her terrified screams

    ounted to frenzy harsh sounds, growls and roars that filled the

    est. So Amber heard a wild and frantic cry. There was a

    man scream, but the scream of a wounded animal.

    rough the haze of growing darkness, she saw the wolves to depart from

    ddenly. They stood face to face for a moment, with ears

    ck against the heads, wide mouth, pulled back on the prey,

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    es heaving under the bloodstained skin. Then the gray wolf

    wly receded.

    ry limp and yet refused to shrink the tail and run. only

    en we arrived at a safe distance and under dense cover

    e trees, the creature turned and disappeared.

    mber stared at the black wolf and a new fear seized her. The animal turned

    wly and came toward her.

    ossed the clearing in long, powerful strides. The sun that filtered

    etop gleamed in his black coat, giving

    pression of being surrounded by a bright golden light.

    eing him get closer, head down, his penetrating gaze locked

    r, Amber grabbed the child tightly to her chest and tried

    sperately to crawl to safety.

    !, Your shouted silent thoughts. His last strength to

    andoned, and the darkness of unconsciousness engulfed her.

    not be afraid.

    mber was not sure he had heard the words or imagined as the

    ature bent on it.

    e light expanded. The shadows of the forest disappeared. The last thing

    mber saw that the wolf was a gloomy ferocious animal with black hair

    aming, piercing eyes.

    proached her, that predatory and sinister walking, jumping by

    cle of light. But the creature that emerged slowly took another form.

    med by the light, walked toward Amber, hidden features

    the shadows. The last thing she saw where the wolf had been. was a glance

    adly and pervasive, long black hair that fluttered around

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    oad powerful shoulders and passed a predatory man.

    ou're safe now, do not let anything hurt her.

    e words seemed to be whispered by the trees on high as the

    ctuate around Amber. Then his eyes slowly closed.

    ere was no fear or pain. As darkness.

    apter II

    he can not hear you - Vivian said gently, as if Truan

    mber leaned over. - You are in a place where no mortal voice

    n reach it.

    ian looked at the warrior through the fur-covered apple. he rode

    if all the hounds of hell pursue the frantic trip

    ck to Camelot with the girl cradled in her arms.

    shrewd blue eyes met his. Outside the behaviour

    ol, and the emotions they were naked in anguished expression

    e features.

    will survive? - Truan asked.

    he wounds were deep - Vivian answered with entire

    nesty, because there was no certainty of life, even with

    eir powers. - There was a lot of blood loss. I'll do what I can.

    uan reached out and grabbed her wrist, the anguished expression.

    ken by surprise, Vivian flinched and tried to pull away. However,

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    en with his extraordinary powers, was impossible. It was far

    onger than her.

    Will she live? - Truan asked again, and Vivian felt that even

    e answer was no, he would never accept.

    e brutal encounter in the forest was shocked and saddened everyone. between

    o hunted in the forests near Camelot for many years, no one

    membered having found a wolf.

    warrior approached the mace. Wore leather tunic, pants and

    ots as the other warriors who had hunted that day. However, the

    ntle on his shoulders was a beautiful dark blue. The blue of the royal house of


    he lady is my wife, warrior - he reminded Truan. - I

    alue each bone of the wrist. I understand your concern for

    but will be of little help to get hurt the only person who can

    p her. Additionally, later, be forced to break your neck.

    rke Fitzwarren, chancellor of the English king William exchanged by the arc,

    ce and spear, more effective weapons against wild pigs and bush

    er. But it was a forged on many battlefields warrior

    luding the Battle of Hastings, nearly two years before, when the king

    xon Harold II, was defeated, which led to the conquest of England by

    lliam of Normandy, the Conqueror.

    ust - Vivian said both. - No time for that. - looked

    Truan. - The girl saved the life of my son - said gently. -

    eel compelled to save her. It is the touch of a healer she

    ed, sir, but I cannot help it, break my arm.

    other warrior stood beside the Truan.

    myself experienced its healing powers, my friend. If someone

    n save her, Lady Vivian is because their powers

    e great. I carry the scars are proof of that. need trust

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    because there is no certainty, unless Amber die without


    phen de Valois, the king's son and now lord of Camelot, spoke so

    nvincingly and without threats. The two men had fought together against

    lagraine and powers of darkness in the past recent months. The loop

    endship and trust established through the blood shed in

    ttle was a strong bond.

    uan's eyes never left Lady Vivian. No threat

    r husband nor the combined strength of ten warriors could do

    m to let go. However, that look as blue as his own,

    w tenderness, compassion and honesty. Finally, his fingers loosened.

    he must live! - Said; his voice almost a whisper, full of anguish


    ian rubbed his aching wrist. He had failed to get rid of until the Truan

    se. That was very unusual. Equally unusual was not

    cess to the thoughts of the warrior as he had so easily to the


    uan's thoughts were strangely hidden it behind

    me impenetrable wall through which Vivian could not see.

    t there was no hiding the emotions exposed in fierce sense of

    otection he showed to the girl.

    ian's sister, Cassandra, had spoken of the connection with the girl Truan

    onroe. Only he was able to make the girl smile and rejoice

    ain after he had first come to Camelot. but some

    mething had happened between them, and to avoid Truan spent Amber

    ay from where a chance encounter left them alone.

    one could figure out why. The girl was admired by all

    melot. In recent months, a matured girl suffered

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    a young woman of rare beauty and grace.

    hile trapped in a world of silence caused by tragedies

    fered, she communicated through the use of sign language that

    eg taught him.

    ldren of Camelot, like children everywhere, sometimes

    ged frustrating to adults understand them. The language of

    nds of Amber gave them the ability to communicate in another

    nner. Even some of the warriors and knights forged in battle

    re seen to communicate with their hands, what they thought was a means

    icient transmit messages silently.

    wever no matter what indicate acts of Truan months

    st, the emotions that Vivian saw showed that he liked

    eply the girl.

    an I stop the excessive flow of blood and close the wounds - she

    plained gently, trying to give you hope. - Will relieve the pain of

    she can not feel anything, and keep in a deep sleep to

    recover his strength. This is the easy part.

    uan frowned to face her. I knew it was not an easy task. she

    iled softly. Then the smile faded, replaced by a frown

    o joined her delicate eyebrows over dark blue eyes.

    ut I can not give life where there is no, or call her

    ck when it is. This is the burden of power I possess. It is both a

    t as a curse. I can not give her the will to live. It

    t Amber: a choice of heart and soul that she needs to do.

    d those words, they both knew lay the fate of Amber. suffered

    her when the family had been brutally murdered and his village

    stroyed. In his shame, grief and guilt, was to wonder why

    y she'd been spared, although he had not escaped the

    utality that others had suffered. Old Meg once

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    nfided that the girl wished he had died that day not to have

    live with the shame afterwards.

    ut she is alive now - Truan reminded her hopefully. -

    s certainly a good sign.

    ian thought of William of Normandy, now King of England,

    lay dying, after the Battle of Hastings. Rorke

    zwarren ridden by England for two days to find it,

    owing the rumors about the fabulous healer, who was the only

    at could save his master. Rorke had taken her and forced her to return

    h him and heal the wounds of the Conqueror.

    the time, she hated William. He had taken all of his people in

    xon conquest of England. But Vivian received much in return

    ough love and passion he had discovered with the man who was now

    r husband, and the son, whose life saved Amber.

    art from war and death, came the hope of the future. His family had

    sion, the powers of Darkness banished from the mortal world, and his father,

    erlin, freed from the curse that imprisoned in the world between


    wever I felt that there was no peace to Truan Monroe, warrior

    sterious that crossed the Irish Sea and had pledged his sword to

    phen service, months before. look through deep emotions, and

    e thoughts remained hidden. There was something else that young and brave warrior

    aver than we knew.

    es, it's a good sign - Vivian admitted, giving hope to Truan. -

    w bring the sails closer and let me see what needs to be


    aning on the gurney, she pulled the blanket that had wrapped in Truan

    out Amber when found in the woods. Was drenched in

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    ian practiced the art of healing throughout life. Born endowed with the

    lity to stop the bleeding and amend the meat with touches

    perienced hand, the power of the ages to flow through it in a kind

    healing energy that joined and sewed the edges of separate

    unds and mend broken bones, as it met the fragments

    sher until the whole piece to stay stronger than before.

    e stepped back to view the damage had been done, a heavy heart

    nfully to feel with just a touch near the wound, how much

    n the girl had suffered to save his son.

    ce, near London, Vivian had been attacked by a wild pig.

    t this was a creature of Darkness, with unusual powers

    most destroyed. I was amazed to discover that the injuries

    mber were not different from those, precise cuts, methodical, made

    t simply to maim and overthrow, but to kill and destroy.

    ew enough about animals to know that most did not attack

    evil, but killed only when hungry or afraid. such

    t investing against human creatures and prefer to avoid them if possible.

    t satisfied with the first attack, the creature found the Amber

    acked time after time, in different locations, for pure pleasure.

    ssandra, now Lady of Camelot, brought a bowl of water

    aming with herbs. Although not possessing the skills Unique Vivian, had considerable knowlpotions and media


    ssandra been instructed in the treatment of diseases such as fever,

    ll and scurvy, boils and the usual assortment of cuts, fingers

    shed and other wounds.

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    e blanched when the cloak was pulled, exposing the wounds.

    What kind of creature could have done such wounds?

    wolf - Truan replied.

    hese injuries are not of a wolf - Rorke said. - Were made

    h a gun.

    saw the animal-Truan declared.-was a wolf. Then disappeared in

    adows as if it had never been there. - It was the first time that

    oke of the meeting, recalled that another meeting in the forest, in

    ddle of a snowstorm.

    at day, in the forest, he and Lady Cassandra had encountered

    reature of flesh and blood, mortal, but with the powers of Darkness:

    man who took the form of an animal and then disappeared into the

    adows. Truan knew the unspoken fear of Cassandra, that

    ature had not died in the snowstorm, but that could somehow

    m have survived.

    urely it could not have gone - Cassandra said, her

    ious expression and tone of voice telling him that she also


    s if he had vanished into the air - Truan snapped. - Of meat and

    ne for a moment, then disappearing as if it had become part

    e mist.

    veryone must leave now - Vivian ordered, taking control. - There

    ch to be done. - For the old Meg, who moved another potion of herbs in

    e, said: - Stay with me, I need you. - Then he turned

    uan to: - Let's. There is nothing you can do here. - When

    looked at the young pale and motionless, Vivian assured him: - I will send

    ws as soon as it is finished. - This time, it was she who held the

    hand in his, trying to give you comfort through your touch


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    uan immediately felt the gentle warmth that flowed and ran him over

    n, relieving the coldness of dread and fear. Without a word, returned if


    one with Amber, Vivian focused on power at its core, even

    elt him move inside. A violent stream flowed through their

    ns, the power of Light to mend the torn muscles and nerves

    ere she played, stitching together the meat and leaving only a slight

    k scar where there had been injury.

    uan stopped at the bedroom door. He looked back at the club where

    mber lay still and silent, her golden hair spread

    nge, bare shoulders.

    blue-green eyes were closed. She did not woken since

    had found. His thoughts were closed at the bottom of the vacuum

    nconsciousness, where no pain or memory could achieve it.

    uan was wondering what Amber had seen in those last moments

    en found and who would remember.

    turned and grabbed the sword and short dagger hunting. Already thinking about

    ck to that clearing of forest stained with the blood of Amber,

    me out with certain steps.

    phen followed him, shouting orders to his men. He stopped on the threshold of

    or and glanced at Cassandra. One thought pervaded


    thing that Cassandra could say would prevent them from returning to the forest

    w, but she found comfort in knowing that they were going together. trust in

    sband skill as a warrior. He faced the powers of Darkness,

    king his life to save her and her own unborn child. Truan was

    e a brother to her. Saved his life before. Trusted him.

    e wolf lifted his nose and sniffed the air. The mist clung to his

    at the tips of glistening black hair, bright eyes

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    : between angular features.

    en he heard a noise: the breaking of a branch and the sound almost

    perceptible from a past in soft forest floor. Human sounds and

    ell of people.

    e black eyes glittered. The wolf turned and fired into the forest,

    lowing the smell, while an older than the time needed

    rmed her blood: the need to kill ...

    e candle flames flickered weakly. Cassandra looked up

    en the warrior crept silently into the room and

    owed him to the gurney where Amber was lying.

    g droplets sparkled in the mass revolt of black hair that fell

    his shoulders. The stubble darkening his face. Fatigue is

    owed the beautiful dreary features. His eyes a dark blue

    g into Amber.

    had been hours since her sister, Vivian, finished closing

    e last of the wounds and applied the ointment dressings that, with the

    me, would remove any trace of wounds. Then, exhausted, Vivian

    to her room in order to care for their child, Kaden, and ensure more

    ce that he was really good. Cassandra insisted on staying

    h Amber.

    e girl was pale under the layer of skin that protected against

    d of the night. Will stir up only once, when Vivian closed her

    uries, as if tormented with pain. Later, however, had been quiet


    We will not speak of it to anyone, even - Vivian murmured before

    ve. Cassandra understood their fears.

    ou cannot know if her blood was poisoned - insisted

    ssandra. - Maybe it's a real wolf that attacked her. So, not

    ere would be cause for concern.

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    pray that I may be right, sister. But if it was a creature of

    rk the attack, there is a possibility that if the blood has

    xed with it, and it would be the same if the girl conceive a child of

    l Cassandra shivered as he remembered again the meeting in the forest,

    onths before the brutal death of his half-sister, Margeaux, who had the

    ld torn from her body while she was still alive: a child

    rn with the blood of a mortal human and a creature of Darkness

    wing in his veins.

    he wounds are closed - muttered, in answer to

    t formulated Truan when he stood beside the mace and looked

    Amber. - She is sleeping soundly. It is better for you

    n regain his strength.

    Will she live?

    ssandra looked down at his hands, wondering how to respond


    o it seems.

    r the first time since entering the room seemed to relax Truan, the

    igue to disclose on his face.

    ou've been here all this time. You must be tired. She smiled


    es, and with some discomfort, but Vivian was on the verge of exhaustion and

    den had not seen yet, after our return. I told her that

    uld be with Amber. You came back safely.

    We both returned safely - Truan reported. Cassandra felt

    appointment. Had not found what they were looking at


    hen failed to find the wolf.

    ence was the answer. Cassandra was certain that they would return

    the forest until the animal was found.

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    ou spoke of discomfort. Not you? - Truan asked.

    is a malaise that my son can remedy - she answered, with

    light smile, blinking to run her hands over her breasts

    ollen. - I was away from him for long. If I do not give him the

    rse, I'm afraid to burst. - His smile widened.

    believe that your husband is able to offer some relief for your

    comfort - Truan said with candidness, the most relaxed ways,

    w it turns Amber was still alive and rested.

    ssandra burned cheeks flushing. The frankness with which the

    n shared such things never ceased to admire it.

    hen his son was about to be born, Stephen, her husband,

    d refused to leave the room, and turns the child into the world. insisted on

    the first to hold the child, moments after birth and still

    vered in blood. Since then, in the privacy of your room, Cassandra

    e discovered frequently to look with the same awe and humility

    ile she looked after the child.

    o not be embarrassed - Truan said. - You are fortunate to have someone

    h whom to share such feelings.

    ou will also share such things with anyone ever - snapped


    e expression of Truan changed, the smile disappeared. He shook his



    at was not said in anger, but in sorrow. Cassandra felt

    uan considered this to be his destiny. She laid her hand on his arm and

    ed to feel his thoughts, but were closed to her.

    our husband and your child hope, milady. Thank you for your kindness.

    hen she was Truan slowly approached the club where Amber

    . Her breathing was regular and continuous. The color returned to his face, and

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    e skin was cold to the touch. Amber rested in peace, unless the

    ght wrinkle that joined eyebrows, as if she was in pain.

    stroked his fingers furrowed lines, massaging them until


    e skin under his fingers was like a warm satin feel the reburning

    his memory to remember the last time I touched her. In that brief

    eting, months before, Truan allowed, foolishly, that friendship is

    n into something more.

    able to keep their hands off of Amber, incapable of deny them even more powerful desires

    ared within him, he

    sed. A kiss that never should have happened because of sadness

    at had brought her and the suffering it caused. For a moment,

    ded to the feelings and emotions that dominated. feelings

    possible that still remained, but he hid from everyone.

    pecially Amber.

    wever, as she lay there, fast asleep, oblivious to the pain and all

    e further around, Truan could not help thinking about that kiss.

    your thoughts, created an image. Then, closing his eyes,

    ncentrated therein. When he opened them again, holding a pen in

    nd. It was a brilliant shade of blue with lighter shades of green

    e tips. The exact eye color of Amber.

    ent from light pen over Amber's lips, wanting more.

    ou kiss her now, she would not remember. Could not even know.

    orgive me, Amber.

    th these words, Truan apologize for much. Lies and

    guises, for what he was and could never be. Then he kissed her, slowly and

    nderly, putting his lips on hers, inebriating up until the

    te filled his soul as a souvenir.

    rgive me.

    uan fell asleep in the chair beside the brazier and dreamed. with wars and

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    ttles with light and darkness, and a recurring image that seemed

    t of the shadows and the mist: a creature carrying a parcel


    his dream, he pursued the creature, which shrank, always escaping a few steps further. Final

    uan begun

    orten the distance and when he was almost within reach, turn the

    ature was a magnificent black wolf.

    e mist shone on the tips of his thick, dark hair. eyes also

    rk glowed with a judicious and intelligent expression, as if

    uld share a secret. Then, the animal jumped away,

    appearing into the forest, leaving the package behind.

    uan knelt side and pulled the wrapping carefully

    ds of bright blue fabric. A hand emerged, followed by

    other, a small twitch fists in the air, as if the mantle

    ened, revealing a naked baby.

    as a boy, strong and healthy, with thick black hair

    olded hood a sleek dark, bright eyes, the color of the mantle.

    ere keen eyes, old eyes, the truth of the ages and

    omise of the future to look at him back.

    his dream, when Truan reached out to the child, the wolf

    ppeared, tearing the child, wrapped once again in the mantle of

    eir reach. He stood up and, with drawn sword, out backolf.

    e animal had stopped at the edge of the clearing, the child wrapped in a blanket

    of the powerful jaws. The black eyes of the wolf, the maw

    un back on dangerous teeth, it becomes a challenge

    ent, mispronounce.

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    ou do not fear the darkness, then follow me ...

    apter III

    l me ...

    e words are gone when Amber agreed. Gradually, the dream

    o faded, until all she could remember was vague,

    ouded in shadow images that crept across the borders of their

    oughts. So, also disappeared.

    mber leaned up on one elbow, slowly. The fire burned in

    arth, casting a golden light on the walls. She recognized the

    om as one of those on the second floor, above the main courtyard.

    en he saw the penalty.

    was a brilliant blue, the intense color to glow against the dark skin

    vered the cot. When held up to the light, the green shone between blue.

    mber stared at her, wondering where it could have been because it is not

    membered having seen no down well among birds Hunting

    phen Lord was creating. Then forgot to notice a pen heat

    at seemed nestled under your feet.

    fumbled his fingers and felt a slight movement. Shuffled them again and

    ard a squeal in response. A hairy-nosed appeared on the edge of the covers, followed by two

    und eyes like


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    pen. He was a like a bear animal, of dubious origin,

    h a dark, smooth-haired, curly tail, sharp eyes who lost no

    thing and a mischievous disposition. Out created by Lady Cassandra from

    all and considered most of Camelot, at least the vast

    chens and pantries with its abundant food stocks, their

    vate domain. Food was her first crush.

    mehow, entered the room and had sunk under the covers to

    r feet. Comfort was his second passion.

    any time of day, he could be found or Xere-ing between

    ums and barrels in search of something edible, or burying

    ozy nest for a nap.

    mber fingers fumbled again, and immediately received a

    umpy response Pippen, to be dislodged without ceremony

    hot warmth.

    en everything returned to her in a rush of painful memories

    rifying: Picnic in the meadow, Kaden wandering into the

    est, the encounter with the wolf and the attack ...

    mber moved her legs underneath layers of warm skin and felt

    y a slight twinge of pain. He grabbed the edge of the deck and pulled.

    vered with the cold breath of morning air against bare skin.

    eir nakedness aroused pictures other memories of her clothes

    ng cut off. She ran her fingers lightly by the extension of the right thigh

    d leg, feeling the gentle slope of scars.

    m glad to see that you feel better.

    mber quickly pulled the fur against her, when Lady Vivian entered the

    om. A maid carrying a tray on which was a bowl of

    aming liquid. Not exuded a faint smell of herbs or medicines, but

    ells delicious, a consistent and tasty stew. there was

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    o chunks of bread and apple tartlets with creamy sauce

    at made his mouth fill with water.

    thought of something more substantial for today - said Vi-vian, while displaying the

    ated to put the tray on the table next. - Will help her

    gain his strength.

    lowed the gaze direction of Amber to a slender ankle, exposed in

    ge of skin covered with a particularly nasty scar now

    t barely visible.

    takes skill to close the wound - Vivian explained

    ut thought better a scar to see her limp in one leg and use


    at brought a smile to the face of the girl.

    ow long have I been here? - Amber asked, with signs of

    eg taught her hand.

    ve days - Vivian replied, taking the linen cloth that covered a

    sket of warm bread. - Do you remember anything that happened?

    mber frowned, struggling with vague memories.

    emember of picnic in the meadow. Kaden had peram-bulado to

    est, and I went after him ...

    stared at the scars on his leg, remembering more, things


    hey will be cured with time and will hardly be noticed - Vivian

    ured him.

    mber shook her head. His concern was not due the scars.

    ed to form the sounds of the name Kaden with his hands, but

    s difficult because there were no signs for proper names. Frustrated with

    ence that robbed him of his voice struck the sides of the stretcher with handles


    ars flooded her eyes, the rage to add to the frustration. its

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    bility to speak Kaden stopped her from calling back, away from the

    nger lurking in the forest. The words rolled down his

    oughts. And she could not say any of them!

    ian felt the anguish of the girl and gently took her hand.

    's okay. I can understand your thoughts. You only have to

    nk the same way I would.

    mber lifted her eyes brimming with tears, and her thoughts

    ered a single word, the child's name.


    ian wrapped it with an arm around his shoulders, while assuring:

    hank you, my son is safe. Was not hurt, except for a few

    w scratches and cuts that have already healed. I fear that you have suffered

    e worst. - He saw the doubt in the expression of the young. - I assure you, speak to

    th. I had to stop him from coming to this room. He has felt much

    ss you.

    ould not bear it if something happened to Kaden,

    mber said, by connecting their thoughts. I saw the wolf,

    til it was upon him. She closed her eyes and winced as the

    mories returned. We would have been dead if not for the other wolf.

    ian amazed.

    here was another wolf?

    was the first time that day someone said that there were two wolves in

    est. Amber reached out a soothing cup of herbal tea.

    e girl took the slightly sweet tea slowly.

    attacked the first and the wolf chased. He shivered again before the

    mories. At first I thought I had imagined or dreamed it.

    owned as he remembered. It was a bit like dreaming, the

    dden burst of light from the fog in the forest ...

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    ian felt her hesitation, as if Amber does not believe in itself

    d happened.

    o you remember anything else?

    was like waking from a dream and remember some of it, Amber replied,

    uggling with the elusive and vague images. We know that there are more

    ngs to remember, but can not.

    e more he tried to recall more images fleeing. Vivian took the

    pty cup from her hands.

    Will return to you over time - guaranteed. - When you're ready


    hat about the words?, Amber asked. Be able to speak again?

    live with this silence with the others thinking I'm some kind

    pid changes regretful?

    hough Vivian could have used his powers to force the girl

    eak, hesitated, knowing that healing could be more dangerous than


    e mind was a fragile thing, made of desires, dreams and secrets.

    mber had buried the pain deep inside, along with the ability

    king. Force her to confront the horror what happened that day long ago, when his family die

    uld cause you more grief, maybe even get her to madness.

    know of no magic cure - Vivian said. - You have the

    lity to speak. Return when the pain of not speaking is greater

    at the pain of old memories.

    uggling to understand, even disappointed, Am-ber

    reed. Tea relieved much of their aching muscles, and now his

    petite seemed ready for a richer diet than the broth of

    e last five days.

    on Amber consumed a very strong stew, three eggs

    led, several slices of cheese, a big hunk of ham and three

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    ple tartlets. It was hard to tell where it all off, a body that

    n as a reed.

    ow, we see what needs to be done about their hair

    d clothing - Vivian announced. - There's nothing left of her dress.

    mber turned her legs over the side of the stretcher. She stood up unsteadily and

    ckly sat down again.

    ian spent a supporting arm around her waist.

    is more or less like the beginning - assured. - The muscles also

    e healing. You need to give them time to become strong again.

    e has helped Amber to a nearby chair. - Soon will be as strong

    before. Even the scars will remain. - He wrapped a thick skin

    ound the legs of Amber, and then went to the door and called the

    vants who had been waiting outside.

    ey brought a huge barrels and buckets of hot water, which

    aming in the cold morning air, a ball of fragrant soap,

    en and several pieces of clothing they put on the bed.

    en four guys robust loaded into a huge pot


    e uncertainty of Amber on the use of the pan faded when bucket

    er bucket of water was poured into the huge cauldron. Vivian helped her

    ter the steamy bathroom after the servants had gone.

    ded a scented powder which, she explained, had been crushed leaves

    ed penetrating odor. The perfumed powder was mixed with water

    a balm that soothed the painful itching of wounds

    aled, and the heat would relieve the pain of sore muscles.

    er that, Amber sat before the fire grate, glossy skin

    t bath smelling of scented soap with pine oil. Vivian

    ushed her hair as dried up.

    hen Amber protested that she was doing the work of a

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    defined images that refused to be remembered.

    ian finished brushing her hair and braided them with ribbons

    me color as the dress. When it was over, picked up the towels and brews

    rbs, and put them into the basket.

    nough for one day - said Amber. - You need to rest now.

    u will feel stronger tomorrow. Maybe after tomorrow can give

    le ride. Meg is looking forward to being with you - amended,

    ssing the basket handle arm. - Later, she will bring you


    mber grabbed her arm when Vivian turned to leave.

    ank you for saving my life.

    ian put her hand on Amber and stroked it.

    hank you for saving my son's life.

    er she was gone, Amber dozed in the chair before the hearth; the

    at wrap it with Pippen to warm her feet. Had fingers

    sed on the blue pen.

    those last moments before falling asleep, vague images

    rmeated by your thoughts. Dark visions of a creature

    rifying, a burst of light, and where a man had been the wolf, the

    lk the circle of light and reach out for her.

    mber felt much stronger the next day. Strong enough,

    er the young kitchen maid picked up the empty board, play

    vered with skin and legs hanging on the edge of the bed.

    wered one foot, then the other, to the floor of polished stone. Then

    h hesitant steps, crossed the room to the table.

    pen watched his progress from the corner of the room, with a vague

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    pression of disinterest.

    not be so convinced, she thought. You have four legs

    lking, while I have only two, and as weak as reeds.

    knees distorted and would have felled if Amber does not hold

    e back of the chair. Pippen let out a snort that sounded like


    rogant man!, She thought, to concentrate all his efforts on

    main upright. He felt as if he had done something very remarkable,

    en he crossed the room back to bed.

    promised Lady Vivian, Amber felt stronger with every step.

    sat on the cot again, thinking that the other day inside would

    ose four walls.

    eg brought her morning meal. Treated as if it were a

    alid. Kaden had brought with him. Amber was happy to see the child, which

    emed oblivious to the nightmare that lived in the forest.

    was his usual malicious way, to explore the room on legs

    nstantly moving hands to seek whatever

    s beyond their reach, with typical curiosity of a child

    y recently discovered to be further explored world.

    eg finally took Kaden away with the promise of a visit to

    urtyard where he could see the riders in their training.

    mber went to the door, more confident with each step. The sun was hot

    e stones of the floor, where focused through the open shutters. she

    ard the now familiar sounds of Camelot: A burst of laughter, the

    mble of distant conversations, and the occasional bargain bargaining in

    rket, the noise of cars that followed beyond the walls, and

    ove all, the sound of guns Knights Lord Stephen, who

    acticed simulated downstairs in the courtyard battles.

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    mber leaned on the windowsill, hoping to catch some sign

    em, but the singing tower blocking her vision. The spring air was

    eet, warm sun on your face, but it was not enough. She craved

    out there.

    uddered as the memory of the brutal attack on her village assaulted her

    nd. Though he tried to evict her, the memory came in Glimpses

    ages: the burned ruins of the cottages and huts; the bodies of men, women and children lay


    d died; Father dead on the steps of the small church where

    gged the attackers to spare the villagers.

    father and two older brothers had died outside the

    t of wattle and daub. Inside, the bodies of his mother and two brothers

    aller bloodied straw floor, while the barbarians

    rdic took possession of anything of value, food, clothing,

    tal tools and weapons. After methodically destroyed the furniture

    father and brothers had cleverly constructed. Crushed loom

    ere his mother sat in the afternoon, before the fire, and broke it

    all wooden cradle. So they had discovered, crouched

    a corner, protecting the little sister.

    mber cut the barbarian with the carving knife his father had given him,

    en sent to the cottage with her mother and younger children.

    o attacked him with his bare hands. Her younger sister had been dragged

    t of the hut, paralyzed with fear, eyes wide with terror,

    the sight of the murdered family. Amber never saw her again.

    en, the attacker had turned to her. Had awful things in mind.

    en now, Amber could not stand to be closed in places

    all and tight. It made her remember the horror of that day,

    en it becomes trapped, unable to escape! and the only thing we had been able

    crimp off the look on the hut wall until it was over.

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    closed his eyes, sending the images to the dark corners of the mind.

    r a long time I did not think that day. Maybe if she had

    en able to scream that day, scream and moan for your loss, maybe could have exorcised the


    t there had been no tears. Neither the time nor now. only

    lls were closed, memories of things that Amber did not want

    membering ...

    pped quietly out of the room, looking first at

    e direction and then another, to make sure that no one had seen her,

    ertainly would return to the room, full of concern. its

    ed to escape, however, was much stronger than the

    ed to rest.

    he walked slowly through the halls, she heard the sounds

    tant servants in the rooms below, renewing stocks

    od pantry, barn and smokehouse in preparation for the

    als noon and night.

    proaching the end of the hall, which was attached to the boardroom where

    rd Stephen received his knights in council, Amber Heard Voices.

    e old Meg had once said that when someone loses the use of a

    their senses, others replace it. The old knew whereof he spoke,

    although blind since birth, had an amazing audition.

    prived of the ability to speak, listening to Amber was alsoarp.

    e learned to distinguish subtle nuances of speech and, in passing, recognized

    e voices of Lady Cassandra and Lady Vivian in the nursery.

    ten had joined them there with Brianna, while children

    yed. When the kids got tired and took a nap, all

    ked about healing methods used different herbs and remedies

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    various diseases.

    ten spoke about King William and court life, and

    mber listened with fascination; many stories More excuses were counted between solemn

    ispers and laughter. some

    metimes weeping, retracing the fragile bond of family, talk to your father

    king at their sleeping babies.

    metimes told dirty jokes, until the old Meg


    What will the girl think? - Warned the sisters in more than one

    casion. - You make up this old blush with your conversations.

    What do you know of such things? - Brianna asked one morning,

    t long before.

    suspect that she knows more than you'd like us to know -

    ian had replied, with a look askance at the old.

    ah! - Exclaimed Meg, from where she sat in the corner, hands

    cupied in rolling balls of yarn to the loom. - I lived a lonely life,

    voting myself to teach those placed under my care. No

    thing to say.

    that you need to tell us! - Cassandra Vivian encouraged when

    d become obvious that the old did not mean anything to them. Eyes

    ian twinkled with mischief, though his expression became more

    emn.ur mother heard it from her mother. He told me that Meg was very

    autiful when young.

    eg had shrunk into a ball on the chair and grumbled about young

    d with nothing better to do than gossip.

    hey said that their hair was as black and glossy as

    ngs of a raven, skin as clear as a summer's morning, and his

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    dy, voluptuous curves.

    ging, Meg snort with reproof and turned his back to the sisters,

    ile Vivian continued.

    hey also said that more than a boy wished Miss. Meg and tried

    e her to a secret place where he could enjoy it.

    eg had thrown a ball of yarn in the basket near the floor.

    hey also said that a young dashing almost succeeded -

    ian continued, taking a needle reach Kaden. - It has become

    r friend and gave her beautiful gifts. Then one day, right from your

    ccess and knowing the ability to heal Meg, he pretended that he had

    ured in stalls. When she went to see what the extent of the

    ury, the young man tried to seduce her.

    if connected by some invisible web, both as Brianna

    ssandra had turned to Meg

    o what happened? - Asked in unison. Vivian stooping

    d forward the voice slightly lowered.

    hey said he first kissed. Then bewitched by their

    eathtaking beauty, placed her hands under her skirts. That's when


    What happened? - Sisters inquired simultaneously.

    e disappeared in a puff of smoke - Vivian answered. -

    most set fire to the barn.

    ssandra exploded into laughter.

    can feel the heat.

    nd when the smoke cleared? - Asked Brianna. - What happened


    When it cleared, the young man was gone, and in its place was


    he turned?

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    hey thought so because he was never seen again.

    four, including Amber, had turned and looked at Meg

    ed of hearing them laugh at their expense, the old abandoned chair and

    eping the bony body as upright as possible, passed by them.

    t outside Meg who laughed last.

    ot because he tried to seduce me - informed with a cold air

    dain, on the hand to the bedroom door. - It was the size of your

    lity. An insignificant little thing that was disappointing. - So

    nt out the door, leaving them all in a stunned silence, mouths open.

    hen passing through the room, Amber heard soft laughter. Found Meg

    h them, despite the previous affront as it was never far from


    mber squirmed main hall, pausing for a moment to warm

    ing sunshine. Required much more force than anticipated to reach

    ere. She felt weak, newly sewn by shivering muscles

    ar. But would not backtrack.

    er a while, the weakness passed, and she continued on her way

    wly along the sidewalk below the balcony, where we could see the

    tio Knights of Lord Stephen trained.

    was a large open courtyard. Above the sidewalks were the counters of

    cond floor rooms, including rooms that once had

    en occupied by King Arthur, according to legend, the council chambers and

    e large room called starry chamber.

    eat gates stood on the opposite side of the courtyard.

    ened onto the rows of cottages cottages of the inhabitants of the castle,

    otected within the high and dominant external walls.

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    melot was a ghostly ruin and disintegrated when they had

    tten there first. Many repairs, however, had been made

    ce. Now, teemed with life, with artisans and merchants who

    ought their families to live again under the protection of

    endary castle.

    ery day they gathered them vegetable farmers, pastoralists and farmers

    nging the crop, livestock, forestry and hunting crates of fish

    esh to sell at market.

    mber often accompanied Cassandra shopping and old Meg,

    cause merchants walkers always brought rare herbs or powders of some

    tant port.

    e of the men of Lord Stephen always followed in order to

    e care of the payment and borrow a pair of strong arms to carry

    rchases. On those occasions, Truan used to go together, counting

    ries of the markets of the East where empires traveled.

    oke of the white towns, marble, with minarets made of gold,

    ere holy men called for workers to the prayers of

    er the top of the towers. The rich and powerful potentates

    rying bags of gold to market on the backs of camels.

    casionally, when one of those bags were opened or cut by

    me audacious thief, coins sprawled across the floor and the

    nds of the beggars and the poor.

    eg accused him of telling fables, but he just laughed and then turning the

    nd in the air before Amber slowly opened fingers.

    y golden crystals glittered in the air like coins

    ld carried by some powerful potentate.

    uan told stories of exotic markets in the Byzantine Empire where

    e spices, herbs, powders and strangers opiates could be

    und. And where a chief of the tribes of the desert could buy a

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    ht-skinned girl with golden hair for a handful of rubies.

    he spoke, he took the hand of Amber, cradling her in his. And she

    t a strange, restless heat.

    mid the mysterious shadows of eyes Truan, Amber also via

    limpse of laughter when he ran his other hand over the palms

    ertwined. A polished stone, a blood-red slipped

    the palm of her hand.

    ah! - Meg bufara that day. - Simple Tricks and charms of a

    ol. What use is gold dust that is blown by the wind or a stone

    or worthless? If you want to do magic, my beautiful friend, then arrange

    iece of bread or a pie before they die of hunger.

    hough Amber knew the charms were simple tricks

    sily explained by the rapid concealment of objects within

    eves, or picked up by fingers faster than the look, she holds

    ished red stone. Was hidden in the room she shared with


    uan, however, no longer accompanied them to the market or

    king after the evening meal in the Great Hall. He had been angry

    mber since that day, many months earlier when, on impulse,

    sed him, a foolish attempt to make him understand somehow the

    elings that she hardly understood.

    ce then, he spent most of his time with men of Lord Stephen.

    her times, disappeared completely,

    urning when the gates of Camelot were closed for the night, or

    t returned.

    e night, unable to sleep, Amber turns him back just before

    wn. Passed so close, in the hallway of the room, she felt the cold

    at clung to his robe and, in light of a torch on the wall, turns

    st that glistened in the wild mass of black hair that fell to

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    mber wanted Truan talk about that night in an attempt to

    eserve the friendship that united them, for he was the only one who seemed

    derstand their suffering.

    wever retreated into the shadows when the torchlight will focus on

    uan of features at the same time beautiful and have terrifying, eyes

    arkle with some strange inner light. As if it was not a creature

    s world.

    e had let go, afraid to be seen with fear of change

    had seen it, for there was nothing playful carefree that

    ways had a joke or a funny story to tell.

    Move your ass, you stupid fool! The harsh order of Sir Gavin

    atched it out of the thoughts and brought back to the present, when

    mber passed near where he and a younger warrior name

    reth, circled each other, wielding swords.

    reth was just a few years older than her. Out squire

    rd Fitzwarren and now training for the Brotherhood of the Knights.

    top being mesmerized with the girls and concentrate! - Sir Gavin

    owled at him. - Yes, otherwise I will treatment -tea it like a pig in


    mber knew that she was the cause of the distraction of Gareth. He smiled to

    t your attention and barely fell in time when Sir Gavin turned the

    ord to hit him in the head. Then, with incredible ease and speed,

    umed concentration, staying one step ahead of the heavy blade

    elded by older rider.

    e two men circled each well having dealt several blows

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    ced diverted in response by the blade on the other. when Gareth

    alt an unexpected blow to the unprotected side of Sir Gavin,

    acknowledged the feat of the student with a snort of approval.

    es, it's like this!

    vin then pretended to duck with a counter-coup movement, turned

    expectedly hit with a thud and the back of the boy with the side

    n sword. Caught by surprise, Gareth staggered. She recovered and

    e turned to confront Gavin blade positioned for another blow.

    ke I said, young warrior. - Sir Gavin smiled, and Gareth

    shed with embarrassment at being betrayed by foolishly

    f - move the rear, or will lose it.

    ound, the other warriors burst into laughter as they had suffered

    me humiliation and embarrassment one time or another during the

    ining itself.

    aise your sword, man! - Gareth challenged. - There's more to the rear

    ove than me!

    oops! - Gavin sniffed satisfied, while others gathered in

    ound to observe. - It seems that the pet is thirsty for more. - smiled

    h pleasure. - We'll see who will be able to sit in the back

    the evening meal and who will stand.

    mber paused to look. Since coming to Camelot, months before,

    reth had become a friend. Often sought after

    ening meal. Although she felt Truan miss the friendship

    reth helped fill the void of loneliness.

    was an amiable person, with sandy hair, blue eyes and a laugh

    sy. Meg, however, warned that there could be other intentions behind

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    at camaraderie.

    is a young knight in training, and they like to use the

    word", especially with girls. Can offer friendship to you. but

    ke sure not offer him more.

    reth, however, was not like other men treated the girls

    d women without commitment, which flirted with the knights in

    melot while performing their tasks. He had always been kind and

    casionally brought her small gifts: a ribbon, a branch of

    ender or an apple stolen from the pantry.

    others gathered around Sir Gareth and Gavin, Amber

    ay, determined not to give cause for further distractions. had it

    y hope of escape unharmed challenge to Sir Gavin, Gareth

    ed all your concentration, not to mention strength, speed

    d agility.

    mber hoped to find Truan thank you for the gift of

    ess. But he was not among the other warriors

    ined in the main courtyard. By following the covered arcade, she saw near

    ge font on the opposite side of the courtyard. Practiced alone, in a place

    nquil, separated from the rest of men.

    e wore chainmail or protective armor; removed his robe and wore

    y doe leather boots and pants that molded her hips

    rrow and muscular legs. Nor wore leather gauntlets

    helmet to protect hands or head.

    hile other knights wielding broad swords

    quired brute force, with views from a man in two, Truan

    eferred the sword manufactured in Spain, who wore quickly and

    lity breathtaking.

    like Gareth, who owned the limited strength of a boy who

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    on become a man, the strength of Truan was like a cat: agile,

    ift and deadly.

    concentration was intense. Seemed oblivious to everything and everyone around her,

    mpletely focused on an enemy that only he could see.

    two movements were the same as shredding and Truan

    ve the air with incredible grace and speed, and then retreating investing

    ain, all this even more unbelievable when he saw Amber

    ined eyes closed!

    hers stopped to watch. They looked so much she admired the

    ense power of each movement, a strange kind of dance, graceful and

    ortal, it was scary and beautiful at the same time to see.

    mber began to feel increasingly uneasy. The force of evil Truan

    s controlled, being relentless, almost brutal. Fear rolled his

    mach, a fear echoed the terror of that day, some time before,

    en she turns her family was murdered.

    that moment, she did not recognize. It was no longer the gentle friend

    u brought laughter and friendship. There was no trace of kindness or

    nderness in him now.

    was like that time in the hall, when the turns back just before

    wn, as if a mask had been torn, revealing the

    n under her, a man who hid behind laughter and jokes

    ight of hand.

    ddenly, Amber realized it was a mistake to go there. He glanced

    es around, looking for somewhere to escape to, but it was


    if sensing his presence, Truan turned suddenly. The sun sparkled on

    ord. In a terrible blur muscles gleaming and shiny steel he

    geted at sword point directly to the heart of Amber.

    ry of horror went up the yard, frozen in sudden and terrible

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    uan heard the screams through the courtyard. But an inner voice screamed one

    ferent notice.

    ack! Mate before it's dead!

    ages flashed through his mind at a glance. A sword in his

    ck and some unseen danger waiting to shoot him. then

    t, rather than heard another voice.

    not do it! For the blood that boot will be your own. The life

    l take your life!

    e words moved with his blood with the warmth of the sun.

    ere wrapped around the hilt of the sword as a mighty hand

    isible to blow that paralyzed the last moment, as he


    es still closed, Truan gradually became aware of the warmth of the sun

    er his head, the sound of the wind and other cries of warning,

    his senses returned that distant place where he

    t, to turn inward own thoughts and fight a

    aginary enemy. Slowly, she opened her eyes.

    e polished steel glistened under the sun of noon, the tip of the sword

    mpressed, not against the breast plate of a warrior, but against the Woolen

    e, taut over a shaky sinus.

    uan breath, pulling air into the lungs, as

    s breaking the water surface, after swimming at the bottom.

    adually, his thoughts enlightened, took focus, and he

    lized what he had almost done.

    mber stood dumb before him. His eyes were large ponds

    rk, the bloodless features frozen in terror. His lips were

    rties in a stunned and silent scream. The distance of a hair

    ath, she seemed not even breathe.

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    ou idiot! Your brainless!

    reth Monrose of the young knight who had been training nearby

    h Sir Gavin, was the first to reach them, eyes flaming with anger.

    th a furious gesture, pushed the blade of Truan for


    Who gave you permission to train here? - Asked. - You

    uld have killed her!

    one knew better than Truan of dire consequences if not

    d retreated at the last moment. His own anger appeared at

    face, wild and boiling. It would have been very easy to kill the boy by

    insults. But that same inner voice that warned him to take the

    ord at the last moment, now warned that it would be unwise

    e way to anger. Truan lowered his sword and stuck the tip into the soft earth. smiled

    dly, but his gaze did not move away from Amber.

    chose a place separate from others not to put anyone in

    nger. Also, as you can see - still smiling, shrugged and made

    esture of contempt towards Amber - she's not hurt. only

    red, nothing more.

    me it on the girl, by venturing into places where it could not be.

    ly then Amber seemed to return from that place of dread. blinked

    if he had been struck. Panting forced passage

    frozen lips. The terror receded, replaced by grief and

    er, by a glance of anger when he called her girl.

    tter see her angry than with the irrational terror moments before,

    uan thought to continue:

    ou better go back to the nursery, Miss. Amber. The little color

    at remained was completely drained from her face and then returned

    urious blush that made her blue-green eyes as radiate

    mstones. The slender hands fluttered in angry words,

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    Truan briefly, as he continued: - The patio

    ining is no place for a lady.

    reth's face flushed with anger at the intervention of Sir Gavin.

    t did not dare say anything to the oldest rider, status

    perior to him. When his hand loosened in Amber arm, the

    uan relaxed hands on sword hilt.

    mber pulled away quickly from Gareth. He looked up Truan.

    ose sparkling blue-green eyes, he saw suffering, confusion and

    estions I heard as clearly as if she did them. but not

    red to respond.

    vin turned to follow her, but she reached out and shook his

    ad, resolute, indicating clearly that did not want anyone

    that. Shrugged and straightened the back. The defiant stance Truan moved because he kne




    e turned, exposed emotions for all to see, in the expression of

    gile hope the sound of his name.

    uan smiled, like the fool that he needed to believe it was Amber.

    en winked at her. Waved his hand in the air and then with a twist of

    st, opened his fingers.

    ease accept this small gift as an apology

    any hassle that may have caused you - said,

    wry smile. - To add to your collection.

    mber looked at the small five-pointed star that was in the palm

    m his hand. Was flat and bright, a fragile crystal that sparkled and shone the

    n, catching the light in a thousand different colors. It was just like

    ose he did appear by magic to a group of children,

    y a few days before. They had been enchanted by

    gical gift, apparently taken down. She did not.

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    ars filled her eyes. No words were necessary. Truan

    ew he had hurt her deeply. Amber turned and fled from the patio


    uan took his sword, turned and also left the yard.

    reth took the hand with the sword. Sir Gavin grabbed the young knight by

    m, restraining him.

    o not do it - said the boy. - You'd be dead before

    uld lift his sword to strike.

    e is a brainless fool.

    Who is the fool? - Gavin asked. - He who makes others

    ieve it or those who believe?

    peech by, old puzzles.

    vin's eyes narrowed at the affront, but missed.

    's a puzzle only if you choose not understand.

    ian saw the counter top when Amber ran away from the patio

    ining. She passed through the doors of the main hall, without looking

    es, but with his head bowed. Without seeing them, Vivian felt tears and chaos

    otions Amber, along with the deep and overwhelming grief. E

    lized who was the cause of it.

    looked across the courtyard to the men gathered there, then he who

    ay from the other, the sun to boot sparks of black hair and body

    n. Beside him, he felt Meg, who also watched with a wrinkle

    unds her eyebrows together, as though he had sight. And for the first

    tead, Vivian realized that the old you hiding something.

    What you see I can not see? - Asked, turning to one

    at had been his faithful companion and babysitter since she was a baby.

    eg who had carried out the immortal world he was born into

    e mortal world, to the abbey, where the exiled monk Poladouras, and

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    eg had itself created.

    ou know very well I'm blind - answered Meg - You see

    tter than me. Occasionally, I run into a wall before

    erein. - He shrugged. - Nothing more.

    ian snorted.

    We met a long time, honey. Do not play with me.

    ed to get the thoughts of the old and immediately found

    werful resistance.

    eg flinched, as if suffering, and raised his thin hand.

    o not do it, girl. I'm old. There is nothing important that you

    t already know.

    liberate the mind of Meg, Vivian felt a single word that came

    ispered some distant place in the remembrance of old: brother.

    uan leave Camelot without returning for a fortnight. Then, another

    tead hiding behind the guise of silly, devoted himself to matches

    y with men of Lord Stephen until late at night, drinking

    o much wine, as if tormented by demons who did not want

    e. Always went away in the last hours before dawn,

    ually in the company of women without Compromise

    ved in the house of Lord Stephen.

    mber watched it all from a distance, until he could bear no more.

    en retired to the room she shared again with Meg Or

    nt to seek refuge in the nursery, where helped take care of

    bies Lady Vivian and Lady Cassandra.

    wever no matter how hard she tried to forget the friendship that once

    d shared, she clung constantly look for Truan,

    enever he was in the main hall, trying to understand the

    anges that had happened to him.

    uan still entertained the men of Lord Stephen and the ladies with

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    es, illusions and sleight of hand. But continued to treat her

    e that day in the training yard as a child. in the rare

    casions where Amber had found himself, he retreated into a silence

    comfortable and disappeared quickly.

    hat had happened? To lie down at night, Amber was the

    agine, watering the indoor tears. What had she done so

    uan hate her so?

    What is your name?

    e woman turned, his fingers linger on the beautiful embroidery yarn

    e, finer than anything hanging on the wall tapestry

    e had seen before.

    Mary - replied at the same time reaching for the

    that bound her hair. Let them free, shaking his head

    e sick and silky cascade of shiny black for their fall


    e knew it was not pretty . But the body was well-made , full breasts and

    de hips . Her hair was her most beautiful feature , the drain

    e back and over the shoulders in a black silk curtain . had the

    r and low-cut bodice , the dark halo of a sinus exposed by

    moment and then hidden in a game which she did very well.

    re you a simple girl , Mary , for sure - his mother told him

    g before. - And there's the name of his father to complain or

    p her through life . But is appealing - had added , examining the

    ked body of young Mary with a critical eye . - You must use what you have with

    verness and not waste . Never let it cheap. Write a man

    y to extract pleasure from you.

    en Mary instructed in ways to please a man. But that was

    d enough time . She had been with many men since then

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    t always your choice . Months before , had chosen Truan Monroe .

    ere was something else that warrior with beautiful dark features ,

    e eyes like a crystal and with the manners of a fool.

    as tough and strong because she had seen in the training yard. And when others

    re not looking, smiling face of Truan abandoned, replaced

    intense and meditative impetuosity that excited as

    other could.

    r months, left him realizing it, by subtle ways, she would

    ppy to lift their skirts for him and nobody else. Now, come Truan

    k for it.

    e smile was gone, replaced by that impetuosity. Mary knew

    uan watched as she loosened the laces of the bodice; continued

    served when Mary left the dress fall on the stone floor and

    sted completely naked before him.

    en, slowly, she approached where Truan sat in chair

    the brazier. Truan walked away when Mary knelt before him,

    n a hand through his neck and tried to pull her head to kiss him.

    e smiled a sly way and then left a trail of kisses for her

    est and the hard, flat belly.

    was perfect, tall and wiry, with gleaming muscles wrapped around the

    g bones of the leg, the skin shine like dark gold in the firelight

    e brazier.

    hand slid Truan by the hair of Mary, but in his

    oughts, the warm silk that passed through her fingers was not black, and

    s the rare golden amber color.

    e offered her breast, moaning as he sucked hard to

    ide the mouth. However, in his imagination, the nipple that hardened the

    ntact your language was a pale pink, not dark brown.

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    Truan loved. The body that opened he was eager to slim

    e a reed, and the sweet inner warmth that was received in full

    t a name.


    uan violently possessed with that name being whispered in

    ur mind. But the woman who screamed beneath him, lewd body

    aken by wave after wave of pleasure, was not Amber.

    ry woke up when Truan moved to his side. She held out her hand,

    t he dodged. And when Mary called his name to beg

    me back to bed, she found that she was alone.

    apter V

    e party was to celebrate the summer solstice. Everything was in Camelot

    orned with garlands of flowers. The gates had been opened to

    agers from the vicinity, who brought food, cool hunting

    est, the first harvest of the summer crop, rolls of thick wool and rough

    eared the flocks of sheep and barrels of wine.

    usicians played, and athletic tournaments were held. At night, the fires

    rned as torches burned on the parapets of Camelot


    brief, according to the plans, Lady Vivian and Lady Brianna would return with

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    eir husbands to London.

    om there, Lady Brianna and her husband, Tarek al Sharif, would travel home in

    rth Country, in order to arrive well before the first chill of winter and

    the birth of their first child.

    eg would go with them to the abbey of Amesbury, on the trip to London.

    m old - she told Amber. - I lived most of my life

    the mortal world. I prefer to spend my last days in the place that was my

    me for many of those years.

    eg wanted to return to the small abbey, where Lady Vivian was raised,

    spend the rest of his days tending the gardens.

    ve been away too long. I'll have to replant everything when we return. there

    enough for a job. - And she was close enough to

    ian lady when her second child was born at the beginning of next year.

    it was decided.

    mber had decided too. Despite the fact that like

    s. deeply. Cassandra and her baby, there was nothing that

    ained in Camelot. No family nor the hope of forming a.

    d so, she also decided to return to London.

    e trip would take nearly two weeks, taken at a slow pace in the days

    t summer for comfort women and little Kaden.

    mber and several other women had already begun to Camelot

    eparing their luggage for the journey.

    mber hoped to have a moment alone with Truan to tell him

    was leaving, but in recent weeks, he disappeared with the first

    orning light, turning right after she left the salon. heard

    nversations that Truan spent a great deal of time with a

    age women.

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    mber discover not know why it caused her so much suffering.

    er what happened, I thought the touch of any man

    gusting and repulsive. Truan, however, never played that way. Nor

    en that time when he kissed her. She remembered that even

    w, that stolen kiss in the shadows. For the first time, not felt

    r, just wanted to reach out and touch it. And kissed him back.

    t he suddenly pushed her away, ending the kiss as

    uld not bear his touch.

    t if Amber closed her eyes, could be recalled that intense and brief encounter, the heat in yo

    outh Truan, the

    ry sweetness of breaths to meld, that manly body

    writhe against his.

    hough he considered no more than a child, not out of the body

    hild that corresponded to the momentum of the body Truan.

    d you talk to him about that day and more. words

    re trapped in your heart and in your thoughts, and if

    de clumsy when she tried to use sign language

    h hands. Truan seemed to not want to hear it. He saw it as a

    ld should be treated leniently or simply

    erated. If only he could present it as a Truan

    man ...

    w, through the open window, Amber heard laughter and conversation,

    owed by live, according to the expert marksmen gathered in the courtyard and

    tdid each other with the long bow. The sun was hot, the bitter

    nter cold was little more than a memory, as well

    rticipate in the celebration.

    en she saw Truan, when it took place near the line to test

    m. The afternoon breeze Moldovan fine linen shirt on his shoulders,

    e deep cut V neck to expose the dark and golden skin

    wn. The silky, black hair like the wings of a crow, fell

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    oose curls to his shoulders.

    legs became strong in a wide stance, weight balanced evenly,

    Truan lifted the bow, spent his long fingers on the string and

    led back in a single fluid motion, without effort, the muscles


    tilted his head slightly to one side and looked through the shaft of the arrow,

    gning the edge with the target. A breath of wind lifted his mane of dark hair, and Amber hel


    owing, for having observed the men of Lord Stephen, the lowest

    eath of wind could change the direction of flight of the arrow.

    uan seemed oblivious to anything or anyone else around her, not

    the target and the arrowhead. The air in the lungs ached Amber, which

    d held his breath in anticipation.

    thoughts, shouted him to wait for the wind to pass shoot

    e arrow, as others had done. So, gasped,

    azed at the strength of the arrow, when he escaped the arc and sank in

    get, exactly in the center.

    Kay struck the back of Truan, with a broad smile on his face, a

    pression that looked like a teenager, though a man

    y beard, sixty years.

    Wow! That skirts some beautiful girl you raised this time? that

    k!Mary, laundry, if the rumors are true - said Sir

    vin, holding a mug in a toast. - The same girl who

    in the head with the hammer that the cook uses to soften meat

    rd, if I'm not mistaken, and made him a bruise.

    e told me he bumped into a door - Sir Rolf joined them,

    iling over the edge of the mug.

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    h, it was certainly the door - said Gavin. - We all had

    rawl with the door!

    e men burst into laughter soon died when the Truan

    minded of the bets they had done against their expertise in the arch.

    Want to gather now, before you become too fond of to

    ne King William to remember the amount due - said. Grudgingly, they extended him the

    ns bet.

    his is the second time you won the arch - Kay muttered. -

    e you sure there is not a trick it?

    uan shook his head with a smile of malice.

    o trick that you can distinguish, especially after three

    gs of wine.

    o how can someone overcome it, archer? - The man asked,

    morous, but with a certain harshness in his voice.

    eginning not to drink a drop of wine. It dulls the

    nses and leaves slow reactions - Truan informed. - That is the reason

    y it was so easy for the Roman senators assassinate Caesar.

    ly then he accepted the cup of wine offered by one of the men.

    poured all at once, the heat will go through the veins and the heat

    mb. Tied the leather pouch that contained the coins now

    n and stuck it in the front of the shirt.

    hen he turned, he heard a shriek and children's laughter. The small

    den had run away from his mother and ran across the yard as soon as their

    le legs could carry him. With his mother at his heels, ran straight

    the line of warriors who were testing their skills in arc and


    livious to the danger, Kaden is tucked among the men, trying to escape


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    uan took him almost to the brink of disaster, raising him on her lap.

    e child was a bundle of energy that thrashed and kicked, his eyes

    e and gleaming black hair to her falling over his forehead. To a casual observer, the warrior

    e child

    uld be father and son.

    ly a closer look at the differences became obvious in

    ape of the eyes and high forehead of the child, whose hair spread

    ward as his father, Rorke Fitzwarren, Count of Anjou.

    Where are you going, little warrior? - Truan asked the boy, who

    ddenly addressed a serious look at it. Truan seen that look

    fore, amid laughter and tears. But neither laughter nor tears appeared. Instead, a yawn esca

    en taken fatigue

    e of the child. Kaden rested her head on his shoulder and shoved the Truan

    umb in his mouth.

    chest rose and a long sigh, like that of all

    ldren, when they stop long enough to discover that they are time

    ed, his eyes closed slowly.

    ept, I believe - Truan