Let's play with water

Post on 09-Mar-2016

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workshop from the foundation Randy


The project of 2008-2009

“Together for Water”

Is part of the decade


Voted by the UNO

“Water: Source of Life”

Activity I

The system of circulation in plants

We put celery in water with colorant.

After 30 minuts we can obser how the celery absorbed the liquid.

Activity II La osmosis

We put some seeds in water.

The seeds started to move rapidly in contact with water, as if they were dancing

Osmosis is the diffusion of a solvent (frequently water) through a semi-permeable membrane, from a

solution of low solute concentration (high water potential) to a solution with high solute concentration

(low water potential), up a solute concentration gradient.

It is a physical process in which a solvent moves, without input of energy, across a semi-permeable membrane (permeable to the solvent, but not the

solute) separating two solutions of different concentrations.

Osmosis releases energy, and can be made to do work, as when a growing tree root splits a stone .

Activity III

Superficial tension of water.

The kids have too make a needle float on water.

That was easy to until we add liquid soap, at this time surface tension broke and the needle went to the bottom.

See you soon !