Lesson 9 The Rise of Islamic Terror

Post on 08-Jan-2017

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Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As ThisThe Rise of Islamic Terror 1

A Special Topic CoursePresented by:www.IslamicStateOfAmerica.com

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Lesson 9: The Rise of Islamic Terror

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As ThisThe Rise of Islamic Terror

The Middle East Has Imploded

• Islamic State has captured major cities within Iraq and Syria, destroying people groups, slaughtering thousands, driving hundreds of thousands from their homes.


• Palestine continues to attack Israel

• Iran seeks to build a nuclear weapon

• North Africa is fractured• Terror groups lie at the

heart of every activity• Why? What caused this?

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As ThisThe Rise of Islamic Terror

The Rest of the World Has Gone Mad

• 452 suicide bombing attacks in 2015– 4,370 people killed– 450 of the 452 suicide

attacks were carried out by Muslim extremists

• How did we get here?– Why are Muslims the

leading killers of Muslims?

– Why is Islamic terror on the rise?

– How did it all start?


Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the suspected mastermind of the Paris terror attacks on

November 13, 2015, waves an Islamic State flag in this undated picture taken from a

magazine published by IS.

Source: The Times of Israel, May 9, 2016

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As ThisThe Rise of Islamic Terror

The Rise of Terror• Salaf doctrine expressed by ibn Taymiya (1263 – 1328 AD)

– Father of modern terror. Strong belief that Islam had lost its way.– “All modern Sunni fundamentalists draw their intellectual and theological

inspiration from the body of work left by this elemental force in the Arab middle ages.” (Walid Phares)

• Rise of salafi doctrine in 14th century impeded Islamic progress– As a result of “internal focus” on fundamentalism, the caliphate could

not catch up with the European renaissance, revolutions and modernity• Objectives

– Tahrir: Liberation of all Muslim lands from non-Muslim powers– Tawheed: Unification by canceling the frontiers between ‘fake’ entities of

all Muslim countries. Dismantle all nation states in Muslim world– Khalifa: Reestablish succession, resume external jihad, bring about

return of fatah, reestablish the Caliphate


Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As ThisThe Rise of Islamic Terror

The Salafist Movement• Became ultraconservative reform movement within Sunni Islam

– Reject all religious innovation, seeking return to lifestyles that emulate the Prophet Muhammad and his earliest followers—”the pious forefathers”

– Salafists resent the use of the term “wahhabis” that compares them to modern ultraconservative Wahhabist Islam of Saudi Arabia

• Objectives of salafists– Tahrir: Liberation of all Muslim lands from non-Muslim powers– Tawheed: Unification by canceling the frontiers between ‘fake’ entities of

all Muslim countries. Dismantle all nation states in Muslim world– Khalifa: Reestablish succession, resume external jihad, bring about

return of fatah, reestablish the Caliphate


Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As ThisThe Rise of Islamic Terror

Muhammad ibn Al’ Wahhab

• Radical leader, even for his day (1740)– Leveled famous graves. Stoned

women. Expelled from his village north of Riyadh.

– Invited to live in neighboring province by Muhammad ibn Saud.

– Pact made that ibn Saud would implement the teachings of Al’ Wahhab if ibn Saud retained overall leadership of the religious movement

– For next 140 years, the heirs of ibn Saud conquered peninsula, uniting what we know as “Saudi Arabia”


Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As ThisThe Rise of Islamic Terror

Wahhabism• Conservative reformist call to Islam

founded by Muhammad ibn Al’ Wahhab in 18th century– Drew upon the teachings of ibn

Taymiya– Islam had “become soft” and he called

for a return to 3rd century (Islamic calendar) ideals

– Preached against “perceived moral decline and political weakness in the Arabian peninsula and condemned idolatry, the popular cult of saints, and shrine and tomb visitation

Wahhabism denounces the practice of blind adherence to the interpretations of scholars and the blind acceptance of practices that were passed on within the family or tribe.

Individual Muslims must learn and obey the divine commands as they were revealed in the Qur’an and the Sunnah.

Wahhabism does not just urge Muslims to follow the religious duties of Islam, but compels them to do so.


Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As ThisThe Rise of Islamic Terror

Waves of Terror• First wave = Wahhabism

– Arose in 1700’s from tribal Arabia• Second wave = Muslim Brotherhood

– Arose in 1928 in urban Egypt• Political underground with secret leadership and

strategies. Ties to 1981 assassination of Anwar Sadat.• Unlike state-sponsored Wahhabism, Muslim Brotherhood operates as the

opposition party. Flourished in Egypt, spreading to other countries– Second generation offshoots were jihad terror groups of 1980’s

• “The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 gave impetus to those elite jihadists to gather in one battlefield against one major enemy. Among them was a man who would take world jihad to its ultimate form: terrorism. It was Osama bin Laden.” (Walid Phares)

• Third wave = Khumeini, radical Shi’a, Islamic republic• Fourth wave = bin Laden, al Zawahiri, Muhammad Atta, Arab Spring• Fifth wave = ISIS, allegiant groups (Boko Haram, al Shabbab, etc.)


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Video: Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Overview

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As ThisThe Rise of Islamic Terror

Muslim Brotherhood

• Considers itself to be an Islamic revivalist movement that aims at rejuvenating staid and archaic forms of Islam– Seeks to infuse Islam with fresh energy that will enable it to fulfill

its destiny of spreading throughout the world• Founded in by 1928 Hassan al-Banna.

– Influenced by communist ideas of idealogue Sayyid Qutb– Viewed the Brotherhood as a revolutionary vanguard movement

that would spearhead the revival of Islam– Ideology differs from Wahhabist and Salafist Islam. Willing to

work with other Muslims, tempering ideology with pragmatism– Sees no difference between religion and politics. The ideal state

is a theocracy governed in accordance with sharia law.


Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As ThisThe Rise of Islamic Terror

What the Muslim Brotherhood Wants

• Motto– The Quran is our law. Jihad is our way.

Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. • Recently, motto removed from their logo

• Goals– Inform the world about Islam and spread its teachings– Unify the world under the banner of Islam– Raise the standard of living and achieve social justice– Fight disease, poverty, ignorance, and hunger– Liberate the Islamic nations from foreign rule– Establish a worldwide Islamic state– Build a new world civilization based on sharia and Islam


Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As ThisThe Rise of Islamic Terror

Inspiration for Modern Terror Groups

• Inspiration behind every Islamist group of note– Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Al-Qaeda in Iraq (predecessor of ISIS)– Al-Shabbab, Boko Haram– Islamist organizations across the Middle East

• The doctrines of dar-al harb (the land at war) and dar-al-Islam (the land of Islam) feature in Brotherhood thought which refer respectively to the land of the “infidels” and the land of Muslims. – This doctrine holds that the lands occupied by the “infidels” are

at war with the lands of Islam until they are conquered, although it permits truces to be made when a lack of military might inhibits conquest.


Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As ThisThe Rise of Islamic Terror

Brotherhood Timeline

• Founded 1928 by Hassan al-Banna– Assassinated Egyptian Prime Minister 1948– Hassan al-Banna assassinated 1949. Thousands riot

• Assassination attempt on General Nasser– Plot to kill President Nasser 1965. 27,000 arrested– Al-Qutb hanged 1966. 1,000 Brotherhood arrested

• President Sadat assassinated by ex-members 1981• Endorse revolutionary movement in Egypt 2011

– Brotherhood wins election 2012. – President Morsi overthrown 2013– Saudi Arabia designates Brotherhood as terrorists 2014


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Video: The History of the Muslim Brotherhood in 3 minutes

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As ThisThe Rise of Islamic Terror

Modern Influence

• Islamic theologian Sheikh Yussaf al-Qaradawi– Has show on Al-Jazeera, 40-60M viewers– Considered to be the “Mufti of the Muslim Brotherhood”– #31 of top 500 most influential Muslim leaders– Ruled in fatwa calling for death of Sir Salman Rushdie

– The implementation of the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategy is conducted in adherence to “gradualism,” a strategy of building a global Islamic state slowly through a gradual series of steps.75

This strategy differs from that of the Salafists, whose strategy ranges from those who believe in the immediate implementation of the Islamic state (caliphate) to those who are entirely divorced from the political process.


Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As ThisThe Rise of Islamic Terror

Objectives of the Brotherhood

• Plan to recreate the caliphate through a 12-stage gradual plan that moves forward through quiet and insidious forces– Discovered by Swiss authorities in a villa belonging to one of the

main financiers of the Muslim Brotherhood. The plan, called “The Project,” was written in 1982.

– Similar plans have been discovered in America by the FBI, most notably the “1991 Explanatory Memorandum.”

– The 1991 memorandum was part of a collection of documents called the Elbarasse archives, and was submitted as evidence in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial, the largest terrorism financing trial in American history.


Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As ThisThe Rise of Islamic Terror

The Brotherhood Process

• The Muslim Brotherhood organizes conferences, talks and community work in order to build trust and to establish and foster Islamic communities worldwide.

• Political action includes, but is not limited to: dissemination of propaganda, lobbying political figures, supporting sympathetic political candidates, sending speakers on lecture circuits, film creation, social work, charity and, at the most extreme level, armed jihad.

• The Brotherhood’s approach is sophisticated, complex and operates at on an international scale over a cross-section of institutional levels from personal connections to the halls of power.


Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As ThisThe Rise of Islamic Terror

Muslim Brotherhood

• “Muslim Brotherhood Manifesto for the US”– Dedicated to the penetration and overthrow of

American society– “In order for the process of settlement to be

completed, we must plan and work from now to equip and prepare ourselves, our brothers, our apparatuses, our sections and our committees in order to turn into comprehensive organizations in a gradual and balanced way that is suitable with the need and the reality.”


Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As ThisThe Rise of Islamic Terror

Civilization Jihad• “The Plan”

– “The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

• CAIR’s vision for America– "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to

become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth."

• Omar Ahmad, founder of the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).


Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As ThisThe Rise of Islamic Terror

Friends of the Brotherhood

• Broad coalition of pro-Brotherhood organizations in US– Chief offender: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)– Designated an Islamic terror organization by UAE– First to speak up at every occasion of Islamic violence in US

• Also– Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)– International Institute of Islamic Thought– Muslim Student’s Association (MSA)– The Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS)– Muslim American Society – North American Islamic Trust (NAIT)– Islamic American University


Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As ThisThe Rise of Islamic Terror

Insidious Transformation

• Muslim Brotherhood methods to infiltrate America have been well-planned and are on track with their 1982 initial strategy and their strategy of “gradualism”– Babies: Outbreed Americans and create a growing Muslim

citizenry– Ballots:

• Penetrate civil organizations, city, county and state government, and federal level appointments

• Run for office, gain acceptance, push for limited sharia law– Courts: Jurists pursue sharia as first priority over US civil law– Communities: Build non-assimilated groups of Muslims who

seek “peaceful” implementation of sharia for their closed communities


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Video: Brigitte Gabriel Reads the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As ThisThe Rise of Islamic Terror

Summary: The Rise of Terror

• Salaf doctrine expressed by ibn Taymiya (1263 – 1328 AD)– Father of modern terror. Strong belief that Islam had lost its way.

• Muhammad ibn Al’ Wahhab– Islam had “become soft” and he called for a return to 3rd century (Islamic

calendar) ideals– Established pact with King Saud to bring ideals to his kingdom

• Muslim Brotherhood– Assassinated President Sadat. Started first civil war in Syria 1982.

Started second Syrian civil war 2011. Took over Egypt (Muhammad Morsi) after “Arab Spring”, then pulled from power by military.

– Published “Manifesto” for the covert overthrow of the United States.• Ideological progenitor of all modern terror groups

– Fatah, Al’ Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS, Boko Haram, al Shabbab, others


Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As ThisThe Rise of Islamic Terror

In Our Next Lesson

• Lesson 10• The Rise of terror #2 – “The Seven Sons of Satan”

– Al Qaeda– ISIS– Boko Haram– Al-Shabaab, – Hamas– Hezbollah– Taliban

• Pray– For wisdom, for God’s grace, and for His hand in our lives