Lego Mindstorms Robot Tracey Zhang. LEGO MINDSTORMS STATMENT The design challenge my group...

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Lego Mindstorms



The design challenge my group experimented with is the Lego Mindstorms robot. Our goal is to use this design challenge to further learn about the use of electricity, data sensors, and programming through building a robot that can gather and collect data from sensors. The Lego Mindstorms we created is the Alpha Rex, which has the ability to move its legs and arms and employs the use of the light and sound sensors.


Using the instruction manual given, our group constructed the Alpha Rex robot.

1. Begin constructing the right leg of the robot by attaching two black and two blue pieces to the gray holder shown in Figure 1.

2. Follow the directions to build the right leg until it looks like the picture shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1 shows the first step in order to begin building the Lego Mindstorms robot.

Figure 2 shows the completed right leg of the robot.

PROCEDURE continued

3. Begin building the left leg following the given directions, which should be the same as the directions given for the right leg. The result should look like the picture shown in Figure 3.

4. Join the two legs together, following the instructions given and add the motors, allowing the legs to move. The final result should look like the Figure 4.

Figure 3 shows the end result of the left leg.

Figure 4 shows adding the left leg to the right leg, as well as the motors being added on.

PROCEDURE continued

5. Begin building the body of the robot by joining a rod with a stopper, shown in Figure 5.

6. Following all instructions, the body, attached to the two completed legs should look like Figure 6.

Figure 5 shows the first step in building the body of the Mindstorms robot.

Figure 6 shows the body of the robot attached to the legs with all three motors currently in place.

PROCEDURE continued

7. Add in the “head” of the robot if preferred to allow the robot to have the ultra-sonic sensor. Follow the instructions given.

8. Add in the two “arms” which also contain a sound and a touch sensor. Follow the instructions given.

9. On the backside, add the light sensor using the given instructions.

10.Finally, add in all the wires, making sure they are in the correct positions. Figure 7 shows the finished product.

FIGURE 7 shows the finished robot with all

sensors and wires attached.


NXT Body

Ultra-sonic sensor

Touch sensor Sound sensor

35 cm wires


Light sensorSound sensor

Ultra-sonic sensor

Gears moving the legs Motors

Gears moving the arms

Gears turning the head

35 cm wires

50 cm wires

20 cm wire


(see word doc for a more detailed


In this picture, the gears clearly show a transfer of

energy. The kinetic energy derived from the motor is

turning and being transferred to a gear, which in turn is being transferred to another gear, effectively

moving the legs.

Brief Explanation

The two motors located on the leg in this picture illustrate the conversion of energy from electrical to kinetic as the motors

begin moving, causing the legs to move.

Brief Explanation

The two sensors are used to gain measurements

from the robot’s own environment and allow it

to react accordingly. A difference in sound or touch in the cases of

these two sensors, create a voltage difference. This difference is detected by

the robot’s microchip and allows the robot to react.

Pictures of You, Pictures

of Me (:

Emily and I working to have our robot to walk.

My group programming the

Alpha Rex with the program allowing it to

react to music.

In this picture, I am about to start the

robot on its walking program.

THE END!! (: