Lessons from The Hill: Lobbying & Advocating for UX on the Job

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Unconference talk at UXPA 2013 in Washington, D.C.


Lessons from

Lobbying & Advocating for UX on the Job

An “unconference” talk for UXPA 2013 by @karenTL



Inspiration for this talk:Being in DC & previous unconference talks!

Methodology:Reversed-engineered what a lobbyist does via Wikipedia, lobbying & political websites, and job postings >>> i.e., not otherwise qualified to speak on this subject


What is it?

Lobbying is the act of attempting to influence decisions

(made by officials in the government).




Only one (or a few) decision makers

Sound familiar?

Never-ending attention & prioritization problem


Many constituents & interests+



"Lobbyists are in many cases expert technicians capable of examining complex and difficult subjects in clear, understandable fashion. They engage in personal discussion with members of Congress in which they explain in detail the reasons for the positions they advocate...

Senator John F. Kennedy, 1956

Because our congressional representation is based upon geographical boundaries, the lobbyists who speak for the various economic, commercial and other functional interests of the country serve a useful purpose and have assumed an important role in the legislative process."


Hire yourself!Actual lobbying job description excerpts:

“Very knowledgeable about legislative process and know who the decision makers are relative to congressional staff and Members of Congress.”

“Helps build relationships and alliances with key stakeholder groups…Works with these groups to gain alignment and gain support…”

“Strong strategic thinking tied to business understanding to create policies that will positively impact [company] and to deter negative policies.”

“Public presentation and speaking skills…Ability to present an argument and effectively persuade and communicate on complex issues.”


Inside LobbyingDirectly accessing & influencing decision makers

Write a Letter Present Testimony Personal Visits & Elevator Pitches

TEN SECOND BRAINSTORMHow might these translate to your UX job?


Outside LobbyingIndirectly influencing decision makers through other people and/or means

Calling on Favors Coalitions Campaigns

TEN SECOND BRAINSTORMHow might these translate to your UX job?


Design the UX of UX!

“Bathroom UX” exercise via Leah Buley:

Which would you rather do?a) Disarm a bomb with many wires.

b) Disarm a bomb with a single button.

By Matt Couch / @mcnigma from a tutorial exercise this week thanks to Leah Buley / @ugleah, author of The User Experience Team of One.


Practice Speaking!

Be a high-functioning introvert! –Brian Sullivan, UXPA 2013 presenter

Hi, my name is __________.I am a ___________.The last cool project I worked on was ____________.And it did this / here’s what I learned: _____________.What about you?


Change & Leadership Books


Lobbying Resources

Google “lobbying tactics”

Ten Principles of Lobbyinghttp://www.portlandoregon.gov/oni/article/338655

Inside and Outside Lobbying Techniqueshttp://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_inside_and_outside_lobbying_techniques

Wikipedia: Grassroots Lobbyinghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grassroots_lobbying


Find & create your own “lobbies”

Popular D.C. myth on the origins of “lobbyist”:

President Ulysses S. Grant coined the term from those who frequented the lobby of Williard Hotel in attempts to buy him drinks for the chance to influence his political decisions.


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