Let’s Take This Show on the Road! Wendy Jewell MA, M.Ed. Nicole Slivinski M.Ed.

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Let’s Take This Show on the Road!

Wendy Jewell MA, M.Ed.

Nicole Slivinski M.Ed.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

The brain does many things all at the same time. People learn better when given a rich

environment with a variety of stimuli.

Use a variety of teaching strategies to present material to be learned

like:Physical activities, art and music

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

The brain does many things all at the same time. People learn better

when given a rich environment with a variety of stimuli.

• Sit down and do handwriting vs. standing at the board and writing it

• Talking about how to make a sandwich vs. making a sandwich

• Draw a picture of what we just did in class to insure learning

• Walk to the store and make a purchase vs. putting picture cards in order

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

The brain understands best when facts and skills are embedded in natural spatial


Use teaching techniques that create or mimic real world experiences and use varied senses. Integrate content areas

into genuine experiences.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

The brain understands best when facts and skills are embedded in natural

spatial memory.

• Read the want ads in the newspaper• Figure out how much money you need at the

store• Read the functional signs while walking to the

store in the community• Do real jobs that have a real purpose• Earn money for doing real work

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

The brain is naturally curious and can be engaged by complex

and meaningful challenges.

Present learning in activities that arouse the

mind’s search for meaning

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

The brain is naturally curious and can be engaged by complex and meaningful challenges.

• Take the student to the vending machine without giving them money. They need to ask for the money.

• Put vocabulary words within a recipe so they become meaningful

• Have students work to earn money rather than counting money as an activity.

• Have students use a scale to weigh paper from recycling project for number identification…Then have them add the numbers together to give meaning to addition.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

The brain is designed to perceive and generate patterns.

Present learning in real-life or thematic instruction so the learner can identify patterns and connect

with previous experiences.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

The brain is designed to perceive and generate patterns.

• Teaching “work”…stimulus is “work”..response is…..student learns “This is what work means”

• Teaching “share”…stimulus is “time to share”…response is student shares and learns “This is what sharing is.”

• The theme is Feelings Identification that means we talk about MAD and SAD. Student learns “These are called feelings.”…yesterday in the lunch room when I saw you, you felt…

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

Every brain perceives parts and wholes at the same time.

Try to avoid isolating information/learning from its context. The isolation makes

learning more difficult.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

We have at least 2 types of memory: spatial which registers our daily

experiences and rote which deals with facts and skills in isolation.

Separating information and skills from prior experience forces the learner to

depend on rote memory (memorizing). Try to avoid emphasis on rote learning, it ignores the learner’s personal side and

probably interferes with development of understanding.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

“ No two children are alike. An enriched environment for one is not necessarily enriched for another.” Marian Diamonds

Professor of Neuroanatomy at Berkley

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

Significant cognitive disabilities

Students who need functional academic learning supports

Students who needCommunication supports

Typical learner

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

For learners with developmental delays research says…

• Community based instruction is critical because as adults the community is where they need to use the skills they acquire during their school years.

• The expectation is that students will live, work, shop and play in integrated environments in the community.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

For learners with developmental delays research says…

• Instruction should occur in “natural environments” at naturally occurring times .

• Repeated practice in isolated skills in classroom settings without connections to student’s lives will not allow for generalization of the skill.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

For learners with developmental delays research says…

• Individuals with delays benefit from functional, hands-on instruction in meaningful life skills in the natural setting where those skills are typically used.

• L earning takes place across a variety of environments if our students are to generalize what they learn.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

For learners with developmental delays research says…

• Instructional priorities should be based on real world needs of each student and lead towards increased independence and autonomy in his/her community

• It is different for students with disabilities to learn a skill or concept in a classroom and then apply it to a community setting.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

For learners with developmental delays research says…

• L earning by doing is the best option.

• Skills are to learn, practice, implement and generalize.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

What is community based


Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

What is community based instruction?(CBI)

Functional life skillsProvides opportunities to teach new skillsLeast restrictive environment (LRE)Regular, systematic instruction

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

Goal s of CBI• Offers experience (per brain research)• Promotes inclusion• Offers exposure to a variety of settings (per brain research)• Prepares for the future• Educates the community• Allows for individual preferences/learning

styles (per brain research)• Enhances quality of life (per research)

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008


CBI• Cumulative,

systematic instruction• Emphasis on

acquisition and instruction

• Functional and age-appropriate skills

FIELD TRIPS• One time/episodic• Difficult to address


Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

What does research say about outcomes?

•Students•Parents/Caregivers•Educational Staff•Community

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

Outcomes for Students•Increase appropriate behaviors•Decrease of interfering behaviors•Development of skills•Increase in independence•Development of age appropriate skills•Development of skills and work habits

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

Outcomes for Parents/Caregivers

•Increased Involvement•Increased participation in skill identification•Increased participation in community

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

Outcomes for Educational Staff

• Increased creativity

• Increased staff communication

• Increased teacher motivation

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

Outcomes for Community

• Increased awareness

• Increased partnerships

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

What are the domains of instruction that CBI can cover?

1. Academics2. Communication3. Social Skills4. Self-Management5. Community Living6. Recreation and Leisure Health and Safety Independent Living Employability Transportation and Mobility Home Living/Domestic

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

You are teaching a group of older students. They are going to work at a

local YMCA to clean the bicycle exercise


Your task now is to…

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

•Determine the specific skills that can be taught to students during this activity.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008




Go from school to work

Enter building and get ready to begin work

Begin work and stay on task with a partner

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

4Eat lunch at work

5Work is finished. Get ready to leave.

6Work is finished. Go back to school.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

So, what are some places that community instruction can be implemented?

•Grocery stores•Post offices•Libraries•Parks•Stores•Banks•Hospitals

•Schools•Senior Centers•Local fire and police departments•Recreation Centers•Restaurants•Neighborhoods•Theatres•Museums

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

Think about this…

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

What IS and what IS NOT community based instruction?

(HINT: The emphasis is on INSTRUCTION!)

IS• Student makes a purchase

at the store• Student orders food from a

menu• Student completes a work

task at a work site• Student takes a book out of

the library• Student locates and puts

items in the cart at the grocery store

IS NOT• Student is standing next to

adult at the store while the adult makes the purchase

• Student is in the restaurant while the adult orders the food

• Adult completes the work task for the student so it is done correctly

• Adult stands in line and takes out book

• Adult pushes the cart and tells student where items are

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

So, what would be the next


Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

So, what would be the next step?

• Start with the IEP• Is the CBI based on IEP Goals?• Are the goals aligned with the state standards?

• Identify Skills• What specific skills need to be taught to this student?• Remember you are looking at the SKILLS and NOT the


Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

So, what would be the next step?

THINK ABOUT….What are the student’s needs?What are the student's interests?What are the student’s

strengths?Is the skill chronologically


Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

So, what would be the next step?

MORE TO THINK ABOUT….Will learning the skill increase participation?Can the skill be taught and applied in a variety

of settings?Can you embed the skill into natural school-

based routines?Will the student’s function more

independently if they can perform this skill?What are the community resources to teach

this skill?

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

So, what would be the next step?

Don’t forget family collaboration!

Parent inputIdentification of needsInformation gathering

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

So far you have:

Identified skills to be taughtIdentified the environment in which you will teach the skills

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

So, what would be the next step?

DATA! Start with baseline data

• What can the student already do?• What level of independence does the student have in

performing the skill?

Develop specific instructionCollect data on the instructionAnalyze the dataRestructure instruction as necessary

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

So, what would be the next step?

Evaluate the success of the community instruction based on:

Acquisition of skillFluency of skill

Maintenance of skillGeneralization of skill

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

“---Practice not only makes perfect, it makes the brain more efficient. What has previously been seen with monkey brains now has been seen in humans. Using functional MRI, a German university has shown that when learning a motor movement (in this case learning to play the piano), a great deal of the motor region of the brain is used. With experience, smaller and smaller regions of the brain are used. In professional musicians, only very tiny regions of the motor cortex are involved in their playing. Thus, practice makes neural networks efficient and frees up regions of the cortex to again be used by other things.

Jancke, L. et. al. 2000

Cognitive Brain Research. Vol. 10(1-2),177-183.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

So, what would be the next step?

Because Community Based Instruction is designed to increase

independent living and social interactions, CAREFUL planning must

take place PRIOR to instruction to insure success for the student and

the community.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

Prepare the community

•Identify community resources•Make contact with these resources•Educate the community on the program and the students•“Contract” or work agreement•Make expectations clear•Plan for follow-up/on-going assessment

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

Prepare the studentsConduct an Ecological Inventory

•Become familiar with the basic layout•Address accessibility for students with limited mobility•Find the locations of the restrooms, lunchrooms, etc.•Make/learn the daily schedule for hours of participation•Check lighting•Check noise levels•Check access to large crowds/many people•Check probability of unknown/surprise factor•Make sure it is age appropriate•Many etc.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

Prepare the students WHERE they are goingWHAT they will do thereWHAT they will learn thereWHAT they might see thereWHO they might see thereWHAT their routine will beHOW they will get thereHOW LONG they might stay

Present this material in a manner that the student will be able to understand it.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

Prepare the students

• Visit the environment•Make teaching materials prior to starting

•Community Based Instruction cannot stand alone

• Linked to ongoing classroom instruction• Examples• Samples

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

Prepare the staff

Everyone should be clear about their responsibilities for delivering instruction.•Student assignments•Instruction in specified skills•Implementation of behavioral strategies•Data collection•Progress and modifications in instruction•Safety•Relationships•Public image

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

Make sure these issues are taken care of before implementing Community Based instruction…

•Scheduling•Liability and safety•Transportation•Staffing ratio and group size•Parent involvement

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

Summary• Community based instruction is research

based.• Community based instruction is integral to

preparing students with learning difficulties to reach long-term goals/outcomes to be active and independent participants in their communities.

• Community based instruction must have a focus on teaching.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

Summary• Community based instruction must be

carefully planned and carefully implemented to insure that teaching and learning takes place

• Community based instruction has benefits for the student, the community, the parents.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

Most people learn best by listening.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

Going to the bank is community based


Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

Planful systematic instruction about how to access and use the bank is community based instruction.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

Students can gain more independence by learning through CBI.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

Going to the zoo is CBI.

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

CBI allows a student access to the least restrictive environment.


Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

“If a child is not learning the way you are teaching, then you must teach in the way the child learns.” Rita Dunn

Positive Education Program - Jewell, Slivinski - September 2008

“Communities are important for children and youth, but the uses and benefits of community must be experienced to be learned.”

Nicholas Hobbs, Ph.D.The Troubled and Troubling Child