Les animaux en voie de disparition anglais

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Animals endangered

Class of 5th and 6th year

In class, we looked on the interactive whiteboard a documentary about the greenhouse effect, the consequences it has on the environment and


The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that allows the Earth to regulate its temperature. But because men and pollution, it causes adverse climate change for

the planet and animals. We do experiments to understand.

Now that we understand the greenhouse effect, we are documenting animal endangered as a


We present our presentation to the class and try to find ways to save.

• Darwin's Fox : enforce laws to save and place in nature reserves.

• The Okarito Kiwi : retrieve her eggs in the wild and placed in nature reserves.

• The monk seal : awareness and establish areas of marine protection.

• The drone Franklin : create habitats and import new pollinators.

• The greater bamboo lemur : awareness and createassociations.

• Kangaroo rats : create laws to protect and classify its website.

We also conducted educational panels with other animals endangered. It will be exposed in school to educate other students.

Finally, we brought the literature on endangered animals that we presented to other students.