LEINN Explotion Day

Post on 19-Mar-2016

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Community event within Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation degree, Mondragon Team Academy, Mondragon University



Leinn Explotion was the first event where the whole LEINN community (77



16th Dec 2010

teamsters + 7 coaches) has been gathered up during the autumn season 2010. The goal of the day was to spend a good time together and figure out how to strengthen the community. Also one goal was to boost up the learning and Business of each team company.


9:30-10.00 START- Gentle & Dynamic encounter


- Check point of each team company (customer visits, bookpoints, invoicing and benefits)

10:00-11:00 TEAM LEADERS’ MEETING (Team leader, customer leader, financial leader and communication leader + coaches)

10:00-14:30 BIRTH GIVING PROCESS: How can we create the MTA community in The Basque Country?

- 1st generation: Based on your values?- 2nd generation: Based on your Finnish experience?


16:00-16:30 PROJECT PRESENTATIONS- Kimu Berri- Ametsen Ekaitza 4



All team companies of LEINN community presented their performance and results were really amazing! Good job teams but don’t relax and


let’s do it screw it! From September to December LEINN Community has following results: A total of 739 book points read (more than 300 books) with an average of 10 book points per teampreneur. Almost 1000 customer visits with an average of 13 customer visits per teampreneur. 21,073 euros invoicing with an average of 273,67 euros per teampreneur and 13,099 euros profits with an average of 170,12 euros. WOW!

Hewllett and Packard’s Garage


4.1 Team leaders


Ibai - AkkuaXabi - SnatuAritz - Ego

Ion - JumpInImanol - SmartWayJoanes - TazebaEz


- Importance of finding out what the team needs and creating a common calendar


- How to connect everyone with a clear goal?- Not listening one to another causes problems in a team, we

need to develope the skills of listening- What are the tasks of the leader actually?- Supporting the teamsters with the lowest results- First of all you need to lead yourself, then others

4.2 Financial leaders’ meeting


Ihabar - AkkuaAitor - SnatuSusana - Ego

Ander (Miren) - JumpInMiriam - SmartWayJosu - TazebaEz


Which are functions for financial leaders? All tempreneurs invoice for the team, not for individuals, but it is important to collect data of individual invoicing.


Do we need invoice with IVA? Being Junior Empresa we can invoice with it (limit 100.000 euros) but in between team companies is it fair?How can we deal with profits? Are we a nonprofit organization?Do we have a budget for the team? Taking into account expenses and incomes that are going to come during whole year.

4.3 Customer leaders’ meeting


Garazi - AkkuaImanol - SnatuAnder R. - Ego

Unai - JumpInLorena - SmartWayPablo - TazebaEz


How am I leading?Talking about what am I doing for collecting information instead of HOW am I leading in action. What is my leadership style. Customer databases… Collecting information vs. how to lead the customer process? How to encourage the team to be visible in the market?Realized that in all the teams there is a lack of sharing the knowledge of the customer visits in the training sessions.For next month everyone is sharing in the teams what are they learning in the customer visits. In the next Houston calls all the customer leaders will share this knowledge created.

4.4 Communication leaders’ meeting


Ainhoa - TazebaezEsti - AkkuaLaura - Ego

Neritzel - SnatuIrati, Txomin - Smart WayItziar - Jump-in



What kind of tasks are they doing right now?Importance of cross-fertilization among teams and how to

create channels for thatCommunication outside: blog, facebook, web page, twitter,

tuenti, etcMechanisms for updating web media channels.Preparation of company dossier, main contains.How to communicate better who we are?Re-think on the blog focus as an internal communication tool or

as a window for customers.Creating a platform for communicating among leaders.Sharing knowledge among the team members: technical and

personal tools. Google groups accounts for every team. 



5.1 Introduction for Birth Giving process

What is a birth giving?

- a team’s display of its current competences - focus on solving problems, presenting things learnt or

generating new ideas- the goal is to create new knowledge through teamwork

What dynamics can be used during a birth giving?

- dialogue with the whole team- small group work- brain storming- theories and techniques from books- knowledge from book essays- motorolas of projects- surveys made at the moment- cross-fertilization

5.2 Question

How can we create the MTA community in The Basque Country?- 1st generation: Based on your values?- 2nd generation: Based on your Finnish experience?

5.2 Criteria

Criteria for birth giving was given to the teams before starting the process so then they knew in advance what was demanding. 1 to 5 was the way to evaluate quantitatively these birth giving. Apart from that each team made a Motorola of birth giving process and coaches’ team gave feed back to evaluate qualitatively each birth giving (included is this document).


1 = very poor2 = poor3 = good4 = very good5 = excellent

Richness of ideas Amount of options, versatility, possibility to combine different ideas, the newness of ideas, presented theories

Practicality(how easy to put in practise)

Ableness to put the solutions in practise. Realistic solutions.

Presentation Inspirement, clearness, chrystallization

Documentation Logic, clearness, ability to show the document forward (f.e. to the board of directors, potential customers etc.), versatile use of different sources of knowledge

Overcoming yourself and leadership

Did the team overcome themselves and did they do their best to solve the challenge? How was the team lead and how did the dynamic of the team work?

Learning Learned knowledge and skills (f.e., leadership skills, marketing skills etc.), experiences

Practical implementation of the suggestions/solutions

Did the team make a good offer to make the things happen in practise?

All together (Overall view)

What overall grade you would give for the birthgiving



6.1 EGO

Description of the presentation

- A little history of the creation of MTA- Describing the challenges of communication in Finland- Main solution for the question was to create a blog where

each team of LEINN community could participateCoaches’ feedback


Wasn’t sharing what happened in the birth giving process. Didn’t have real dialogue in relation with the question? One idea to solve the challenge. Good idea and practical but only one. Did you challenge themselves? We felt that the presence in birth giving was showing a lack of respect. Practicality was good, and this is something we would really like to see taken into practise.. Unique proposition that Ego made yesterday was sharing the mistakes learned in Finland, which was very good. Especially the understanding that the customers are many times to be found outside of our core community and office and selling might be more efficient together. Also involving someone from Oñati was a good addition. How are you going to take this into action?Evaluation: EGO


Richness of ideas 1 1

Practicality (How easy to put in practise?) 4 4

Presentation 4 2

Documentation 1 1

Overcoming yourself and leadership 1 2

Learning 2 3

Practical implementation of the suggestions/solutions 3 2

Altogether (Overall view) 2,29 2,14



Description of the presentation

- Presentation of the journey of Snatu since September until now

- Identifying two important points in Finland: robbery of the cash box and Forest & Back

- Various ideas presented to solve the challenge: open space, forum for communication, calendar, Trainins sessions, Forest & Back, essays together, Houston Calls, competition with indicators

Coaches’ feedback

Confusing transparency from honesty? Although being honest which is positive we were left with a feeling did you really challenge yourselves with this? Also we were uncomfortable with one person presenting everything (when having 4 persons in the stage). If improvising why not doing it as a team? Richness of the ideas was really good, and also having everyone participating at least in the end. Ideas could be developed more – how to do these in practise? Showing creativity and being fun with some pictures but was too long. Sharing the learning about their process of being first lost and Finland being the chrystallization of the process, what about of looking forward? The knowledge transfer about the open space method was very good.


Evaluation: Snatu


Richness of ideas - 4

Practicality (How easy to put in practise?) - 3

Presentation - 2

Documentation - 2

Overcoming yourself and leadership - 2

Learning - 3

Practical implementation of the suggestions/solutions - 2

Altogether (Overall view) - 2,57


Description of the presentation

- Video of how MTA was created- Identifying key problems: lack of confidence and

communication- Ideas to solve the problems: Rocket Days altogether,

Houston Calls, projects together, informal meetings, community management, little faculty ex-change

Coaches’ feedback

The birth giving showed a good team spirit: when you were preparing to start it was clear that you were a little bit nervous preparing the last details for the presentation (sign that it matters for you). The video of MTA creation was funny and symbolic, but didn’t yet answer the question put for the birth giving. Presenting solutions to create MTA community in The Basque Country, there were many ideas and most of them very practical. A thing missing in there was to answer the question: How do we make it happen? So thinking on developing these ideas really as far as we can, to make even an action plan. The most concrete proposition was: “We can come here to Oñati campus to do little faculty ex-change.”


Evaluation: SmartWay


Richness of ideas 3 3

Practicality (How easy to put in practise?) 4 4

Presentation 4 4

Documentation 2 1

Overcoming yourself and leadership 3 3

Learning 2 2

Practical implementation of the suggestions/solutions 2 3

Altogether (Overall view) 2,86 2,86


Description of the presentation


- Problem at the moment in MTA-community: we are separated. As a solution asking for the team leaders to the stage and making a symbolic gathering up

- 1st step in order to create a community: putting positions of brand manager and international leader for the whole community

- Other ideas: create common values of MTA, have fun, work and transparency, common goals in MTA

- Web-page, logo, Rocket Days, projects, mascot.

Coaches’ feedback

Involving the team leaders was good, modelling in an interactive way and process how to build a community. Sharing values. Having the bigger Picture of the community including Finland etc. Really overcoming them selves on the stage!! This was a presentation with the 5E:s. We were missing some team members on the presentation. Quantity and quality of ideas was a really good surprise. The most created value was defining the steps how to become as a community.So what is the next step and when?Evaluation: Jumpin


Richness of ideas 4 5

Practicality (How easy to put in practise?) 3 5

Presentation 2 5

Documentation 1 1

Overcoming yourself and leadership 3 4

Learning 3 4

Practical implementation of the suggestions/solutions 3 4

Altogether (Overall view) 2,71 4



Description of the presentation

- Modelization of the solutions- Solutions: community leaders to each team, HOUSE-

modelization, presenting common values inside of MTA and outside in the network

- Presenting a community event for February

Coaches’ feedback

Sharing what happened in the birth giving process, how you were planning the process was a good contribution. You were the only team who took the practical implementation to the next level – creating an event and doing the first steps towards making it really happen. Involving companies from the network, so having the understanding how we can co create as a community with the companies in our network sharing the same values with us. Were able to have the bigger view of what is a community and to start working on strengthening that. In the ending challenging people to start working together towards the MTA community. The team was committed to the birth giving process and it was easy to see in the results.

Evaluation: Akkua



Richness of ideas 3 5

Practicality (How easy to put in practise?) 5 4

Presentation 4 3

Documentation 4 5

Overcoming yourself and leadership 4 4

Learning 3 4

Practical implementation of the suggestions/solutions 5 5

Altogether (Overall view) 4 4,29



Description of the presentation:

- Talking about the process of creating values of Tazebaez and using the posters they prepared in the Ethics class

- Utilizing dialogue in order to share knowledge- Team work, have fun, be happy and secure- Proposing to add one more objective to the Rocket Model


Coaches’ feedback

What new was created in the birth giving day? It’s important to use this already created knowledge as a tool but also creating new knowledge during the birth giving. Had one real action for the community in the same day – the party. It is important to use metaphors but this one was a bit hard to understand. Involving audience was good addition. Offer was throwing the ball to the coaches but still they were sharing the understanding of how important it is to work in mixed teams as a community. Did you challenge yourselves during this birth giving?

Evaluation: Tazebaez


Richness of ideas 4 3

Practicality (How easy to put in practise?) 2 1

Presentation 4 4

Documentation 2 5

Overcoming yourself and leadership 2 2

Learning 4 3

Practical implementation of the suggestions/solutions 2 2


Altogether (Overall view) 2,86 2,86


What went well?

- the place worked quite well, even though we had some doupts in advance, everyone Could fit in

- we planned the event with the coaches team in advance thinking quite detailled on the program

- there was a good LEINN-spirit throughout the event- the tool of check points worked well in the way of being a

concrete indicator for the teams- after the event identical evaluation process of the birth

givings in each team- through the action-oriented birth givings there were practical

Solutions to develop the Mondragon Team Academy community

- team leaders’ meetings were very good and useful, definitely we will continue with this

What was poor?

- we didn’t plan breaks in the program- lack of Communications and understanding between coaches

and 1st generation of doing their Axiologico in the event- missing feedback from teamsters to other teams’ birth

givings. We gave them the papers to do the evaluation, but finally didn’t follow up with the process

- Mikel Orobengoa’s presentation didn’t fit in well in the program as it was mainly a presentation of his company. Also there was not a clear proposal included for LEINNsters


What did I learn?

- being everyone there, we showed the power of LEINN community in the campus of Oñati

- from now on the level of birth givings will propably rise because of the little competition between teams and the evaluation

- after birth givings it is difficult to continue with some activities

What would I do differently?

- put a little stage in the room of the event- maybe we can fit the same amount of people in the room

also with chairs- co-create these kinds of events (Houston Calls etc.) together

with the LEINNsters- organize events with the timetable 9:00-16:00 with some

breaks- thinking on the themes of the community events, we can

invite also people from the network and customers to participate



Izarren hautsa egun batean bilakatu zen bizigai,hauts hartatikan uste gabean noizpait giñaden gu ernai.

Eta horrela bizitzen gera sortuz ta sortuz gure aukeraatsedenik hartu gabe: lana eginaz goaz aurrera

kate horretan denok batera gogorki loturik gaude.

Gizakiak ba du inguru latz bat menperatzeko premia,burruka hortan bizi da eta hori du bere egia.

Ekin ta ekin bilatzen ditu, saiatze hortan ezin gelditu,jakintza eta argia; bide ilunak nekez aurkitu

lege berriak noizpait erditu, hortan jokatuz bizia.

Gizakien lana jakintza dugu: ezagutuz aldatzea,naturarekin bat izan eta harremanetan sartzea.

Eta indarrak ongi errotuz, gure sustraiak lurrari lotuz,bertatikan irautea: ezaren gudaz baietza sortuz,

ukazioa legetzat hartuz beti aurrera joatea.

Ez dadukanak ongi ahi daki euketzea zein den ona,bere premiak bete nahirik beti bizi da gizona.

Gu ere zerbait ba gera eta gauden tokitik hemendik bertansaia gaitezen ikusten: amets eroak bazterturikan,

sasi zikiñak behingoz erreta bide on bat aukeratzen.


Gu sortu ginen enbor beretik sortuko dira besteak,burruka hortan iraungo duten zuhaitz-ardaska gazteak.

Beren aukeren jabe eraikiz ta erortzean berriro jaikizibiltzen joanen direnak : gertakizunen indar ta argiz

gure ametsa arrazoi garbiz egiztatuko dutenak.

Eta ametsa bilakaturik egiaren antziduriherri zahar batek bide berritik ekingo dio urduri;

guztian lana guztien esku jasoko dute sendo ta prestu,beren bizitzen edargai; diru zakarrak bihotzik eztu,

lotuko dute gogor ta hestu haz ez dadin gizakien gain.

X. Lete “Izarren Hautsa”