Lesson 1 Animal Imagery in Language. Organization Introduction Body 1 Body 2 Body 3 Body 4...

Post on 15-Dec-2015

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• Introduction• Body 1• Body 2• Body 3• Body 4• Conclusion


Topic sentence:

Animal imagery can be found in many English expressions, and it has given color to this language.


In Chinese--

1. What are swallows traditionally seen as?

In Chinese, swallows are traditionally seen as lucky.

2. What do snakes represent?

Snakes represent evil and danger in Chinese.

3. What are cranes said to symbolize?

Cranes are said to symbolize long life.

5. Please make a sentence by using

“a white elephant.”

8. What’s the origin of the word “jumbo” ?

It was taken as the name of the first circus elephant in the U.S.A. “Jumbo” gradually became a common name for elephants.

9. What’s the meaning of the word “jumbo” nowadays for English speakers?

For English speakers, it seems that “jumbo” has come to share the meaning of the word “big” nowadays.

10. What are called “jumbo jets”?

Huge jet planes are called “jumbo jets.”

19. What’s the meaning of “March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb”?


The weather in early march is rough and cold, but towards the end of the month the weather becomes calm, warm and peaceful .


Concluding sentence: The use of animal imagery not only

makes a language more fun to learn, but also helps learners understand more about a language’s culture.

“Curiosity killed the cat”


We use this expression to suggest to people that excessive curiosity is not necessarily a good thing, especially where it is not their bus


Cat got your tongue?啞口無言

If someone asks if the cat has got your tongue, they want to know why you are not spea

king when they think you should.

More animal-related sayings

"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.“

It is better to have something that is certain than take a risk to get more, where you might lose everything.

"If you call one wolf, you invite the pack.“

One bad habit will lead to many.

“If you run after two hares, you will catchneither.”

You cannot do two things successfully at the same time.

“Raining cats and dogs.”

When it is raining cats and dogs, it is raining very heavily.

“Birds of a feather flock together.”

People join forces with others who have common interests.

“An elephant does not get tired carrying histrunk.”

We cannot evade our responsibilities or duties.