Leo Hsu

Post on 15-May-2015

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SaturnBy :Leo Hsu

What is Saturn mean in Greek?

Saturn means Coronus in Greek. Coronus father of Zeus (Jupiter). He is son of Uranus, also he is a mean god. His wife is Rhea.

Where is it located? It’s 1,429 (888 million

miles) million kilometers away from the Sun.

Saturn is the sixth planet in the solar system.

How many planet from the Sun ?

Is it an inner planet or outer planet?

It’s a outer planet.

What is Saturn made of ?It’s made of liquid Metallic hydrogen and liquid hydrogen and molecular hydrogen.

What is Saturn ‘s atmosphere made of?

Hydrogen, helium, and methane

What is the average temperature on Saturn?

It’s actually -184(-300F)

How many moons does Saturn have ?

Saturn has 62 moons but only 53 moons named.

What is the diameter of Saturn?

How long does it take Saturn to orbit the Sun?

10,759 Earth days to orbit around The Sun once.

It takes Saturn 120,536kilometers which is 74,898 miles

It is

Interesting Facts!

Saturn’s volume is 744 times more than Earth! It’s mass is more than 95 times more than Earth. Also Jupiter (Zeus), Saturn, Pluto (Hades), and Neptune (Poseidon) are a huge Family!

This is a symbol that means Saturn…


By: Leo hsu

What does Venus mean in Greek? In astronomy myth , Venus mean Aphrodite.

She is god of love and beauty.

Where is it located?

It’s second planet from the Sun .

Is it an inner planet or outer planet?

It’s a inner planet.

What is Venus made of?

It’s made from Nickel Iron and nitrogen.

It made out of carbon dioxide ,and nitrogen.

What is Venus‘s atmosphere made of?

What is the average temperature on Venus?

It’s 449c which is (850F)

How many moons Venus does have

None. Venus have no moons.

What is the diameter of Venus?

It is12,107 kilometers which is74,898 miles.

How long does it take Saturn to orbit the Sun

It takes 224,701daysto orbit once around the Sun

Interesting Facts

Venus’s volume is 86 times more then Earth! Venus mass 81times more then Earth! You might have seen Venus ‘s symbol which means girl (beauty).

How are they different?

1.Saturn has moons but Venus don’t

2.Venus is more hotter than Saturn

3.Venus is more closer to the Sun

4.Venus is smaller than Saturn

