Lessons learned running a remote diary study

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Slides from my presentation at UX Cambridge 2014 "Adopting a new research technique can be an exciting, confusing and worrying experience. Where do you start? What are the gotchas? How do you make use of the results? My colleagues and I faced these issues when we ran a diary study for the first time. Diary studies can be time-consuming but have the potential to provide rich contextual information and useful details about end-user behaviour. We were keen to try this technique but wary of the time commitment. This session will focus on how we planned the study, what we did during the 3 weeks we ran the study and how we analysed the results. I'd like to explain what we learned about running a diary study, what we'd do differently next time and how we iterated our approach to get quicker insights from the study for the development team to use."


Lessons learned running a remote diary study . . .


A little bit about me (and you) . . .


What is a diary study? . . .



“A diary study involves asking a number of people to record their experiences related to a particular subject over a period of time.” http://www.webcredible.co.uk/user-friendly-resources/web-usability/diary-study-guide.shtml

1. Set yourself up for success . . .


2. Get the team involved early . . .



3. “Planning” is not a dirty word. . .



4. Set expectations up front . . .



5. People are flaky . . .



6. Twitter is your friend . . .



7. Iterate, don’t cram it all into a week . . .


8. Analyse on the fly (in public) . . .



Some numbers(if you like that sort of thing) . . .


Shouts out . . .



Thanks for listening . . .
