level 2 full time handbook

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  • 7/30/2019 level 2 full time handbook

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    City & Guilds

    Level 2 Diploma in Horticulture




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    First Diploma COURSE TEAM........................................................................................................................................ ..5

    COURSE TUTOR...............................................................................................................................................................5

    ATTENDANCE...................................................................................................................................................................6Assignments.......................................................................................................................................................................10Assignments continued .....................................................................................................................................................11

    Verification .......................................................................................................................................................................11Internal verification............................................................................................................................................................11

    A selection of student assignments together with grading decisions are internally verified by the course team to ensurestandardisation of marking. ...............................................................................................................................................11

    External verification...........................................................................................................................................................11Student assignments and assessments are sampled externally by a City and Guilds External Verifier who visits the

    college at least once a year. The External Verifier may also wish to see an assessment taking place on the day of his/hervisit and to speak to students individually or as a group...................................................................................................11

    Grading ............................................................................................................................................................................11BOOK LIST...................................................................................................................................................................... .12

    You do not necessarily need to purchase any books to enable you to complete the course. The Library at WitneyCampus has an excellent stock of horticulture books which you should find useful and informative..............................12

    However, students usually wish to know what books are considered to be essential reading for the course and which arerecommend. The list below is by no means comprehensive but is meant to be a guide to some of the most useful

    reference works. The subject teacher is likely to suggest further books worthy of investigation. ........................... .......12

    Plant identification.............................................................................................................................................................12

    The Expert books by Dr. Hessayon are invaluable for plant identification. The most useful ones for you on this coursewill be: The Tree and Shrub Expert; The Flower Expert; The Rock and Water Expert; The House Plant Expert; The

    Pest and Weed Expert: The Lawn Expert................................................................................................................... .......12Plant information...............................................................................................................................................................12

    Hilliers Manual of Trees and Shrubs: no pictures but an invaluable companion when choosing trees and shrubs forgardens. .............................................................................................................................................................................12

    The RHS A-Z Encyclopaedia of Garden Plants: expensive but a good source of information on a comprehensive range

    of plants. ............................................................................................................................................................................12Right Plant, Right Place by Nicola Ferguson: useful for selecting plants for different sites............................................12Plant science.......................................................................................................................................................................12

    Botany for Gardeners by Capon........................................................................................................................................12Collins Guide to Pests and Diseases..................................................................................................................................12

    Principles of Horticulture by Adams, Bamford and Early.................................................................................................12General...............................................................................................................................................................................12

    A Handbook for Horticulture Students by Dawson.* .................................................................................................... ...12NB: This is a highly recommended textbook for students attending RHS or NCH courses................................. ......... ...12

    VISITS AND TRIPS .......................................................................................................................................................13During the course there will be several accompanied visits, including a study tour, to areas of particular interest and

    importance to horticulture students. Students will visit gardens, garden centres, nurseries etc. These trips are integral to

    the course and are of great benefit to those wishing to develop their understanding and appreciation of the Horticultural

    Industry..............................................................................................................................................................................13HEALTH AND SAFETY..................................................................................................................................................13

    Working in the land based sector can be a hazardous occupation. ...................................................................................13Abingdon & Witney College places great importance on providing and maintaining safe and healthy working

    conditions, equipment and systems of work. ....................................................................................................................13Students must obey the instructions given by members of staff and ensure that they abide by campus regulations. ......13

    If a fire alarm sounds you are to leave the premises by the nearest exit and assemble at the designated assembly pointwhere your lecturer will take a register. Do not return to the classroom unless instructed to do so.................................13

    All students must attend practical activities suitably dressed. It is essential that you wear steel toe capped boots for allpractical activities. It is also recommended that you equip yourself with a pair of work gloves and ear defenders.........13

    Students are advised to have an up to date Tetanus injection............................................................................................13The attached Horticulture Health and Safety Policy provides details of your responsibilities.........................................13

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    Welcome to Abingdon and Witney College and to the full time City and

    Guilds Level 2 Diploma in Horticulture course. This booklet is intendedto provide you with a guide to the course; it gives details of course

    content, how it is delivered and how you will be assessed. You should find

    this a useful document to refer to especially during the early stages of

    the course.

    The aim of the course:

    The aim of this course is to teach you the practical and theoretical skills

    necessary to enable you to build a career in horticulture. It leads to a

    well respected professional qualification that is highly regarded within

    the industry.

    COURSE STRUCTUREThis is a one year full time course. You will find information on term

    dates and details of the course in this handbook. This Handbook details

    the units that you will be studying over the year.

    You will attend the course on: Monday and Thursday from 9.30

    4.30, Tuesday from 9.30 to 12.30

    Work Experience will on a rota basis on Tuesdays from 9.30 to12.30 and Wednesday from 9.30 to 4.30, these rotas will be

    published on the college Moodle and displayed in the relevant



    Charlton coaches operate a shuttle service between Witney and Common

    Leys. Times are available in reception

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    Term 1-Autumn 3rd September to 21th December 2012

    Half term 29th October 2nd November 2012

    NB Thursday 25th & Friday 26th October are College Development Days

    and therefore the College will be closed.

    Term 2-Spring 7th January to 26th March 2013

    Half Term: 11th 15th February

    NB Wednesday 27th

    & Thursday 28th

    March are College DevelopmentDays and therefore the College will be closed.

    Term 3-Summer 15th April to 5th July 2013

    Half Term: 28th 31st May 2013

    (Note that the 6th and 27th May are Bank Holidays)

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    First Diploma COURSE TEAM

    Pam Wilshire Head Faculty Manager, Land based and Life


    Nik Thomson Course Leader

    Alan Brown Lecturer

    Christine Brown Horticulture Technician

    Simon Cahill Workshop Technician

    Lorraine Cole Faculty Administrator

    Laurel Kriegler Reception (currently on maternity leave)


    Nik Thomson is the Course Tutor for the full time City and Guilds Level 2

    Diploma in Horticulture. The Tutor's role is to provide you with a direct

    link to the Support Team and to counsel and advise you on both academic

    and personal matters.

    It is in your interest to keep your Tutor informed of any issues that may

    affect your performance on the course, as he will be monitoring your

    progress closely.

    You will be given one individual tutorial each term. Your Tutor will provide

    you with a tutorial timetable at the start of term.

    If you have any concerns about the course, including assignment work,

    your progress etc. make an appointment to speak to the course tutor.

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    The college policy is for 100% attendance for all courses.

    You are required to attend all timetabled activities unless you are unableto do so for genuine reasons of health, or you have obtained permission

    for your absence from the Course Leader in advance. A register of

    attendance is taken at the start of each teaching session. Failure to

    meet with these requirements for attendance may lead to disciplinary

    action or withdrawal from the course.

    If you are ill or unable to attend college for any reason you will be

    required to contact the college. Details on the procedures for

    contacting the college will be given during induction.


    If I had to give you just one piece of advice that would enable you to be

    successful on the course it would be this:

    Attend regularly; people who struggle with the course and with

    assignments and assessments are those who miss sessions.


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    The library at Witney has been redeveloped and all of the

    horticultural books etc. have been transferred to Common

    Leys. If you would like to borrow a book please contact one

    of your tutors. If there are any changes you will be

    notified via the course Moodle.

    As students of the college you are able to use the Libraries

    at both Witney and Abingdon Campuses. If you would like to

    use these facilities please contact your tutors and they will

    assist you.

    Computers are available that provide open access for students doing research and

    coursework. Your tutor will provide you with a username and password. A limited

    amount of printing credits for the black and white and colour printers are allocated

    to you. Further credits may be purchased at reception in Common Leys or via the

    Hub on the Witney or Abingdon campuses. Computers may be booked by individual

    students. The computers in the classroom foyer at Common Leys are available for

    student use. Computers in empty classrooms can be used but be aware that you willneed to leave as soon as the classroom is needed

    Learners may use the photocopier in the foyer at Common Leys. Photocopying credits

    may be bought from reception at Common Leys or via the Hub on the Witney or

    Abingdon campuses..

    The cost of printing and photocopying is displayed in the reception at Common Leys.

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    The Level 2 Diploma in Horticulture course introduces students to a wide

    range of topics and leads to a well respected professional qualification.

    It is a very practical course, with work being undertaken in the gardens

    and grounds at Common Leys Campus.

    The course consists of six units.


    Unit 204 Undertake Work Related Experience in the Land-based

    IndustriesUnit 205 Establish and Maintain Plants Outdoors

    SPECIALIST UNITS (UNITS selected by college)

    Unit 201 Understand the principles of plant science

    Unit 202 Understand the principles of soil science

    Unit 229 Participate in propagation techniques

    Unit 213 Participate in Providing Estate MaintenanceUnit 221 Introduction to the Principles of Land-based Machinery

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    You will need to provide yourself with the following items:

    Practical work

    Safety boots

    Work gloves

    Ear defenders

    Safety glasses

    High visibility vest


    College logo tops and indicated on your joining instructions

    Class work

    Lever arch file for handouts and class notes

    File dividers

    A4 lined paper

    Pen, pencil and ruler

    NB: Divide your lever arch file into the units you are studying and file all your notes

    and handouts for each unit. It may seem obvious to say it but do this from day one

    and file your notes every time you come to college.

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    The course is assessed by a combination of practical assessments, short writtentests and assignment work. Assignment work will include mind maps, posters, fact

    sheets etc.

    For each assignment you are able to achieve a pass, merit and distinction grade. You

    will be given the grading criteria on how to achieve each grade when the assignments

    are launched and this information will also be available on the college Moodle. Each

    unit will also be graded as a pass, merit or distinction.


    1. All assignment work must be completed and submitted on or before the date

    set by the lecturer.a. An assignment timetable is published on the Moodle to help you plan your


    b. Deadlines are set with plenty of time for you to achieve the assignment.

    c. Usually it is expected that assignments will be handed in during the

    lecture session on the date of the hand in date.

    d. The latest they will be accepted will be 4pm on the day of the hand in


    2. If you are unable to meet the deadline set you should complete an extension

    form as found with the assignments on the Moodle and present this to yourtutor or the subject lecturer for agreement and signatures.

    a. An extension should be applied for and agreed at least 1 week before

    the hand in date.

    b. Except in exceptional circumstances an extension applied for on the day

    of the hand in will be unlikely to be granted

    3. Notification of students with outstanding work or referred assignments work

    will be made on Moodle. It is your responsibility to check and manage your


    4. No assignments are set to be impossible but they do at this level require youto do some work on your own. If you are unsure about how to attempt a piece

    of work then make an appointment to see the subject tutor or your coursetutor prior to the hand in date.

    5. The subject lecturer will mark the assignment and return with feedback

    comments and grades within three college weeks, when work is submitted on


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    Assignments continued

    6. All deadlines are set for your benefit so that assessments are evenly

    distributed throughout the year. Failure to meet a deadline will result in workbeing marked at the subject tutors convenience with a maximum grade of pass.

    7. Assignments that do not meet the grading criteria for pass will be referred

    and given back to youa. The feedback sheet will provide details of the extra work needed to

    bring the assignment up to the required standard.

    b. You will need to resubmit the amended work within a given timescale.

    c. If you have failed an assignment you may resubmit your work once in

    order to try to achieve a Pass grade.

    d. Merit and distinction grades will not be awarded to any resubmitted

    referred work.

    8. If you achieve a pass or a merit and wish to reattempt the assignment you may

    do so to deadlines to be agreed with your subject lecturer. You must havehanded in your first attempt on time or to an agreed extension to take

    advantage of this facility.

    9. You are able to appeal against a grading decision if you feel that a piece of

    work has been marked unfairly by the subject lecturer. Speak to the course

    tutor if you have any concerns.

    10. Students that fail to attend a practical assessment must take responsibility toagree an alternative arrangement with the subject tutor/instructor.


    Internal verification

    A selection of student assignments together with grading decisions are internally

    verified by the course team to ensure standardisation of marking.

    External verification

    Student assignments and assessments are sampled externally by a City and Guilds

    External Verifier who visits the college at least once a year. The External Verifiermay also wish to see an assessment taking place on the day of his/her visit and to

    speak to students individually or as a group.


    Grades are recorded in a course assessment file and progress regularlymonitored during 1:1 meetings with your tutor. You are encouraged to keep

    track of your grades by noting the grades on the assignment timetablespreadsheet (downloadable from Moodle). A copy of the grading guidance is

    available from the examining board website.

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    You do not necessarily need to purchase any books to enable you to

    complete the course. The Library at Witney Campus has an excellentstock of horticulture books which you should find useful and informative.

    However, students usually wish to know what books are considered to be

    essential reading for the course and which are recommend. The list

    below is by no means comprehensive but is meant to be a guide to some

    of the most useful reference works. The subject teacher is likely to

    suggest further books worthy of investigation.

    Plant identification

    The Expert books by Dr. Hessayon are invaluable for plant

    identification. The most useful ones for you on this course will be:

    The Tree and Shrub Expert; The Flower Expert; The Rock and

    Water Expert; The House Plant Expert; The Pest and Weed

    Expert: The Lawn Expert.

    Plant information

    Hilliers Manual of Trees and Shrubs: no pictures but an invaluablecompanion when choosing trees and shrubs for gardens.

    The RHS A-Z Encyclopaedia of Garden Plants: expensive but a good

    source of information on a comprehensive range of plants.

    Right Plant, Right Place by Nicola Ferguson: useful for selecting

    plants for different sites.

    Plant science

    Botany for Gardeners by Capon

    Collins Guide to Pests and Diseases

    Principles of Horticulture by Adams, Bamford and Early


    A Handbook for Horticulture Students by Dawson.*

    NB: This is a highly recommended textbook for students attending

    RHS or NCH courses.

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    During the course there will be several accompanied visits, including a

    study tour, to areas of particular interest and importance to horticulturestudents. Students will visit gardens, garden centres, nurseries etc.

    These trips are integral to the course and are of great benefit to those

    wishing to develop their understanding and appreciation of the

    Horticultural Industry.


    Working in the land based sector can be a hazardous occupation.

    Abingdon & Witney College places great importance on providing and

    maintaining safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems

    of work.

    Students must obey the instructions given by members of staff andensure that they abide by campus regulations.

    If a fire alarm sounds you are to leave the premises by the nearest exit

    and assemble at the designated assembly point where your lecturer will

    take a register. Do not return to the classroom unless instructed to do


    All students must attend practical activities suitably dressed. It isessential that you wear steel toe capped boots for all practical activities.

    It is also recommended that you equip yourself with a pair of work gloves

    and ear defenders.

    Students are advised to have an up to date Tetanus injection.

    The attached Horticulture Health and Safety Policy provides details of

    your responsibilities.

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    Horticulture Section Health and Safety Policy

    1. All staff and students must be familiar with the following information:a. What to do in the event of a fire.b. The location of first aid equipment.c. The nearest telephone.d. The names of the first aiders in the section.

    2. All accidents must be reported immediately to the nearest member of staff onduty. After the incident has been dealt with, the accident, however minor, must

    be recorded in the accident book and the Safety Officer informed.

    3. Staff should ensure that all equipment in use is in good working order and thatall tasks are carried out in a safe and effective manner.

    4. It is the duty of both staff and students to ensure that they comply with theHealth and Safety at Work Act and that they have a duty under that act to look

    after themselves and others in their work activities and not to put anyone atrisk. They should ensure that work is carried out in a safe manner and that itcomplies with current Health and Safety legislation.

    5. It is the duty of all students and staff to report any faults, defects orbreakages to the course co-ordinator. Defective items must not be used untilthey are fully repaired.

    6. The correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is to be worn at all times duringthe appropriate practical sessions.

    7. Safety boots are to be worn during all practical sessions. Students who fail tocomply with this will not be allowed to take part in practicals, which will affecttheir ability to complete the course.

    8. Risk assessments are to be carried out for all practical work on or off site.Staff are to risk assess all tasks and keep a record in a Risk Assessment file.Students are to be involved in the risk assessment of their practicals and torecord this process. These risk assessments are published on the college VLE

    9. The Horticulture Unit must be maintained in a clean, tidy and organised fashionat all times. Tools and equipment must be cleaned after use and stored safely

    and in the correct place.

    10. Students will not be allowed to operate any machinery or equipment until theyhave been trained.

    11. Students will not operate any equipment or machinery unless told to do so by amember of staff.

    12. Tractors are to be driven in a sensible manner around the site and drivers shouldadhere to the speed limit of 5mph at all times.

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    There are a few basic rules which help to ensure that the course runs

    effectively for both staff and students.

    Mobile phones should not to be used during teaching sessions,

    unless directed by the lecturer. This is a college policy. Please

    ensure that these are either switched off or on silent.

    There are adequate break times during the teaching day so please

    do not eat or drink during teaching sessions.

    However, please be aware that you are actively encouraged to drink

    water in class as research tells us that continual hydration helps

    your concentration.

    Please ensure that you return to your classroom promptly after

    breaks and lunch times as sessions will start and finish at the times

    indicated on the timetable.

    Students are reminded that they should not go into unauthorised

    areas at Common Leys Campus unless supervised or instructed to doso. These include the Animal Care and Equine Units (both outdoor

    and indoor units).

    Smoking is not allowed on any of the college sites, including in

    vehicles parked on the grounds. Please refer to the college No

    Smoking Policy. There is a smoking shelter on the Common Leys

    Campus by the main entrance as it is considered dangerous to stand

    by the road on this campus.

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    The Colleges Student Policies can be found on the College Intranet.

    Click on Student Pages and then Student Policies and are summarised in

    your college handbook.

    If you have any problems accessing these policies see your course tutor

    or a member of the Library.

    The college policies are listed below:

    Additional support

    Code of conduct

    Comments and complaints

    Counselling policy

    Disability statement

    Drugs and alcohol

    Dyslexia checklist

    Equal opportunities

    Harassment and bullying

    Health and safety

    No Smoking


    Study support

    Student disciplinary policy

    Towards inclusiveness