Lessons learned from failure - Tips for Startups

Post on 10-May-2015

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A short-timed fast pased (Pecha-Kucha style) presentation on StartUp Failure and how it can become an important asset to an entrepreneur. Special focus on what research is.. and is not. Easter Egg: 10+1 startup failure reasons and how to avoid them. ;-) (Presentation given at Athens InfoCom 2013 conference, Caravel Hotel).




Starting up became cheaper

The Internet democratized Entrepreneurship

Is it


Research is not showing your MVP to friends

(biased opinion)

Research is not showing your MVP to anyone


Research is not trying to find what people wish for

(according to your beliefs)

Research is trying to observe what people do

(not just watch)

…Identify the mistake…

… and try to correct it(in a remarkable way) ;-)

Research is searching for your Demographics

(and apply to them your prototype)

Research is understanding the business(and ask other startups for advice on growth, scalability, project management, etc.)

Research is becoming Customer-Driven(listen to what people have to say, what they need… collect as much feedback and constantly improve)

If you avoid all, then (theoretically), you will become 110% successful

(and this presentation will feature on Slideshare! Eat this, Guy Kawasaki!) :-)