Lets explore pakistan .chitral the land of hospitility

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Chitral the land of hospitalityPrepared by JamilaBsn 6th semester (RNC)


Prepared by AK MANSOOR AHMAD BSN 6th semester12/12/2016AK 88 COPY RIGHT RESVERD 1


IntroductionUnder the shadows of Tirichmir in the Hindukush mountain range, the valley of Chitral in the North West Frontier Province is a fascinating combination of scenic beauty and cultural diversity. The land of apples, apricots, pears and pomegranates, Chitral stretches from 1,094m to 7778m above sea level (ASL) at Tirichmir Peak. With its collection of rugged mountains, gushing rivers, hot springs, and fruit-laden orchards, Chitral truly is an enchanting part of Pakistan12/12/2016AK 88 COPY RIGHT RESVERD 2

Continue The area is bordered by Afghanistan in the north and west, with the narrow Afghan Wakhan Corridor separating it from Tajikistan, Dir Kohistan in the south and Gilgit in the east. Chitral can be accessed via several mountain passes, the most famous being the Lowari Top which is border line between Dir and chitral (3,118m) approx, crossing the Hindu Raj (a spur of the higher Hindukush) in the south and the Shandur Pass (3,734m) forming the eastern gateway from Gilgit.12/12/2016AK 88 COPY RIGHT RESVERD 3

People of chitralThe people of Chitral are called Khow who have a great ethnic diversity. In the past, till the creation of Pakistan in 1947, Chitral used to be an independent princely state. When Pakistan came into being, the state of Chitral was the first to declare accession to the new country. In the year 1969, Chitral was merged into the Malakand division of the then KPK as a settled district.12/12/2016AK 88 COPY RIGHT RESVERD 4

People of chitralThe people of chitral are very humble and hospitibal they give extra respect to a tourist ,guest.Chitralis' hospitality impressed Markhor hunters'PESHAWAR, April 21, 2011: Foreigners from US and Russia hunted three Markhors two in Chitral and one in Kohistan(Dir) - and returned to their homelands carrying along the attractive trophies and good memories of hospitality of the local people of chitral.12/12/2016AK 88 COPY RIGHT RESVERD 5


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Norwegian Ambassador visit to Kalash ValleyTalking to residents during her visit on Thursday, Landsverk said due to security issues she had to wait for two years to visit the valley and meet the people. I am happy that the aid sent by the Norwegian government was utilised by the people of Chitral, she said.Landsverk, in a meeting with Kalash people in Rambor, said she is inspired by the peace and brotherhood between Muslims which is an example for the rest of the world. Locals also presented their cultural dance to welcome the diplomat in the dance palace constructed by the Norwegian government.12/12/2016AK 88 COPY RIGHT RESVERD 7

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USAID Country Head, Robin Rephel inspired by Chitrals Hospitality

The former U.S Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian Affairs and the Country Director,United States Agency for International Development (USAID),in Pakistan, Mrs. Robin Raphel visited Chitral, a scenic and picturesque valley, in northern Pakistan. She watched a Polo match in a festival called The Qaqlashht Festival.Chitral is such a beautiful place to see and I am impressed by the unique culture and the great hospitality of the people. This place has a wonderful opportunity to enhance the eco-tourism She said here in Chitral12/12/2016AK 88 COPY RIGHT RESVERD 9

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Hospitality is tradition of chitrali peopleThe tradition of hospitality can be observed throughout northern Pakistan but in few places it is offered as generously as in Chitral. Chitralis also have a strong musical tradition. The Chitrali sitar, a string instrument, can often be heard at many places and family gathering.12/12/2016AK 88 COPY RIGHT RESVERD 11

Culture dance by which local entertain The visitor12/12/2016AK 88 COPY RIGHT RESVERD 12

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