Let’s Get Wired!

Post on 21-Mar-2016

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Let’s Get Wired!. Using Technology to Enhance Learning. Our Students…. Quick Quiz. T or F. Technology is a cure-all. T or F. Technology is a baby sitter. T or F. All students know how to use technology appropriately. T or F. Technology is a great way to enhance learning!. Today’s Lesson. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Let’s Get Wired!Using Technology to

Enhance Learning

Our Students…

Quick QuizT or F. Technology is a cure-all.T or F. Technology is a baby

sitter.T or F. All students know how to

use technology appropriately.T or F. Technology is a great

way to enhance learning!

Today’s Lesson• Internet Lesson (Web Lesson)• Scavenger Hunt (Treasure

Hunt)• Subject Sampler• WebQuest• PBL

Internet Lesson• Worksheet that guides

students through sites on the web, usually has a theme

• Lowest levels of Bloom’s• Let’s get Brainy…

Scavenger Hunt• Learning tool to help students use

internet resources & information• Usually uses multiple sites• Teachers pre-select websites• Can be used for simple fact finding

or more…the questions determine rigor

• Many have a “final question” for summary

• Students can easily create & share

Creating a Scavenger Hunt

1.) Decide on a topic2.) Find a collection of websites3.) Determine questions from

websites-put link in question-put link before a set of questions

4.) Put in .pdf, .doc, or html (etc.)

Scavenger Hunt Examples

• Language Arts: http://www.montana.edu/4teachers/instcomp/hunts/language/yellowtrip/webpage2.html

• Art: http://www.sonic.net/bantam1/renart.html• Math:

http://homepages.ius.edu/JKAISE01/lessons/saveng.htm• Government:


• Science: http://www.netc.org/classrooms@work/classrooms/middleteam/learning/scienceinternet.html

• Auto Tech: http://www.trumbull.k12.oh.us/teachers/resources/InternetHunt/autohunt.htm

Your Turn !• Take the next 5 minutes and…

– Find a scavenger hunt on a current topic you are teaching•OR

– Think of a topic that you would like to create one on & find 2 websites that you could use

Feelings…Nothing more than Feelings: The

Subject Sampler• Students explore collection of links,

includes questions based on content from the sites AND how they feel or react to it

• Students share their perspectives on topics, comparisons to their experiences, and their interpretations

• More complex…higher level thinking than a scavenger hunt

Creating a Subject Sampler

• Similar to scavenger hunt except– Students are not looking for

“hard facts” so the questioning will be different

Subject Sampler Examples

• The Depression: http://www.nisd.net/holmes/technology/integration/subj_samp/calber/depression.htm

• Colonial America: http://www.ccsdedtech.com/cc/projects/subjectsampler/colonial/index.html

• DNA Technology: http://www.sunnysidescience.com/dna_technology_subject_sampler.htm

• Money Matters: http://www.kn.att.com/wired/democracy/sampler.html#act

WebQuests• Thinking outside the box,

Bloom’s highest level of learning• Student Groups receive a task,

scenario, or problem to solve• They have to come up with a

solution based upon their research.

• They become the expert, not you!

How to create a webquest

• Background information• Pick a task, problem, or scenario• Research Resources• Choose a product for students

to share their information– Lessons, Brochures, Working

Models, Debates, Newspaper Articles…

Essential Parts to Webquest

• Introduction: for motivation/intrigue• Task: overview of what students will

be doing• Process: exact steps, group roles, etc

(descriptive & sequential)• Links: give students a place to start • Evaluation: rubric, etc• Conclusion: main goal of project to

keep students on track, provides closure

Webquest Examples• Language Arts: http://www.slc.k12.ut.us/webweavers/jillc/mbird.html • Math: http://www.otsego.k12.oh.us/bernthisel/carshoppingwebquest.htm • Social Studies:

http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/democracy/debtquest.html • Science:


• P.E./Health: http://imet.csus.edu/imet2/nicher/toohotwebquest/index.html

• Weight Training: http://academics.uww.edu/cni/webquest/PE/physed/WEBQUEST.HTM

• Family & Consumer Sciences: http://www.d91.k12.id.us/ifhs/subpages/Media_Center/trading%20spaces.htm