Léon Krier (1946- )

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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Léon Krier (1946- ). Robert Krier (1938- ). Robert Krier mesterei O. M. Ungers (1926-2007). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Léon Krier

(1946- )

Robert Krier

(1938- )

Robert Krier mestereiO. M. Ungers (1926-2007)• Ungers had prolific professional and academic

careers in Cologne and Berlin in the 1950s and '60s and came to Cornell as a visiting critic in 1965 and 1967. He was appointed to chair the Department of Architecture in 1969, serving until 1975. Known to many of his colleagues and students as Mathias or "OMU," he solidified the department's reputation as a center of architectural thought, particularly rationalism and postmodernism, and established a new graduate program in architectural design.

• Ungers is widely regarded as the most theoretically influential postwar architect in Germany.

Camillo Sitte, 1843-1903

• Építész, festő, művészettörténész

• Művészi városalakítás c. könyve (1889)

Leon Krier mesterei: James Stirling(1926-1992) Cambridge,

A történelem tanszék könyvtára

• Heinrich Tessenow, 1876-1950

• Az építész háza, 1930

• E. G. Asplund

• (1885-1940)

Albert Speer (1905-1981)

• A harmadik birodalom első építésze

Berlini Internationale Bausstellung, 1985

Robert Krier Ritterstrasse, 1979-81

Robert Krier, Rauchstrasse

Robert Krier, Breitenfurter Strasse, Bécs, 1981

Meander, lakótömb, Amszterdam

Meander épületegyüttes

Meander épületegyüttes

The Resident, The Hague

De Resident

Leon Krier:

Új Európa negyedLuxem-burg, 1978

Leon Krier: Tegel

Panoramic View from the Tegeler Lake

Leon Krier: Atlantis, Tenerife, 1986-88

Megnyitó ünnepség, Atlantis – Tenerife, 1986-88

Leon Krier: Village Hall, Windsor, Florida, 1989-1997

Leon Krier: Village Hall, Windsor

Leon Krier: Városközpont,

Alexandria, 1995-9

 Facades on New Piazza in Alessandria, Italy

by Léon Krier and Gabriele


Leon Krier: Poundbury

• Started by Prince Charles, the Duke of Cornwall in 1993 Poundbury is inspired by his book A Vision of Britain. Architect Leon Krier designed it to give priority to people rather than cars and have a mix of housing for different social groups.

• Krier, a renowned urban planner, was appointed by the Prince in 1988 to head a 20-year project to build up to 2,400 homes on 400 acres of Duchy of Cornwall land.The houses in the village are built from local materials to the highest of modern ecological specifications.
