Lesson Learned from Spring AI Outbreak Epidemiology ... · Lesson Learned from Spring AI Outbreak...

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Poultry Biosecurity PREPARING FOR FALL


Lesson Learned from Spring AI Outbreak

Epidemiology & Preparation of Fall migration

Dr. Mueez Ahmad DVM MS

Lindsay Burg

Matt Mayer


• Epidemiology of Spring AI


• Lesson Learned ?

• Preparing for Fall Migration

• Biosecurity an ultimate tool

Epidemiology: Avian Influenza Virus

Understanding Avian Influenza Virus

• Influenza Virus Type: A, B, C,

• Influenza Type A: Human, Swine, Avian

• Avian Influenza Subtypes: H(1~16) N(1~9)

• Avian Influenza Pathotype: LPAI, HPAI

• Strains: Asian, European, North American, Mixed, Antigenic Drift & Shift

Avian Influenza Strains in USA

• High Path AI Wild, Captive, Domestic &

Commercial Birds

• H5N2 (Mixed Origin H5 Asia & N2 North America)

• H5N8 (Asian Origin, Mixed Origin)

• H5N1 (New NA strain not related to Asia &


AI Outbreak is a World Problem


Avian Influenza Epidemiology


Avian Influenza Transmission

Avian Influenza Transmission



Impact of 2015 AI Outbreak

• 223 cases

• 48,091,293 birds affected





Lesson Learned from Spring AI Outbreak

1. H5N2 and H5N8 virus was major cause of AI outbreak in US


2. CDC considered the risk to people influenza was low

3. US industry may consider H5Nx vaccine

4. Disease Spread by independent as well as “common source” of


5. Industry Current Biosecurity measures were unable to contain

independent infection.

6. Eradication & heighten biosecurity finally stop the outbreak by

June 17th 2015.

7. Are we prepared for Fall WB Migration ?

Epidemiology Example

Farm A

Day 1

Farm C

Day 2

Farm B

Day 2

Virus Aerosolization


• Air samples positive

up to 1000 m from


• Up to 63% of dust

tested AI positive

• 50% of air samples

tested positive/


AI Prevention

A Strong Biosecurity Program

Traditional Approach

• Entire Farm as a Unit

New Approach

• Consider a farm plan and each

individual house plan

1 2 3 4

New Approach

• Consider a farm plan and each

individual house plan

1 2 3 4

New Approach

• Consider a farm plan and each

individual house plan

1 2 3 4

New Approach

• Consider a farm plan and each

individual house plan

1 2 3 4

New Approach

• Consider a farm plan and each

individual house plan

1 2 3 4

Traditional Approach

• Biosecurity signs

• Perimeter fencing with locked gate

• No unauthorized visitors

1) Time away from other birds

2) Visitor log

3) Proper PPE

• Wheel wash/Vehicle disinfection

• Boot baths

NCC Biosecurity Principles Limiting visitors on the farm and minimizing foot traffic;

Avoiding contact with wild and domestic fowl;

Avoiding the sharing of farm equipment;

Having a clean and functioning footbath at each entrance to the broiler house;

Ensuring that all visitors or personnel have disinfected or new footwear before entering a

house or facility;

Making sure feed and water sources are covered and free of contaminants, limiting the

attraction of wild fowl and pests;

Having official signage clearly stating the farm is a biosecure zone and any unauthorized entry

is strictly prohibited;

Employing effective pest and wild bird management practices;

Adequately training farmers, farm and company personal in biosecurity and disease


New Approach

• For each house

1) Dirty Zone/Clean Zone

Biosecurity Step

• For Each Entrance

1. Boot dips at every entrance,

properly managed

1. Virkon S (1%) or DC&R (1 oz/gal)

2. Boots for each barn, stored in

clean zone when not in use

Vector Control

• Farm primes & each house

1. Pest Management

1. Rodenticide baiting program

2. Insecticide program

Barn Sanitation

• C&D

1) Cleaning is most


2) Cleaning steps:

a) Dry clean

b) Pre-Soak/Wet clean

i. BioSentry Chlor-a Foam

ii. BioSentry Acid-A-Foam

for mineral deposits

c) Rinse

d) Dry

3) Disinfect ion

1) Virkon Spray

2) Thermal Fog



Poultry Drinking Water

• Water Sanitation & Disinfection is Critical

Disease Outbreak

• AI Response Plan

1) National

2) Regional

3) Company

4) Individual

• Plans need to include provisions for

depopulation and disposal

Depopulation & Disposal

Biosecurity Culture

Thank You
