Lesson 1 ppt

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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There are times in life when you will have to stand up for yourself, or for other people or causes that you believe in.

Think about what you wanted to change in this world in your journal on Friday.

What is one trait– skill or characteristic- you have that will allow you to do this well?

+What is an advocate?

An advocate is someone who supports a person or a cause.

Throughout life, you will have to advocate for yourself, and you may feel compelled to advocate for others.

English I, and specifically our NONFICTION(!!) unit will give you the credibility to be an effective advocate.


EVALUATE the sentence variety of different texts

COMBINE simple sentences to create variety


What kinds of nonfiction writing have you heard of before?



Journals and Diaries


Scientific Papers



Travel Books

Technical Documents

User Manuals



Magazine Articles


Creative Nonfiction



Self Help


+The Paper Bag Princess

by Ronald Munsch

Elizabeth was a beautiful princess. She lived in a castle and had expensive princess clothes. She was going to marry a prince named Ronald.

Unfortunately, a dragon smashed her castle, burned all her clothes will his fiery breath, and carried off Prince Ronald.

Elizabeth decided to chase the dragon and get Ronald back. She looked everywhere for something to wear, but the only thing she could find that was not burnt was a paper bag. So she put on the paper bag and followed the dragon. He was easy to follow because he left a trail of burnt forests and horses’ bones.

So the dragon jumped up and flew around the whole world in just twenty seconds. When he got back he was too tired to talk, and he lay down and went straight to sleep.

The dragon was so tired he didn’t even move.

“Ronald,” said Elizabeth, “your clothes are really pretty and your hair is very neat. You look like a real prince, but you are a bum.” They didn’t get married after all.

+What do you think?

Is The Paper Bag Princess a complicated, sophisticated text? Why or why not?

+ Guided Notes: Sentence Structure and Variety

Good writing is effective and


Topics that you write on can make your writing interesting, but so can the way you

structure your writing.

+ Guided Notes: Sentence Structure and Variety

Today we will focus on creating writing with sentence variety. We will write strong, correct

sentences of different lengths and



Because writing with no sentence variety is

BORING, and nobody wants to read

boring writing.

Because sentence variety makes it easier for you as a WRITER to move from one sentence to the next.

Because adding sentence variety can give your writing

life and rhythm (like poetry!).







A SIMPLE SENTENCE is a sentence with ONE INDEPENDENT clause.

Example: I love ice cream.

This is a simple sentence because it contains one independent clause.



A COMPLEX SENTENCE is a sentence with ONE INDEPENDENT clause and ONE DEPENDENT clause.

Example: When it’s hot outside, I love ice cream.

This is a complex sentence because it contains one independent clause (I love ice cream), and one dependent clause (When it’s hot outside).

Your Turn!!!

+Grammatical Sentences

A COMPOUND SENTENCE is a sentence with ONE INDEPENDENT clause, and another INDEPENDENT clause connected by the FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).

Example: I love ice cream, and you adore chocolate cake.

This is a compound sentence because it contains one independent clause (I love ice cream) and another independent clause (You adore chocolate cake) connected by one of the FANBOYS (and).

Your Turn!!!

+Grammatical Sentences

A COMPOUND-COMPLEX SENTENCE is a sentence with ONE or more INDEPENDENT clauses connected by one of the FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so), and at least ONE DEPENDENT clause.

Example: If it is summer, I eat ice cream, and you eat frozen yogurt.

This is a compound-complex sentence because it contains two independent clauses (I eat ice cream) (You eat frozen yogurt) connected by one of the FANBOYS (and), and one dependent clause (If it is summer).

Your turn!!!!

+Rhetorical Sentences

In a LOOSE SENTENCE, the MAIN IDEA comes first, and the less important details follow.

Example: I could tell he was disappointed by the tone of his voice and the look on his face.

This is a loose sentence because the main idea (he was disappointed) comes first, and the less important details (how I knew he was disappointed) come after.



In a PERIODIC SENTENCE, the MAIN IDEA comes at the end of the sentence.

Example: By the tone of his voice and the look on his face, I could tell he was disappointed.

This is a periodic sentence because the main idea (he was disappointed) comes at the end of the sentence, after less important details.

Your Turn!!


A DECLARATIVE sentence is used to MAKE a STATEMENT. This is the most common kind of sentence.

Example: I need to clean this classroom.

This is a declarative sentence because it does not contain a question mark or an exclamation point, and because I am not commanding anyone to do anything.


An INTERROGATIVE sentence is used to ASK a QUESTION.

Example: Do I need to clean this classroom?

This is an interrogative sentence because it is asking a question. You can tell because it has a question mark.


An IMPERATIVE sentence is used to GIVE a COMMAND.

Example: Clean up this room immediately.

This is an imperative sentence because it tells someone to do something using a period.


An EXCLAMATORY sentence is used to EXPRESS astonishment or extreme emotion.

Example: Eek! I need to clean this classroom!

This is an exclamatory sentence because it has an exclamation point.



+ Reevaluating The Paper Bag Princess

by Ronald Munsch

Elizabeth was a beautiful princess. She lived in a castle and had expensive princess clothes. She was going to marry a prince named Ronald.

Unfortunately, a dragon smashed her castle, burned all her clothes will his fiery breath, and carried off Prince Ronald.

Elizabeth decided to chase the dragon and get Ronald back. She looked everywhere for something to wear, but the only thing she could find that was not burnt was a paper bag. So she put on the paper bag and followed the dragon. He was easy to follow because he left a trail of burnt forests and horses’ bones.

So the dragon jumped up and flew around the whole world in just twenty seconds. When he got back he was too tired to talk, and he lay down and went straight to sleep.

The dragon was so tired he didn’t even move.

“Ronald,” said Elizabeth, “your clothes are really pretty and your hair is very neat. You look like a real princes, but you are a bum.” They didn’t get married after all.

+Creating Sentence Variety