Lesson1-2 grammar. Predictions (will and be going to) a)talks about a future event we can predict...

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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Predictions (will and be going to)

a) talks about a future event we can

predict from a present situation?

b) expresses our opinions and beliefs

about the future?

Language Study

• This growth is going to continue.

• It is clear that we are going to see a huge growth in shopping on the internet.

• She also believes that , in the future, we will get entertainment from the Net and that television will probably disappear.

• I think virtual reality will become a part of modern life.

• We will work in virtual offices, shop in virtual supermarket , and we will even study in virtual schools.

1. …, ‘ it is clear that we are going to see an

explosion of shopping on the Internet.’

2. She also believes that, in the future, we

will get entertainment from the Internet

and that television will probably


3. ‘Personally, I think virtual reality will

become part of modern life,’ …





• A) talks about a future event we can predict from a present situation.

• B) expresses our opinions and beliefs about the future.

• Ex 8 p9

Which comment is better in each situation?

1. You’re planning to buy a computer.

a) I hope it will be cheap.

b) It is going to be cheap.

2. It’s the last ten minutes of a basketball

match between Russia and the USA.

The score is 102:56 to Russia.

a) The USA will lose.

b) The USA is going to lose.

a) I hope it will be cheap.

b) The USA is going to lose.

More sentences

• 1. look at the dark clouds. It is going to rain.

• 2.In your opinion, which book will sell best in this summer?



• 1.I have dreamed to be a doctor, so I am going to study medicine.

• 2. –Daddy, please. I can’t do the homework on my own. It is too difficult.

• -All right. I will help you with it.


说话人临时的 想法。

• If you need any help , I will always be there.

• Will you come to my birthday party?


Fill in the blank

• 1.Her face is pale. • _______________ 她好像要晕倒了。• 2.Which film do you think _____________

rank No. 1?• 3.Where has he gone? Ok, let us find him out. • ______________________________• 我往这边走,你往那边。 .• 4.The government ____________

take measures to bring down the house prices.

She is going to faint.


I will take this way and you will take the other

is going to

Complete the text with going to or will.

Earth Report!

Dr Carl Wight is an expert on the

environment. He speaks to our reporter,

“It is clear that in the next few years the

Earth’s climate(1)_________ change . I’m

afraid that this probably means that many

kinds of animals, such as the South China

tiger, (2)___________ disappear soon,

is going to

are going to

Changes in climate(3) ____________

certainly affect people’s lives too. Because

of global warming, the sea has already

destroyed parts of Britain. It is obvious

that this destruction (4) ___ become more

dangerous in the future. We have to take

immediate action, or I fear that life on

Earth (5) ___ get worse.”

are going to



1. The cars are going to crash.

2. She’s going to have a baby.

3. He’s going to walk into the bus stop.

4. The house is going to fall into the sea.

Ex. 10 on P9:

Five sentences about your family and friends ten years from now.

speaking (Ex11 p9)

• Express a fact and predict about life by the year 2050 and your reasons.

• For example:

• The earth is going to become more crowded. I think there will be no traffic problems because we will be working at home using computers.


Language points

1. In the last thirty years, the Internet g

rew rapidly.

2. Terrorists may “attack” the world’s

computers, cause chaos, make planes

and trains crash.

3. It is convenient to order tickets from

the Internet.

has grown



Correct error

4. In 1983, there were only 200 computers

connect to the Internet.

5. It is clear we can use the Internet to do

all kinds of things at home.

6. Personally, I’m optimistic about the

future of Internet.




7. As society develops, computers will

make our life much convenient.

8. The mail service may also disappear

as the increasing use of e-mail.



Language points

1. In 1983, there were only 200 computers

connected to the Internet.

computer 和 connect 是被动关系 , 因此 connected to 是过去分词做定语来修饰 computer, 相当于一个定语从句。

= which were connected to the Internet.

It is surprising that there were 3oo gol

d coins buried underground.

= which were buried underground.

真是令人惊奇 , 地下埋了 300 枚金币。There are so many people watching the

big fire in the street.

=who are watching the big fire in the st


People 和 watching 是主动关系 wa

tching 是现在分词做定语表主动来修饰 people 相当于定语从句。

2. Some experts are pessimistic about the future. 一些科学家对 ( 计算机主宰的 ) 未来表现出悲观的态度。

be pessimistic/optimistic about 对……悲观 / 乐观

I’m rather pessimistic about the present situation.



3. It is clear that we are going to see an ex

plosion of shopping on the Internet. 很显然 , 不远的将来我们就会看到网上购物的狂潮。

It 作形式主语 , 真实主语是 that 引出的主语从句。

= that we are going to see an explosion

of shopping on the Internet is clear.

It is clear that in the next few years

the Earth’s climate will change.

= That in the next few years the

Earth’s climate will change is clear.

4. ...the use of computers with sounds an

d pictures that make you feel as if you

are in a real situation. ( 虚拟世界 ) 是计算机通过声音和图像模拟现实 , 以使人感到仿佛置身于一个真实的空间。

as if 连词 , 仿佛 , 好像 It sounds as if she’s been really ill.


5. We have to take immediate action.

我们得马上采取行动。 take action 采取行动 We must take action to prevent the sp

read of disease. 我们必须采取行动防止疾病的传播。


• 人们将会帮助那些受飓风影响最严重的地区。

• People will help the areas most affected by the hurricane.

• 新税法不会影响我,因为我是个学生。• The new tax law doesn’t affect me becaus

e I am a student.• 这个故事深深地打动了我。• The story affected me deeply.


• 在深夜回家的路上她遭到攻击。• She was attacked while walking home late

at night.• 报刊抨击政府没有削减税率。• Newspapers attacked the government for f

ailing to cut taxes.• 最近发生了几起针对外国人的暴力事件。• There have been several attacks on foreig

ners recently.


• 当车撞到树上时三个人死了。• Three people were killed when their car crashed

into a tree.• 一架飞机在纽约附近坠毁了。• A plane crashed near New York.• 这棵树砰的一声倒了。• The tree fell with a great crash.• 一个女孩在昨天的车祸中死亡了。• A girl was killed yesterday in a car crash.


• 太多的阳光将伤害植物 。• Too much sunlight will harm the plant.• 这件事损害了两国之间的关系。• This event harmed relations between the two countries.• Do harm to• 这不会对他的事业造成多大的伤害。• This won’t do his career serious harm.• This won’t do serious harm to his career .• 批评别人的工作往往弊大于利。• Criticizing people’s work often does more harm than goo

d.• Do more harm than good

Find out about holiday offers

• They offered him a very good job, but he turned it down.

• The school offers places to us.• The school offers us places.• Thank you for your offer for help.• I will sell the car if I get a good offer.• They have offered 75,000 pounds to us for the

house.• They have offered us the house for 75,000




• In chaos

• In secret

• In the secret